Chapter 23-27 Test Review

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Explain the formula of photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2 sunlight

What were the advantages and disadvantages, and resulting adaptations for plants to move to land?

Advantages: increased sunlight unfiltered by water, more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than the water, soils rich in nutrients, and fewer predators Disadvantages: Lack of water, desiccation, and a lack of structural support against gravity Resulting adaptations: the alternation of generations, a sporangium in which the spores are formed, a gametangium that produces haploid cells, and apical meristem tissue in roots and shoots. The evolution of a waxy cuticle and a cell wall with lignin also contributed to the success of land plants.

All land plants have wich life cycle(s)?

An alteration of generations

What are the tissues of bark? What are the tissues of wood?

Bark is made out of phloem and cork; wood is made out of xylem

What is the location and function of the mesophyll layer of leaves?

Between the epidermises, most of the photosynthesis occurs here

The first plants to colonize the land?


Molecular data suggests that land plants evolved from?


A plant's response to an external stimulus involves receptors. A receptor that responds to light normally contains?

Cone and rod shaped cells

Describe and give the function of: cuticle, stomata, thallus

Cuticle: A non-cellular protective layer covering the outer cell layer (epidermis) of the green, aerial parts of land plants. They protect plants against desiccation, UV radiation and various kinds of physcial, chemical and (micro)biological agents. It also provides some support. Stomata: A pore, found in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other organs that is used to control gas exchange. As stomata open in the presence of sunlight, carbon dioxide will diffuse into the leaf as it is converted to sugars through photosynthesis inside the leaf. At the same time, water vapor will exit the leaf along a diffusive gradient through the stomata to the surrounding atmosphere through the process of transpiration. Thallus: The vegetative body of a plant that is not differentiated into organs such as stems and leaves

What do the terms dioecious and monoecious mean? How are bryophytes different from angiosperms?

Dioecious plants have male (staminate) flowers on one plant and female (pistillate) flowers on another plant. Monoecious plants have separate male and female flowers on the same plant. Bryophytes are non vascular plants with the gamete generation being dominant. Angiosperms are the dominant plant group today.

What are the characteristics of monocots?

Embryo with 1 cotyledon, usually developing underground, roots usually fibrous, growth is mostly herbaceous, vascular bundles scattered, leaves usually parallel-veined, flower parts usually in multiples of 3

What is the association of Rhyzobium bacteria and plants?

Fix atmospheric nitrogen to NH4+ to build organic compounds.

Which portion of the plant life cycle is haploid?


Where is cell division prominent in a plant?

Near the tip of the roots

How does aspirin relate to a plant defense mechanism

Plants use it as a signaling molecule that activates (a signal transduction pathway) it's defense system: systematic acquired resistance

Name an underground horizontal stem.


Describe the current degree of erosion in the United States

Soil is eroding faster than it is being formed on about one-third of all cropland

Describe the following and group as to stem or root adaptation: stolons, rhizomes, tubers,

Stolons- Stem adaptations Rhizomes- underground horizontal stem Tubers- Stem and root tubers, a short, thick round stem that is a part of certain plants (such as the potato), that grows underground, and that can produce a new plant

Plants could readily develop seasonal responses for flowering based on temperature changes but have "elected" through evolution to manage their rhythms based on comparison of daylight and darkness. Why has the day-to-night ration system instead of temperature been selected?

Temperature is a gradation but day/night is all-or-nothing

In the alteration of generations life cycle of plants, gametes are produced by?

The gametophyte

How is pollination accomplished in angiosperms? Which plant group is dominant today?

The pollen is carried from the anther to the stigma of the flower by water, wind, or animals. Angiosperms are the dominant plant group today.

Explain the cohesion-tension model

There is no expenditure of energy, It is a model of how water and minerals are transported in xylem, it is dependent on the cohesive and adhesive properties of water.

What are all the functions of plant roots?

To anchor the plant into the ground, collect water needed for transpiration

What is involved in the process for water to enter the root cells?


Describe the composition of and layers of soil.

clay holds, water and clumps

What is the order of layers of a typical leaf, starting on the upper surface of the leaf and progressing to the lower surface?

cuticle, epidermis, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, epidermis, cuticle

Some scientists predict that the Earth will lose almost all of its topsoil by the middle of the next century. What factors are involved in the erosion of soil?

deforestation, desertization, poor farming practices

Which plant hormones stimulates the ripening of fruit and inhibits plant growth?


Describe each of the following plant tissues with location and function: phloem, xylem, epidermis, ground tissue, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, parenchyma

phloem- vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients and sugars from the leaves to the roots. xylem- composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutriend minerals from the roots to the leaves collenchyma- mainly found under the epidermis in young stems in the large veins of leaves. Function as the supporting and strengthening tissue and in collenchyma with chloroplasts, photosynthesis takes place. sclerenchyma- Mature sclerenchyma cells are dead and have secondary cell walls thickened with cellulose and usually impregnated with lignin. Functions as an important supporting tissue in plants, they are responsible for the hardness of date seeds and the shell of walnut, fibres probably play a role in the transport of water in the plant, starch granules are stored in the young, living fibres. parenchyma- "typical" unspecialized plant cells.

What adaptations of plants to a terrestrial environment were necessary and why?

the alternation of generations, a sporangium in which the spores are formed, a gametangium that produces haploid cells, and apical meristem tissue in roots and shoots. The evolution of a waxy cuticle and a cell wall with lignin also contributed to the success of land plants.

What is the process of transpiration in plants?

the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as from leaves but also from stems and flowers.

The transpiration rate in plants is increased by?

wind, elevated temperature, increased sunlight intensity

Which plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutrient minerals from the roots to the leaves?


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