Chapter 15: Authority

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Coercion is the use of force, as opposed to authority, to get others to do what you want. Once a person or institution decides to use physical coercion, it loses all its legitimate authority.

John Locke argued that

John Locke argued that people live in peace and equality in the state of nature but that they ultimately submit to authority (the state) for financial reasons, for example, to help iron out disagreements about property.

The voting right acts (1963)

Shelby vs Holder The supreme court struck down the legal requirement that certain state and local governments preclearance before implementing changes to their voting laws or practices

Bonds and the creation of the state

The relationship between society and political ideas, systems and activities people submit to authority(the state) as a means of survival..Thomas Hobbes people submit to authority (the state) for financial reasons to help iron out disagreement about property..john Locke

The theory of collective action

The theory of collective action simply states that it is harder to organize larger groups than smaller ones because less accountability exists in larger groups and individuals in larger groups may find it easier to slack off and not do their part. In the United States, power is shared between three branches of government as well as between the federal government and the many state governments. Other important actors in our political system are the bureaucracy, political parties, and interest groups.

The welfare state

The welfare state is a system in which the state is responsible for the welfare of its citizens. There are numerous theories about the origins of the welfare state, including the logic of industrialism thesis, neo-Marxist theory, and statist theories. "organization that attempts to extend coercive control & political authority over a particular territory and the people residing in it" (*note the influence of Weber) -But that also "extracts resources through taxation" and maintains responsibility for the welfare of its citizens

Thomas Hobbes believed

Thomas Hobbes believed that the state of nature is chaos and that people submit to authority (the state) as a means of survival.

Identify the scenarios where game theory is applicable.

Two people each have to choose between two options. The results for each player depend on his or own choice and also on the other player's choice.

traditional authority

rests on an appeal to the past—how things have always been done

legal-rational authority

rests on formal, impersonal roles and rules—the most pervasive type in modern society

charismatic authority

rests on the personal appeal of the individual leader—inspiring loyalty and obedience Correct label:

According to Conley, American's representation in the House of Representatives would be improved if the number of seats were greatly increased. What, says Conley, is the main obstacle to this change? Click or tap a choice to answer the question.

the selfish interests of the current House members

Theoretical Analysis in society

*Pluralist model 1) Analysis of power as distributed among competing groups 2) Government maintain order, manage social need, manage international relations Benefits 1) Competition prevents abuse of power 2) people can influence policy *Power Elite model 1) Analysis of power as concentrated among elites 2) government exists to benefit the ruling class Distribution of power 1) Masses are relatively powerless 2) Public policy reflects elite values/preferences

Paradox of authority"

-A state's authority over people within its territory is based on the implicit threat of physical force (why do you follow laws?) -But actually using physical force to get people within its territory to do what it wants—which is defined as coercion— becomes proof of the loss of legitimate authority


-egalitarian form of government -all citizens determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state -All citizen have an equal opportunity to express their opinions United states=representative democracy 1) unelected official 2) limited popular influence 3) inequality Gilens and Page in 2014 argue that united states = oligarchy (wealth elites wield power).Elites can shape political outcome.

Trends in the US political participation

-overall, americans are less likely to vote today than a century ago -people with a bigger stake in society more likely to vote -non hispanic whites more likely to vote -people 65+ more likely to vote -party loyalty declining -increasing role of media

The Political Parties and Interest Groups

1) Political Parties -organization that influence policy by backing candidates for elected office 2) interest groups (eg..corporations, lobbyist, Political action committee, Super PAC, 527's, greenpeace) -organization that seek to influence public policy Party ideals shape their view on -economic issues -social issues' -party affiliation -Voting

Factors affecting voters turnout

1) Stake in issue 2) personal contact 3) trust 4) tradition 5) voting procedures 6) voting procedures 7) mobilizations 8) eductation

Rationale for legitimate uses of power

1)Traditional -power legitimated through respect for tradition and cultural pattern 2) Rational-legal -power legitimated by laws, rule, and regulation 3)Charismatic -power legitimated by personal ability, inspiration, devotion, obedience

CDATS.CID (check powerpoint)

Duty Based citizens Engaged Citizens

Power Government

Formal organization that directs the political life of a society. objective =legitimacy

By Max Weber's definition of a state, what prevents The Godfather's Don Corleone from qualifying as a one-man state?

His use of physical force is not legitimate. He heads just one of New York's five Mafia families.

Place the events in sequence to describe how the use of force temporarily throws the relationship between a state and its citizens out of balance

In a democracy, force is rarely used, but the threat is always present. Discontent with existing conditions produces unrest and violence. Force is used to counter civil disorder. Out of conflict, a changed social order emerges. The changed social order is accepted by the citizenry. Balance is restored.

Kenneth Arrow's impossibility theorem

Kenneth Arrow's impossibility theorem shows how difficult it is for people to express their true, first-choice desires when selecting between more than two alternatives. When there are more than two choices, strategic voting quickly comes into play. To avoid this and to have more control over the outcome, authorities will try to limit the set of choices to two and then influence voters to make the "right" choice.

Max Weber's conception of authority has two main elements: -, which is the ability to enforce one's wishes, and -, which distinguishes authority from mere bullying or dictatorship. Weber distinguishes - kinds of -, based on the different sources of its legitimacy.

Max Weber's conception of authority has two main elements: power, which is the ability to enforce one's wishes, and legitimacy, which distinguishes authority from mere bullying or dictatorship. Weber distinguishes three kinds of authority, based on the different sources of its legitimacy.

Forms of Government

Monarchy: Head of state rules based on heredity and serves for an unlimited term Absolute monarchy-right to rule believed to be a divine right eg..saudi arabia Constitutional monarchy-eg, england Totalitarian: state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life Authoritarian: centralized power by a small few,maintained by repression Social Democracy: welfare states-state regulates some aspects of the economy to provide benefits for the working class/power

According to Kenneth Arrow's impossibility theorem, any time a group of people is faced with three or more options, that situation presents problems for voting theory. Suppose someone responds, "Instead of holding a vote, we can interview people about their preferences and then figure out how to maximize everyone's satisfaction." What is wrong with this plan?

People won't necessarily be honest in interviews. if people have reasons to be strategic in how they vote, they will also have reasons to be strategic in how they answer questions about their preferences. the one real-world factor arrows theory depends on is that people cannot be counted on to simply vote naively fort whichever option they prefer

Political participation

Political participation is any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action. Studies consistently show great differences in rates and types of political participation across social groups in the United States, with those at the top of the socioeconomic ladder participating more and those at the bottom less.

Power of the state

Power is the ability to carry out one's will despite resistance--Max weber Per Max Weber, power is the ability to carry out one's will despite resistance and domination is the probability that a command with specific content will be obeyed by a given group of people. Weber also differentiated between domination by economic power and domination by authority, which is the willing obedience of the ruled to the commands of legitimate authority Weber defined the state, the ultimate example of domination by authority, as "a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory." Hard power -uses Domination -uses coercion Soft power -using ideological means to --using cultural means to Hard power is the use of military or economic force to influence behavior; soft power is the use of cultural or ideological means to influence behavior. -Power = the ability to carry out one's will despite resistance -Domination (a "special type of power") = the probability that a command with specific content will be obeyed by a given group of people

George Simmel

Saw the evolution of monetary payment systems as a force to depersonalize exchange *In-kind payment = payment in goods, not in money *Piecework payment = payment in money per unit or product produced, not per hour worked *Wage labor payment = payment in money per hour worked (i.e., not tied to the materials that comprise the unit or product produced) *Salary = payment in money for a sum total of services, not any particular performance or hour worked

The state and citizens's rights

Sociologist T. H. Marshall identified three types of citizenship rights—civil rights, political rights, and social rights. The state should provide Social right- state protection Political right -Participation Civil right-Freedoms 1) Civil rights = guarantee a citizen's freedom from interference, of speech, & of right to travel freely 2) Political rights = guarantee a citizen's rights to participate in politics, right to vote, right to hold an elected office 3) Social rights = guarantee a citizen's protection by the state, including protection from the free market in housing, employment, health, & education

Steven Lukes: three dimensions of power

Steven Lukes describes three dimensions of power: the first dimension has to do with outright conflict over something that results in one side "winning"; the second dimension has to do with power that is so imposing that it seems pointless to resist; and the third dimension has to do with averting conflict altogether by limiting people's choices or influencing their preferences. Dimension 1) one side wins (ex: you had a fight, you lost) Dimension 2) power not worth resisting (ex: kids follow parents' orders, but do they really accept them?) Dimension 3) working with fewer options than exist (you choose between blue and green, but don't realize red and orange even exist)

The civic volunteerism model of political participation

The civic volunteerism model of political participation focuses on individual-level traits that affect how politically active a person is. Some scholars reject this model and point to the American party system and political elites as being responsible for low political participation by instituting, or being slow to do away with, barriers that hinder citizen involvement.

What would be some effects of greatly expanding the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives?

The two-party deadlock would be broken. Lobbyists would have less influence. Representation would be more equally apportioned. Representatives would delegate less work to staffers.

gerrymandering (check powerpoint)

drawing or redrawing electoral districts to reflect voting interest in different ways,

In the clip, Willer discusses the benefits of altruism, or prosocial behavior, and also illuminates the "flip side" of altruism, namely behavior we might sometimes perceive as selfish. What term does Willer use to describe this sometimes negative aspect of individual behavior?


At a government agency, a job applicant loses out to someone more qualified. The hiring committee is aware that the losing candidate is a niece of the agency's overall head. Which characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy does the committee's decision illustrate?

impersonality meritocracy

state and federal laws affecting voter behavior

in 2 states, citizens never losse the right to vote in 14 states, and DC, felons loose the tight to vote while incarcerated

Which elements were part of Stanley Milgram's famous experiment about people's obedience to authority?

shock pretend person, how far would the subject go test Correct Answer(s) research subjects who were put in the role of "teachers" and were directed to press a button to shock the nearby "learners" researchers wearing white coats who insisted that research subjects administer electric shocks to other people Obedience to Authority: The Milgram experiment tested people to see how far they would go in obeying an authority figure. The results showed that obedience to authority is a very powerful form of social control that can make "ordinary" people do unspeakable things.

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