chapter 21 ap euro online assignment

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Early socialist thinkers shared a sense that which of the following had contributed to the creation of a profound spiritual and moral crisis in Europe?

The rise of laissez faire -Early socialist thinkers shared a sense that the political revolution in France, the growth of industrialization in Britain, and the rise of laissez faire had created a profound spiritual and moral crisis.

How did the peace settlement in 1815, following Napoleon's second defeat, compare to the initial peace plan in 1814, after his first defeat?

The settlement in 1815 was still moderate, but with more sanctions. -Louis XVIII was restored again, but France lost a little territory, had to pay an indemnity, and had to support an army of occupation for five years.

What did the nineteenth-century thinker Charles Fourier believe about women's rights?

The total emancipation of women would benefit society. -Under capitalism, according to Fourier, young single women were shamelessly "sold" to their future husbands for dowries and other financial considerations. Therefore, he called for the abolition of marriage, free unions based only on love, and sexual freedom.

According to the map, which territories were included in the German Confederation?

The western parts of Prussia and Austria and a number of German provinces -The new German Confederation included the German-speaking portions of the Prussian and Austrian empires.

What was the significance of the French war against Algeria from 1830 to 1847?

It demonstrated the rebirth of French colonialism. -French settlers in Algeria expropriated large tracts of Muslim land after finally subduing the country in 1847.

What was the significance of the Battle of Peterloo in Britain in 1819?

It reflected the hostility of the British aristocracy to any attempts at changing the status quo. -The British cavalry savagely broke up an orderly protest at St. Peter's Fields in Manchester.

What was the reaction of Spain to the liberal uprisings in its South American colonies?

It sent troops but could not defeat the movements. -After the French occupation of Spain in 1808, Spain could not respond strongly to the revolts. To make matters worse, the Napoleonic rhetoric of rights only further inspired the revolutionaries.

According to the map, what was the demographic configuration of the Habsburg monarchy?

It was a patchwork of nationalities, with Germans and Hungarians widely scattered. -The map does show many Germans living within the area dominated by Hungarians around the Danube and Tisza rivers, as well as a pocket of Hungarians to the east.

What was established through the Karlsbad Decrees, issued by the German Confederation in 1819?

Liberal political organizations and ideas were banned, and a network of spies was created to clamp down on reformers. -After liberal reformers began to agitate for national unification in the German states, Prince Metternich, with the help of Prussia, used the Confederation Diet to enact the Karlsbad Decrees.

Why did the ideas of liberalism and nationalism go hand-in-hand during the early nineteenth century?

Liberals believed that each national group had a right to its own national government. -In the early nineteenth century, liberalism supported the aspiration of national independence.

What important contribution to European culture was made by Slavic romantics?

They converted spoken peasant languages into written ones. -Romantics in central and eastern Europe often worked like modern anthropologists, transcribing the folk songs, tales, and proverbs that the cosmopolitan Enlightenment had disdained and thereby transforming spoken peasant languages into modern written ones.

What territorial principles guided the victors of the Napoleonic wars as they debated the peace at the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815?

They should receive territorial compensation without provoking a desire for revenge in the defeated country. -The great powers took territories that would help keep France hemmed in, but they also provided France with strong defensive measures.

Why did workers in France first begin to embrace the socialist message?

They tended to favor collective action and government intervention. -Workers in France violently opposed laissez-faire laws that denied their right to organize in guilds and unions.

How was the romantic movement captured by musicians and composers?

They used a wide range of forms to evoke a host of powerful emotions. -Romantic musicians abandoned well-defined structures and transformed small, classical orchestras to create "a thousand musical landscapes."

What happened to the early liberal governments formed across Latin America after independence had been won?

They were difficult to implement and often failed. -The vast majority of people had no experience with constitutional rule, and liberal experiments often gave way to a new political system controlled by caudillos.

How was history perceived in the nineteenth century under the influence of the romantics?

To be organic and dynamic -Under the influence of the romantics, history was seen as holding the key to understanding the universe and was no longer viewed as mechanical and static.

How was the revolution in Hungary finally ended in 1849?

Tsar Nicolas I of Russia sent troops into Hungary. -After bitter fighting, Hungary was finally subdued by the Russian army.

Which author's writings exemplify the romantic interest in fantastic characters, exotic historical settings, and deep human emotions?

Victor Hugo -Hugo wrote The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the hero of which was the great cathedral's deformed bell-ringer.

Austrian foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich believed that

liberalism was responsible for the bloodshed of the Age of Revolutions. -Metternich blamed liberal middle-class revolutionaries for stirring up the lower classes.

The vision of a people united by a common language, history, and culture and with a common territory is known as

nationalism. -The presence of a sense of unity manifested in a common language, history, and territory often led to the desire for an independent political state.

Austrian foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich believed that

organized religion is a key pillar of a strong government. -Metternich despised the anticlericalism of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution and maintained that Christian morality was a vital bulwark against radical change.

Which composer used contrasting themes and tones to produce a tremendous output but, at the peak of his fame, almost despaired to learn he was going deaf?

Ludwig van Beethoven -Beethoven, still one of the most famous composers, considered suicide when he learned that he was going deaf, but he eventually overcame his despair.

Why did Jules Michelet's works appeal to romantics in the nineteenth century?

Michelet promoted the growth of France's national aspirations. -Michelet's many books on the history of France consciously promoted the growth of national aspirations; by fanning the embers of memory, Michelet encouraged the French people to search the past for their special national destiny.

What was Prince Metternich's view of the revolutions in America and France?

Middle-class revolutionaries stirred up the masses and bore responsibility for untold bloodshed. -Metternich believed that authoritarian governments were necessary to protect society.

What statement describes an important view of early nineteenth-century socialists?

Modern capitalism created selfish individualism. -According to socialists, modern capitalism and selfish individualism encouraged inequality and split the community into isolated fragments.

What impact did romanticism have on music?

Music no longer simply complemented a church service but became an end in itself. -Music and musicians had much more prestige, and their efforts reflected the endless yearning of the soul.

By 1848, Karl Marx's statement about "a spectre" of communism haunting Europe

was highly exaggerated. -The Communist movement was still in its infancy; scattered groups of socialists, anarchists, and labor leaders were hardly united around Marx's ideas.

What did Count Henri de Saint-Simon, active in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, believe was the key to progress?

Proper social organization -Saint-Simon believed that proper social organization required the "parasites" to give way to the "doers," who could plan the economy.

What defined the romantic art of EugËne Delacroix?

Remote and exotic subjects -Delacroix's dramatic art captured lion hunts in Morocco and women in a sultan's harem.

What two fundamental principles made up the doctrine of liberalism?

Representative government and equality before the law -These principles were first realized in the American Revolution and are still the guiding beliefs of modern democratic states.

What was a result of the identification of liberalism with upper-class business interests?

Republicans expanded liberal ideology to include universal male suffrage. -Republicans were more radical than liberals in their opposition to conservatism.

Which of the following was true of republicans in the early nineteenth century?

Republicans were willing to endorse violent upheaval to achieve their goals. -Republicans were inspired by memories of the French Revolution and the example of Jacksonian democracy in the young American republic.

Who led the new Greek state in 1830?

A German prince -When Great Britain, France, and Russia declared Greek independence, they installed a German prince as king of the new country.

How was the reign of Louis Philippe brought to an end in February 1848?

A diverse group of opponents rose against the king. -Bourgeois merchants, opposition deputies, and liberal intellectuals shared their outrage with middle-class shopkeepers, artisans, and unskilled workers.

What was the Frankfurt parliament's proposal of a "Greater Germany," issued in 1848?

A proposal of national unification that included German-speaking lands of the Austrian empire -While the German Confederation did make this proposal, the idea foundered on Austrian determination to maintain its empire.

What was the Chartist movement in Britain?

A reform movement that presented three petitions to Parliament -The Chartist petitions presented in 1839, 1842, and 1849 demanded complete political democracy and universal male suffrage.

Why did Irish peasants live in abominable conditions during the nineteenth century?

Absentee Protestant English landlords set high rents and easily evicted tenants. -Absentee landlords used a middleman system and grabbed as much profit as possible.

At the Troppau conference in 1820, Prince Metternich and Tsar Alexander I agreed to what principle?

Active intervention to maintain autocratic regimes -After revolutionaries forced the acceptance of constitutional monarchies in Spain and the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Metternich and Alexander I met at Troppau.

What did the combination of nationalism and increased global interaction mean for Europe by the mid-nineteenth century?

Aggression and conflict -Powerful nation-states backed by patriotic citizens competed with each other on the international stage.

What was one result of the Great Famine for Ireland?

Alone in Europe, Ireland experienced a declining population. -At a time when population growth was fuelling the Industrial Revolution, Ireland was at a strong disadvantage.

What resulted in Tory prime minister Robert Peel's repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846?

An alliance of liberals and the working class -Liberals founded the Anti-Corn Law League in 1839, and supported by the working class, they pressed Peel to work with the Whigs to repeal the Corn Laws.

What was the balance-of-power principle in nineteenth-century international affairs?

An international equilibrium that would discourage aggression by any state -Commitment to a balance of power and self-interest motivated the great powers in the Quadruple Alliance to pursue a moderate policy toward France.

Which states formed the Holy Alliance in September 1815?

Austria, Prussia, and Russia -These three conservative monarchies formed the Holy Alliance, which became a symbol of repression of liberal desires.

What characteristic distinguished romantic painting?

Dramatic, colorful scenes that stirred the emotions -France's EugËne Delacroix was one of romanticism's greatest artists who painted colorful scenes.

Where did workers first begin to embrace the socialist message?

France -Workers in France cherished the memory of the radical phase of the French Revolution and eagerly embraced the socialist message.

What policies were called for in the doctrine of laissez faire?

Free trade, unrestricted private enterprise, and no government interference -The new liberal upper classes in particular supported these liberal economic principles.

Which statement summarizes the life of Karl Marx?

He fled Prussia, traveled Europe, and was able to write thanks to Friedrich Engels. -After 1848, Marx settled in London and spent the rest of his life as an advocate of the working-class revolution.

Why did Austrian foreign minister Klemens von Metternich not want to see the breakup of the Ottoman Empire?

He wanted a stable Ottoman Empire to serve as a check against Russian power.

How did the work of German thinker Georg Hegel influence Karl Marx?

Hegel argued that history had patterns and purpose. -Applying the ideas of Hegel, Marx argued that the class struggle over economic wealth was the great engine of human history.

What was the response of Tsar Nicolas I to the December 1825 liberal uprising in St. Petersburg?

His troops suppressed the group, and its leaders were punished. -Nicolas responded with strong military force, leaving some sixty dead at the scene. The leaders were arrested and either hanged or sent to exile in Siberia.

Which of the following statements is true about romanticism and political beliefs?

Romanticism was compatible with many political beliefs. -Romanticism was characterized by intellectual diversity and ranged from youthful radicalism to middle-aged caution.

What was romanticism's general conception of nature?

Romantics were inspired by nature's tempestuous beauty. -Romantics were enchanted by stormy seas, untouched forests, and icy arctic wastelands.

Which group triggered several of the South American revolutions that eventually led to independence?

Subordinated people of color -After the uprisings began, Creole leaders quickly emerged to take control of the struggles.

What was the British reaction to the Great Famine in Ireland in the 1840s?

The British reacted slowly, and efforts were inadequate. -The British government, committed to rigid ideology of free trade, reacted slowly, and relief efforts were tragically inadequate. Moreover, the government continued to collect taxes, landlords demanded their rents, and tenants who could not pay were evicted and their homes destroyed.

What was a major flaw in the demands of the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1848?

The Hungarian revolutionaries wanted to include other minority groups in a unified, centralized Hungarian nation. -The minority groups who formed half the population—the Croats, Serbs, and Romanians—rejected such unification.

What belief did nationalists and liberals have in common?

The benefits of self-government would be possible only if people were united by common traditions that transcended local and class differences. -In the early nineteenth century, the liberty of the individual and the love of a free nation overlapped greatly.

What argument did Karl Marx make in his economic analysis of history?

The bourgeoisie would exploit the workers until being overcome by the working-class revolution. -Marx argued that the working-class, or proletarian, revolution was the only way to overcome the contradictions inherent in the unequal system of capitalism.

Why did Frederick William of Prussia reject the crown offered by the Frankfurt parliament?

The crown offered to William did not include Austria. -Frederick William rejected the "crown from the gutter" offered by the Frankfurt parliament of the German Confederation since it offered rule over a "lesser" German state. By this time, he also believed that he could rule on his own terms and did not need the offer from Frankfurt.

Who saved the Austrian Habsburg monarchy in 1848?

The emperor's sister-in-law, Sophia, demanded that Ferdinand abdicate in favor of her son, Francis Joseph. -Sophia, a Bavarian princess, was deeply ashamed of Ferdinand's collapse before a "mess of students."

Which class benefited the most from liberal political and economic ideals?

The newly wealthy and business elite -This class used liberal ideas to defend their right to do as they wished in their factories.

What was a major obstacle to national unity in the nineteenth century?

The numerous local dialects that existed even in cohesive countries -A common language was often used as a barometer of unity, but even in France, peasants from different villages often did not understand each other.

Why did the latent conflict in Britain between the aristocracy and the working class became an open conflict in 1815?

The passage of the 1815 revisions to the Corn Laws -The working class bitterly resented the Corn Laws, which motivated their unrest.

How did Alexis de Tocqueville explain the election of the centrist Constituent Assembly in May 1848?

The peasants and the middle classes, bound together by their ownership of property, opposed the growing socialist movement. -Tocqueville saw that a majority of the Constituent members were committed to centrist moderation and opposed to the socialists and artisans.

What term do scholars use to define an all-embracing national unity, as envisioned by nationalists in the nineteenth century?

Imagined communities -Historians use this term to refer to the push to bind millions of strangers together around the abstract concept of an all-embracing national identity.

"The true value of these tales must really be set quite high: they put our ancient heroic poetry in a new light that could not have been produced in any other way. Briar Rose [or Sleeping Beauty], who is put to sleep after being pricked by a spindle, is really Brunhilde, put to sleep after being pricked by a thorn. . . . Snow White sleeps peacefully with the same glowing red colors of life on her cheeks as Snaefrid, the most beautiful woman of all, at whose coffin sits Harald the Fair-Haired [Brunhilde, Snaefrid, and Harald are characters from ancient Germanic myths]. . . . These folktales have kept intact German myths that were thought to be lost. . . . "

surviving versions of ancient German mythic poetry. -The Grimms made a strong connection between folktales and what they saw as the historical core of German literature.

Romantics in central and eastern Europe were well known for

their study of peasant life and transcription of folk songs and tales. -In central and eastern Europe, well-educated Romantics, reinforced by nationalism, championed their own people's histories, cultures, and unique greatness. Like modern anthropologists, they studied peasant life and transcribed the folk songs, tales, and proverbs that the cosmopolitan Enlightenment had disdained.

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