Chapter 16/17/18 Questions

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Marsha gets a splinter in her finger. As the splinter penetrates her skin, potentially introducing microbes into her tissues, what is her body's first response?

Innate defense mechanisms are activated.

A population of lymphocytes whose members are all genetically identical and capable of responding to the same specific antigen is called a(n)


Hepatitis C accounts for nearly half the known causes of hepatitis. How is hepatitis C transmitted?

Coming in contact with infected blood

Which factor does not affect basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

Composition of the diet

What disorder of the large intestine produces a "cobblestone" effect within the tissues of the colon after many years?

Crohn's disease

The hepatic duct connects the gallbladder to the bile duct.


The large intestine absorbs water, fats, and salts.


The liver functions in fat metabolism to control the amounts of glucose, amino acids, and iron released into the blood


The pancreas is part of the alimentary canal.


The pyloric sphincter serves as a valve that controls the movement of food between the esophagus and stomach.


The result of vitamin D deficiency in children is a condition called scurvy.


The stomach is C-shaped and connects the duodenum to the spleen.


Vitamins contain calories and therefore provide energy for the body.


An immunoglobulin molecule is an antigen secreted by T lymphocytes.


An injection of synthetic antibodies imparts active immunity.


Immunoglobulin A is abundant in endocrine gland secretions.


The thymus enlarges after puberty.


Two mechanical barriers to infection are interferon and inflammation.


What is a function of iron in the body?

Needed for synthesis of hemoglobin

You would expect a person diagnosed with anorexia nervosa to have a __________ nitrogen balance due to the starvation conditions.


Why might a protein deficiency be accompanied by edema?

Protein deficiency results in a decrease in colloid osmotic pressure

Matthew takes a drug that inhibits the production of HCl in the stomach to ease the symptoms of a gastric ulcer. If he takes it for a long time, digestion of which nutrient would be affected the most?


An CT scan shows a blockage in the duodenum that needs to be removed surgically. The gastroenterologist will make a small incision in the duodenal wall to remove the obstruction. Which tunic will be cut first?


How is hepatitis B transmitted?

Sexual activity

During the primary immune response, B lymphocytes give rise to plasma cells.


Innate defenses include mechanical and chemical barriers to prevent entry of any foreign cells, whereas adaptive defenses include responses that target specific disease-causing agents.


Muscle contraction moves lymph through lymphatic vessels.


Older red blood cells may be destroyed in the spleen.


What is adiponectin?

A hormone secreted by fat cells that affects the response of target cells to insulin.

Vanessa takes many vitamin supplements, claiming that they give her energy. She is mistaken because cells preferentially use __________ for energy.


What is the effect of potassium deficiency in the body?

cardiac arrythmias

T lymphocytes are responsible for what aspect of defense against infection?

cellular immune response

Lymph nodes are located throughout the body except in the

central nervous system

An X-ray series of the bile ducts is called a __________.


What regulates pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes?


What is usually a major component of gallstones?


Antigen-presenting cells engulf and digest an antigen, then insert antigen fragments on their cell surfaces in association with __________

class II MHC proteins

Loperamide is a medication used to slow and stop diarrhea. It inhibits nervous signalling to the large intestine, relaxing the smooth muscles within the intestinal wall and preventing mass movements. Which of the following intestinal conditions/diseases have diarrheal symptoms that can be controlled with loperamide?

colorectal cancer

The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct unite to form the __________.

common bile duct

What defense mechanism responds to the presence of foreign antigens by initiating a cascade of reactions, resulting in inflammation and enhanced phagocytosis in the area?

complement system

What process occurs during the catabolism of proteins for energy?


What condition can result from excess calcium in the diet?

deposition of calcium in soft tissue.

Edith suffers from severe heartburn. She goes to her physician and is diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. This condition affects her __________.


Which of the following occurs during the defecation reflex?

diaphragm is lowered

Protein is broken down into smaller and smaller fragments, but ultimately the smaller fragments require splitting of the last peptide bond between two amino acids. What enzygme catalyzes this reaction?


What are pathogens?

disease causing agents

Which of the following provide(s) a source of complete proteins?


Bile salts function like detergents in that they __________ fat globules.


Heartburn is usually caused by the effects of gastric juice on the __________


Nutrients that are necessary for health, but that human cells cannot synthesize, are called __________ nutrients.


A change in dietary intake of which vitamin or mineral can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and flushing?

excess niacin

How can the innate defenses be characterized?

fast and nonspecific

What is the effect of interleukin-1 secretion?


Which of the following is a function of the liver?

forms glucose from noncarbohydrates

Where does peristalsis occur in the digestive tract?

from the pharynx to the anus

Inhibition of which hormones action may help in weight loss?


What compound replenishes cellular glucose supplies once supplies are depleted?


A group of people have their BMI scores calculated: Jordan has a BMI of 26. Matt has a BMI of 21. Kelsey has a BMI score of 29. Heather has a BMI score of 31. Chad has a BMI of 23. Which of these people is considered obese by the BMI standards?


Enlarged blood vessels of the anal columns are called _________


If a vaccine is given to most people in a population, it can halt the spread of an infection because of _________

herd immunity

The region of a lymph node through which blood vessels and nerves pass is called the


What cell types are primarily responsible for immunity?

lymphocytes and macrophages

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are classified as _________


Which of the following cells function as phagocytes?


A transplant recipient is more likely to reject a transplanted organ if there is not a close match between the __________ of the recipient and that of the donor.

major histocompatibility complex

Tanisha has abdominal pains. Medical tests reveal that she can digest nutrients, but the nutrients are not taken in by the intestinal blood supply. What term best describes Tanisha's condition?


What is the condition that results from poor nutrition, lack of nutrients, or the failure to use them?


What accessory organ is attached to the duodenum and secretes fluid rich in digestive enzymes?


The vitamin that functions as part of coenzyme A is ________

pantothenic acid

Activities of the digestive system generally increase when it is stimulated by __________ impulses.


What are the largest salivary glands?

parotid glands

Consider the molecular differences between classes of fats. Of lard and peanut oil, which will contain more double bonds in its structure?

peanut oil

Which of the following is stimulated by overdistention of the small-intestine wall?

peristaltic rush

The greater omentum is composed of the __________ membrane.


What condition is associated with lack of intrinsic factor and decreased absorption of cyanobalamin?

pernicious anemia

Following contact with its targeted antigen, a B cell will divide and differentiate into __________ which produce and secrete antibodies.

plasma cells

Antibody actions against antigens include __________ in which the antibodies bind to antigen, forming an insoluble complex that can be phagocytized.


What is the function of plasma cells?

produce antibodies

Which of the following occurs during an adaptive immune response?

production of antibodies

What stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall?

protein and fat in the small intestine

Kwashiorkor may develop in children who have a dietary deficiency of ________


Why might Vitamin A deficiency take years to become noticeable?

the liver stores it

What changes in the mouth occur due to aging?

thinning enamel.

Name the two collecting ducts that drain the lymphatic trunks.

thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct

Name the class of hormones that stimulate maturation of T lymphocytes.


What is one function of lymph?

transport of foreign particles to the lymph nodes.

The most common dietary lipids are fats called __________


What protein-digesting enzyme is found in pancreatic juice?


Acute pancreatitis is often caused by the conversion of __________ within the pancreas.

trypsinogen to trypsin

The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of


From the collecting ducts, lymph enters __________ and becomes part of the __________.

veins; plasma

The thymus is in the mediastinum behind the sternum.


Niacin can be synthesized in human cells from the essential amino acid __________


The salivary glands secrete the enzyme __________ that breaks down _________

amylase, carbohydrates

A large calorie (kilocalorie) equals the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water by __________ degree(s) Celsius.


A sample of food is put into a bomb calorimeter and its caloric content is measured. The final measurement reads 100 (large) Calories. How many (small) calories does the food contain?

100,000 cal

Which of the following is the correct sequence for the digestion and absorption of lipids? 1. Formation of chylomicrons 2. Emulsification by bile 3. Diffusion through the epithelial cell membrane 4. Hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase 5. Movementinto lacteal ducts


A sample of food is put into a bomb calorimeter and its caloric content is measured. The final measurement reads 100 (large) Calories. How many joules of energy does this food contain?

4.184 joules

Feces are about ____ percent water.


How many essential amino acids are needed by adults?


What is a hapten?

A small molecule that, by itself, does not initiate an immune response.

DiGeorge syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that may result in an under-developed thymus. In a child with this outcome,which of the following complications might occur?

A tendency for frequent infections

Which of the following best demonstrates species resistance?

A worker at an animal shelter encounters a cat with Calicivirus, but cannot become sick with Calicivirus themselves.

The average BMR for an adult indicates a need for one calorie of energy per hour for each gram of body weight.


The cecum is located at the inferior end of the descending colon.


If prosecretin, the inactive form of the hormone secretin, is produced improperly and cannot be converted to the active form as a result, how will this affect the intestine and the pancreas during digestion?

Alkaline pancreatic juice will not be released from the pancreas as chyme is emptied into the duodenum. Peptic ulcers may result.

What do all B vitamins have in common?

All are involved in the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

What is the cisterna chyli?

An enlarged sac at the distal end of the thoracic duct.

A newborn was miserable and vomiting frequently. An X-ray revealed hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. What was the problem in the digestive system?

An overgrowth of muscle has blocked the passageway from the stomach to the small intestine.

The chamber of the mouth between the tongue and the palate is the vestibule.


Dendritic cells and macrophages function as _________ cells, helping to trigger an immune response


The foreign or "non self" substances that trigger immune responses are called


Why might gallstones form?

Because bile is too concentrated

What is a function of saliva?

Beginning the chemical digestion of carbohydrates

Pancreatic fluid contains a high concentration of __________ ions, which makes it alkaline.


Saliva contains __________ ions that helps buffer the acid in the mouth.


Which of the following is true about bile?

Bile is produced by the liver.

Most recipients of cholecystectomies have difficulty digesting fatty foods after the procedure. This is due to the lack of emulsification of lipids during the process of digestion, which makes it harder for lipase to access and break down fats. This is because the __________ that would have been part of the bile are not being efficiently released into the small intestine during digestion

Bile salts

How does a vaccine produce its effects?

By stimulating a primary immune response

Candy and sugary desserts are associated with weight gain. Why would candy and sugary foods, containing carbohydrates, cause an increase in body fat?

Carbohydrates, once broken down into glucose, can be used in lipogenesis and be converted into fats for storage, adding to body fat content.

The enterogastric reflex begins in the stomach and ends in the small intestine.


Compounds called ___________, secreted by various immune cells, act to influence the functioning of other immune cells


The esophagus provides a passageway for substances from the larynx to the bronchi.


The process of breaking down food into usable nutrients for absorption is called _________


Lydia is taking an antihistamine for her allergies and developsxerostomia. What is xerostomia?

Dry mouth

A child hanging upside down from a tree takes a bite from a candy bar. They manage to chew the candy and swallow it successfully. What prevents the bolus from entering the upper part of the nasopharynx?

During the swallowing reflex, the tongue presses against the soft palate and forces the nasal region of the nasopharynx shut.

Which of the following regimens would not lead to the loss of one pound of fat in one week?

Eating 250 calories less every day.

Accumulation of tissue fluid in the interstitial spaces is called


The process by which bile breaks down fat globules into smaller droplets is called _________


The rate at which chyme leaves the stomach is regulated by the __________ reflex.


The segment of the alimentary canal that is located between the pharynx and stomach is the __________


Bile is composed of HCl, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor.


Bile salts function as digestive enzymes to break down fatty acids.


Carbohydrates include cholesterol and phospholipids.


Cholesterol functions in the body as an energy source, and furnishes molecular components for the synthesis of various sex hormones.


Essential amino acids are those required to build proteins, whereas nonessential amino acids are not required to build proteins.


Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in water, are very sensitive to the effects of heat, and are easily destroyed by cooking or food processing.


Gram for gram, carbohydrates provide about twice as much energy as proteins.


Intake of at least 10 grams of carbohydrate is needed daily to avoid protein breakdown.


Linoleic acid is an essential amino acid.


Monica doesn't eat anything that was once in an animal. She is an ovo-vegetarian.


Neuropeptide Y is secreted in the stomach and suppresses appetite.


Peristalsis mixes food with digestive enzymes in small segments of the alimentary canal.


Provitamins are special vitamins used by elite athletes.


The B vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins.


AIDS is caused by a virus that targets B lymphocytes.


Bile salts aid the absorption of __________-soluble vitamins.


What components form a triglyceride?

Glycerol and three fatty acids.

What lipoprotein picks up cholesterol from the peripheral tissues and returns it to the liver?


Immune cells called __________ are activated when their antigen receptors bind to displayed foreign antigens. They will then release cytokines that function to continue the immune response.

Helper T cells

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets __________, which explains why both the humoral and cellular immune responses become inefficient as a result of HIV infection.

Helper T cells

What type of immunoglobulins are involved in type I hypersensitivity?


As part of her treatment for breast cancer, Stephanie has her right breast removed. In addition, the surgeon removes lymph nodes from her right auxiliary region to prevent the spread of the cancer. What is a likely result of this procedure?

Her right arm becomes edematous

The esophagus passes through an opening in the diaphragm called the esophageal __________.


What is secreted by the parietal cells of gastric glands?

Hydrochloric acid

A genetic mutation prevents the parietal cells of the gastric glands from secreting their typical products. What effect would this have on digestion within the stomach?

Hydrochloric acid would not be produced, so pepsinogen would not be activated to form pepsin.

Newborns can be protected against certain digestive and respiratory infections when they receive __________ via their mother's milk.


What type of immunoglobulin is the most abundant of the circulating antibodies?


The sphincter muscle located between the small intestine and the large intestine is the _________

Iliocecal valve

What is an effect of the activation of the complement system?

Increased effectiveness of phagocytosis of antigen.

In what situation will there be an increase in lymph formation?

Increased hydrostatic pressure of tissue fluid

Which of the following describes the potential changes in basal metabolic rate (BMR) throughout life?

Increases from birth to age five, then declines, then peaks in adolescence, then drops during adulthood

What is the function of the digestive system?

Ingests and breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and defecates the unabsorbed material.

Chisel-shaped teeth are called _______


List some of the cytokines that are important to an immune response.

Interleukin-1, interleukin-2, tumor necrosis factor

A patient swears they make sure they eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin B12, but they still suffer from the anemia, jaundice, and weakness associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. Their doctor thinks their body might not be producing __________, which is necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.

Intrinsic factor

Why is a short-term low-grade fever an effective innate defense?

It increases body temperature, which enhances the effectiveness of phagocytes.

What role does the lymphatic system have in influencing body fluids?

It moves excess tissue fluid from the interstitium to the bloodstream.

Which statement describes the spleen?

It resembles a large lymph node divided into lobules.

Treatment with antibiotic drugs is sometimes followed by a deficiency of vitamin __________


Diabetics who don't have access to or refuse their insulin supplementation quickly become starved for glucose. Their body rapidly oxidizes lipids into acetyl CoA, and then into__________, which can be used as fuel much like glucose by various tissues of the body. However, these molecules can build up and raise blood pH, which is life-threatening.

Ketone bodies

Large, fixed phagocytes in the lining of the hepatic sinusoids are called __________ cells.


Peripheral tissue cells remove __________ lipoproteins from plasma by receptor- mediated endocytosis.


A lymphatic capillary within a villus of the small intestine is called a ___________


Which is not a factor that may affect the rate of absorption of certain medications with age?

Loss of power in mastication

The passageway, or hollow space, through the digestive tube is called the __________


How does lymph differ from plasma?

Lymph circulates more rapidly than plasma

Which of the following minerals is important in synthesizing and using ATP?


Loperamide is a medication used to slow and stop diarrhea. It inhibits nervous signalling to the large intestine, relaxing the smooth muscles within the intestinal wall and preventing intestinal contents from moving forward. The large peristaltic waves inhibited by loperamide are called __________

Mass movements

The double-layered folds of peritoneum that support portions of the small intestine are called _________


Rough projections on the tongue that provide friction are called ________


Disease-causing agents sixth as viruses are called


A child hanging upside down from a tree takes a bite from a candy bar. They manage to chew the candy and swallow it successfully. How does the bolus move along the esophagus?

Peristalsis of the esophageal walls force the bolts to the stomach

What is opsonization?

Process of coating of an antigen with proteins to make it more readily phagocytized.

What is the uvula?

Projection from the soft palate

What is the function of MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)

Protect against pathogens within digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.

What is the effect of parasympathetic innervation on the salivary glands secretions?

Small volume of water saliva

Several days after contracting a viral infection, Gregory noticed pressure and discomfort deep to his lower ribs o his left side. He is noticing symptoms that suggests that his __________ has become enlarged


The __________ trunk drains lymph from the upper limb


You are examining different dietary supplements, trying to choose one for your child. Each supplement contains only four amino acids. Which supplement would be most suitable for your child's essential amino acid needs?

Supplement W containing phenylalanine, lysine, cysteine, and valine

Which of the following activities should lead to the loss of at least a pound of fat in one week?

Swimming or running for an hour each day

A caloric intake that exceeds caloric output results in a positive energy balance.


A complete protein has adequate amounts of the essential amino acids.


A set of primary teeth consists of 20 teeth, whereas a set of secondary teeth consists of 32 teeth.


Amino acids can be used to synthesize proteins for cellular structures, to synthesize proteins that function in various body processes, and for energy.


Cholecystokinin stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the duodenum.


Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver.


Complete proteins can promote normal growth, whereas incomplete proteins cannot.


Fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms are transported away from the intestine in the lymph.


Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer than protein or carbohydrate foods.


From the stomach, food passes into the duodenum, then the jejunum, and then the ileum.


Glycogen stored in the liver and muscles of an adult provides enough reserve energy to meet energy demandsfor about 12 hours.


Maltase is a brush border enzyme of the small intestinethat digests the sugar maltose.


Obesity is defined as a BMI over 30.


One function of vitamin A is to act as an antioxidant.


Pancreatic acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice.


Peristalsis slows in the elderly.


Ribose and deoxyribose are examples of carbohydrates.


Sight or smell of food can stimulate salivation.


The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


The movement of chyme through the small intestine is increased by parasympathetic impulses and is inhibited by sympathetic impulses.


The organs of the alimentary canal are innervated by sympathetic as well as by parasympathetic nerve fibers.


The parotid gland differs from the submandibular and sublingual glands in that it secretes a clear fluid that is rich in amylase.


Vitamin E is stored primarily in adipose tissue and muscle.


Vitamin K and B12 are synthesized by bacteria of the large intestine and then absorbed into the blood.


Without a properly functioning large intestine, a person will have chronic diarrhea.


What is the result of a cellular immune response?

T cells attach directly to cells displaying foreign antigens and destroy them.

What feature of the spleen allows it to perform its function?

The close proximity of lymphatic vessels to the venous sinuses allows lymph to return to the blood stream

Morris has Crohn's disease and has been given the drug called Humira ®. His doctor told him that it is a monoclonal antibody. What does this mean?

The drug consists of a single type of antibody

What part of an antibody molecule binds to its targeted antigen?

The ends of the molecule consisting of both light and heavy chain variable regions.

All parts of the digestive tract have a mucosa layer. However, the appearance of the layer varies throughout the tract. Which of the following is a difference between the mucosae of the small and large intestines?

The mucosa of the small intestine has microvilli, and that of the large intestine does not.

A person has a hormonal disorder in which their stomach constantly secretes ghrelin. Predict the effect of this disorder.

The person will constantly feel hungry.

What occurs during a primary immune response?

The plasma antibody concentration increases slowly, peaking at about 10-12 days after exposure to antigen.

What is the relationship between antigens and antibodies?

The presence of an antigen triggers the production of antibodies.

Jenna contracted chicken pox, caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus, and made a full recovery. She is unlikely to suffer from chicken pox again because of what part of the immune response?

The production of memory B cells and memory T cells.

Which is not an involuntary part of the swallowing reflex?

The tongue rolls chewed food into a bolus and pushes it to the oropharynx.

How are the ingredients listed on the label of a packaged food?

They are listed in decreasing order by weight.

How do viruses differ from other pathogens?

They are not capable of reproducing outside a living cell.

What is true about the life-span of epithelial cells that form the inner lining of the small intestine?

They are replaced every few days

What is true for all of the enzymes that digest protein?

They are secreted in an inactive form

How do cytotoxic T cells destroy their targeted cells?

They release perforin which puts holes in the cell membranes of the targeted cells.

Lymph is the name of the __________ that has entered a lymphatic capillary.

Tissue fluid

What is good general dietary advice for athletes?

To eat 60% or more carbohydrates, mostly from grains and vegetables.

The partially encapsulated lymphatic nodules located in teh pharynx are called


Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?

Transporting oxygen-poor blood back to the venous system

A bacterial cell or a virus particle has multiple antigenic sites and will trigger a polyclonal response.


Active immunity results when a person is exposed to a pathogen and mounts an immune response against it.


As a result of an allergen binding to an IgE antibody, mast cells release histamine.


Autoimmune diseases are more common in older people.x


B lymphocytes do not interact with antigen-presenting cells. Rather, they target "free" antigens.


A group of people have their BMI scores calculated: Jordan has a BMI of 26. Matt has a BMI of 21. Kelsey has a BMI score of 29. Heather has a BMI score of 31. Chad has a BMI of 23. Which of these people is considered overweight by the BMI standards?

Two or more of these people are considered overweight

Anaphylactic shock is a risk with what type of hypersensitivity?

Type I hypersensitivity

What type of hypersensitivity involves T lymphocytes?

Type IV hypersensitivity

Which of the following is not lipid?


Which of the following vitamins can promote intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus?

Vit D

As a child, Sherry was poor and did not eat very well. A certain vitamin deficiency hindered development of the light-sensitive pigments in her eyes, and now she has poor vision in low-light environments. Which of the following vitamins should she take to improve her vision?

Vitamin A

Deficiency of vitamin __________ causes night blindness.

Vitamin A

What are examples of fat-soluble vitamins?

Vitamin A,D,K

Intrinsic factor is important in the absorption of __________.

Vitamin B12

Which of the following vitamins is necessary for production of collagen?

Vitamin C

Deficiency of vitamin __________ causes osteomalacia.

Vitamin D

Excess intake of which vitamin could possibly lead to irreversible renal damage?

Vitamin D

The body can synthesize a provitamin from dietary cholesterol and store it in skin. With exposure to ultraviolet light, this provitamin is changed to an inactive form of vitamin __________

Vitamin D

Stan takes vitamin supplements every day, buying whatever is on sale at the health food store. He develops nausea, headache, fatigue, easy bruising, and bleeding. Which vitamin is he likely taking in excess?

Vitamin E

What does BMI measure?

Weight in proportion to height

Where are clusters of B cells located within a lymph node?

Within the lymphatic nodules

Ashmi is 5'10" and weighs 160 pounds. According to the BMI chart, is she at a healthy weight?

Yes, she is at a healthy weight.

What is one of the functions of the large intestine?

absorb ingested water.

What responses to a pathogen are slower but more specific?

adaptive defenses

Individuals at highest risk for developing anorexia nervosa are _________


Riboflavin is carried in the blood combined with the blood protein called _________


The _________ canal includes mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anal canal


A negative nitrogen balance results from a net loss of __________.

amino acids

Proteins are composed of smaller subunits called ________

amino acids

Injections of gamma globulin will provide __________ immunity

artificially acquired passive

Grant has a condition in which his immune system has attacked and destroyed his thyroid gland. This is an example of a(n) __________

autoimmune disease

Rheumatic fever, Graves' disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus are examples of ___________

autoimmune disorders

Elliot thought that his peptic ulcers were caused by his nagging parents, and was surprised when the doctor handed him a prescription for medication to treat _______

bacterial infection

When does aging of the lymphatic system begin?

before birth

Cholesterol removed from the blood is excreted as a component of _________


Jaundice is the abnormal yellowish-tint of tissues, such as the sclera of the eye. Jaundice is due to the accumulation of what substance?

bile pigments

Which constituent of bile has a digestive function?

bile salts

What is found in the root canal of a tooth?

blood vessels and nerves

What is the main part of the stomach is called?


The instrument that measures the caloric content of a food sample is a(n) _______

bomb calorimeter

Because of their location, swollen palatine tonsils may interfere with _________

both breathing and swallowing

Hannah eats tremendous amounts of food, but then takes laxatives, vomits, and exercises to keep from gaining weight. She has an eating disorder called _________


The units of heat that measure the amount of energy in food are called __________.


What is the target of cytotoxic T cells?

cancer cells and virally infected cells

Sarah is trying to understand the principle of energy balance so she can develop a diet plan. What is an important fact for her to understand?

if energy expenditure exceeds caloric intake, it creates a negative energy balance. This leads to weight loss.

What part of the digestive tract has the most lymph nodules and bacteria?


What teeth are best adapted for biting off chunks of food?


Stomach cells secrete gastrin. What is the function of gastrin?

increase the secretion by the gastric glands.

The redness and swelling that occurs with inflammation is due to what changes in the infected/injured tissue?

increased blood flow and capillary permeability

Henry has a scrape on his knee that has become infected. What set of lymph nodes would be expected to become enlarged as a result?

inguinal lymph nodes

Virus-infected cells release __________ that function to protect nearby cells from becoming infected.


Which of the following is a trace element?


Tissue fluid is formed when fluid _________ and lymph is formed when fluid _________

is forced out of blood plasma; enters lymph capillaries

Sarah eats fruits, vegetables and dairy, but no meat or eggs. She is a(n) __________.


The epiglottis is attached to the ________


Which of the following is a good source of complex carbohydrates?

leafy greens

After eating, the hormone __________ signals the hypothalamus to suppress appetite.


Ankyloglossia is a condition in which the tongue is almost completely anchored to the floor of the mouth along its midline. This causes the sufferer to have extreme difficulty talking and manipulating food during the process of mastication. The abnormal overgrowth of what structure would cause this condition?

lingual frenulum

David has sustained severe damage to his liver in a car accident. Digestion of which nutrient will be most affected?


What organ produces VLDL?


Which organ is not part of the gastrointestinal tract?


The mechanical breakup of food particles in the mouth is called __________


Mucus, tears, saliva, and hair are all examples of what type of defense against potential pathogens?

mechanical barriers

The bacterial species Heliobacter pylori has been associated with the formation of stomach ulcers. The bacteria burrows into the mucosal lining of the stomach, degrading it and forming a hole. What type of innate defense is this bacteria overcoming?

mechanical barriers

Where are the supratrochlear lymph nodes located

medial side of elbow

As a whole, the chemical reactions that are used by cells to build and break down compounds are referred to as ________.


Carrie is being examined by her dentist, who notices that she has many cavities (caries). When she tells him about her dental regimen, he explains to her that she doesn't brush her teeth often enough to remove the bacteria that __________, which is why she has so many cavities.

metabolize carbohydrates in food, producing acidic by-products that damage enamel and dentin

What cells make up the mononuclear phagocytic system?

monocytes and macrophages

Fructose, glucose, and galactose are examples of a type of carbohydrate called ________


The alimentary canal extends between what two points?

mouth to anus

The __________ is the layer of the alimentary canal wall that absorbs nutrients.


What is the correct sequence for the layers in the walls of the alimentary canal from innermost to outermost?

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

Taking NSAID pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen for several weeks disrupts prostaglandin hormone signalling to cells in the stomach. This causes an interruption in production of the protective inner coating of the stomach, which leads to ulcers and further acid erosion. Which gastric cells are being affected by prolonged use of NSAID pain relievers?

mucous neck cells

Chylomicrons transport dietary fats to __________ through the blood.

muscle and adipose cells

What type of immune resistance will a person develop after contracting and fighting off an infection?

naturally acquired active immunity

Cells of the __________ system require a continuous supply of glucose.


What type of phagocytic cells are circulating in the blood?

neutrophils and monocytes

Evangeline is 5'4" and weighs 200 pounds giving her a BMI score of 34. According to the BMI chart, she is _________


Which of the following is high in monounsaturated fats?

olive oil

The parotid gland is located __________ and functions to _________

on the side of the mouth; produce and secrete saliva

Which is not a medical condition that affects the ability to obtain adequate nutrition?


What monosaccarides are part of RNA and DNA?

ribose and deoxyribose

If you take a piece of white bread and chew it slowly for a long period of time, the flavor will become very sweet. This is due to the starch molecules in the bread being digested into smaller sugars that trigger a sweet sensation. Which substance is responsible for this breakdown?

salivary amylase

You are flipping through your Instagram feed, which is full of pictures of food. Which of the following digestive processes did this most likely stimulate?


The typical source of dietary iodine is iodized __________


Cervical lymph nodes filter lymph draining from what region

scalp and face

The major mixing movement in the small intestine is accomplished by ________


Where are nucleic acids chemically digested?

small intestine

What is found in most over-the-counter antacids?

sodium, aluminum, calcium, or magnesium.

Red and white pulp are found in what structure?


The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is responsible for the infection known as mononucleosis. The virus attacks B lymphocytes and uses them to replicate itself. When the immune system manages to halt EBV production, the virus still remains dormant in infected B cells for the rest of the life of the host. In which of the following locations would you most likely find dormant EBV in a previously infected person?


What is the action of the hormone secretin?

stimulates release of pancreatic juice.

Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

storage of bile

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?


Following a tissue transplant, the transplant recipients typically need to take medications to __________.

suppress their immune system

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