Chapter 16: The Endocrine System - General Structure and Function: Endocrine Glands
What is the difference between Unicellular and Multicellular glands? Give an example of each. - Unicellular: __________ --> - Multicellular: __________ -->
- Unicellular: Single cell --> Goblet Cells - Multicellular: Many cells --> Sperm (Testes)
What are Exocrine Glands?
A gland that secretes onto a surface using a duct (exterior or interior)
EXTRA: CNS is short for ________ ________ ________.
CNS is short for Central Nervous System.
What are Endocrine Glands?
Ductless glands that empty their hormonal products directly into the blood
Endocrine Glands are ________ (not or highly) vascularized.
Endocrine Glands are highly vascularized.
What type of tissue makes up Endocrine Glands?
Epithelial Tissue
T or F: Endocrine Glands make hormones and release them into the nervous system for distribution.
False - Endocrine Glands make hormones and release them into the blood stream for distribution.
T or F: Unicellular Endocrine Glands are Hormone producing cells located in endocrine organs.
False - Unicellular Endocrine Glands are Hormone producing cells located in non-endocrine organs.
Why are Endocrine Glands highly vascularized?
For maximized secretion of hormones
Where do Multicellular Endocrine Glands secrete their Hormones?
Inside of the body
Name an example of a Hormone produced my Unicellular Endocrine Glands.
Leptin - Signaling Cell: ________ - Target Cell: ________ - Effects: Triggers ________
Leptin - Signaling Cell: Adipocyte - Target Cell: Neuron (CNS) - Effects: Triggers Satiety
Give an example of Endocrine Glands.
Ovaries and Testes (Anything that has to do with Puberty), Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Thyroid Gland, Thymus Gland
Give an example of Exocrine Glands.
Sweat glands, salivary glands, lacrimal glands, etc.
Describe Satiety.
The feeling of or state of being (satisfied) full
T or F: Multicellular Endocrine Glands are ductless glands.
Unicellular Endocrine Glands that produce Leptin are (specifically) made in ________ (Epithelial or Adipose) tissue.
Unicellular Endocrine Glands that produce Leptin are (specifically) made in Adipose tissue.