Chapter 24

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A leading voice of the Beats was

Allen Ginsberg

What was the landmark United States Supreme Court case decided on May 17, 1954, in which the Warren Court unanimously asserted that segregation in public education violated the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment?

Brown v. Board of Education

As president, Eisenhower sought to roll back the New Deal, abolish social security and unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs.


New York became the most prominent symbol of the postwar suburban boom; one-fifth of the population growth of the 1950s occurred there.


Orval Faubus was among the attorneys on the team hired by the NAACP to pursue the watershed case Brown v. Board of Education.


Prior to her arrest that led to the Montgomery bus boycott, Rosa Parks had never been involved in National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activism.


The suburban explosion of the 1950s did much to diminish racial divisions in America.


The so called "kitchen debate" between Nixon and Khrushchev occurred in

Moscow, Russia

During the 1950s, the mass movement for civil rights found principal support among

The southern black church

Although it was a nationwide phenomenon, 1950s suburbanization gathered its greatest momentum in the West.


As part of the expansive and dynamic growth of the American economy, in the twenty years after 1950, about 7 million white Americans left cities for the suburbs, nearly 3 million blacks moved from South to North, and half a million Puerto Ricans moved to the mainland.


During the 1950s, prominent psychologists insisted that women who were unhappy as housewives suffered from a failure to accept the "maternal instinct."


For all of America's successes, by 1960 more than one in five Americans lived in poverty.


In many ways, the economy and culture of the 1950s was dominated by the automobile.


In the 1950s, the number of houses in the United States doubled; most were built in the suburbs.


One strand of social analysis in the 1950s asserted that Americans were psychologically and culturally discontent, lonely and anxious, and yearning not so much for freedom as for stability and authority.


World War II was followed in the United States by what has been called "a golden age" of capitalism; between 1946 and 1960, the nation's gross national product more than doubled.


Which was not part of the new "social contract" between organized labor and management in leading industries during the 1950s?

Unions sponsored "wildcat" strikes in an effort to discipline management.

Under this kind of program, cities demolished poor neighborhoods in city centers that occupied potentially valuable real estate; in its place were constructed retail centers and all-white middle-income housing complexes.

Urban Renewal

In the 1950s, Richard Nixon pioneered efforts to transform the Republican Party's image

from defender of business to champion of the "forgotten man," for whom heavy taxation had become a burden.

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