Chapter 17 & 18 Art History, A-H 106 Exam 1, AP Art History Set 3, Art Review Set 5, ARH 115-Chapter 16-Quiz 16, ARH 151 Quiz 17- The Renaissance, ARH 115-Chapter18-Quiz18, ARH 115-Chapter 19-Quiz 19, ARH 115-Chapters 20-Quiz 20, ARH 115-Chapters 21-...

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exterior walls appeared heavier

As the Gothic period progressed, all of the following architectural innovations occurred except __________.

palace interior is lavishly decorated with dramatic vistas

In the Palace at Versailles, all of the following elements echo Renaissance techniques except that the __________.


Islam was founded in the 6th century CE as a polytheistic religion in the tradition of Abraham.

repentance through prayer

The iconography of the Romanesque Last Judgment tympanum from the Cathedral of Autun was intended to convey pictorially __________.


The jamb figures of Mary and Elizabeth on the west portal of Reims Cathedral are placed in a naturalistic weight-shift stance also known as __________.

Jackson Pollock

Many American artists of the second half of the 20th century engaged with racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual issues in their artworks. Which of the following artists was not a part of this effort to diversify the art world in terms of racial identity?

Poussin; Rubens

Neoclassical artists were heavily influenced by the linear quality of works by French Baroque artist ___________; Romantic artists, on the other hand, were heavily influenced by the painterly quality of Flemish Baroque artist _________.

Protestantism and Iconoclasm

New Christian group that was against the Catholic Chruch and therefore created their own sect of Christianity; the rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical; the doctrine of iconoclasts

Venetian Painting Style

Pertaining to or designating a style of painting developed in Venice principally during the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized chiefly by rich, often warm colors and the illusion of deep space.

​Because Cimabue and Giotto's paintings combine Late Gothic and Early Renaissance styles, they are classified as __________.



The Great Mosque at Cordoba is known for its vast hypostyle prayer hall; the Alhambra in Granada is known for its decorative Court of the Lions. Both of these Islamic architectural monuments are located in ________.

colossal heads made of stone

The Olmec civilization is best known today for __________.

naturalistic figures in contrapposto

The San Vitale apse mosaic Justinian and Attendants is characterized by all of the following except __________.

Saint Bartholomew (attribute: flailed skin)

Was martyred by being skinned alive, Michelangelo paints his self portrait in The Last Judgement in the likeness of his flailed skin

When Michelangelo was only 27, he carved the 13½-foot statue of David from __________.

a single piece of almost unworkable marble

Gustave Courbet's manifesto reads "To record the manners, ideas, and aspects of the age as I myself saw them - to be a man as well as a painter - in short to create a living art - that is my aim." Courbet is considered the father of __________.


Although much Roman art is stylistically derived from Greece, portrait sculptures like Head of a Roman are notable for their incredible __________, made possible by __________.

realism; wax death masks

​The forms and composition of Titian's Venus of Urbino were evolved primarily from __________.

interactions of colors and contrasts of textures


medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter

​As evidenced in The Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli loved, above all else, to paint __________.

mythological themes


What best describes the technique used to create the Neolithic sculpture of the robed male figure from Mohenjo-Daro?

Kirchner and Kandinsky

Which artists worked in Germany before World War I, creating works with intense psychological, emotional, and spiritual content.


Which of the following is not associated with a mosque?

Their compositions are wholly non-objective

Which of the following statements does not apply to the Fauves and their paintings?

The Sistine Chapel

Which of the following was not a Baroque addition to St. Peter's?​


Which religion began in the 6th century BCE?

Prince Siddartha Gautauma

Who was the Buddha, or the Enlightened One?

The minaret

___________ is the tower used to call Muslims to prayer.


____________ was Ingres's major artistic rival; his dynamic painting entitled The Death of Sardanapalus was inspired by Lord Byron's tragic poem about an Assyrian king.

Angelica Kauffman

_____________ was a famous Neoclassical painter working in England; she painted herself into an allegorical work entitled The Artist in the Character of Design Listening to the Inspiration of Poetry.

Reformation and Counter-Reformation

a 16th-century movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Catholic Church ended in the establishment of Protestant churches; re-birthing of the Catholic Church and all of the art and music styles that were associated with it

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

​Francesco Borromini's __________ is an organic building that incorporates the Baroque elements of motion, space, and light.

graphic representation of man's inhumanity to man

​Francisco Goya, who was neither Neoclassicist nor Romantic, is best known for his __________, one of the most famous of which is The Third of May, 1808.

classically inspired facial features

​In Jean-Honoré Fragonard's Happy Accidents of the Swing, all of the following are characteristics of the Rococo and depicted in the painting except __________.

a mood of impending doom and despair

​In Wasily Kandinsky's Sketch I for Composition VII, all of the following elements are found except __________.


​In both of their paintings of Judith Decapitating Holofernes, Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi utilized a harsh, theatrical "spotlight" effect known as __________.

Starry Night

​In his __________, Vincent van Gogh's vibrant colors, characteristic long, thin strokes and feverish application of paint creates an emotionalism that turns a sleepy town into a cosmic display.

the Guerrilla Girls

​In the 1980s, a group of anonymous women artists banded together to fight injustice against women in the art market. They were known as __________.

the Virgin Mary

​In the Gothic period, __________ assumed a new primary role of importance in art and architecture.

magnificent draftsman

​In the Grande Odalisque, the articulation of the heavy drapery contrasts with the crisp treatment of the linens and sensual lines of the harem mistress's body, revealing that, above all else, Ingres was a __________.

hunting lodge

​King Louis XIV's Palace at Versailles was originally the site of his __________.

compositional triangle

​Nicolas Poussin's Rape of the Sabine Women utilizes a(n) __________, thereby borrowing a Renaissance technique for structuring a balanced composition.

most significant figure painter

​Of all of the Impressionists, Pierre-Auguste Renoir was the __________, as evidenced in his Le Moulin de la Galette.


​One major source of inspiration for Jean-Michel Basquiat's art works was __________.

the invasion of England by William the Conqueror

​Perhaps the most famous surviving tapestry is the 230-foot long Romanesque period Bayeux Tapestry, which describes __________ in a continuous narrative.

Michael Graves

​Postm odern architects "warmed" up buildings and linked them to the past; which one of the following architects is considered postmodern?

twentieth-century abstraction and expressionism

​Realism is firmly rooted in a long, realistic tradition in the arts, but as a recognized artistic movement of the 1970s, it is also in part a reaction against __________.


​Surrealism began as a literary movement after World War I, and the group based their writings on the nonrational, using a technique known as __________ writing.

Rome; Reformation​

​The Baroque era was born in __________, at least in part as a reaction to the spread of Protestantism resulting from the __________.

virtuoso brushwork and a brilliant palette

​The Neoclassical style is characterized by all of the following except __________.

Pointillism; color theories

​The Post-Impressionist Georges Seurat's painting technique is known as __________, which is a meticulous application of pigment that he derived from the study of __________.

light filtering through arched windows at its base

​The massive dome of Hagia Sophia appears to be light and graceful due to __________.

​Jacopo Pontormo's Mannerist Entombment depicts all of the following except __________.

faces that are calm and display no emotion

Renaissance Man

A person with many talents or areas of knowledge


A style of 16th-century Italian art preceding the Baroque, characterized by unusual effects of scale, lighting, and perspective, and the use of bright, often lurid colors

​twelfth and thirteenth centuries

Academics generally agree that the Gothic style of architecture began in __________.


According to legend, Buddha's body parts are distributed among __________ throughout India.


All of the following civilizations, except for the ___________, flourished in Mesoamerica.

figural representations

All of the following, except for _________, are associated with Islamic art and architecture.

the Great Stupa

All of the following, except for __________, are associated with Shi Huangdi.

Temple of Hatshepsut

Artist: Senmut, chancellor, architect-engineer, and possible lover Deir el-Bahri, Egypt circa. 1473-1458 Created as a tomb for the female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut

royal tombs

Bronze ceremonial vessels, dating from the Shang Dynasty, were primarily found in which location?

Hatshepsut with offering jars

Deir el-Bahri, Egypt circa. 1473-1458 Red Granite Wears royal headdress and ceremonial beard

society's outcasts

For The Conversion of St. Paul, Caravaggio selected the models in his painting from __________.

Menkaure and Khamerenebty

Giza, Egypt circa. 2490-2472 made of slate Depict Menkaure and his wife

Pyramid of Khafre

Giza, c. 2520-2494 B.C.E. Tomb for Khafre Made of core stones Simpler Interior than that of Khufu One burial room

Pyramid of Khufu

Giza, c. 2551-2528 B.C.E. Tomb for Khufu Made of quarried inner and outer core stones

Great Sphinx

Head of King, body of lion Created for Khafre Located near the tomb of Khafre Carved from the bedrock of the Egyptian Plateau Lion was a royal symbol


Hinduism combines ritualized worship of one god with an intellectual tradition that tries to comprehend the meaning of people and the cosmos.


Hinduism originated in ___________.


Idea of paying or doing good deeds to be placed in purgatory for a lesser amount of time, occurred within the Roman Catholic churches

Anamorphic Image

Image that appears normal only when viewed from some particular perspective or when viewed through some transforming optical device such as a mirror.

The Bay

In Post-Painterly Abstract works, such as Helen Frankenthaler's _________, the canvas and image are now literally one.

quilt and pillow

In Robert Rauschenberg's combine painting The Bed, he uses a(n) __________ as his canvas.


In St. Sernin, the ceiling structure is a stone barrel vault, which was necessary for __________.

black pottery

In the late Neolithic period, the Longshan culture established cities along the Yellow River in China. In terms of art, this culture is best known today for its ________.

Hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re

Karnak, Egypt circa. 1290-1224 Stone Hypostyle-ceiling supported by columns Made in a clerestory fashion to allow in light.

Considered a true Renaissance man, __________ excelled in engineering, the natural sciences, anatomy, music, and technological prototypes, not to mention creating some of the world's best loved paintings.

Leonardo da Vinci

​Considered a true Renaissance man, __________ excelled in engineering, the natural sciences, anatomy, music, and technological prototypes, not to mention creating some of the world's best loved paintings.

Leonardo da Vinci

Great Pyramids of Giza

Location: Giza Function: Made as tombs for rulers Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. Other: Made with solar reference to be on the side of the setting sun


Many late 19th and early 20th century European artists were impacted by African, Oceanic, and Iberian masks they saw exhibited in Parisian ethnographic museums. Their interest in non‑Western art forms, known as _________, contributed to the development of abstraction in modern art.

not... shaped canvases Pop Art large, hard-edged black circles

Mark Rothko is renowned for his __________.

the Final Prophet

Muslims consider Muhammad, the founder of Islam, to be __________.

create a pleasing pattern

Of works such as the Red Room, Henri Matisse said it should be "a mental soother, something like a good armchair in which to rest." This is because Matisse's primary concern was to __________.

Genre Painting

Painting that depicts everyday life

Pope Julius II

Pope who commissioned Moses and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

The word __________ is derived from the French and means rebirth.


​The word __________ is derived from the French and means rebirth.


Seated scribe from his Mastaba

Saqqara, Egypt circa. 2450-2350 Painted Limestone Identified as Kay

Pyramid of Menkaure

Smallest of the pyramids Pyramid chambers much more complex than others

an influx of riches from the New World

Spain was one of the wealthiest European countries during the Baroque and lavishly supported the arts, at least partly due to __________.


The Dome of the Rock is a mosque.


The Dome of the Rock is the greatest example of early Islamic architecture. It is located in _________.


The Shang Dynasty is a Bronze Age urban civilization that developed trade and commerce in modern-day _______.

Claude Monet's; Rouen Cathedral

The dissolution of surfaces and study of local color was central to __________ art, which is dramatically evident in a series of canvases depicting __________ from a variety of angles during different times of day and seasons.

the Indus River Valley

The earliest South Asian cities developed around 3000 BCE in the __________, the region corresponding to modern-day Pakistan.


The earliest known African rock paintings date from about 6,000 to 4,000 BCE, which corresponds to the _________ Period.


The massive terra-cotta army of the First Emperor of China consists of thousands of life-size soldiers, which were painted and individualized to some degree. What was the original purpose for this sculptural army?


The ruins of ____________ include a citadel, a grid plan of streets, a central marketplace, public baths, and a sewage system.

action painting; Jackson Pollock

The term __________ was coined in 1951 to describe the process of dripping and splattering paint on huge canvases, a technique associated primarily with __________.

The Book of the Dead

Thebes, Egypt circa. 1290-1280 Painted papyrus Portrays the judgement of a royal scribe and the process of it

Innermost coffin of Tutankhamen

Thebes, Egypt circa. 1323 Gold with inlay of enamel and semiprecious stones Coffin of King Tut

16th Century in Europe

Time where the Catholic Church reaffirmed itself as the main church power and when new types of music were introduced into the churches and society

​ For his bronze statue of David, the first life-size nude since classical times, Donatello chose __________ as a prototype.

a barely adolescent boy

​Using the laws of perspective in his Holy Trinity fresco, Masaccio created the illusion of an extension of the architectural space of the church by painting a(n) __________.

barrel-vaulted chapel with holy and common figures

The Pantheon's dome is __________ to lessen the weight of it both physically and visually.



creating a smoky appearance in a painting

​In his Creation of Adam scene from the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo created the most __________ in the history of art as God reached out to spark life into Adam.

dramatic negative space

The circles, squares, patterning, and rigid wedge-shaped torsos depicted on the Dipylon Vase indicate that it is a fine example of the __________ period of Greek art.


Francisco Goya, who was neither Neoclassicist nor Romantic, is best known for his __________, one of the most famous of which is The Third of May, 1808.

graphic representation of man's inhumanity to man

Unlike Romanesque sculpture, Gothic sculptural figures __________.

have drapery folds that are soft and reveal anatomy


light and dark

​As seen in Tintoretto's The Last Supper, his __________ anticipate(s) the Baroque style.

loose brushwork and dramatic white spotlighting


loosely means design in Italian, means the artist's way they view the world

Ergotism or Saint Anthony's Fire

poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot, depicted in the Isenheim Altarpiece

Perhaps the most famous surviving tapestry is the 230-foot long Romanesque period Bayeux Tapestry, which describes __________ in a continuous narrative.

the invasion of England by William the Conqueror

​The young artist Raphael painted numerous canvases of the Madonna and Child, but some of his most impressive compositions, like The School of Athens, were executed for __________.

the papal apartments in the Vatican


​ Along with their interest in psychoanalysis, the Surrealists also incorporated some of the attitudes and techniques of the __________ movements.

crossing square

​ An architectural aspect of the church of St. Sernin is its use of the __________.

Ana Mendieta

​ Feminist artist ____________ draped her body in mud for her performance piece Arbol de la Vida. In terms of its visual impact, most viewers who saw it were likely shocked by its extraordinary contrasts of texture.

finding the simplest form that, along with a title, would spark recognition in the viewer

​ In Constantin Brancusi's sculptures, such as Bird in Space, he reached for the essence of the subject by __________.

Pop Art

​ One major tenet of _______________ is that the work should be so objective, commercialized, and mundane that it eliminates the the personal signature of the artist.

early Christians​

​ The catacombs were a huge network of galleries and burial chambers beneath the city of Rome where __________ worshiped in secret and buried their dead.


​ The first centuries after the death of Jesus, before Emperor ________________ proclaimed religious tolerance for Christians, were known as the period of persecution.

were influenced by African, Oceanic, and Iberian sculpture

​ The modern Realist painters of the 19th century, such as Gustave Courbet and Édouard Manet, were bound by all of the following, except they __________.


​ Which of the following historical personalities is not associated with the Enlightenment?

Synthetic Cubist; collage

​ __________ compositions, such as Picasso's The Bottle of Suze, use a technique known as __________ to emphasize the form of the object and its construction rather than its disintegration.

The Nazis

​ __________ shut down the Bauhaus in 1933, forcing many of its faculty, including Walter Gropius and Mies van der Rohe, to flee to the United States.

Old St. Peter's; basilican

​ __________ was one of the first and most important churches erected during the Early Christian period. With its long nave and apse at one end, it was a __________ plan church.

Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow

​"All painting is composed of line and color. Line and color are the essence of painting. Hence they must be freed from their bondage to the imitation of nature and allowed to exist for themselves." An example of a painting this artist is referring to is __________.

Edvard Munch's The Scream

​"I saw the flaming clouds like blood and a sword—the bluish-black fjord and town—my friends walked on—I stood there—trembling with anxiety—and I felt as though Nature were convulsed by a great unending scream." This quote is describing __________.

continued painting religious and mythological scenes as in Baroque Italy

​After Martin Luther's Reformation, Dutch artists painted scenes of daily life, whereas Flemish artists __________.

introspection and psychological situations

​All of Rembrandt's paintings, drawings, and prints seem to focus on __________.

He modeled his figures using chiaroscuro.

​As depicted in Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe, Édouard Manet utilized all but one of the following "modern" painting techniques:


​Before the Baroque period ended, __________ began to replace Rome as the center of the art world.

intense interest in native African and Iberian sculpture

​Cubism was heavily influenced by Paul Cézanne in all but one of the following ways:


​For his Neoclassical sculpture of Pauline Borghese, Antonio Canova chose to portray her as __________.

maids of honor; Impressionism

​For his mysterious Las Meninas, or the __________, Diego Velázquez dissolved his forms into small, roughly textured brushstrokes that would be the hallmark of __________ two centuries later.

drastic collapsing of space, forcing imagery to the picture plane

​The movement away from a realistic representation of subjects toward abstraction took many forms, but Paul Cézanne led the way toward modernism with his __________, as seen in his Still Life with Basket of Apples.

bordello of the Parisian demimonde

​The setting of Édouard Manet's reclining nude figure of Olympia is a(n) __________.

rendered objects from multiple and radically different views

​The term Cubism, coined by a hostile critic, is limiting because it is an inadequate description that ignores the movement's most significant contribution: a new treatment of pictorial space that __________.

space; Neoclassicism

​What was modern about the "new" art of the late-18th century in France was its concept of __________. The first period of modern art to use planar recession was __________.

Peter Paul Rubens

​Which of the following Baroque painters was an ambassador, diplomat, and court painter to dukes and kings and supervised a huge workshop of assistants?

The colors are harsh and garish.

​Which of the following does not describe Jan Vermeer's Young Woman with a Water Jug?

His pictorial spatial organization was derived from Renaissance prototypes.

​Which of the following statements about Edgar Degas is not true? ​Which of the following statements about Edgar Degas is not true?

Abstract Expressionism​

​__________ is characterized by spontaneous execution, large gestural brushstrokes, abstract or abstracted imagery, and intense color fields, all produced on large, monumental canvases.

​When Michelangelo was only 27, he carved the 13½-foot statue of David from __________.

​a single piece of almost unworkable marble

​Some of the purest examples of Renaissance Classicism are to be found in the __________ of Leon Battista Alberti.


​ During the Renaissance period, there was a revival of all of the following except __________.

​spirituality and otherworldliness

​ The Renaissance began in 1401 with a competition for the commission to sculpt bronze doors for the baptistery of Florence. The subject of the entry panels was __________.

​the Sacrifice of Isaac

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