Chapter 20: Program Design for Aerobic Endurance Training

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Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 5: Exercise Progression

•Progression of an aerobic endurance program involves increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration •Frequency, intensity(this is usually done last, it is more stressful on CV system, joints, etc.), or duration(usually done first, adding more minutes or adding another day) should not increase by more than 10% each week, usually takes weeks to progress •When it is not feasible to increase frequency or duration, progression can occur with intensity manipulation •Progression of intensity should be monitored to prevent overtraining, ask if is too difficult

Table 20.1: Relationship Between VO2max, HRR, and MHR

Look at table in notes •%VO2max, %HRR, %MHR -50, 50, 66 -55, 55, 70 -60, 60, 74 -65, 65, 77 -70, 70, 81 -75, 75, 85 -80, 80, 88 -85, 85, 92 -90, 90, 96 -95, 95, 98 -100, 100, 100

Lab 10: Aerobic Endurance Assessment

Set up and procedure •Dress for participation in an aerobic conditioning/testing lab that will include a dynamic warmup and strenuous aerobic exercise, A good pair of shoes for running is needed, There is no other equipment needed Possible questions for discussion •Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run(20 m), Level, Number 1.) Define VO2max 2.) What other data could we collect using the pacer test 3.) How can we use data from today's test to help us in designing a strength & conditioning program for athletic performance? 4.) What are some problems associated with this(or other) field tests? Instead of pacer •We watched a video on man-powered plane that consisted of 4 hours of cycling to make it over the water to another Greek island, it was a very impressive feat, plane was only 60 lbs. and even broke in the end, They had to make sure the guy was the best pick for the job, had to maintain a high VO2max the entire time, in very good shape to do so •We also looked at the 135 miles ultra-marathon which has parts way above elevation and in high heats, this is very impressive as well, people were able to do it in under a day, even older people were able to do it, takes very good aerobic endurance to accomplish this, need to sleep and refuel as well •Also looked at an event that consisted of cycling across the country, which took about a week, looked at record of this as well, We can achieve a lot of things if we want to if we put forth the effort, we can accomplish a lot of crazy feats that may seem impossible

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Steps 3 and 4

Step 3: Training Intensity •Power measurement -Cyclists may use power-measuring cranks and hubs to regulate exercise intensity, Using a cycle ergometer(there is also a hand version but not as common), can calculate power output in watts(flywheel distance, etc.) -Metabolic rate is closely related to mechanical power production Step 4: Exercise Duration •Exercise duration is the length of time of the training session

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 1: Exercise Mode

This has similar elements to other training programs •Exercise mode is the specific activity performed by the athlete: cycling, running, swimming, and so on, people have many excuses to not do this, we need to find them something to do •The more specific the training mode is to the sport, the greater the improvement in performance

Lab 9: Agility and Quickness Techniques

This is apart of exam 3 material but a lab for exam 4 •Set up and Procedure -Dress for participation in a movement training lab that will include running, changes of direction, and quick movements, We will need multiple small equipment -Look at notes on what we did and why •Possible questions for discussion, be able to answer these, look at notes on sheet -When we train for development of agility, what are we actually teaching the athletes? -Due to the unique movements skills of each sport agility training exercises can take on multiple forms, What are some general movement forms we attempt to teach to further the development of our athletes? -What is the main difference between toys and tools? -What are some safety considerations when using COD and agility exercises?

Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance Training: Detraining

This is not what we want, no adaptations anymore, lose them all or never had them, most of the U.S. are detrained •Detraining occurs when the athlete reduces the training duration or intensity or stops training altogether due to a break in the training program, injury, or illness •In the absence of an appropriate training stimulus, the athlete experiences a loss of the physiological adaptations brought about by training

Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance Training: Tapering

With this, we are mostly talking about athletes who are training for a peak period •Tapering is the systematic reduction of training duration and intensity combined with an increased emphasis on technique work and nutritional intervention •The objective of tapering the training regimen is to attain peak performance at the time of competition

Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance Performance: Exercise Economy

•A measure of the energy cost of activity at a given exercise velocity •An improvement in exercise economy can enhance maximal aerobic power(VO2max) and lactate threshold -If they have good mechanics, they are more economical with their energy supply, For example, if you don't have the best swimming technique, you will burn more calories(i.e., work harder) and also be slower than a good swimmer with better technique, who has a better swimming exercise economy

Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance Training: Cross-Training

•A mode of training that can be used to maintain general conditioning in athletes during periods of reduced training due to injury or during recovery from a training cycle -This is to keep people fresh, also for injured athletes, Throwing in different things, such as swimming for runners, etc., Need to give our bodies new stimuli, it can prevent overuse injuries as well

Key Point: Program Design to Training Seasons

•A sound year-round aerobic endurance training program should be divided into sport seasons with specific goals and objectives designed to improve performance gradually and progressively

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 3: Training Intensity

•Adaptations in the body are specific to the intensity of the training session -Intensity is really important for proper adaptations, just like with resistance training •High-intensity aerobic exercise increases cardiovascular and respiratory function and allows for improved oxygen delivery to the working muscles •Increasing exercise intensity may also benefit skeletal muscle adaptations by affecting muscle fiber recruitment, We need to adjust this for our clients every once in a while so they don't get bored

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program: Target Heart Rate Calculations - Karvonen Method

•Age-predicted maximum heart rate(APMHR) = 220 - age -This is not very accurate, can be 15 - 20 bpm off, large range of variability, The only way we can know for sure is by testing VO2max, We go above this, such as in a max sprint, but not with rhythmic aerobic exercise, we wouldn't be able to do it for long •Heart rate reserve(HRR) = APMHR - resting heart rate(RHR) -Ex. For a 20 year old with a RHR of 60 bpm, 220 - 20 - 60 = 140 for HRR •Target heart rate(THR) = (HRR X exercise intensity) + RHR -Ex. Same person from above at 50% intensity, (140 X 50%) + 60 = 130 for THR •Do this calculation twice to determine the target heart rate range(THRR) We usually use target ranges to get to for a given exercise intensity, such as between 60 and 70% of HRR

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program: Target Heart Rate Calculations - Percentage of Maximal Heart Rate Method

•Age-predicted maximum heart rate(APMHR) = 220 - age •Target heart rate(THR) = (APMHR X exercise intensity) •Do this calculation twice to determine the target heart rate range(THRR)

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 3: Training Intensity - Ratings of Perceived Exertion Scales

•Can be used to regulate intensity of aerobic endurance training across changes in fitness level •May be influenced by external environmental factors -This is subjective, so you may have to know the individual to actually read their intensity level, some may say it is easy even though they are struggling •Table 20.2: Rating of Perceived Exertion(RPE) Scale

Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs: Fartlek Training

•Combines other methods of training, into one activity •Easy running(~70% VO2max) combined with hills or short, fast bursts(~85 - 90% VO2max), example: team Indian runs •Can be adapted for cycling and swimming •Benefits are likely to include -Enhanced VO2max -Increased lactate threshold -Improved running economy and fuel utilization

Chapter Objectives

•Discuss factors related to aerobic endurance performance •Select the mode of aerobic endurance training •Set aerobic endurance training frequency based on training status, sport season, and recovery requirements •Assign aerobic endurance training duration and understand its interaction with training intensity •Assign aerobic endurance exercise intensity and understand the various methods used to monitor intensity •Describe various types of aerobic endurance programs •Apply program design variables based on the sport season •Address cross-training(i.e., aerobic endurance that isn't running), detraining, tapering, and supplemental resistance training when designing an aerobic endurance training program -Aerobic endurance training is very important in preventing and treating many common chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, some cancers, so is important for everybody, not just athletes

Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs: Interval Training

•Exercise at an intensity close to VO2 max for intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, Work:rest ratio should be 1:1, examples: 400s or 800s, We should know their HR associated with their VO2max, Note: that VO2max is exercise appropriate, i.e, changes based on mode, cycling vs running VO2max, etc. •This allows athletes to train at intensities close to VO2max for a greater amount of time •It increases VO2max and enhances anaerobic metabolism •Interval training should be used sparingly, and only when training athletes with a firm aerobic endurance training base, it is stressful so should only be done about once a week

Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs: Pace/Temp Training

•Intensity at or slightly above competition intensity, corresponding to the lactate threshold, there will be some discomfort, which good athletes can cancel out, others might give up -Steady pace/tempo training: 20 to 30 minutes of continuous training at the lactate threshold, if this was tested, we'd know the HR where this occurs and will keep them at this intensity -Intermittent pace/tempo training: series of shorter intervals with brief recovery periods •Objectives -Develop a sense of race pace and enhance the body's ability to sustain exercise at that pace -Improve running economy and increase lactate threshold

Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance Performance

•Maximal aerobic capacity -As the duration of an aerobic endurance event increases, so does the proportion of the total energy that must be met by aerobic metabolism -There is a high correlation between VO2max and performance in aerobic endurance events

Application of Program Design to Training Seasons

•Off-season(base training) -Begin with long duration and low intensity(e.g., LSD), Gradually increase intensity and, to a lesser extent, duration •Preseason -Focus on increasing intensity, maintaining or reducing duration, and incorporating all types of training •In-season(competition) -Program should be designed around competition, with low-intensity and short-duration training just before race days •Postseason(active rest) -Focus on recovering from the competitive season while maintaining sufficient fitness

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 3: Training Intensity - Metabolic Equivalents(METs)

•One MET is equal to 3.5 ml/kg/min of oxygen consumption and is considered the amount of oxygen required by the body at rest -This is relative to body weight, so everyone at rest is consuming this amount of oxygen, It also doesn't make very much sense to our clients, so is used more in cardiopulmonary rehab settings, such as 2 METs being at 2X above resting value intensity

Table 20.2: Rating of Perceived Exertion(RPE) Scale

•Rating, Description -1, Nothing at all(lying down) -2, Extremely little -3, Very easy -4, Easy(could do this all day) -5, Moderate -6, Somewhat hard(starting to feel it) -7, Hard -8, Very hard(making an effort to keep up) -9, Very very hard -10, Maximum effort(can't go any further) There's also the 6 - 20 Borg RPE scale, that is also common, but it is not as easy for our clients as a simple 1 - 10, which was designed to be closely associated with HR when adding a "0"

Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance Training: Resistance Training

•Research is limited, but some data suggest that benefits can be derived from performing resistance training during aerobic endurance training, glutes and core stability and strength are especially important •Benefits may include -Improvement in short-term exercise performance -Faster recovery from injuries -Prevention of overuse injuries and reduction of muscle imbalances •It can improve hill climbing, bridging gaps between competitors during breakaways, and the final sprint

Aerobic Training Program Examples

•Sample 10-week running program -Starts out with walking, slowly progressing into running, more and more each time, increasing in intensity, less rest, increased frequency as well -It may be a little too aggressive, should prolong it more, it may be successful for some, but not for others, no right or wrong program •Marathon program for a beginner -Slowly progresses, hitting 45 mi/wk, eventually more mileage done in one day -Before running a marathon, should run a few days at near marathon mileage(26.2 miles) because 20 miles is completely different than 26, need to do it a few times before it or won't be prepared for it at the end

Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance Performance: Lactate Threshold

•Several studies have shown that an athlete's lactate threshold appears to be a better indicator of his or her aerobic endurance performance than VO2max -Someone may have a high VO2max, but a weak LT, so they won't have as good of an aerobic endurance as they could

Key Point: Exercise Duration

•The duration of a training session is often influenced by the exercise intensity, the longer the exercise duration, the lower the exercise intensity, Obviously it is an inverse relationship -We shouldn't prescribe high intensity aerobic exercise all of the time, we need to have moderate and low intensity, "easy" days as well

Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance Training: Altitude

•The height above sea level ranging from >500 m to >5,500 m •Acclimatization may occur between 12 and 14 days at moderate altitudes up to 2,300 m, but can take up to several months •In order to see an ergogenic effect, athletes need a hypoxic dose ≥12 hours/day for a minimum of three weeks at moderate altitude

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 3: Training Intensity - Heart Rate

•The most frequently used method for prescribing aerobic exercise intensity is looking at their heart rate response -The RPE scale, talk test, METs, "How are you feeling?", and dyspnea scales are also common •Table 20.1: Relationship Between VO2max, HRR, and MHR

Key Term: Lactate Threshold

•The speed of movement or the percentage of VO2max at which a specific blood lactate concentration is observed or the point at which blood lactate concentration begins to increase above resting levels -We can test for this, for example during a cycling test, it should be sport-specific, we could increase the intensity, or resistance of the bike in between every 3 - 5 min stage, and take a blood sample reading, this test would last approximately 30 mins, When their lactate curve starts to rise fast, they're at their lactate threshold, If we know this value and their HR at it, we can train at or around this intensity, we can take their HR and estimate where their intensity is at compared to their maximum, we can estimate an accurate intensity that they can maintain for a long period of time for aerobic training

Key Point: Aerobic Endurance Training

•The various types of training induce different physiological responses, A sound program should incorporate all types of training into the athlete's weekly, monthly, and yearly training schedule

Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs: Long, Slow Distance Training

•Training distance greater than race distance(or 30 minutes to 2 hours) •Intensities equivalent to 70% of VO2max, it takes training to get used to this, sedentary individuals won't be at this yet •Adaptations from this exercise include the following -Enhances the body's ability to clear lactate -Causes an eventual shift to Type IIx fibers to Type I fibers •Intensity is lower than that of competition, which may be a disadvantage if too much LSD training is used -Athletes shouldn't rely on this type of training, easy days, They will get better at clearing lactate, increased capillary density, but it is not the best they can get to, not best adaptations

Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Step 2: Training Frequency

•Training frequency is the number of training sessions conducted per day or per week •The frequency of training sessions will depend on the interaction of exercise intensity and duration, the training status of the athlete, and the specific sport season -Even starting at 2 times per week is good, in which we could progress from there, it is all about habit forming at first, once a week is not good enough

Table 20.4: Types of Aerobic Endurance Training

•Training type, Frequency per week, Duration(work bout portion), Intensity -Long, slow distance(LSD), 1 - 2, Race distance or longer(~30 - 120 minutes), ~70% of VO2max -Pace/tempo, 1 - 2, ~20 - 30 minutes, At the lactate threshold, at or slightly above race pace -Interval, 1 - 2, 3 - 5 minutes(with a work:rest ratio of 1:1), Close to VO2max -High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT), 1, 30 - 90 seconds(with a work:rest ratio of 1:5), Greater than VO2max -Fartlek, 1, ~20 - 60 minutes, Varies between LSD and pace/tempo training intensities -The other days of the week are composed of other training types and rest-recovery days •A cross country runner may do 2 - 3 LSD days and 2 - 3 higher intensity days, Even sedentary individuals will need to have high intensity days to improve VO2max and adapt

Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs: High-Intensity Interval Training(HITT)

•Uses repeated high-intensity bouts interspersed with brief recovery periods, This is increasing turnover in sprinting, involves some pain, close to maximal sprinting, examples: 200s and 400s •Athletes need to spend several minutes above 90% of VO2max for an optimal stimulus, they'll be well-above lactate threshold, can't hold this for long, this should only be done once a week as well •May be effective for improving running economy and running speed •An example for long-interval HIIT is ≥2 to 3 minutes at 90% VO2max, with relief bouts of ≤2 minutes, Emphasize quality over quantity, need to do it right An example is a Tobatta workout, 20 sec as hard as possible, 10 sec off for 4 minutes, Usually done running on a track or with cycling, Very good results, improvements in VO2max with only a few 4 minute sessions per week

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