Chapter 16

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How many women have been executed since 1976?


If a person is sentenced to death, what is the average time lapse between conviction and execution, according to 2010 data?

14½ years

Since the death penalty was reinstituted, ______ of the people sentenced to death have actually been executed.


How many states have abolished the death penalty?


In what year did the use of the death penalty begin again?


Support for the death penalty peaked in ______.


Since the resumption of the death penalty, which year had the greatest number of executions?


What percentage of female offenders have been executed in the United States?


What percentage of murder cases are tried as capital cases?


In 2016, there were ______ executions in the United States.


Blacks are overrepresented on death row by a margin of ______.

3 to 1

In 1966, ______ people were against the death penalty and ______ were in favor ofit.

47%; 42%

According to the Northwestern Law Center for International Human Rights, ______of organ transplants that originate in China come from executed prisoners.


Sub-average mental functioning is defined as an IQ below ______.


What percentage of African American defendants are more likely than white defendants to receive the death penalty?


n a survey of criminologists, Radelet and Lacock found that ______ agreed that the death penalty was not a deterrent to murder.


Which Supreme Court case held that the imposition of the death penalty on amentally retarded defendant is a violation of the Eighth Amendment?

Atkins v. Virginia

Which country has the highest rate of executions each year?


In which court case did the Supreme Court rule that the use of the death penalty for rape was unconstitutional?

Coker v. Georgia

A major source of information on the death penalty in the United States is the______.

Death Penalty Information Center

Which of the following is NOT an issue the courts have had to resolve with both mental deficiency and illness?

Did the condition become prevalent before the age of 18?

All states currently have the death penalty.


Electrocution is the most common form of execution.


Life without parole is more expensive than the cost of a capital case (from arrest to execution).


On average, there are about 100 executions a year in the United States.


Over 75% of offenders who are sentenced to death have been executed in a timely manner.


Research has conclusively demonstrated that the death penalty is not a deterrent to murder.


The CT scan is the workhorse of neuroimaging used to assess the functioning of aperson's brain while engaged in some task.


Women account for about 15% of executions.


Woodson v. North Carolina was the first case to successfully challenge the use of the death penalty.


The imposition of the death penalty on a mentally retarded defendant has always been a violation of the Eighth Amendment.


Which case was the first to successfully challenge the use of the death penalty?

Furman v. Georgia

Which court case ruled that it is constitutionally impermissible to hold a defendant in custody indefinitely based on his or her incompetence to stand trial?

Furman v. Georgia

In ______, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the use of a bifurcatedhearing.

Gregg v. Georgia

In Saudi Arabia, qisas crimes are crimes against ______.


______ is a lifelong condition of impaired or incomplete mental development.

Mental disability

Which Supreme Court case held that the imposition of the death penalty on a mentally retarded defendant is not per se a violation of the Eighth Amendment?

Penry v. Lynaugh

______ increases the likelihood that a crime will be eligible for the death penalty.


______ signed the Justice for All Act, which granted federal inmates the right to petition a federal court for DNA testing to support a claim of innocence.

President G. W. Bush

In what country can a person be executed for adultery?

Saudi Arabia

A major concern is whether the death penalty is applied in a racially discriminatory fashion.


Between 1930 and 1980, 53% of persons executed were black.


Ethel Spinelli was the first woman to be executed at the San Quentin prison gas chamber.


Genomic and brain sciences over the past 3 decades have revolutionized death penalty discourse in the United States.


Mental illness and mental disability are two different conditions.


Public support for the death penalty is a major factor in its retention in the United States.


Some criminologists argue that capital punishment has a brutalizing effect rather than a deterrent effect.


The electric chair was originally introduced as a more humane method of execution than hanging.


In ______, the Supreme Court rejected the statute that mandated that all persons convicted of first-degree murder should receive the death penalty as excessive and unduly rigid.

Woodson v. North Carolina

Who is least likely to support the death penalty?

a black liberal woman who votes Democratic

Who is most likely to support the death penalty?

a conservative white man who votes Republican

Which of the following is a form of execution?

all of these a. hanging b. electrocution c. gas chamber

Mental retardation is characterized by ______.

all of these a. significantly sub-average intellectual functioning b. concurrent and related limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas c. manifestation before the age of 18

Until the mid-20th century, ______ could receive the death penalty for the attempted rape of a white woman

an African American man

The assumption that, rather than deterring homicides, homicides actually increase following executions is called the ______.

brutalizing effect

According to the ______, paternalistic attitudes about women that prevail in our society account for the fact that women are less likely to be executed.

chivalry hypothesis

Females who defy traditional gender roles by not enacting a feminine identity invite the wrath of the male-dominated criminal justice system, according to the ______hypothesis.

evil women

Historically, there has only been one method used for execution.


The death penalty is not the most controversial issue in corrections.


Historically, which of the following has been the most common form of execution in the United States?


What are the two types of death sentences in China?

immediate and delayed

A problem with relying on DNA to demonstrate innocence is that ______.

it can be falsified and fabricated

Since the resumption of the death penalty, the most common method of execution has been ______.

lethal injection

Which of the following execution methods injects the condemned person with drugs that ultimately end in death?

lethal injection

A life sentence with the additional condition that the person never be allowed paroleis called ______.

life without parole

Compared to 1966, today ______ Americans are in favor of the death penalty.


Compared to a life without parole case, a death penalty case is ______.

more expensive

The most controversial subject in corrections is ______.

the death penalty

A massive review of the research on the deterrent effect of the death penalty,sponsored by the National Academy of Science, concluded that ______.

the research is not informative enough to draw a conclusion

A majority (over 50%) of the states have a death penalty statute.


A number of police labs have been accused and found guilty of falsifying and fabricating DNA evidence.


China has the highest number of executions per year.


Life without the possibility of parole is provided as an alternative to a death sentence.


The death penalty resumed in 1976 after a brief hiatus.


A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice found that U.S. Attorneys were more likely to recommend the death penalty in cases involving ______defendants.


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