chapter 21

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What was the "bloody shirt"? A. a rhetorical symbol used by Republicans and Democrats to blame each other for the Civil War B. a rhetorical symbol of Democrats that linked the Republicans to exploitative big business C. a rhetorical symbol of Populists that linked the two major parties to the "crown of thorns" and "cross of gold" D. a rhetorical symbol of civil service reformers that linked patronage-mongering politicians to the assassination of James Garfield

A rhetorical symbol used by Republicans and Democrats to blame each other for the Civil War

The chapter introduction relates the story of the "World's Columbian Exposition" to make the point that A. the 1890s marked a return to a more stable political and social order after the upheavals of the previous two decades. B. a political revolution in the 1890s undermined the longstanding power of the Republican party. C. American society and the world had been transformed by the industrial revolution. D. by the 1890s, politicians from the South and the West were winning national office more regularly than easterners

American society and the world had been transformed by the industrial revolution

Farmer frustrations that fueled the rise of the People's party included all of the following EXCEPT A. inflation. B. debt. C. the isolation and drudgery of farm life. D. resentment against railroads and eastern banking interests


Which party tended to support a program of active federal support for economic growth, including high tariffs? A. Democrats B. Republicans C. Both the Democrats and the Republicans tended to support a program of active federal support. D. None of these answers is correct


. On the tariff issue, ________ supported high protective tariffs; on the money question, ________ sought the inflationary consequences of printing greenbacks. A. Democrats; Republicans B. Republicans; farmers and other debtors C. southerners; Populists D. large corporations and consumers; Democrats

Republicans; farmers and other debtors

. What is the best explanation of "free silver"? A. The U.S. government would promote prosperity by inflating the money supply through minting all the silver offered to it. B. The U.S. government would promote prosperity by distributing cash subsidies to the unemployed, paid for by recent mining bonanzas on public lands. C. The U.S. government would support farmers by buying up surplus crops with silver coin ("lard money"). D. The U.S. government would support investors by allowing the purchase of silver on the open market.

The U.S. government would promote prosperity by inflating the money supply through minting all the silver offered to it

Free silver was a monetary scheme; it was also a symbolic protest of ________ against ________. A. the agricultural South and West; the commercial Northeast B. labor; capital C. the American people; the political machines D. embattled farmers; conservative, laissez-faire economic policies

The agriculture South and West; the commercial Northeast

Which one of the following was NOT an important reason for American expansion in the 1890s? A. a belief in the basic equality of all people and races B. the need for coaling stations to supply a modern steel navy C. the importance of foreign markets to continued economic growth D. the belief in the superiority of Western culture

a belief in the basic equality of all people and races

Which of the following was NOT a concern of President Cleveland regarding the Cuban revolt? A. a refugee crisis B. local population not capable of self rule C. social chaos D. destruction of American-owned property

a refugee crisis

The election of 1892 was especially significant because the A. Democrats won both houses of Congress. B. Republicans continued their long run of controlling the presidency. C. Republicans won both houses of Congress. D. government was once again divided, Republicans controlling the Senate and Democrats the House.

Democrats won both houses of Congress

The 1896 election was important because it A. showed that the American people would reject radicalism. B. brought progressive politicians into power. C. initiated a realignment in the power of the two parties, and an era of strong presidents. D. discredited the free silver crusade.

initiated a realignment in the power of the two parties, and an era of strong presidents

The ________ was created in response to the Supreme Court's ruling in Munn v. Illinois and set an important precedent in establishing a right for government to regulate private corporations. A. Interstate Commerce Commission B. Sherman Antitrust Act C. National Municipal League D. Atlanta Compromise

interstate commerce commission

Disfranchisement of African Americans A. was unsuccessful except in a few southern states. B. ensured whites could pass the tests or pay the taxes that excluded blacks. C. was opposed, unsuccessfully, by Populists and other reformers. D. also targeted poor whites who might break party ranks.

also targeted poor whites who might break party ranks

William McKinley is notable as A. a relatively passive president. B. an active chief executive who re-energized the executive branch of government. C. a politician swayed by the influence of party bosses. D. a typical Republican, in that he wished to restrain the role and reach of the federal government

an active chief executive who re-energized the executive branch of government

The first modern governmental reform law, the Pendleton Act of 1883 enacted in response to the assassination of President Garfield, provided for A. a high protective tariff. B. voting rights for blacks in the South. C. civil service merit standards and procedures for government jobs. D. the breakup of monopolistic business.

civil service merit standards and procedures for government jobs

. Among the elements making up the American ideology of imperialism, which does your text consider most compelling? A. cultural superiority B. racial paternalism C. strategic advantage D. commercial opportunity

commerical opportunity

In the years surrounding 1890, an innovative program of self-help spearheaded by the Southern Alliance movement flourished, though on the whole the effort, known as "________," failed. A. granges B. bimetallism C. itinerant lecturer-organizers D. cooperatives


Many Americans were able to justify joining the race for empire for all the following reasons EXCEPT that they believed themselves responsible for A. extending the benefits of free enterprise. B. spreading Christianity. C. defending other people against European imperialism. D. promoting democracy abroad

defending other people against European imperalism

Coxey's Army A. rallied farmers of the West and South to the Populist cause. B. descended on Washington to demand a program to employ the jobless. C. broke the Homestead Strike. D. volunteered for service overseas

descended on Washington to demand a program to employ the jobless.

The "little green ballot" that Booker T. Washington, founder of the Tuskegee Institute, referred to was A. a degree. B. the Populist ballot. C. earnings. D. a railroad pass


The navel battle for the Philippines took place A. on the open sea. B. in and around Manila bay. C. under the cover of darkness. D. in Santiago harbor

in and around Manila bay

. Above all, the depression of the 1890s demonstrated the A. effectiveness of Populist protest. B. weakness of the American economy in comparison with other parts of the world. C. inability of the nation's political system to smooth out the economic cycle of boom and bust. D. usefulness of the various federal programs enacted to help the unemployed

inability of the nation's political system to smooth out the economic cycle of boom and bust

The pattern of late nineteenth-century politics included all of the following features EXCEPT A. surface similarities between the two major parties. B. large swings with large margins of victory in the national contests between the two parties. C. high voter participation. D. strong party loyalty.

large swings with large margins of victory in the national contests between the two parties

Rutherford B. Hayes A. was a Tammany Democrat who became president. B. opposed civil service reform. C. moved quickly to end Reconstruction. D. was indiscreet in his personal habits.

moved quickly to end Reconstruction

As a result of the depression of 1893, A. new attitudes toward poverty and government responsibility emerged. B. the federal government adopted a silver standard of currency. C. the Populists expanded their following to the urban working classes. D. the Democrats and Republicans unified around strong leaders

new attitudes toward poverty and government responsibility emerged

All of the following statements about the election of 1896 are true EXCEPT that A. Republican William McKinley decisively defeated William Jennings Bryan, who ran on both the Democratic and Populist ticket. B. both candidates employed new techniques in their campaigns. C. a major political realignment occurred, as Republicans forged a dominating new coalition of voters. D. progressives used the free silver issue to achieve their first success in national politics.

progressives used the free silver issue to achieve their first success in national politics

Starting in 1869, Massachusetts established commissions to investigate and regulate industry. The focus of many of these commissions was which industry? A. textiles B. steel C. railroads D. consumer goods


The most innovative proposal coming out of the "Alliance Movement" anticipated twentieth-century federal farm programs that seek to stabilize prices paid for farmers' crops. This early proposal for federal support for farm prices A. called for federal regulation of railroad rates. B. demanded lower tariffs to promote competition. C. asked the federal government to buy up surpluses for distribution to the unemployed. D. suggested a system of government warehouses for crop storage until prices rose

suggested a system of government warehouses for crop storage until prices rose

In the 1890s, the U.S. acquired all of the following EXCEPT A. the Philippine Islands. B. the Hawaiian Islands. C. the Virgin Islands. D. Puerto Rico.

the Virgin Islands

The most important issue in the 1896 presidential campaign was A. the tariff. B. foreign policy. C. civil service reform. D. the money question.

the money question

Evidence justifying the use of the label "politics of paralysis" to describe the American political system during the late nineteenth century includes all of the following EXCEPT that A. the period was marked by relatively low voter turnout. B. much energy in Congress was expended on political patronage. C. parties used such devices as ethnic and religious appeals and entertaining campaign rallies to try to get voters to the polls. D. a majority of presidential candidates came from Ohio or New York

the period was marked by relatively low voter turnout

2. The world created at the Columbian Exposition was indeed illusory; in fact, events in America at that time revealed which of the following to be true? A. The political system in America was ill equipped to cope with the economic and social revolutions that were reshaping the country. B. Leadership of the country was in the best hands. C. England and Germany were, economically, far ahead of the U.S. D. American society had become increasingly egalitarian as a result of industrialization.

the political system in America was ill equipped to cope with the economic and social revolutions that were reshaping the country.

As a result of observing what the British had done with its naval fleet in the quarter-century prior to 1900, the U.S. Navy A. was mothballed out of existence. B. was transformed into a modern, steam-driven institution. C. engaged in several wars with European rivals. D. shrank in size to its lowest numbers since the days of Andrew Jackson.

was transformed into a modern, steam-driven institution

All of the following were reform-minded third-party movements EXCEPT a party that sought to A. ban alcohol. B. redress the grievances of western and southern farmers. C. win the right to vote for women. D. inflate the currency by printing paper money

win the right to vote for women

Which statement is NOT true of Chester A. Arthur? A. won the presidency by a razor-thin margin B. endorsed the new Civil Service C. sought to lower the tariff D. known as the "spoilsman's spoilsman

won the presidency by a razor-thin margin

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