Chapter 28.5-29 BITO TEST WWII

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How were death camps different from concentration camps? Which of Hitler's goals did the death camps address?

Concentration camps were detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state. The Nazis forced these people to work as slave laborers. They were barely fed, and in most cases worked to death. In 1941, German leaders made plans for the "final solution of the Jewish problem", by creating death camps. Unlike concentration camps, most of the people were killed quickly in 'showers', or gas chambers instead of working, and the ones that weren't killed there were worked to death or used for medical 'experiments'.


Day allies invaded France, French that were fighting in Italy came to help and Germany surrendered. France was snow Free

Explain Nazi ideology as depicted in Hitler's book Mein Kampf.

Extreme nationalism, racism, and anti semitism Germans belonged to a superior master race of aryans limit women's roles


German air forces

How did Hitler shift political thought in Weimar Germany? Why did his radical ideas gain the support of many Germans?

He thought of Weimar Germany as weak and wanted to take more aggressive actions against the treaty of Versailles. He thought that Germany was being treated unfairly by the terms of the treaty and people supported it because they wanted to end the corruption in Germany

How did Hitler expand his control over the German people?

Hitler established a totalitarian regime where every citizen was monitored and supervised under Nazi control. Gained power with fear, suppression and elimination of opponents (Gestapo) Nazis controlled education and religion People were relieved by Nazi promises so the public cheered him on Tremendous anti-semitism Intense nationalism

Nazi-Soviet Pact

Hitler made a pact with enemy Stalin, agreed not to fight if the other went to war (Soviet Union and Germany) and divide Poland between them

How did Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union affect the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

Hitler nullified the pact by invading the Soviet Union which was Operation Barbarossa. He invaded because Russia had an abundance of raw material. The invasion destroyed the Soviets by losing two and a half million soldiers. Hitler and his army wasn't prepared for the "General Winter" which is how thousands of German soldiers froze to death.


Hitler suggested to have 3 million germans in Sudentenalnd which is a region if west czech (Germany wanted to annex it)


Hitler wanted to take over the Soviet Union but only got as far as Stalingrand (one of the costliest wars)

Erwin Rommel

Hitlers brilliant commander that he sent to push Britain back

Cold War

Hostility between Soviet Union and US

Axis Powers

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis fight against soviet communism (made pact that they wouldn't expand to any of their lands)









Why was it difficult for non-Jewish civilians to help, hide, or protect their Jewish neighbors?

Some people in the communities that were trying to help the jews collaborated and worked with the Nazis.

How did the Soviets cut off supplies to West Berlin?

Stalin accused west of interfering in soviet zone. cut off road rail and canal traffic to starve west berlin. trying to force allies to pull out of their sectors and abandon plans for separate development of german zones

How did Stalin make sure that the eastern part of Europe came under Soviet influence?

Stalin made sure that the easter part of europe came under soviet influence by using coalition government to his advantage they had the red army to push out germany from the area

Why did Churchill call the divide between East and West the "Iron Curtain"? Explain the symbolism of both iron and curtain.

Symbolizes the efforts by the soviet union to block itself and other states from contact with the West and non soviet controlled areas. The curtain referred to fire proof curtains in theaters in the 19th century. It was also meant that no one knew what was going on behind the curtain so the other side.

What does cold in the term Cold War mean?

Cold represents the hostile tensions between the Soviet Union and US although they would not fight each other physically.

Munich Agreement/Conference

Britain and France caed in to Hitlers demands (surrender Sudetenland) Hitler said in return they wouldn't expand their power

Why do you think the air strike was important to Germany's plan to invade Britain?

Britain had a strong navy, so Germany would have to secure the air before invading the island.

Provide a synopsis of what took place on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day and why it was so important for the Allies to succeed in this offensive.

The D-Day invasion at Normandy happened just before midnight on June 5 when Allied planes dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines. Then, at dawn, thousands of ships ferried Allied troops across the English Channel and began the process of re-taking France. Their success in liberating France was the turning point of World War II and allowed the Allied powers to be on the offensive rather then the defensive. Also, by winning over France the Allies were able to push Germans back and were able to establish a foothold in Europe which caused Germany to fight a two front war.

How did the Axis Powers achieve victories in 1939 and 1940?

The Germans took more territory in Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France; Italy invaded northern Africa and Balkans; Japan invades southeast asian european colonies, French Indochina and Dutch East Indies. Axis powers struck fast and didn't give the enemy much time to react.

How effective was the League of Nations in 1930? Give details from the reading to support your answer

The League of Nations didn't stop nations from antagonizing each other eventually leading up to their ultimate failure which was the start of World War II.

Spain Collapses into Civil War: How was the Spanish Civil War another step in the march towards World War II?

The Spanish Civil War (1936-9) was a very important event during the tense 1930s in Europe. Although it did not make World War II inevitable, it increased the likelihood of a general war a great deal. The war had a tremendous impact on Spain itself, leaving much of the state's economic and social infrastructure in ruins and leaving thousands dead. But the war also saw involvement from other European states as both sides of the conflict. It was an opportunity for germany to test its weapons in fascist war.


The UN charter has one vote in the general assembly

Why was the United Nations created when there was already an organization, the League of Nations, designed to prevent world aggression?

The United Nations was formed to achieve peace and security because the League of Nations failed to do so

Summarize how nations devoted all of their resources to the war effort (Economically, Politically, and Socially)

The United States raised money by selling bonds and regulating prices. Factories ceased producing consumer goods and turned out airplanes and tanks instead. Although shortages meant consumers learned to live with less, the increase in production ended the unemployment in the Depression era. People rationed their food

The Yalta conference occurred as the Allies near end victory in the European theater. It was Roosevelt's last meeting with Churchill and Stalin. He died two months later. What does the cartoon say about Roosevelt's impact on decision-making regarding the war?

The cartoon shows that Roosevelt was a strong, honest leader and the cartoon shows that he could lead the decisions made in the country even after he died. The effect he left on the country would remain for generations, even after he was no longer able to physically lead them.

How was the Japanese attack on the U.S naval base at Pearl Harbor similar to the German invasion of Poland?

The germans bombed airfields, factories, cities and towns killing many people. The Japanese used similar tactics bombing battleships and aircraft killing 2,400 people. Both were surprise attacks.

Yalta Conference

The three leaders (roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill) Agreed that Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan after 3 months after Germanys surrender. In return they promised Stalin land

Which factor(s) do you think might have been most significant in Hitler's rise to power? Explain your answer.

The unfairness of the treaty of Versailles caused all of the fall out from the war, debt, destruction, and casualties,

Identify two ways that dictators from other Eastern European countries were similar to Hitler.

These dictators promised order and were supported by the military and the wealthy. They also turned to anti-semitism and used the Jews as scapegoats. Strong neighbors also targeted these small weak countries.

In order to pave the way for the invasion of D-Day, what preliminary steps did Eisenhower take on the Western Front to distract and weaken Germany?

They bombed them inland so they weren't as prepared for when D-Day occured. They bombed railroads to help weaken transportation of goods.

How did the Nazis put their anti-Semitic beliefs into practice?

They forced conquered peoples from these groups into slave labor in work camps and in concentration camps; millions were systematically killed. They also targeted political opponents, the elderly, the disabled, and homosexuals.

After winning World War II, the Allies wanted to ensure that Axis countries would not threaten peace once again. Make a list of steps the Allies took to guard against a rebirth of Axis aggression

They imprisoned or sent political/military/Nazi top leaders the death sentence to prevent another them from causing further chaos. In addition, Allies built democracies in Europe, which favored the rights of the citizens.

Why did Britains and other people in Western Europe have mixed feelings about the Munich Agreement?

They thought it would cause another outbreak and another war and knew it wouldn't stop hitler Winston Churchill warned of the nazi threat. He said hitler would break his promise, and it will cause another war. Allies were worried about Germany's aggression

Neutrality Acts

US congress passing laws ex: can't sell arms to any country at war, or said Americans can't travel to opposing countries at war (prevent America from getting involved in the war)

Marshall Plan

US funneled food and economic assistance into Europe to help them rebuild


Union of Austria and Germany

V-E day

Victory in Europe when Hitler committed suicide and Germany surrendered.

How did the Nazis use the concentration camp system throughout World War II?

Was used as a means to detain Jews and unwanteds Used them to either put prisoners to work or for use in "medical" experiments and extermination in death camps (ex. Auschwitz) Fed them little and made them work (usually to death) Made them produce products to benefit the Aryans and the Germans in the war effort

Warsaw Pact

military alliance, Soviet Union and seven satellites in Eastern Europe

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

military alliance, members pledged to help if any were attacked. (US, Canada, ten other countries)


opposition to all war

Why did the democracies finally promise to protect Poland from a German invasion?

the policy of appeasement had failed. Instead it caused more aggression by Hitler to demand more land. For example, Germany demanded that Sudetenland be annexed by Germany. Britain and France decided to go with the policy of appeasement persuading the Czechs to give up the land to Hitler. Hitler later broke his deal with Czechs in March 1939 by fully annexing Czechoslovakia. This made Western Democracies realize that giving into the demands of Hitler (aggressor) would not stop Nazi Germany. The Democracies then decided to guarantee Poland's independence in order to block the invading Nazi Army.

Atlantic Charter

when roosevelt secretly met with Churchill and set goals for the war (ending Nazi war)


"lightening war" Hitlers improve in modern warefare against Poland


(present day St. Petersberg) people were starving because of the Germans that destroyed everything.

Concentration camps

detention camps for civilians that were considered enemies of the state


giving into the demands of an aggressor to keep the peace


A "puppet state" that the Germans set up, this is their capital name

Why did Germany, Italy, and Japan reach an agreement to form the Axis Powers?

All three nations were imperialistic and were disrespected at the LON. These nations also sensed widespread pacifism (opposition to all war) in the nations Britain, France and the US. In the face of apparent weakness Germany, Italy and Japan created the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo alliance, AKA: the Axis Powers. Once the Axis powers were formed, the three aggressor powers agreed to fight Soviet Communism, but not each other in their quest for territorial expansion.

Harry Truman

American President, decided to use the weapon against Japan

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

American commander that took over American and British force in Morocco and Algeria

Douglas MacArthur

American general that led the US to take back the Philippines


American general that took control of American and British forces in Morocco and Algeria.

Why do you think culture flourished in the Weimar Republic despite the government's problems?

Artists may have felt inspired to speak out or depict the unrest and bitterness by the republic's many problems.

How did Hitler's anti-Semitism increase over time?

Because many opposing leaders were Jewish and it was easier for Hitler to blame a commonly called scapegoat that it was to otherwise explain all the troubles Germany faced. He encouraged violence against jews and even eventually became laws enforced in Germany

How did World War I impact the rise of authoritarian rule in Eastern Europe?

Because of the result of the treaty of Versaille, a dozen new countries were made out of the territory of Russia, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and German empire. The new countries went towards authoritarian rule because they all faced the same problems, they were small countries whose rural agricultural economies lacked capital to develop industry. (limited political freedom)

The atrocities of the Nazis continued until the Allies liberated Europe and the death camps. Why do you believe it took an Allied military victory to stop the Nazis? Why didn't the German people end the Nazis' reign of terror?

I think it took the victory of the allied military because the nazis didn't have anyone to stop them because if the people in the death camps did they wouldn't be able to do much because it was their bodys against bullets. The allied military was the only opposing force that could possibly stop the nazis. The reason the German people either they feared them to much or they didn't want to end it because they felt powerful as a nation and since they had been so badly embarrassed in the past world war they wanted to feel powerful.

List the sequence of events that led to the Berlin Airlift.

In June 1948, Stalin attempted to force the Western Allies out of Berlin due to his resentment of the Western forces attempting to rebuild Germany, and his despisement of the idea that the West wanted the German economy to recover, even though the Soviet Union took hold of all reparations. He did so by sealing off every railroad and highway into the western parts of the city, causing the West to respond,mounting a round-the-clock airlift, supplying Berlin citizens with food and fuel from their cargo planes, ending the Soviet blockade.

How were Warsaw Ghetto residents an inspiration to others?

Inspired jewish resistance in other Jewish ghettos and extermination camps.

How did the Nazi-Soviet Pact influence Hitler's decision to invade Poland?

Invading Poland was one of Hitler's first big invasion and takeover of another country. The Nazi-Soviet Pact ensured Hitler that the Soviet Union would not go to war with Germany and interfere with Hitler's territorial expansion. A few days later Britain and France declared war on Germany but Hitler was fine since it was only the western powers he would have to worry about. Hitler's move to seize Poland showed that Germany was confident to start the takeover.

How did Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union work against him?

It led to cooperation between the Soviet Union and Britain and tied up troops and supplies with a new enemy and now has to fight a war on two fronts.

How did the Truman Doctrine contain the communist threat in Greece?

It made it clear that Americans will resist Soviet expansion. It was the idea of limiting communism. Truman had also sent the military and economic aid to Greece to help suppress the communist threat.

Why was Hitler's strategic decision to try to take over the oil fields of the Soviet Union a disaster?

It violated the Nazi-Soviet pact between Germany and USSR to not fight one another, so USSR fought with the Allies afterward People survived the winter by extreme means (when rations came to 2 pieces of bread, they ate wallpaper with potato powder) so that they could survive the siege and still fight Russians surrounded them (no supplies/food), forced to surrender Hitler lost many valuable troops and supplies in the siege against Stalingrad without taking the oil fields, thus weakening him on the other fronts against the Allies.

Acts of Aggression

Japan Invasion of Manchuria, 1931 Second Sino- Japanese War, 1937 Italy Invasion of Ethiopia, 1935 Germany Buildup of German military Formation of Rome- Berlin- Tokyo Axis

Hideki Tojo

Japans general who wanted to expand Japan's empire and the US stopped him. Ordered pearl harbor

Explain the sequence of events that led to U.S. entry into World War

Lend Lease Act - America helped Britain in the war providing important supplies like weapon while not entering the war Attack on Pearl Harbor-General Tojo ordered a surprise attack. Early on December 7, 1941, Japanese air- planes bombed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii- The attack took the lives of about 2,400 people and destroyed battleships and air- craft. The next day, a grim-faced President Roosevelt told the nation that December 7 was "a date which will live in infamy." He asked Congress to declare war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy, as Japan's allies, declared war on the United States. America formally enters the war.

Truman Doctrine

Limiting communism under soviet control

German Aggression

March 1938 Hitler forced the Austrian chancellor to appoint Nazi's to key cabinet posts and when the chancellor followed the order, Hitler sent in the German army to preserve order. To show his status as the new ruler of Austria, Hitler made a speech in the Hofburg Palace. Sept 1938 The British and French orchestrated the Munich Conference, choosing appeasement again. Hitler convinced the two nations to make the Czechs surrender the Sudetenland without a fight, and Hitler promised that his plans didn't include an expansion of territory. March 1939 Hitler broke his promises and expanded his territory by seizing the rest of Czechoslovakia. The democracies finally accepted the the appeasement didn't work. The democracies promised to protect Poland which was most likely Hitler's next target. Sept 1939 A week after the Nazi- Soviet Pact, German forces invaded Poland Two days after the invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.


Nazi's massacred six million jews

Nuremberg Trials

Where Germans and Austrians were tried

Explain the importance of Winston Churchill during World War II.

Winston Churchill replaced the minister of Britain He led the defense of his country when hitler attacked Britain "Operation Sea Lion". Winston Churchill's defiance gave voice to the determination of the British He also agreed to work with Stalin when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Churchill and FDR secretly met on a warship after the Lend-Lease Act (sell or lend material to countries in need) was passed... the two men issued the Atlantic Charter; something that set goals for the war.

Rosie the Riveter

a character women symbolized ( took over mens jobs and showed that they are strong)

Lend-Lease act

allowed him to sell or lend war material to any country whose defense seemed vital to the defense of the United States


beaches in France that

Francisco Franco

conservative general that led a revolt that touched off a bloody civil war. (to support the republic)


death camp

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