chapter 21

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The Civil War took a Grizzly toll in war about as much as ____. More than six hundred thousand men died in action or disease, and a million were killed or seriously wounded. The number of dead amounted to ____ of the entire nation's population. The nation lost the cream of its ____ and potential leadership. In addition, tens of thousands of _____ because potential fathers were at the front. Direct monetary cost of the conflict total about ____. But this colossal figure does not include continuing expenses, such as pensions and interest on the national debt. The ____, this location, wasted energy, load ethic, blasted lives, and burning hates, cannot be calculated. The greatest constitutional decision of the century Was Written in Blood and handed down near which Lee surrendered. The extreme ____ were crushed. The national government emerged __. Nullification and secession were laid to rest. Beyond doubt, the Civil War was the Supreme test of ____. It answered the question whether a nation dedicated to such strong principles ____. The _____ was subconsciously one of the major objectives of the north. Victory for union arms provided inspiration for the champions of democracy and liberalism the world overpromise. The great English Reform Bill of 1867, under which Britain became a true political democracy, passed two years after the Civil War. American democracy prove itself and its success was an additional argument used by the ____ in securing similar blessings for themselves. The Lost Cause Of The South was lost but a few Americans today would argue that the result was _____. The shameful cancer of _____ was sliced Away by The Sword and African-Americans were at last in the position to claim the _____. The nation was again United politically though for many generations subdivided spiritually by the passions of War. Grave dangers was inverted by Union victory, including indefinite prolongation of slavery, unleashing of slave power on Caribbean neighbors, and transformation of the area from Panama to Kingston Bay into on Camp, with several States snarling and snapping at each other. America still had a long way to go to make the promises of Freedom a _____, black and white but emancipation lead the necessary groundwork. A United and Democratic United States was free to fulfill its Destiny as Domino Republic of the hemisphere and eventually the world.

all of America's subsequent Wars combined; 2%; Young Manhood; babies when unborn; 15 billion; intangible costs; states righters; unbroken; American democracy; can endure; preservation of democratic ideals; British masses; not for the best; slavery; rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; reality for all its citizens

The ____ started leakily. It was clamped down all at once but was ____. A water type Patrol was impossible for the hastily improvised North Navy. But blockading was simplified by ____. Ordinarily, the naval powers of the world probably would have defied it for it was never completely effective. But _____ recognized as binding and warned its shippers to _______. Britain did not want to tie his hands in a _____. Blockade was risky but ____, as ____ of Southern Good Stuff prices up. The most successful blockade were with ___. A leading rendezvous at the West Indies Port of Nassau, in the British Bahamas, where at time 35 of the Speedy ships rode. The low lying crafts would _____ brought by Tramp Steamers from Britain, leave with fradulent papers for Halifax, and returned a few days later with a _____. Risks were great but the profits would amount to 700%. The Northern Navy enforce the blockade with high-handed practices. Yankee captains would seize ____ on the high seas, if filled with war supplies. The justification was that the shipments were _____. London acquiesced in this disagreeable doctrine of ultimate destination or continuous Voyage. The most alarming Confederate threat to the blockade came in 1862. Southerners raise and recondition a former US worship, the ___, and filled its sides with iron. Renamed ____ it was clumsy and powerful. The tiny Union Ironclad, the _____, arrived on the scene in the nick of time. For 4 hours the little Yankee cheese box fought the Meramec to a standstill. Britain and France already built several powerful ironclads, but the first ____ of these new crafts was here. The Confederates destroyed the Merrimack to keep it from the grasp of Union troops. Robert E Lee next moved northward. At the ______ he encountered a federal Force Under General _____. Emboldened by his success Lee dared the thrust into Maryland. He hoped to strike a blow that would not only encourage ____ but also seduce the still wavering ____ from the union. But Marylanders did not respond. Events finally converge towards a critical battle at _____. Lincoln _____ to active command of Maine north Army. Porches shine upon McClellan when two Union Soldiers find a ______. McClellan succeeded in halting Lee at Antietam on September 17th in one of the bitterest days of the war. It was more or less a ____ but Lee retired across the Potomac. McClellan was removed from his field command for the second and final time. The landmark ______ was probably the most decisive of the Civil War. Jefferson Davis was never so ____ as on that fateful day. The British and French governments were on the verge of mediation intervention with Richmond. The both capitals cooled off for the union displayed ____. Bloody Antietam was also the long-awaited victory that Lincoln needed for _____. The Abolitionist had long been clamoring for action. By mid-summer of 1862 with the border states safely in the folds, Lincoln was ready to move. He believes that the issue such an edict on the heels of military disasters would be done. It would seem like a confession that the north was forced to ____ to murder their masters. Lincoln decided to wait for the outcome of Lee's Invasion. Antietam served as a needed emancipation springboard. This document proclaimed that on January 1st of 1863 the president would issue a ____. On the scheduled date Lincoln redeem his promise. With a stroke of the president spend the Civil War became more of a _____. Lincoln said the character of the war will be changed in the Old South is to be destroyed and replaced by new ideas.

blockade; extended by degrees; concentrating on principal ports; Britain; ignored it at their Peril; future War; profitable; growing scarcity; steamers; take on cargos of arms; cargo of cotton; British freighters; ultimately destined for the Confederacy; Merrimack; Virginia; monitor; battle testing; Second Battle of Bull Run; John Pope; foreign intervention; border states and sisters; Antietam Creek; restored McClellan; copy of Lee's battle plans; draw; Battle of Antietam; near Victory; unexpected power; launching his Emancipation Proclamation; call upon the slaves; final Proclamation; moral Crusade

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared "_____" the slaves in _____. Bondsmen and loyal border states were not affected. The tone of the document was dull and legalistic. But as Lincoln stopped short of a Clarion for a holy war to achieve Freedom he concluded his document with the Declaration that the Proclamation was an act of ____. The presidential pen did not formally strike the shackles from a single slave. Where Lincoln _____ he refused to do so because it would cause ____. Where he could not he tried to. Yet much unofficial do-it-yourself Liberation did take place. Thousands of slaves flock to Union armies to _____. In this sense, the Emancipation Proclamation was heralded by many running feet. Fugitives would have come anyhow as they had from the Wars outset. 1 in 7 Southern slaves ran away to Union camps. Their presence in the camps and their perseverance convinced many North soldiers of _____ and helped put emancipation on _____. By issuing the proclamation Lincoln address the refugees plight and strengthened the _____ at home and abroad. At the same time his Proclamation foreshadow the ultimate Doom of slavery. This was legally achieved by the ratification of _____. The Emancipation Proclamation also fundamentally changed the nature of the war because it removed any chance of _____. Public reactions were vared. In some newspapers people completely agreed but many abolitionists complained that Lincoln had not _____. On the other hand, many North people especially in the butternut Region's felt that he ____. Border states volunteer to fight but not ______. Desertions increased. The crucial Congressional elections of 1862 went heavily against the administration. The Emancipation Proclamation caused an outcry to rise from the south that Lincoln was trying to stir up hellish passions of _____. Aristocrats in Europe were inclined to sympathize with _____ but the old world's _____ reacted otherwise. They sense that the proclamation spell the ultimate tomb of slavery and many labourers were more determined than ever to _____. The north now had the stronger _____. As Lincoln move to emancipate the slaves he also took steps to _____. Although some African Americans served in the Revolution and the War of 1812 the regular army contained no blocks. But as Manpower ran low and emancipation was proclaimed, block enlistments were excessive. By Wars end 180000 blacks served in the Union Army. Blacks accounted for about 10% of the total enlistment. Black fighting men unquestionably _____ in the war against slavery that the Civil War had become after emancipation. Service also offered them a chance to prove their manhood and strengthen their claim to _____ at War's end. Participating in 500 engagements they receive 22 Congressional Medals of Honor. Their casualties were extremely heavy. Many when capture were put to death as _____. For reason of Pride, Prejudice, and principal the Confederacy could not bring itself to ____ until the month before the war ended. slaves ____ while white men fought. Involuntary labor did not imply slave support for the Confederacy. In many ways the actions of Southern slaves hamstrung the Confederate war effort and subverted the institution of slavery. Fear of slave Insurrection necessitated _____, keeping ______. Everyday forms of slave resistance diminished ____ and undermine discipline. Slaves served as Union ___, guides, and Scout or provided shelter. By the war's end nearly half a million slaves ____ and many Who Remain negotiated new working conditions.

forever free; Confederate areas in Rebellion; Justice; could free the slaves; disunion; join their Workforce; slavery's evil; top of Lincoln's agenda; moral cause of the Union; the 13th Amendment; negotiated settlement; gone far enough; had gone too far; against slavery; slavery insurrection; Southern protest; working classes; oppose intervention; moral cause; enlist blacks in the armed forces; had their hearts; full citizenship; slaves in revolt; enlist slaves; kept the farms going; Confederate guards; many eligible young white men from the front; productivity; spies; abandon their plantations

After Antietam Lincoln replaced McClellan as commander of the army of the Potomac with General _____. Burnside proved his unfitness for the role when he launched the rash pencil attack on Lee strong position at _____. More than 10,000 North soldiers were killed or wounded in Burnside Slaughter pen. A new Slaughter pen was prepared when General Burnside yielded his command to _____. At _____ Lee divided his inferior force and sent Stonewall Jackson to _____. The strategy worked. Hooker was badly beaten but not crushed. The victory was probably Lee's most brilliant but it was dearly bought. _____ a few days later. Lee now prepared to follow up His stunning Victory by invading the north again, this time through _____. A decisive blow would add strings to the noisy piece product in the north and encourage _____. 3 days before the battle ____ was told that he would replace Hooker. Quite by accident Meade took his stand Atop a lowridge flanking at shallow Valley near _____ Pennsylvania. There his men in blue locked in Furious combat. The battle went across the Rolling Green slopes for 3 Days. The senior General ____ magnificent but feudal charge broke the back of the Confederate attack and broke the heart of the Confederate cause. Pickett's Charge Define the ____ reach by any significant Southern force and the last real chance for the ____. As the battle of Gettysburg raged the Confederate peace allegation was moving under a flag of truce towards the union lines near Norfolk Virginia. Jefferson Davis hoped his negotiators would arrive in Washington from the south just as Lee's Transit Army marched on it from Gettysburg to the north. But the victory at Gettysburg belong to Lincoln who refused to allow the Confederate peace mission to _____. Later that year of 1863 Lincoln journey to Gettysburg to dedicate the cemetery. He read a 2-minute address. The _____ is attracted little attention at the time but the president was speaking for the ages. Events in the western theater of the war at last provided Lincoln with an able General who did not have to be shelved. ____ first signal success came in the north Tennessee. After heavy fighting he captured _____. When the Confederate commander at Fort Donelson ask for terms Grant demanded _____. Grant's Triumph that Tennessee was crucial. It not only riveted Kentucky ____ but open the gateway to the strategically important region of Tennessee, as well as Georgia and the ____. Grant next attempted to exploit his victory by capturing the junction of the main Confederate north-south and East-West ____. But the Confederate Force foiled his plans in a gory battle at ____. Other Union thrusts in the west were in the making. In the spring of 1862 a flotilla commanded by _____ joined with North Army to strike the south of blow by seizing _____. With Union gunboats ascending and descending the Mississippi, the eastern part of the Confederacy was left with jeopardize back door. Through this narrowing entrance, between ___ and Port Houston, flowed herds of cattle and other Provisions. The Fortress to Vicksburg was the South Sentinel protecting the lifeline to the Western sources of Supply. General Grant was now given command of the Union forces _____ and then the teeth of grave difficulties displayed rare skill and daring. The Siege of Vicksburg was his best spot campaign of the war. The beleaguered City at length surrendered on July 4th 1863. 5 days later came the fall of _____. The Union victory at Vicksburg came the day after the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg. The political significance of these back-to-back military successes was monumental. Reopening the Mississippi helped quell the North ____ in the butternut region. Confederate control of Mississippi cut off that regions usual _____. The twin victores conclusively tip the ____ in favor of the North. By the end of 1863 all Confederate hopes _____. General Grant was now transferred to East Tennessee where Confederates had driven Union forces from the battlefield at Chickamauga to the city of ____ to which they then laid Siege. Grant want a series of desperate engagements and November 1863 in the vicinity of Chattanooga. Chattanooga was ____, the state was cleared of Confederates and the way was open for ____. Georgia's Conquest was entrusted to General _____. His troops kind of 60 mile _____ through Georgia. They burned buildings turn up railroad trays, and United family portraits. One of the major purposes of _____ was to destroy supplies destined for the Confederate Army and ____ for the men at the front by Waging War on their homes. Sherman is a Pioneer practitioner of Total War. His success was attested by increasing numbers of Confederate desertions. Although his methods were brutal he shortened the struggle and saved lives. Sherman's Army went to _____ where the destruction was even more vicious.

A E Burnside; Fredericksburg; Joseph Hooker; Chancellorsville; attack the union; Jackson died; Pennsylvania; foreign intervention; George G Meade; Gettysburg; George Pickett; northernmost point; Confederates to win the war; pass through Union lines; Gettysburg Address; Ulysses S Grant; Fort Henry and Fort Donelson; immediate surrender; more securely to the union; Heart of Dixie; railroads; Shiloh; David G Farragut; New Orleans; Vicksburg; attacking Vicksburg; Port Houston; Peace agitation; trade routes; Diplomatic scales; for foreign help were irretrievably lost; Chattanooga; liberated; invasion of Georgia; William Tecumseh Sherman; path of Destruction; Sherman's March; weaken the morale; North and South Carolina

Presidential elections come by the calendar and not the crisis. The election of 1864 felt most inopportunely in the midst of warm. ____ in the north added greatly to Lincoln's cup of Woe. Factions within his own party sought to tie his hands or _____. Especially burdensome to Lincoln was the creation of the ______. It was dominated by Radical Republicans who resented the expansion of Presidential Power in Wartime and pressed Lincoln on _____. Most dangerous of all to the union cause were the _____. Deprived of the talent that had departed with the southern wing of the party, those Democrats were left with tainted by _____. Lacking a ____ the Democrats were divided. A large group of "____" supported Lincoln's Administration but thousands of "____" did not. At the extreme were the so-called ______. They openly obstructed the war through attacks on the draft, Lincoln, and against emancipation. Notorious among the Copperheads was ____. He demanded an _____. The Civil courts in Ohio were open and he should have been tried in them for sedition but he was convicted by Military Tribunal for treasonable utterances and was sentenced to prison. Lincoln decided that if he liked the Confederate so much he ought to be banished to their lines. But he was not so easily silenced. Working his way to Canada he ran for governorship of Ohio on foreign soil and pulled an insufficient vote. He returned to his own State before the war ended and spat upon a military decree. This Strange Case inspired Everett Everett Hale to write his movie Story, ______ which helped stimulate devotion in the Union. As the election of 1864 approached, Lincoln's precarious Authority depended on his retaining Republican support. Fearing defeat the Republican Party executed a clear maneuver. Joining with the War Democrats it proclaimed itself to be the _____. Lincoln's renomination encountered surprisingly strong opposition. Hostile factions whipped up considerable agitation. Lincoln's running mate was _____. He was put on the union party ticket to sew up the election by attracting War Democrats and voters in the _____. Democrats nominated the deposed war hero _____. The campaign was noisy and nasty. Lincoln's re-election was that first Gravely and out. The war was going badly and Lincoln give himself away to despondency, fearing that ____ with imminent. But the atmosphere of Gloom was changed electrically as ballot they neared, by a succession of _____. Admiral Farragut captured Mobile, Alabama. General Sherman Caesed ____. General Sheridan laid waste the _____. The president pulled through. At election time many North soldiers were brought home to ______. Other North soldiers were permitted to cast their ballots at the front. Lincoln, bolstered by the bayonet vote, Vanquished McClellan. One of the most crushing losses suffered by The South was the ______ in 1864. The removal of Lincoln was the last ghost of Hope for a _____.

Political infighting; remove him from office; Congressional committee on the conduct of the war; emancipation; north Democrats; association with the seceders; leader; War Democrats; Peace Democrats; copperheads; Clemente L Vallandigham; end to the war; the man without a country; union party; Andrew Johnson; border states; General McClellan; political defeat; Northern victories; Atlanta; Shenandoah Valley; support Lincoln at the polls; defeat of the north Democrats; Confederate victory

At Gettysburg, Grant was brought in from the West over Mead, who was blamed for failing to _____. Lincoln needed a general who would have the stamina to drive forward regardless of casualties. Grant was the man for this meat grinder type of warfare. A determined Grant struck towards Richmond, and engaged Lee in a series of furious battles in the ___ notably in the hurricane of the bloody angle and the hell's half acre. In this _____ Grant suffered 50,000 casualties but Lee lost about as heavily in proportion. In a gamble Grant ordered a frontal assault on the position of Cold Harbor. The Union Soldiers Advanced almost certain death. In a few minutes about 7,000 men were killed or wounded. Public opinion in the north was impaled by The Blood and Guts type of fighting. Critics cry that Grant has gone insane but grants reputation was underdeserve while Lee's was overrated. Lee's rate of loss was the _____ in the war. By contrast, Grant lost one of 10. Grant had intended to fight battles in the open it was Lee who turned the Eastern campaign into a ____. With fewer men, we could no longer seize the ____. Lee's new defensive posture forced Grant to brutal arithmetic. In February 1865 the Confederates try desperately to ____ between the two countries. Lincoln himself met with confederate representatives to discuss peace terms. But Lincoln could accept nothing short of ____ and the southerners could accept nothing short of ____. The end came with dramatic suddenness. Rapidly advancing northern troops captured and corded Lee at ____. Grant met with Lee and granted generous terms of surrender. Southern veterans wept as they took leave with their beloved commander. The elated Union Soldiers cheered. Lincoln travel to Concoquered ____ and sat on Jefferson Davis' evacuated office. On the night of April 14th 1865, Good Friday, only five days after Lee surrendered, Ford's Theater in Washington witness its most Sensational drama. Approve Southern actor _____ slipped behind Lincoln as he sat in his box and _____. Lincoln expired in the arms of victory, at the very Pinnacle of his Fame. From the standpoint of his reputation his death could not have been ____ if he had hired the Assassin. A large number of his countrymen had not suspected his greatness and many others died of his ability. His dramatic death helped erase the ____ and cause his nobler qualities to stand out. The full impact of Lincoln's death was not at once apparent to the South. Hundreds of -exConfederate soldiers ____, as did Southern civilians and Northern copperheads. As time wore on increasing numbers of Southerners perceived at Lincoln's death was a Calamity for them. Belatedly they recognized that his kindness and moderation would have been the _____ between them and ____. The assassination increase the bitterness in the North. A few historians have argued that Andrew Johnson was crucified in Lincoln's stead.

pursue the defeated Lee; wilderness of Virginia; Wilderness Campaign; highest of any general; war of attrition; offensive; negotiate for peace; Union and emancipation; Independence; Appomattox courthouse; Richmond; John Wilkes Booth; shot him in the head; better time; memory of his shortcomings; cheered; most effective Shields; vindictive treatment

North newspapers, at first hearing Lincoln's expectation of a _____, raise the cry "on to Richmond". In this atmosphere a Union Army of 30,000 men were near Washington in 1861. It was not _____ but the press and public ____. Lincoln conclude that an attack on a smaller Confederate Force at ____ might be worth a try. If successful it could demonstrate the _____ of Union arms. It might even lead to the capture of the _______. If Richmond fell, cesession would be ______ and the unit would be restored without damage to ______ of the South. Yankee recruits Swaggart out of Washington towards Bull Run on July 21st as if they were headed for a sporting event. Confederate reinforcements arrived _____. Panic seized the union troops and ______. The Confederates feasted on captured lunches. The military picnic at Bull Run bore significant consequences. Victory was worse than defeat for the South because it inflated the _____. Many Southern soldiers deserted, feeling that ______. Southern _____ fell off sharply in preparations for conflicts black. Defeat was better than victory for the union because it is spelled all illusions of a one-punch war and caused the north to ______. North hopes brighten later in 1861 when General ______ was given command of the army at the _____. He was a superb organizer and injected morale into the army of the Potomac. He consistently believe that the ______ and was over-cautious. As he continued to _____ without moving it towards Richmond the North became impatient. Lincoln issued ______. McClellan at last decided upon a Westbourne approach to Richmond, which lies at the Western base of a narrow Peninsula formed by the James and York River. Hence the name the ______. McClellan inch towards the _____ of 1862 with his a hundred thousand men. After taking about a month to capture Yorktown he finally came within sight of the spires of Richmond. After this crucial juncture Lincoln diverted McClellan anticipated reinforcements to chase _____. Stalled in front of Richmond, McClellan was further frustrated when Jeb Stuart's ____ rode completely around his army on reconnaissance, the _____. The Confederates drove McClellan Back to the Sea. Union forces abandon the Peninsula Campaign as a costly failure and Lincoln ______. Lee had achieved a brilliant Triumph. Yet the irony is of his accomplishments Were Striking. If McClellan had succeeded in taking Richmond the union would have probably been restored with ____. Slavery would have survived at least for a time. But his successful defense we ensured that the war would endure until _____ and the Old South thoroughly destroyed. Lincoln himself now declated that the rebels cannot experiment trying to destroy the government if they fail to come back into the Union on her. He began to draft an ____. Union strategy now turned towards Total War. The North Military plan had six components: first, slowly suffocate the South by ____, second _____ and undermine that economic foundations of the Old South, Third cut the Confederacy in half by seizing control of the ____ backbone, fourth, chop the Confederacy to Pieces by sending troops through Georgia and Carolina, fifth decapitate it by _____, and 6 try everywhere to engage the enemy's name strength and ride it into submission

quick victory; prepared for battle; wanted action; Bull Run; superiority; Confederate Capital at Richmond; discredited; economic and social system; unexpectedly; they fled in confusion; already dangerous overconfidence; the war was now surely over; enlistment; buckle down to the Staggering task at hand; George B McClellan; Potomac; enemy outnumbered him; drill his army; firm orders to advance; Peninsula Campaign; Confederate capital; Stonewall Jackson; Confederate Cavalry; seven days battles; abandon McClellan as commander of the army of the Potomac; minimal disruption to slavery; slavery was uprooted; Emancipation Proclamation; blockade; Liberate the slaves; Mississippi River; capturing its capital at Richmond

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