CHAPTER 16 , 17, 18

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What is peristalsis?

A propulsive movement of contents of the lumen from one area to another

Which of the following is/are functions of the large intestine?

Absorb water Store feces Secrete digestive enzymes Digest proteins

Indicate the recommended daily intake of the three calorie-containing nutrients.

Recommended percent of daily kilocalories from fat. 30% Recommended percent of daily kilocalories from protein. 10% Recommended percent of daily kilocalories from carbohydrates. 60%

What occurs during the series of reactions called beta oxidation?

Removal of two-carbon segments from fatty acids

What types of fats are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease?

Saturated fats

Which is not a function of the liver?

Secretion of insulin

Hepatitis B can be transmitted by means of

Sexual activity Hypodermic needles Saliva

What is the correct order of vessels as blood flows through the liver?

Sinusoids, central vein, hepatic vein

DiGeorge syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which the thymus never develops/barely develops due to a deletion in a chromosome. Which of the following complications would you expect a child with DiGeorge syndrome to encounter?

The child will possess very few T lymphocytes and will be immunocompromised.

Which innate defense mechanism initiate(s) a cascade effect in response to foreign proteins in the body?

The complement system

Pancreatic fluid contains a high concentration of __________, which makes it alkaline.

bicarbonate ion

Gallstones may form if

bile is too concentrated

The root canal of a tooth contains

blood vessels and nerves

The main part of the stomach is called the


Factors that affect basal metabolic rate (BMR) include

body temperature. -all of the answer choices are correct. Correct body size. the level of endocrine activity.

The instrument that measures the caloric content of a food sample is a(n) __________.

bomb calorimeter

Gallstones are usually composed of


If lymph nodes existed without macrophages, the lymph nodes would lose the ability to

clear cellular debris and initiate immune responses.

Hepatitis B can be transmitted by means of

contaminated hypodermic needles.

The order in which HIV breaches barriers and affects immunity is

crossing the mucosal barrier, entering macrophages, entering helper T cells, then cytotoxic T cells.

The body can synthesize a provitamin from dietary cholesterol and store it in skin. With exposure to ultraviolet light, this provitamin is changed to an inactive form of vitamin __________ .


Within the skin, ultraviolet (UV) light striking a provitamin derived from cholesterol results in conversion of the provitamin to vitamin __________.


Name the process that an amino acid must undergo in order for it to be used for fuel or to produce glucose.


The __________ reflex regulates the rate at which chyme leaves the stomach.


Drag each label onto the appropriate figure, identifying whether the structure is associated with the large or small intestine.

epiploic appendages in large intestine peyer's patch in small instestine

Heartburn is usually caused by the effects of gastric juice on the


Nutrients that are necessary for health, but that human cells cannot synthesize, are called __________ nutrients.


Bile salts function as digestive enzymes to break down fatty acids.


Cholesterol functions in the body as an energy source, and furnishes molecular components for the synthesis of various sex hormones.


Cyanocobalamin is found exclusively in plants.


Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in water, are very sensitive to the effects of heat, and are easily destroyed by cooking or food processing.


Gram for gram, carbohydrate provides about twice as much energy as protein.


Kwashiorkor tends to affect adolescent girls from well-to-do families who perceive themselves as being too fat.


Linoleic acid is an essential amino acid.


Peristalsis mixes food in small segments of the alimentary canal with digestive enzymes.


The cecum is located at the inferior end of the descending colon.


The pyloric sphincter serves as a valve that controls the movement of food between the esophagus and stomach.


The stomach is C-shaped and extends from the duodenum to the spleen.


Vitamin D deficiency in children produces scurvy.


Vitamins directly provide energy.


Interleukin-1 secretion causes


Tissue fluid is __________ and lymph is __________.

forced out of blood plasma; absorbed into lymph capillaries

Label the features of the head and neck in the midsagittal section.

front section frontal sinus nasal cavity hard palate tongue tooth lip hyoid bone larynx

Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are __________ that provide energy and are required in large amounts. Vitamins and minerals are __________ that do not provide energy and are required in smaller amounts.

macronutrients; micronutrients

A transplant recipient rejects a transplanted organ because her __________ does not match that of the donor closely enough.

major histocompatibility complex

Loperamide is a medication used to slow and stop diarrhea. It inhibits nervous signalling to the large intestine, relaxing the smooth muscles within the intestinal wall and preventing intestinal contents from moving forward. The large peristaltic waves inhibited by loperamide are__________.

mass movements

The mechanical breakup of food particles in the mouth is called


A newborn is protected against certain digestive and respiratory infections by IgA received via the mother's


The functions of saliva include

moistening, binding and dissolving food particles; beginning chemical digestion of carbohydrates; and cleansing the teeth and mouth.

The __________ is the layer of the alimentary canal that absorbs nutrients.


The correct sequence for the layers in the walls of the alimentary canal from innermost to outermost is the

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa.

Chylomicrons transport dietary fats to __________ through the blood.

muscle and adipose cells

You would expect a person suffering from anorexia nervosa to have a __________ nitrogen balance due to the starvation conditions.


Name the B vitamin that can be made from the amino acid tryptophan.


The vitamin that functions as part of coenzyme A is

pantothenic acid.

Increased peristaltic activity in the small intestine is due to __________ nervous stimulation and distension of the __________ wall.

parasympathetic; stomach

Consider the molecular differences between classes of fats. Of lard and peanut oil, which will contain more double bonds in its structure?

peanut oil

Plasma cells

produce antibody molecules.

A primary immune response __________, and a secondary immune response __________.

produces antibodies within five to ten days of exposure to antigens; produces antibodies within a day or two of a subsequent exposure to the same antigen

The uvula is

projection of soft palate

Secretion of cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall is stimulated by

protein and fat in the small intestine.

Kwashiorkor may develop in children who have dietary deficiencies of


Sugars that are part of RNA and DNA are

ribose and deoxyribose

All of the enzymes that digest protein are

secreted in an inactive form.

The major mixing movement in the small intestine is accomplished by


Over-the-counter antacids usually include

sodium, aluminum, calcium, or magnesium.

The hormone secretin

stimulates release of pancreatic juice.

Drugs used to reduce the tissue rejection reaction following the transplantation of tissue from one person to another

suppress the immune response in the recipient.

During the primary immune response, B lymphocytes give rise to plasma cells.


Magnesium affects ATP production and is therefore important in providing energy.


Pancreatic acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice.


With aging, there is no decrease in the number B cells, and only a slight decrease in the number of T cells.


Medical and socioeconomic conditions of many elderly leads to __________.


What is adiponectin?

A hormone made in fat tissue and secreted into the circulation, where it affects the response to insulin

Determine whether each statement is true or false about the aging of the digestive system.

1. Thickening of the mucosal layer False Correct 2. Decreased absorption of nutrients True Correct 3. Increased susceptibility to infections and toxins True Correct 4. Blood supply decreases True Correct 5. Increased motility False Correct 6. Exposed dentin of teeth True Correct

How many secondary teeth are in the upper jaw?


Which of the following is the correct sequence for the digestion and absorption of lipids? 1. Formation of chylomicrons 2. Emulsification by bile 3. Diffusion through the epithelial cell membrane 4. Hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase 5. Movement into lacteal ducts

2, 4, 3, 1, 5

A triglyceride consists of

3 fatty acids attached to glycerol

A sample of food is put into a bomb calorimeter and its caloric content is measured. The final measurement reads 100 (large) Calories. How many joules of energy does this food contain?

418.4 joules

Good general dietary advice for athletes is to eat

60% or more carbohydrates, mostly from grains and vegetables.

How many essential amino acids are needed by adults?


What is a complete protein?

A dietary protein that provides adequate amounts of all essential amino acids to maintain life and support growth

If prosecretin, the inactive form of the hormone secretin, is produced improperly and cannot be converted to the active form as a result, how will this affect the intestine and the pancreas during digestion?

Alkaline pancreatic juice will not be released from the pancreas as chyme is emptied into the duodenum. Peptic ulcers may result.

For each classification of transplant, indicate the correct type of donor.

Allograft Same species Isograft Identical twin Xenograft Different species Autograft Self

What term refers to any molecule that elicits an immune response?


Cells such as macrophages can process foreign antigens and attach them to their cell surface in order to assist in activation of T cells. What are cells that have this function called?

Antigen-presenting cells

The hormone called leptin suppresses appetite. It does so by inhibiting the release of neuropeptide Y , a neurotransmitter released from the hypothalamus. This compound stimulates eating.

Appetite control is influenced by blood levels of several compounds, some of which are not yet fully understood.

What type of immunity will result from receiving a vaccination?

Artificially acquired active immunity

The vitamin __________ is a coenzyme for reactions involving nitrogen-containing compounds, including proteins and amino acids. Therefore, the dietary need for this vitamin depends on protein intake.


The absorption of vitamin __________ from the small intestine requires intrinsic factor, produced by stomach cells.


Indicate the correct values for each weight range.

BMI values for overweight 25 to 30 BMI values for healthy weight 18 to 24 BMI values for obesity Over 30

__________ ions help to regulate the pH of saliva.


What are the major function(s) of the digestive system?

Breakdown and absorption of food

Which of the following regimens should lead to the loss of one pound of fat in one week?

Burning 500 calories a day running or eating 500 fewer calories a day

Complete the sentences describing how different nutrients can be used to produce ATP.

Carbohydrates can be used as an energy source. The monosaccharide that enters the cellular respiration pathway is glucose. Other monosaccharides in the diet are converted to this form by cells of the liver. In order to use proteins as an energy source, they must first be digested into amino acids. These digestion products then must undergo deamination, removing the -NH2 groups. The remaining parts of these molecules can enter various points of the respiratory pathway, resulting in the production of ATP. Triglycerides can be used as an energy source. They must first undergo the process of hydrolysis, producing glycerol and fatty acids. The fatty acids are further broken down into 2-carbon units by the process of beta oxidation. The 2-carbon units enter the respiratory pathway as aceytl CoA molecules.

Activation of what group of proteins in the plasma leads to inflammation, attraction of phagocytes, and enhancement of phagocytosis?


Deficiency of vitamin __________ causes osteomalacia.


Parathyroid hormone stimulates the production of the active form of vitamin __________, which then increases calcium absorption by the digestive system.


Which of the following vitamins can promote intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus?


Which of the following provide(s) a source of complete proteins?


What part of a tooth often thins from years of brushing, teeth grinding, and eating acidic foods?


Isoleucine, leucine, and lysine are three examples of amino acids that the body can not make in sufficient quantity. How are these compounds classified?

Essential amino acids

Cholesterol, a type of lipid, is abundant in plant-based foods.


Gram for gram, carbohydrate provides about twice as much energy as protein.


Linoleic acid is an essential amino acid.


Malnutrition due to diet alone is called secondary malnutrition.


Provitamins are special vitamins used by elite athletes.


The B vitamins and vitamin C are fat-soluble vitamins.


The esophagus provides a passageway for substances from the larynx to the bronchi.


The pyloric sphincter serves as a valve that controls the movement of food between the esophagus and stomach.


The stomach is C-shaped and extends from the duodenum to the spleen.


Which class of vitamin is more likely to be stored in the tissues of the body?

Fat-soluble vitamins

Complete the sentences describing fats in the diet.

Fats should account for 30% or less of the calories consumed daily, with saturated fats accounting for no more than 10% of the total fat intake. Saturated fats tends to increase blood cholesterol levels, are solid at room temperature, and are found mostly in meat and dairy products. Unsaturated fats tends to lower blood cholesterol levels and are found mostly in plant sources. Dietary cholesterol is found only in foods from animal sources, including meat, milk, eggs, and butter.

Why is dietary fiber beneficial to the diet?

Fiber provides "bulk" in intestines, allowing better movement of intestinal contents.

Consider each area of the body and the destination of its lymphatic drainage. Drop each label into the appropriate box.

Flows into Right Lymphatic Duct: rt arm rt thoracic cavity rt side of head rt side of neck Flows into Thoracic Duct: rt leg lft side of neck left thoracic cavity abdomen lft arm lft side of head left leg

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?

Fructose -SucroseCorrect Galactose Glucose

The labels describe characteristics of the hormones that regulate appetite. Place the labels in the appropriate box(es). Labels can be used more than once.

Ghrelin: -produced by stomach cells -stimulates appetite -stimulates neuropeptide Y secretion -fasting increases absorption of this hormone Leptin: -produced by adipocytes -suppresses appetite -suppresses release of neuropeptide Y -stimulates metabolic rate -weightless decreases secretion of this hormone

After absorption from the digestive tract, all monosaccharides are converted by liver enzymes to what compound?


What is the product of the process of glycogenesis?


Indicate which of the following are complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides). (Check all that apply.)

Glycogen Starch Cellulose

__________ pick up cholesterol from the peripheral tissues and return it to the liver.


Match each description with the correct type of lipoprotein.

High concentration of protein; low concentration of lipid. High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) High concentration of cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) High concentration of triglycerides. Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs)

What structure regulates appetite?


Complete the sentences describing energy balance and weight.

If caloric intake equals caloric expenditure, an individual is in energy balance. This person will have a steady body weight. When calories consumed are greater than the amount of calories burned, a person will be in positive energy balance. Excess energy will be stored as fat. A pound of adipose tissue stores 3500calories. This person will gain weight. In order to create a negative energy balance, energy expediture needs to be greater than the amount of calories consumed. Increased physical activity can help achieve this balance, allowing the person to lose weight.

Complete the sentences regarding protein and its turnover.

In the body, proteins are continually being made and broken down. Ideally, the amount of protein made equals the amount of protein broken down, a situation called nitrogen balance. Because a high percentage of the body's nitrogen is in protein, nitrogen balance gives an idea of protein balance as well. Proteins are being produced using the guidance of the nucleic acids, which contain genetic information. For proteins to be assembled, all the necessary amino acids must be available. If any essential amino acid (those the body cannot make) is lacking, proteins that require them for assembly will not be produced. If protein intake is inadequate, the body will undergo wasting as the structural proteins, particularly of muscle, are broken down but not replaced.

Name the innate defense that involves vasodilation and increased vascular permeability, resulting in the influx of blood, blood cells, and fluid to an area of injury or infection.


Match the definition to the correct class of nutrients.

Inorganic elements needed for metabolism -minerals Organic essential compounds needed in very small amounts; needed for normal metabolism - vitamins

What is adiponectin?

Inveresely related to body fat. Adiponectin may play a role in decreasing insulin resistance.

How does the function of the digestive system relate to the characteristics of life?

It provides energy that can be used in metabolic processes.

The fat-soluble vitamin __________ can be produced by intestinal bacteria.


Large, fixed phagocytes in the lining of the hepatic sinusoids are __________ cells.


Indicate which situations lead to primary malnutrition. Check all that apply.

Lack of available food Anorexia nervosa

In comparing the classes of macronutrients, name the class that provides the most energy per gram.


What organ is responsible for the production of bile?


What is segmentation?

Localized contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle that help to mix food and secretions

Which is not a factor that may affect the rate of absorption of certain medications with age?

Loss of power in mastication

Place each description in the appropriate box, describing either marasmus or kwashiorkor, two types of malnutrition.

MARASMUS -lack of nutrients -very little subcutaneous fat -weakened immune system leads to infections Kwashiorkor -lack of protein -loss of plasma proteins causes ascites -depletion of antibodies leads to infections

Classify each type of nutrient as a macronutrient or a micronutrient.

Micronutrients -vitamins -minerals Macronutrients -fats -carbohydrates -water -proteins

Taking NSAID pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen for several weeks disrupts prostaglandin hormone signalling to cells in the stomach. This causes an interruption in production of the protective inner coating of the stomach, which leads to ulcers and further acid erosion. Which gastric cells are being affected by prolonged use of NSAID pain relievers?

Mucous cells

Complete the sentences describing the different types of immunity.

Naturally acquired active immunity occurs when the person is exposed to a live pathogen, develops the disease, and becomes immune as a result of the primary immune response. Artificially acquired active immunity can be induced by any substance that contains the antigen that is purposefully introduced into the body. For example, a vaccine stimulates a primary response against the antigen without causing symptoms of the disease. Artificially acquired passive immunity is a short-term immunization due to the injection of antibodies that are not produced by the recipient's immune system. Naturally acquired passive immunity occurs in the fetus during pregnancy, as certain antibodies are passed from the maternal blood into the fetal bloodstream.

Which is not a medical condition that affects the ability to obtain adequate nutrition?


Indicate the functions of cholesterol. Check all that apply.

Precursor for some hormones Precursor for bile salts Structural component of cell membranes

Define the term gluconeogenesis.

Production of glucose from non-carbohydrates, like proteins and fats

Of the six classes of nutrients, name the type of nutrient that provides nitrogen for the body.


Name the minerals that are important electrolytes for muscle and nerve function. Check all that apply.

Sodium Potassium Calcium

Complete the sentences, then put the steps of lipid metabolism in order.

Stored triglycerides are hydrolyzed to form glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol can (1) be converted to glucose, (2) be used to re-form triglycerides, or (3) enter the cellular respiration pathway to produce ATP. Fatty acids go through the process of beta-oxidation to form two-carbon molecules that can be converted to acetyl CoA. Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle of the cellular respiration pathway and ATP is produced.

You are examining different dietary supplements, trying to choose one for your child. Each supplement contains only four amino acids. Which supplement would be most suitable for your child's essential amino acid needs?

Supplement W containing phenylalanine, lysine, cysteine, and valine

Which of the following activities should lead to the loss of at least a pound of fat in one week?

Swimming or running for an hour each day

The alimentary canal of the digestive system is controlled by which nervous system?

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Complete each sentence describing the sphincters located throughout the digestive tract. Then rearrange the sentences in order from proximal to distal through the digestive tract.

The first sphincter of the digestive system, called the orbicularis oris muscle, surrounds the entrance to the oral cavity. The inferior constrictor muscles act as a sphincter, preventing air from entering the esophagus but relaxing to allow food to pass through. At the terminal end of the esophagus is the lower esophageal sphincter, which controls the entrance of food into the stomach. The pyloric sphincter regulates the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. The junction of the small and large intestines is the location of the ileocecal sphincter, which regulates movement of intestinal contents into the large intestine. The involuntarily controlled internal anal sphincter is composed of smooth muscle that relaxes at the onset of defecation. The voluntary relaxation of the external anal sphincter, which is composed of skeletal muscle, is the final step in defecation.

One major symptom of Hodgkin's lymphoma is noticeable swelling of lymph nodes in the axillary, thoracic, and cervical regions. Which of the following does not reflect where you expect to find swellings?

The hands

Complete each sentence describing the blood flow to and from the liver.

The hepatic portal vein delivers nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor blood to the liver cells from the digestive organs. The hepatic artery is responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to the liver cells, thus providing oxygen for the large metabolic demand of this tissue. Blood from both the artery and vein mix freely as it flows through the small capillaries in the liver, called sinusoids. After passing through the capillaries in a hepatic lobule, the blood flows into a central vein. Many central veins merge into a hepatic vein, which empties into the inferior vena cava.

Complete the sentences describing the body's defenses against infection.

The innate defenses of the body protect against many different types of pathogens. For this reason, they are also referred to as the nonspecific defenses. These defenses include mechanical and chemical barriers, natural killer cells that are able to lyse cell membranes of pathogens, and the process of inflammation during which redness and swelling can occur as the tissue responds to injury or invading pathogens. The defensive mechanisms that target specific pathogens are called adaptive defenses. These responses involve the white blood cells called lymphocytes. B cells are involved in the process called humoral immunity. Activated B cells become plasma cells which produce antibodies. T cells are involved in the cellular immune response, directly interacting with their target cells.

Complete the following sentences that describe the alimentary canal and its walls. Then place the sentences in order, listing structures/layers from deep to superficial, starting with the small intestinal lumen.

The lumen is where nutrients and water are mixed with secretions. 1 The mucosa contains the surface epithelium that allows for absorption of nutrients, as wells as glands for secretion. 2 The submucosa is composed mostly of connective tissue, nerves, and vessels, which help to nourish surrounding tissues. 3 The muscular layer is responsible for the movement of substances through the alimentary canal. 4 The serosa is composed of epithelia and connective tissues that reduce friction between organs in the abdominal cavity. 5

Complete the sentences describing the functions of the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system has several diverse functions. Vessels called lymphatic capillaries, found in most tissues, drain excess tissue fluid, thus helping with fluid balance. Several lymphatic organs, including the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes, have roles in defending the body against pathogens. An additional role for the lymphatic system is the absorption of fats from the digestive system. These molecules are too large to be absorped into the blood, and so are carried via the lymph to the venous system.

Complete the sentences describing how the energy values of foods are determined.

The term calorie expresses the amount of potential energy contained in a food and is equivalent to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. In the field of nutrition, the term is used to express the number of kilocalories in a food (heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius). This quantity of energy is also called a large calorie. The caloric content of food can be measured in a bomb calorimeter. This device burns a sample of food within a chamber surrounded by a known volume of water. Upon burning, the heat released from the food causes a(n) increase in the temperature of the water. This value is used to calculate the calories in the food sample.

Which are factors that may affect the rate of absorption of certain medications with age?

Thinning of the stomach lining Slowing of the exit of chyme from the stomach Slowing peristalsis

Complete each sentence describing the vessels that enter or leave the liver.

Three main vessels make up the hepatic portal triad. These structures are found on the inferior side of the liver. Blood arrives at the liver through two circulatory vessels. Blood from the digestive tract is diverted to the liver via the hepatic portal vein, which carries nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor blood to the liver. A branch off the celiac trunk, the hepatic artery is responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to the liver. Thus, this vessel provides for the large metabolic demand of the liver. Bile produced in the liver flows out of the liver in the common hepatic duct. This duct merges with the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the bile duct, which leads to the small intestine.

What is the function of the gallbladder?

To store bile between meals

A set of primary teeth consists of 20 teeth, whereas a set of secondary teeth consists of 32 teeth.


About 75% of the minerals in the body are in bones and teeth, and include calcium and phosphorus. Homeostatic mechanisms regulate their concentrations.


Amino acids can be used to synthesize proteins for cellular structures, to synthesize proteins that function in various body processes, and for energy.


Cholecystokinin, a hormone released from intestinal mucosa as a result of stimulation by the presence of fats in the small intestine, stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the duodenum.


From the stomach, food passes into the duodenum, then the jejunum, and then the ileum.


Glycogen stored in the liver and muscles of an adult provides enough reserve energy to meet energy demands for about 12 hours.


Ribose and deoxyribose are carbohydrates.


The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


The parotid gland differs from the submandibular and sublingual glands in that it secretes a clear fluid that is rich in amylase.


Complete the following sentences describing the movements in the alimentary canal.

Two types of movement occur within the wall of the alimentary canal. In the esophagus, wavelike movements called peristalsis move food toward the stomach. In this process, the ring-like contracting of the muscular wall pushes the contents into the next part of the tube which is relaxing. This process is similar to squeezing toothpaste out of a tube. The mixing movements of the stomach combine food with digestive juices. In the small intestine, a process called segmentation aids in mixing. During this process the contents do not move along the tract.

What structure is pulled upward during swallowing to close the opening between the nasal cavity and pharynx?


As a child, Sherry was poor and did not eat very well. A certain vitamin deficiency hindered development of the light-sensitive pigments in her eyes, and now she has poor vision in low-light environments. Which of the following vitamins should she take to improve her vision?

Vitamin A

Intrinsic factor regulates the absorption of

Vitamin B12

What does body mass index (BMI) measure?

Weight relative to height

A protein deficiency may be accompanied by edema because of

a decrease in plasma proteins and therefore a decrease in colloid osmotic pressure.

What is a complete protein?

a protein that contains all the essential amino acids

One of the functions of the large intestine is to

absorb ingested water.

Fat-soluble vitamins are

absorbed more readily in the presence of bile salts.

Individuals at highest risk for developing anorexia nervosa are


Riboflavin is carried in the blood combined with the blood protein called __________.


Name the hormone that regulates sodium levels in the blood by altering kidney reabsorption of sodium.


Class I MHC antigens are found in the membranes of Class II MHC antigens are found in the membranes of

all body cells except RBCs antigen-presenting cells, thymus cells, and activated T cells

Proteins are digested into __________.

amino acids

A negative nitrogen balance results from a net loss of

amino acids.

The ingredients listed on the label of a packaged food

are listed in decreasing order by weight.

The epithelial cells that form the inner lining of the small intestine

are replaced every few days.

Immunity acquired with the injection of antibodies from another source is called artificially acquired passive Correctimmunity. Immunity resulting when one's own immune system responds to an antigen encountered through normal routes is called naturally acquired active Correctimmunity. Immunity in a newborn due to the passing of maternal antibodies through the placenta is called naturally acquired passive Correctimmunity. Immunity that occurs following vaccination with an antigen is called artificially acquired active Correctimmunity.

artificially acquired passive naturally acquired active naturally acquired passive artificially acquired active

Injections of gamma globulin are sometimes given to provide

artificially acquired passive immunity.

Hannah eats tremendous amounts of food, but then takes laxatives, vomits, and exercises to keep from gaining weight. She has an eating disorder called __________.


The units of heat that measure the amount of energy in food are called __________.


Vanessa takes many vitamin supplements, claiming that they give her energy. She is mistaken because cells preferentially use __________ for energy.


Cholesterol is synthesized chiefly in the liver.


Enlarged blood vessels of the anal columns are called


The esophagus passes through an opening in the diaphragm called the esophageal __________.


The __________ is the part of the digestive tract that has the most lymph nodules and bacteria.


The formation of lymph increases as a result of

increasing hydrostatic pressure in tissue fluid.

The digestive system

ingests food, propels food, mechanically and chemically breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and defecates the remainder.

A patient swears they make sure they eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin B12, but they still suffer from the anemia, jaundice, and weakness associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. Their doctor thinks their body might not be producing __________, which is necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.

intrinsic factor

The fat-soluble vitamin __________ can be produced by intestinal bacteria.


Treatment with antibiotic drugs is sometimes followed by a deficiency of vitamin


Sarah eats only dairy, and no meat or eggs. She is a(n)


The parotid glands are

largest of the salivary glands

The epiglottis is attached to the


The figure shows the posterior view of the pharynx. Label the pharyngeal muscles and nearby structures.

left superior middle inferior constrictor muscle right skull tongue epiglottis larynx

After eating, the hormone __________ signals the hypothalamus to suppress appetite.


Substances called __________ consist of a surface layer of phospholipid, cholesterol, and protein that surrounds a core consisting of triglycerides and other lipid-soluble compounds.


primary immune response

the initial immune response to an antigen, which appears after a lag of several days

Fluid is kept from accumulating in tissue spaces by

the lymphatic system.

The alimentary canal extends, in its entirety, from

the mouth to the anus.

The two collecting ducts that drain the lymphatic trunks are the

thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct.

Lymph is __________ that has entered a lymphatic capillary.

tissue fluid

Put the steps that occur during an immediate-reaction allergic response in the correct order.

top to bottom- sensitization of B cell to allergen, IgE production by plasma cells, IgE binds to mast cells and basophils, secondary exposure to allergen, release of allergy mediators, allergic reaction

The most common dietary lipids are fats called __________.


A set of primary teeth consists of 20 teeth, whereas a set of secondary teeth consists of 32 teeth.


Which of the following vitamins is necessary for producing collagen?

vitamin c

BMI measures

weight in proportion to height.

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