chapter 19 review

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What occurred during the Hundred Days?

Napoleon came back, came from Elba, then sent/exiled to St. Helena

What device to service long-term debt did France fail to develop?

bonds; the king personally took on debt instead of the country; can't reform because Louis XVI would have to call the Estates General which would spell an end to absolutism.

To what association did both the Girondins and the Mountain belong?

the Jacobins; Mountains were more radical and wanted to kill the king

What occupations did the representatives elected to the Estates General as delegates of the Third Estate primarily have?

Lawyers, merchants, bankers (bourgeoise)

How did the delegates to the Legislative Assembly convened in October of 1791 differ from the delegates to the Estates General?

They were more inexperienced and radical

What text did Mary Wollstonecraft write as a rebuttal to Edmund Burke?

Vindication of the rights of men

What text did Mary Wollstonecraft later write as a feminist argument in support of women's rights?

Vindication of the rights of women: she wrote that the work of philosophers applied to both men and women, this shows that the revolution was important for gender equality

What did the Girondins' more moderate policies cause between them and the Mountain faction?

a serious conflict

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre?

because they thought he was going to kill them

Under Napoleon, France annexed parts of Northern Italy and the German east bank of the Rhine. What was that state called?

confederation of the Rhine

Which document guaranteed equality before the law as a right of all Frenchmen?

declaration of the rights of man and citizen

Between 1789 and 1791, what did laws passed by the National Assembly declare all French men and women to be?

equal; napoleonic code is reversed

What was the legal definition of the composition of the Third Estate?

everyone who was not clergy or nobility. a lot of variation because it went from lawyer to peasant

What policy did Saint-Domingue's French commissioners adopt in order to rally rebel slaves against British and Spanish invasions?

gave the slaves freedom to fight; told the slaves that they're free, then took it back. Freed the slaves.

What effect did the attack on the Bastille have on Louis XVI's plans to reassert his authority?

it made it impossible

Despite being initially pleased by the Revolution's weakening of France, why did European monarchs eventually come to fear the Revolution?

it tended to spread to their countries

Why was the French army able to win a string of military victories between 1793 and 1794?

sheer number and patriotism

According to the Abbe Siyes, what was the Third Estate?

the strength of France; what made France great

While presenting themselves as liberators to the peasants and middle class, how did French armies actually behave toward the people they conquered?

they confiscate goods and property

What powers were included in the First Coalition against France?

Britain, Austria, Prussia

What were the provisions of Napoleon's Concordat with the Catholic Church?

Catholicism got recognition as the national religion of France. People were allowed to practice it freely. Napoleon gained the right to appoint Bishops and nominate officials. The Church wouldn't oppose Napoleon. He got rid of a major obstacle by letting Catholicism make a comeback.

Why did Britain seek to impose taxes on its American colonies?

Debt: the high cost of the seven year's war put them in debt and they anticipated further expenses to defend newly conquered territories.

After the arrest of Toussaint L'Overture, What led the Haitian resistance to French rule?


What drove the National Assembly to more radical action in the summer of 1789?

Action from the people such as the Parisian mob, peasants, and generally outside action from normal people

During the 1780s, what was over half of France's budget spent on?

Interest on the debt because they don't have a national bank

What was the effect of the Declaration of Independence on the traditional rights of englishmen?

The rights of Englishmen became globalized. The entire world politically is centered around the declaration.

To which groups did Napoleon appeal in order to consolidate his hold on power?

Dissolution revolutionaries and members of the old nobility

What two fundamental principles of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code?

Nationalism and civil rights; equality before the law and promotion by merit/talent

What point was Olympe de Gouges trying to make with her pamphlet Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen?

Natural rights apply equally to both men and women

What was the Haitian Revolution about?

Sugar cane; more people living in Barbados than in the 13 colonies because of the value of sugar

What effect did Napoleon's continental system have on French artisans and members of the middle class?

it cut off trade with Britain so it hurt them

What effects did the National Assembly's policies on St. Domingue have on all of its different groups?

it frustrated them and intensified group rivalries

Before he rose to power, what did Napoleon achieve in 1797-1798?

military victories over Austria especially

By whom were Louis XVI and his court forced to return to Paris?

parisian women

Why did the Directory continue the wars of conquest begun by earlier revolutionary governments?

popularity; french army liberates but robs the people blind

What four policies did the Convention's central government in Paris use to reassert control over the provinces and fight against the First Coalition?

price control (food and bread keep the support of the people- sans coulette (artisans) and peasants- they have the numbers), nationalism, terror, and the levee on mass (huge army)

During the eighteenth century, to what group was voting for representatives restricted?

property owning males

What was the cause of the French Revolution?


What body during the Convention period of the Revolution was given dictatorial powers to respond to both foreign and internal threats to the revolutionary state?

committee of public safety

What did Edmund Burke predict the French Revolution would lead to?

he said it would end terribly as appose to Mary Wollstonecraft who wrote that the revolution was a good reform and a new and better age.

How did the National Assembly restore order in the wake of the Great Fear of 1789?

issued the declaration of the rights of man and citizens; driven to more radical action

Why did anti-slavery delegates to the constitutional convention allow the constitution to be drafted even thoug it made provisions for slavery?

they thought it would stop on its own

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