Chapter 21: Missouri Compromise and other Compromises

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List 3 provisions in the Fugitive Slave Law

A person arrested as a runaway slave had almost no rights and were still considered property. Also, if a runaway slave was caught, they were forced to go back " home " with their slave owner. In addition, a person who was hiding or helping slaves escape, or was refusing to help the slave catchers, could be jailed, punished or even killed

What was the mood of the South after the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln's presidency showed that the South no longer had power to shape or control events or policies. Southerners feared that congress would try to abolish slavery. Then the south secedes from the union

What was the impact or the " Uncle Tom's Cabin "?

Had a very big impact because it made more Northerners upset and mad about slavery. Its first copy was put on an abolitionist paper. Then it became published as a book, and a play. This educated young kids about the horrors of slavery. In the south, this book and its author was scorned and cursed

Missouri Compromise

In 1820, the idea of admitting Missouri into the union become a question again. Then the Missouri Compromise came up and admitted Missouri into the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. This balanced the # of free and slave states. They also drew an imaginary line across the Louisiana Purchase at 36'30. North of it, slavery was banned forever and South of it, slavery was permitted. 10 years later, abolitionists flooded congress with anti slavery things. The " Gag Rule " was created to end anti slavery and slavery disputes. Also, this led to the South being afraid because the North still attacked the South and Nat Turner's rebellion happened.

What event officially stated the civil war?

In his inequal address, Lincoln stated his belief that secession was both wrong and unconstitutional. 1 month later, confederates in Charleston, CA, forced the issue. On April 12. 1861, they opened fire on Fort Sumter and after 33 hours, the defenders of the fort haunted down the stars and stripes and replaced it with a white flag of surrender. The news that the confederates had fired or the American Flag leashed away in fury of the North. All doubts about saving the union then vanished

Compromise of 1850

In the 1850's a new compromise was made called the compromise of the 1850's. This new act admitted Calafornia as a free state, which made the North happy. The South was happy because New Mexico and Utah were allowed to choose if they wanted to be slave or free states. There was still drama over slavery and the Fugitive Salve Act. Northerners didn't want to help the slave catchers or send them back to the South. 3 new laws within this act made life unfair for the North and the slaves. The South didn't see this, but were mad because the North helped the slaves.

How did the Compromise of 1850 help the South?

It gave the New Mexico territories and Utah territories the right the decide whether they would allow slavery. The North got to have Calafornia admitted as a free state. This compromise also ended the slave trade.

What lands were involved in the Wilmot Proviso?

President James Polk sent a bill for congress asking for funds for the war with Mexico and a bill was written by David Wilmet, Pensylvania, saying that " Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist ". Southerners in congress opposed the amendment. They maintained that congress has no right to decide where slave holders could have their " Property "

What was the compromise in the Missouri Compromise?

Settled the dispute over adding Missouri to the union as a slave or free state and also settled more slave disputes. Missouri was added to the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state, to balance the # of slave states and free states. Also, an invisible line was drawn across the Louisiana purchase at the latitude of 36,30'. North of the line, slavery was banned forever, and on the South side of the line, slavery was permitted.

What was so important about the 36'30' line?

The line drawn across the Louisiana Purchase decided where slavery would be permitted and where slavery would be banned forever. North of the line, slavery was banned forever and South of the line, slavery was permitted

What was the decision of the Dred Scott Case?

They decided that he is not a free slave and has to go back to live with his owner. Dred Scott went to Wisconsin with his owner and when they got back, he went to congress and claimed that since he lived in a free state, that he is now a free slave. The judges claimed that all slaves are property and so he is property and has no rights.

What did the South fear if the North got more free states?

They feared that if the North got more free states, than the South had slave states, that the North would have enough power to go to congress and convince them to ban slavery forever

How did the country react because of the Kansas- Nebraska Act?

This act haunted Northerners with visions of slavery conditions and how slaves worked in the fields. Douglas ( the creator of this act ) tried to calm down the Northerners by saying that the conditions were too bad for slaves to work. After the act was made, settlers poured into Kansas. Some people were peaceful, where others were not and only went there to support or oppose slavery. The South sent men to go to Kansas and in the North, abolitionists raised money to send weapons to anti slavery people there. Soon, there were two competing governments, for and against slavery. Soon it turned violent and armed invaders went into the home town where the anti slavery government was and burned down a hotel, stole things and threw printing pressed into the river. John Brown and his followers captured 5 men a stabbed them to death. Then in congress, violence broke out and this was just another example of the South's ways.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do to the Missouri Compromise?

This compromise how they would build a train all the way to Calafornia. The act created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. The act also ENDED the Missouri Compromise

What did the country feel about slavery after the Missouri Compromise?

This compromise made Northerners upset, so the abolitionists flooded congress with anti slavery petitions. Congress was told that they had no right to interfere with slavery in states. Congress in 1839 voted to set aside all anti slavery petitions. The " Gag Rule " was created and silenced all of the anti slavery petitions. Southerners feared the Northerners because they were being attacked and they took anti slavery as an assault on their way of life. After " Nat Turners Rebellion ", Southerners were afraid and they adopted more stricter slave laws to control the slave movement and offered a $5,000 reward for an arrest of someone who was an abolitionist. Also, the north was given a lot more land than the South, so that made fights too.

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