Chapter 14 OCE

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Which of the following groups of organisms are considered zooplankton?

(Everything but Diatoms) -Copepods -Jellyfish -Radiolarians -Krill

Which of the following types of caudal fins is featured in the image? (question 21)

Fluked caudal fin

What would happen to a fish with a body less dense than the surrounding seawater?

The fish would float on the ocean surface.

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.


Which of the following fast-swimming fish has the lowest body temperature?

Mackerel (Scomber)

Which of the following adaptations allows a fish to add or remove gases rapidly to change depths quickly?

a swim bladder with a pneumatic duct

Because the area has not yet been designated as a marine sanctuary, lifeguards are allowed to do what so that people can use the beach?

chase the harbor seals off the beach

Some specialized deep-sea fish have a swim bladder that is filled with what to help them stay in the deep ocean?


Most high-speed fish use their caudal fins ________.

for swim propulsion

An isopods attaching itself to a fish and derive its nutrition from the body fluids of the fish, robbing it of some of its energy supply, is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


What type of whale feeds primarily on amphipods and shellfish?

gray whales that plunge into the muddy bottom and strain the invertebrates out

Where do amphipods live?

in bottom mud

Where do dolphins generate sounds for use in echolocation?

in the blowhole

One of the prey items of baleen whales are krill. What are krill?

small shrimp-like organisms

What are krill?

small shrimp-like organisms

The gray whale and other baleen whales migrate every year to:

mate and give birth in the tropics during the winter.

Which of the following animals are whale barnacles closely related to?


What type of whale captures prey by swimming at the surface with its mouth open to trap plankton in the fringe of its baleen?

skim-feeding right whales

Which of the following are single-celled, microscopic protozoans that build their hard shells out of silica?


Of the following statements about the muscle tissue of cruising and lunging fish, which is/are true?

-Red muscle tissue supports high metabolic rates and is good for endurance, needed by cruisers. -Cruisers have a mix of red and white muscle tissue.

What part(s) of a fish is/are used for thunniform swimming?

-caudal fins -myomeres

Which of the following anatomical features are found in dolphins?

-phonic lips -melon -blowhole

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding sound and echolocation in dolphins?

-Dolphins are known to use short bursts of sound to stun prey before they move in for the kill. -Dolphins create a wide variety of sounds, including clicks, buzzes, and whistles. -Low-frequency sounds are used to detect objects that are far away, and high-frequency sounds are used to detect objects that are close by.

Which of the following statements about fish schooling behavior are true?

-MORE than half of all fish species join schools during at least a portion of their lives. -Schooling REDUCES the chance that a cruising predator might find one of their kind. -Schools CAN MOVE and appear as one large and dangerous fish, thus preventing a predator from attacking.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the order Cetacea?

-Many species of whales were hunted to the brink of extinction, but with protection, many of them are now making a comeback. -Baleens are made out of the same material that makes up humans' fingernails and hair. -Porpoises and dolphins are considered to be small whales.

Which of the following is an example of a symbiotic relationship?

-Mutualism -Commensalism -Parasitism

Which of the following are differences between seals and sea lions?

-Sea lions have visible external ear flaps, and seals have a slight indentation on the sides of their heads but lack external ear flaps. -Sea lions propel themselves through the water by flapping their front flippers, and seals use a back-and-forth motion of their rear flippers to propel themselves. -Seals use their front flippers for steering, and sea lions use their rear flippers for steering.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding seals and sea lions?

-Seals have smaller foreflippers than sea lions. -Seals and sea lions generally do not inhabit the same areas of the beach at the same time. -Seals have visible nails on their foreflippers, and sea lions do not.

Which of the following characteristics about sirenians are true?

-Sirenians such as manatees have nails on their front flippers. -They have a paddle-like tail and rounded front flippers. -They are the only vegetarian marine mammals. -They live in shallow water and move slowly, which can often increase their risk of being run over by boats.

What happens to the swim bladder as a fish moves into deeper water?

-The gas in the swim bladder contracts due to increasing water pressure. -The gas in the swim bladder contracts, decreasing the volume of the swim bladder.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the order Sirenia?

-The order Sirenia includes manatees and dugongs. -They are also called sea cows.

What does the structure of a sea lion's hip joint permit it to do?

-walk on all fours -climb stairs

Which of the following marine carnivores are flipper-footed?

-walruses -sea lions -seals

Fossil discoveries indicate that whales evolved from mammals on land about ________ million years ago.


How does sonar work?

A sound signal is bounced off the ocean floor.

Which of the following characteristics are shared by all marine mammals?

ALL EXCEPT All marine animals breathe oxygen that is dissolved in seawater.

Which of the following statements about odontocetes are true?

ALL EXCEPT Odontoceti use vocal cords to make clicks and whistles.

Which of the following are considered baleen whales?

ALL EXCEPT Sperm Whales

Schooling behavior, as depicted in the figure, benefits the organisms involved because it:

All the above behaviors are beneficial to schooling fish.

Which of the following is true of echolocation?

Animals use reflected sound to sense their environment with echolocation.

Which of the following is not an adaptation for deep diving in Cetaceans?

Blood flow is shifted from the brain to the extremities.

Fur seals are members of which of the following orders?


Which of the following fins is featured in the image? (question 11)

Caudal fin

Blue whales are members of which of the following orders?


Bowhead whales are members of which of the following orders?


Porpoises are members of which of the following orders?


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Collapsible ribs Swim bladder Blubber Spines Gas bladder

Collapsible ribs

A remora attaching itself to a shark to obtain food and transportation without harming its host is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


Which type of symbiotic relationship do barnacles that are attached to a large migrating whale represent?


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Arrow worm Salp Ctenophore Copepod Jellyfish


Which of the following are one of the most numerically dominant types of multicelled organisms on the planet?


Marine mammals use sound for a variety of purposes. Which of these examples can only be accomplished by Odontocetes?

Direct sharp bursts of sound to stun prey

What is the harbor seal controversy at Children's Pool in La Jolla California about?

Do harbor seals have the right to use the beach at Children's Pool?

Which of the following fins is featured in the image? (question 38)

Dorsal fin

Of the following statements about bioluminescence in deep-water nekton, which is/are true?

EVERYTHING EXCEPT Bioluminescent organs can be used to achieve neutral buoyancy.

How are echolocation and sonar different?

Echolocation is used by dolphins and whales, whereas sonar is a data collection tool developed by people.

Which of the following fish waits patiently for prey and exerts themselves only in short bursts as they lunge?


What is the main opposition of having harbor seals at Children's Pool in La Jolla?

Harbor seals defecate in the water, producing high levels of bacteria in the water offshore.

Which of the following types of caudal fins is featured in the image? (question 25)

Heterocercal caudal fin

Which of the following types of caudal fins is found in sharks?

Heterocercal caudal fin

Deep-sea fish species exhibit which of the following adaptations to life in the deep ocean?

Hinged jaws

How does a dolphin make the sounds that are used for echolocation?

It pulls air in through its blowhole and contracts the muscles near the blowhole to make different sounds.

How does a sperm whale make the sounds that are used for echolocation?

It pulls air in through its monkey's muzzle. When the monkey's muzzle closes, it makes a clicking sound.

The stinging tentacles of a sea anemone protecting a clown fish which chases away any fish that tries to feed on the anemone is an example of which of the following types of symbiotic relationship?


What suborder includes baleen whales?


A group of animals that "violates" the trophic pyramid by feeding on organisms two or three levels below it is the __________.

Mysticeti or baleen whales

As explained in the video, how is the appearance of newborn gray whales different than adults (besides the obvious size difference)?

Newborn gray whales lack both barnacles and whale lice, which attach later in life.

What feeding strategy best describes that of humpback whales?

One or more individuals cooperate to corral prey using bubbles and then swim vertically to scoop up large quantities of fish.

How does the hip structure of a seal compare to that of a sea lion?

Sea lions have flexible vertebrae that allow them to turn their rear flippers underneath their bodies.

Why are sea lions often found farther from the beach than seals, who stay closer to the water's edge?

Seals have a harder time maneuvering on land than seal lions do, so seals stay closer to the water's edge.

Which of the following animals uses a swim bladder to achieve neutral buoyancy?


Which of the following is the most vocal cetacean?

Sperm whale

Which of the following is not a member of the Order Carnivora?

Sperm whales

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Squid Copepods Radiolarians Foraminiferans Krill


Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Clown fish are not stung by sea anemone BECAUSE clown fish have a protective agent in the mucus that coats their bodies.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

What evidence exists that harbor seals have always been in the area?

The existence of a rock offshore known as Seal Rock.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Many microscopic zooplankton are omnivores BECAUSE they eat other zooplankton in addition to phytoplankton.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Microscopic zooplankton are primary consumers BECAUSE they eat microscopic phytoplankton.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Usually a parasite does not rob enough energy to kill the host BECAUSE if the host dies, so does the parasite.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Clown fish are not stung by sea anemone BECAUSE they chase away any other fish that tries to feed on the anemone.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Clown fish are not stung by sea anemone BECAUSE clown fish release a chemical into seawater that makes the stinging tentacles retract.

The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Schooling may help fish swim greater distances than individuals BECAUSE each schooling fish gets slowed down by the vortex created by the fish swimming in front of it.

The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Usually a parasite does not rob enough energy to kill the host BECAUSE if the host dies, the parasite can just swim away.

The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

What does a dolphin's melon do?

The melon focuses sound waves during emission.

What do whale lice eat?

The skin of gray whales.

Which of the following statements regarding dugongs is correct?

Their bodies are covered with sparse hairs, concentrated around the mouth.

Which of the following statements regarding Manatees is correct?

Their front flippers have nails that resemble the nails on elephant feet.

Which of the following statements regarding sea otters is correct?

They are one of the few types of animals known to use tools.

Which of the following statements regarding Manatees is correct?

They have a paddle like tail and rounded front flippers.

Which of the following statements regarding walruses is correct?

They have ivory tusks up to 1 meter long.

Which of the following facts supporting advanced toothed whale intelligence is correct?

They have large brains relative to their body size.

How do gray whales collect and eat such small organisms?

They use their baleen to filter prey items from their environment.

Why was the seawall constructed in La Jolla?

To create a quiet beach behind the seawall that is free of large waves so that children can safely use the beach.

Which of the following types of caudal fins is featured in the image?

Truncate caudal fin

Which of the following is not one of the reasons bioluminescence is employed by deep-sea animals?

Warning coloration

Plates of baleen resemble what common household item?

a broom

What is a swim bladder?

an internal organ used to maintain neutral buoyancy

Which part of the fish is most commonly used to propel high-speed fish?


What is the role of the operculum?

covering the gills of the fish

What does sonar data tell us about the seafloor?

depth, shape, and composition

Squid have two long arms and ________ short arms.


Red muscle tissue in fish supplies a much ________ amount of oxygen and supports a much ________ metabolic rate than white tissue.

greater; higher

What type of fish is shown in the SmartFigure image?


What style of feeding is used by whales with rorqual folds?

gulp feeding

Sea lions are easily distinguished from seals because they:

have external ears.

The shape of the caudal fin of a shark is referred to as:


Which of the following macrozooplankton have sails that can be used to push them through the water?


This marine mammal ________.

is a small mammal with dense fur and lacks an insulating blubber layer

Cruisers are thought to have relatively high body temperature because:

it increases the power output of muscle tissue.

What is baleen made of?


What part of a fish helps it sense vibrations in the water?

lateral lines

In dolphins and porpoises, an organ called the ________ focuses the sounds they generate.


When a sperm whale generates a click, the sound wave interacts with a variety of structures before it leaves the whale. Which of the following is the correct sequence of structures with which the sound wave interacts?

monkey's muzzle, spermaceti, skull, junk compartments

A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit is called _____.


Which carnivore in the SmartFigure is known to use tools to open shells?


Individual fishes within schools maintain their spacing through visual contact and __________.

the lateral line system

Which side of the baleen faces inside the mouth on a living whale?

the more fibrous side

White muscle tissue in fish is ________ and contains much ________ concentrations of myoglobin than red muscle tissue.

thicker; lower

Red muscle tissue in fish is ________ and contains much ________ concentrations of myoglobin than white muscle tissue.

thinner; higher

The function of a swim bladder is:

to allow a fish to change position in the water column.

What is the role of the spermaceti in the sperm whale?

to focus and magnify sound

What is the role of the junk compartment in sperm whales?

to project the magnified sound that was reflected off the skull so that it is released out in front of the whale

An example of a "cruiser" is a:


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