Chapter 18

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When did Russian serfdom become hereditary? Select one: a. 1453 b. 1618 c. 1482 d. 1558 e. 1649


All of the following countries participated in the successive partitions of Poland EXCEPT Select one: a. Hungary. b. Poland. c. Prussia. d. Austria. e. Russia


Although early modern Russia was paternalistic, evidence that reforms in Russia included women is proven by all these changes EXCEPT: (A) the right of women to sue in court and divorce their husbands. (B) the rule of four Russian tsarinas (empresses). (C) the right of women to appear in public. (D) the end to the marriage tradition in which a whip was handed from father to bridegroom. (E) decrees westernizing women's dress and manners and permitting education.


Economically, early modern Russia was (A) largely agricultural and dependent on Western trade. (B) largely industrialized. (C) poor and backward with few items to export and unable to feed itself. (D) self-sufficient enough to be uninterested in trade. (E) one of the leading partners in international trade.


Following the death of Peter the Great, the next powerful ruler of Russia was Select one: a. Catherine the Great. b. Peter III. c. Ivan IV. d. Alexander III. e. Frederick II.


In order to expand, Russia had to defeat all these neighboring states EXCEPT: (A) Austria. (B) Sweden. (C) Poland-Lithuania. (D) the Ottoman Empire. (E) the Khanate of the Golden Horde


Russians who refused to accept tsarist reforms of the Orthodox church and who were exiled to Siberia for their conservatism were called Select one: a. "Old Believers." b. fundamentalists. c. boyars. d. bogomils. e. cossacks.


What family was selected in 1613 to establish a new ruling dynasty in Russia? Select one: a. Romanov b. Radishev c. Esterhazy d. Molotov e. Habsburg


What government did Ivan the Great claim to have succeeded as the "third Rome"? Select one: a. The Byzantine Empire b. The Ottoman Empire c. Holy Roman Empire d. The Umayyad Empire e. The Abbasid Empire


What political center served as the focal point for the Russian liberation from the Mongols? Select one: a. Duchy of Moscow b. Kiev c. St. Petersburg d. Crimean peninsula e. Principate of Novgorod


Who led the Russian peasant rebellion of the 1770s? Select one: a. Pugachev b. Constantinov c. Kirov d. Radishev e. Kosygin


A substantial merchant class in Russia during the 18th century Select one: a. gained political power. b. failed to develop. c. emerged among the lesser nobility within the Russian cities. d. sprang from peasant origins. e. was restricted to the cities of Moscow, Novgorod, and St. Petersburg.


Compared to Western governments, how great a role did the Russian government play in economic development? Select one: a. Because of the dependent nature of the Russian economy, the government played a relatively less significant role in economic development. b. Because of the absence of a merchant class, the Russian government played a greater role than was common in Western states. c. Unlike the West, all production and distribution of goods was controlled by the government. d. Like the West, the government's role in the economy was largely restricted to establishing tariffs and protective measures for domestic industries. e. The Russian government had no role in economic development, a task it abandoned to foreign investors.


Eastern Europe shared with Russia all of the following characteristics EXCEPT Select one: a. poverty. b. the development of empire. c. the dominance of the landed aristocracy. d. rigid serfdom. e. the lack of a native commercial class and a significant urban culture.


The only group to support the tsars' attempts to modernize Russia and increase the power of the central government was (A) boyars. (B) urban artisans and merchants. (C) peasants. (D) clergy. (E) ethnic minorities


What sea became critical in the development of Russian power during the reign of Peter the Great? Select one: a. Azov b. Baltic c. North d. Mediterranean e. Caspian


What was Catherine the Great's attitude toward the program of Westernization? Select one: a. Catherine earned the title of Enlightened monarch by fully embracing the ideas of the French Enlightenment, including the abolition of the serfs. b. Catherine flirted vigorously with the ideas of the French Enlightenment, but failed to take steps to abolish serfdom. c. She was more interested in the process of Asianization and reforming the aristocracy. d. Catherine rejected the concepts of Westernization in favor of a distinctive Russian culture. e. Catherine was eager to continue the policy of Westernization, but was unable to attract Western philosophers to backward Russia.


What was the impact of early Russian expansion on central Asia? Select one: a. There was no impact at first but as time went by, there was a gradual assimilation of the Chinese speaking groups b. Independent central Asia, the source of nomadic cultures and invasion forces, was eliminated. c. Central Asia revived economically as a result of the expansion. d. Russian society became more culturally and ethnically homogeneous. e. Chinese trade was refocused through Russia and eastern Europe.


What was the state of the Russian economy immediately after the expulsion of the Mongols in the 15th century? Select one: a. Russia was following the West into an economy dominated by merchants and capitalists. b. Russia had become a more purely agricultural economy, dependent on peasant labor. c. Fueled by the establishment of the Tatar trade routes with the East, Russia had developed a significant export trade and merchant class. d. Russia was already a dependent region within the global economy dominated by the West. e. Russia's economic ties were almost exclusively with the Ottoman Empire and hence with Africa.


Which of the following statements concerning the political voice of the Russian nobility is most accurate? Select one: a. The nobility virtually ran the Russian empire with very little interference from the central government. b. The politics of the Russian nobility were expressed through service in the tsarist state and the preeminent power they wielded over the peasant serfs. c. The exclusion of the Russian nobility under Catherine the Great from any role in the central government or the military relegated them to strictly local authority. d. The Russian nobility exercised enormous influence through the powerful assemblies that continued to legislate through the 18th century. e. Under Catherine the Great the Russian nobility was virtually exterminated.


As Russia expanded, (A) it acquired a larger Russian population. (B) it became a largely Muslim state. (C) serfdom spread. (D) the free population expanded. (E) nobles lost their influence to merchants and artisans


In what way did Peter the Great shift the foreign policy interests of Russia? Select one: a. Peter the Great initiated the Russian invasion of China. b. Peter abandoned the Russian policies of expansion in favor of consolidation at the center. c. Peter's wars with the Ottoman Empire and Sweden indicated a westward shift in Russian expansion. d. Peter allied himself with the traditional Russian enemy, the Ottoman Empire. e. Peter began Russian expansion into North America and Japan.


Ivan the Great declared that the Russian empire was the successor to which great empire? Select one: a. Mongol Empire b. Han China c. Rome d. The Golden Horde e. The Ottoman Empire


Much of the territory added to the Russian empire during the 17th and 18th centuries was Select one: a. Polynesian. b. Balkan. c. Asian. d. African. e. North American.


The Russian radical and nobleman who, inspired by the philosophies of the West, urged the abolition of serfdom during the reign of Catherine the Great was Select one: a. Romanov. b. Turgenev. c. Radishev. d. Ulanov. e. Pugachev.


What tsar was responsible for the abolition of the assemblies of the nobles and reform of the Orthodox church? Select one: a. Ivan IV b. Ivan III c. Alexis d. Peter I e. Michael


Where was Peter the Great's program of economic development concentrated? Select one: a. Rapid urbanization b. Farming c. Mining and metallurgical industries d. Pottery production e. Cloth production


Which of the following is NOT indicative of Russia's growing economic dependence on the West during the 18th century? Select one: a. A coercive labor system b. Importation of luxuries and some manufactured goods c. Self-sufficiency in metals and weapons d. Exportation of raw materials-furs, grain, and timber e. The need to imitate the West


Which of the following was NOT a form of contact with the West during the reigns of the Ivans? Select one: a. Diplomatic missions were sent to leading Western states. b. Territorial expansion along the Polish and Lithuanian border c. Military alliances were signed with Spain and Portugal. d. Western merchants established outposts in Moscow and other centers. e. Italian artists and craftsmen were imported for building projects.


Following the death of Ivan IV, Russian boyars attempted to limit tsarist autocracy and gain governing rights for themselves during the Select one: a. Great Schism. b. Boyar War. c. Era of Division. d. Time of Troubles. e. Russian civil war.


How did the Polish government differ from the Russian model after 1600? Select one: a. It was a monarchy. b. There was an absence of a merchant class. c. Poland was more urbanized. d. The central government was powerless. e. Poland lacked a landed aristocracy.


Peasants recruited to migrate to newly-seized lands in the Russian empire were called Select one: a. slavs. b. emigrati. c. boyars. d. cossacks. e. "Old Believers."


Peter the Great's symbol of his reforms, westernization, and foreign policy was (A) his visit to the West to learn firsthand about institutions and technologies. (B) toleration of religious minorities and laws granting freedom of worship. (C) the shaving of the nobles' beards. (D) building St. Petersburg as the new capital and a port on the Baltic. (E) his conversion to Islam


Russia did not experience either the Renaissance or Reformation because (A) Russia did not exist at the time of either movement. (B) Russia was engaged in a long war with the Ottoman Empire. (C) both revolutions were confined to Italy. (D) Mongol rule cut Russia off and isolated her from Western contacts. (E) Russia had no intellectual elites able to understand either movement.


The development of coercive labor systems in eastern Europe was indicative of Select one: a. Russia's economic dominance over Asian trade. b. poor race relations in the East. c. the creation of a core economic zone in Russia. d. eastern Europe's growing economic subordination to the West. e. the development of industrial strength in the region.


The greatest source of social unrest in early modern Russia was (A) noble opposition to westernization. (B) the clergy and religious opposition to the non-Christian minorities. (C) rapid growth of towns and factories. (D) the lack of real reform and especially rights for the serfs. (E) caused by intellectuals and radicals opposed to the tsars' authority.


What eastern European nation declined most dramatically after 1500? Select one: a. Hungary b. Prussia c. Austria d. Poland e. Lithuania


What was one of the primary limitations on the expansion of the agricultural economy? Select one: a. The lack of cheap labor b. The lack of estate agricultural systems in Russia c. The lack of available and arable land d. Lack of technological improvement e. The lack of markets for Russian surpluses


What was the limitation of Peter the Great's policies of cultural Westernization? Select one: a. Despite tsarist proclamations, Westernization failed to have any impact on Russian society. b. He made no attempt to introduce Western education, particularly in technological subjects. c. Peter made no attempt to enforce cultural reforms. d. Westernization was limited to the elite. e. He did not have firsthand knowledge of Western institutions


What was the purpose of Peter the Great's policy of economic development? Select one: a. To create a peasant class that could support the nobility b. To create a free working class devoted to industry rather than agriculture c. To raise the standard of living of all Russians d. To avoid the need of importing military armaments e. To create a wealthy merchant class capable of financing further expansion


Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of Tsar Michael? Select one: a. Driving out foreign invaders b. Inclusion of part of the Ukraine, including Kiev, in the Russian empire c. The reestablishment of internal order d. Updating practices in the Orthodox Church e. A successful war against Poland


Why did the Russian expansion policy focus particularly on central Asia? Select one: a. Most of the Russian population remained ethnically Mongol with clear cultural ties to central Asia. b. Russians wanted to control the lucrative fur trade in Siberia. c. The Russians wished to seize control of the trade routes with China. d. The Russians were motivated by a desire to push the former Mongol overlords farther back to prevent renewed invasion. e. There were natural barriers to westward expansion.


. In contrast to American slaves, Russian serfs (A) had fewer rights. (B) could neither be owned nor sold. (C) were largely skilled laborers working in export industries. (D) grew mostly cotton, sugar, and tobacco. (E) produced only for a domestic, local economy.


In order to accomplish her domestic goals, Catherine the Great (A) followed Enlightenment ideas and democratized her government. (B) supported peasant demands for reform and free land. (C) abolished serfdom and slavery. (D) supported the French Revolution when it broke out. (E) allied with the nobles and gave them absolute control over their peasants.


Ivan IV, called Ivan the Terrible, Select one: a. destroyed the hold of the Vikings on Russia and eastern Europe. b. was responsible for the incorporation of Poland into the Russian empire. c. abandoned the principles of territorial expansion in favor of centralizing power at home. d. allied himself with the Russian aristocracy in a policy of political decentralization. e. wished to confirm tsarist autocracy by attacking the authority of boyars.


Peter the Great established a new capital for Russia at Select one: a. Novgorod. b. Kiev. c. Moscow. d. Ekaterinburg. e. St. Petersburg.


Politically, what aspects of Western culture did Peter the Great emulate in Russia? Select one: a. Parliamentary government b. Republicanism c. Aristocratic control of the bureaucracy d. Separation of church and state e. Royal control over the bureaucracy and reorganized military


Under what Russian ruler was a large part of Russia freed from Mongol control in the 15th century? Select one: a. Peter III b. Ivan IV c. Boris Godunov d. Alexis Romanov e. Ivan III


What percentage of the Russian population remained rural in the 18th century? Select one: a. 75 percent b. 60 percent c. 50 percent d. 20 percent e. 95 percent


What was one of the primary differences between the social organization of the West and Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries? Select one: a. There was much more forced labor in Western Europe than in Russia due to the needs of the growing industrial base. b. Russia's merchant class was more fully developed than that of the West. c. The agricultural labor of the West was subject to a more restrictive form of serfdom than that of Russia. d. The West had no formal aristocracy by the 18th century, but in Russia the nobility retained their political and social function. e. Russia saw a progressive intensification of serfdom while the West was relaxing this institution in favor of other labor systems.


What was the relationship between Catherine the Great's government and local administration? Select one: a. The government established by Catherine the Great exercised exclusive control over both central and local government. b. The powers of the government were exercised almost entirely by the nobility and little formal authority was exercised by the central administration. c. Under Catherine the Great, there was little central authority, but village governments under the jurisdiction of peasant headmen continued to function. d. The local bureaucracy held most of the judicial power whereas the tsarist government controlled tax revenues. e. The tsarist government combined a real monopoly of formal politics by a central administration, but had little power over the noble-owned estates.


Which of the following areas was NOT colonized or claimed by the Russian empire during the reign of Catherine the Great? Select one: a. Parts of Siberia b. Poland c. The Pacific coast of North America as far south as modern California d. Alaska e. Greece


Which of the following was NOT one of Peter the Great's political reforms? Select one: a. Specialized bureaucracy b. Systemization of law codes c. Elimination of noble councils d. Improved military weaponry e. Reduction of taxes on the peasantry


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