Chapter 29, 30

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Identify the ways in which the Eisenhower administration expanded social programs.

-Eisenhower approved a minimum wage increase. -Eisenhower approved additional low-income housing projects. -Eligibility for Social Security was extended to many workers who had previously been excluded.

Describe Eisenhower's "moderate Republicanism," particularly his intentions to alter the balance between state and federal power.

-Eisenhower sought a "middle way" that emphasized consensus and compromise. -Eisenhower sought to curb the ability of the federal government to engage in social and political planning. -Eisenhower sought to reinstate the power of state governments.

Describe Eisenhower's "moderate Republicanism," particularly his intentions to alter the balance between state and federal power.

-Eisenhower sought to curb the ability of the federal government to engage in social and political planning. -Eisenhower sought to reinstate the power of state governments. -Eisenhower sought a "middle way" that emphasized consensus and compromise.

Why was democracy able to take hold in Eastern Europe?

-Gorbachev sought harmony and trade with its cold war enemies. -Gorbachev stopped intervening in the affairs of Communist countries.

Identify the philosophy and specific policy goals that Eisenhower sought to execute as part of his "dynamic conservatism" program, in which he was "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings."

-He planned to execute a fiscally conservative and socially liberal agenda. -He approved additional public housing projects and extended Social Security benefits to citizens who had previously been excluded.

How did the concept of instant gratification and the idea that Americans should be able to "have it all" influence the economy?

-Public and private debt increased. -Many Americans went on spending sprees.

What factors helped Reagan win the election of 1984?

-Reagan promised he would not raise taxes whereas his opponent said he would. -Reagan's campaign was more optimistic than the Democrats. -The economy prospered because of his economic policies.

Which states' election results in 1952 indicated a change in the political landscape of a region in the United States?

-Texas -Florida -Tennessee -Virginia

What factors hampered the successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act?

-The government website did not work properly. -Insurance providers canceled the policies of many Americans.

Identify the goals of the "religious Right."

-The size of the government should be reduced. -The biblical story of creation should be taught in public schools. -Roe v. Wade should be reversed.

The novelist Norman Mailer said that the 1950s were "one of the worst decades in the history of man." What does this quotation reveal about postwar American society?

-These words referred to the sameness and mediocrity that many writers felt plagued American life. -These words spoke to the wave of criticism among writers and artists who rejected the consumer-driven culture of middle-class America. -These words embodied the feelings of many novelists who attacked the uniformity and conformity of suburban life.

The following image illustrates which of the following changes that took place in American society during the 1950s?

-the growth of American consumerism centered on the home -television watching becoming the most common American leisure activity

Weapons of Mass Destruction

According to the Bush Doctrine, there were in the hands of terrorist groups and rouge nations which required the United States to use preemptive military action in order to disable the threat

Tea Party

American Political movement known for its conservative positions and its role in the Republican Party


An important, and controversial, transformation of the world economy whereby the Internet helped revolutionize global commerce by creating an international marketplace for goods and services.

Proposition 13

An initiative that was added onto the state ballot in June, 1978 that slashed property taxes by 57 percent and amended the state constitution to make it more difficult for local and state governments to raise taxes.

U.S. foreign policy after 9-11

Any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the united States as a hostile regime

How did Bush react to the 1991 Communist coup?

Bush refused to support the new government and maintained support for Boris Yeltsin and Gorbachev.

The bumper sticker "Saddam Hussein still has his job. What about you?" was popular during the 1992 election. What did this reveal about the issues frustrating Americans, despite President Bush's foreign-policy successes?

During Bush's presidency, the economy hardly grew at all.

The bumper sticker "Saddam Hussein still has his job. What about you?" was popular during the 1992 election. What did this reveal about the issues frustrating Americans, despite President Bush's foreign-policy successes?

During Bush's presidency, the economy hardly grew at all.

Identify the strategy for dealing with communism that Eisenhower supported during his campaign.

Eisenhower wanted to restore freedom to Eastern European nations under Communist control.

The Federal Election Campaign Act 1974

Est. public financing of presidential campaigns and imposed some restrictions on contributions or curtail the selling of political favors

By signing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Bush restored confidence in both the economy and his presidency.


Democratic control of the House of Representatives prevented Reagan from implementing his major policy goals.


Democrats in the House of Representatives prevented Reagan from implementing his major policy goals.


Eisenhower believed the power of the president should be limited to proposing policy, while Congress should enjoy broader powers such as executing the laws.


Global competition increased after the war. Throughout the fifties, America faced major challenges in its efforts to maintain a profitable trade in manufactured goods


In 2014 the Hispanic population was only growing in the five states along the Mexican border, which limited Hispanics' political power.


Arab Spring creates threat to American economic interest

Governments that oppose the practice of the U.S. companies might come to power in North Africa


In 1946, a team of engineers at the University of Pennsylvania created electronic numerical integrator and computer, the first all-purpose, all-electronic digital computer.

How did Reagan's desire to end the Cold War influence the economy at the beginning of his first term?

Increased military spending led to larger federal budget deficits, which helped to stimulate the nation's economy by the end of his first term.

How did Reagan's desire to end the cold war influence the economy at the beginning of his first term?

Increased military spending led to larger federal budget deficits, which helped to stimulate the nation's economy by the end of his first term.

Nuclear Power capability

India and Pakistan

Foreign Policy in early 2000s

International terrorism originating in the Middle East

Axis of Evil

Iran, Iraq, and North Korea

Growth in the size of minority populations

Leads to minority majority and has dramatic impact on both political parties

National Energy Act of 1978

Legislation that penalized manufactures of gas-guzzling automobiles and provided additional initiatives for energy conservation and development of alternative fuels, such as wind and solar power. However, the act fell short of the long term, comprehensive program that President Carter advocated

Financial crisis of 2007

Major contributing factor leading to the election of Obama

How did most Americans react to the new agencies and laws designed to fight terrorism?

Most Americans supported such measures because they were afraid of terrorists.

Bush Doctrine

National security policy launched in 2002 by which the Bush administration claimed the right to launch preemptive military attacks against perceived enemies, particularly outlaw nations or terrorist organizations believed to possess weapons of mass destruction

U.S. Immigration Reform

Necessary due to rapid growth of minority populations

Election of 1980

On election day, Reagan swept to a lopsided victory, with 489 electoral votes to 49 for Carter, who carried only six states. The popular vote was 44 million (51 percent) for Reagan to Carter's 35 million (41 percent), with 7 percent going to John Anderson, a moderate Republican who ran on an independent ticket.

Iran-Contra affair

Reagan administration scandal in 1987 over the secret, unlawful U.S. sale of arms to Iran in partial exchange for the release of hostages in Lebanon

Complete the passage below describing why Reagan believed Reaganomics would work.

Reagan believed that if he lowered taxes on corporations and income, people would have more money to invest in the economy.

Why did Reagan increase military spending to the point where it represented a quarter of federal expenditures?

Reagan hoped a massive military buildup would force the Soviets into an arms race that would ultimately bankrupt them.

How did Reagan gain the support of Americans who felt alienated by Carter?

Reagan provided a more optimistic message than Carter.

Why was the political situation in El Salvador an important issue for Reagan?

Reagan was concerned that if El Salvador fell to communism, it would cause other Central American countries to embrace communism as well.


Russian term for "economic restructuring"; applied to Mikhail Gorbachev's series of political and economic reforms that included shifting a centrally planned Communist economy to a mixed economy allowing for capitalism


Russian term for "openness"; applied to the loosening of censorship in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev

Federal Government's Role in 2008

The Federal government's loosening of the legislation's requirements contributed to the creation of risky investments that harmed the economy

Carter Doctrine

The President threatened to use military force to prevent any nation from gaining control of the Persian Gulf waterways, through which most of the oil from the Middle East made its way to foreign ports, including American cities.

Soviets invade Afghanistan

The Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, where a faltering Communist government was being challenged by Islamist jihadis and ethnic warlords. Carter responded by refusing to sign a new Strategic Arm Limitation Talks treaty with the Soviets, suspended grain shipments tot he Soviet Union, began supplying Afghan "freedom fighters" with weapons smuggled through Pakistan, requested large increases in military spending, required all nineteen-year-old men to register for the military draft, and called for an international boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games that were to be be held in that summer in Moscow.

What made the election of 2000 controversial?

The Supreme Court intervened to decide the election.

Threat to the financial stability of federal entitlement programs

The aging of the baby-boomer generation

Instantaneous communication

The development of the Internet, electronic mail (e-mail), and cell-phone technology during the eighties and nineties accelerated the globalization of the economy and dramatically increasing productivity in the workplace.

What effect did Reaganomics have on the economy by the end of the president's first term?

The economy pulled itself out of recession and began to recover.

Altair 8800

The prototype of the personal computer that was developed in 1975 by an engineer named Ed Roberts.

Formation of al - Qaeda

The soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Republican Senators are reluctant to compromise with Obama's Administration

They risked being challenged in Republican primary elections by Tea Party Candidates

Clinton's Presidency

Trend of entering in to free trade agreements with foreign countries

Castro's Cuba was the greatest foreign policy embarrassment for the Eisenhower administration


Obama's decision to negotiate with Iran and Syria regarding weapons of mass destruction, as well as his use of airpower in Iraq against ISIS, reflected his shifting policy priorities aimed at reducing the U.S. role in the Middle East.


Obama's decision to negotiate with Iran regarding nuclear weapons, as well as his use of American air power in Iraq against ISIS, reflected his shifting policy priorities aimed at reducing the U.S. role in the Middle East.


Rising home values and inflation prompted conservative backlash in California and other states.


Opponents to war in Iraq

U.S. government's failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

October 2001

U.S. invaded Afghanistan to retaliate for the 9 - 11 attacks

Complete the passage below describing the new economy that developed under Clinton.

Under Clinton, the federal government developed a budget surplus. New forms of consumer electronics helped create dot-com companies. New technology also spurred globalization as many American companies moved abroad or outsourced jobs. By the end of Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced low inflation and unemployment.

Camp David Accords

(1978) Peace agreement facilitated by President Carter between Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Isreal and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, the first Arab head of state to officially recognize the state of Israel.

Analyze the image of an uncompleted housing development in the bankrupt city of Rio Vista, California, in 2008. Identify the causes of the Great Recession for which the image provides evidence.

- For many years, unqualified borrowers were given home mortgages they could not afford. - The housing bubble burst, leading to a rapid decline in home prices.

How did the concept of instant gratification and the idea that Americans should be able to "have it all" influence the economy?

- Many Americans went on spending sprees. - Public and private debt increased.

Republicans were opposed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) because they wanted to protect American jobs and depended upon labor unions for political support.


Rock 'n' roll flourished because it was uncontroversial, appealed to white Americans of all ages, and helped support the racial segregation of the era.


The Eisenhower Doctrine attempted to initiate an isolationist policy when it came to the Middle East.


Bush's Social Security System

Privatizing key aspects of the system

Causes of Climate Change

Automobile exhaust emissions

2002 Department of Homeland Security

Preventing future terrorist attacks and protecting against other potential threats

Great Recession

A sudden decline in housing prices

North American Free Trade Agreement

Agreement eliminating trade barriers that was signed in 1994 by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, making North America the largest free-trade zone in the world

Cyber Security

Aimed at limiting the activities of hackers

Initial Response to 9-11 attacks

American patriotism

Causes for reelection of Obama

Changes in the demographic makeup of the U.S. Population

How did the Camp David Accords influence the politics of the Middle East?

Egypt officially recognized the existence of Israel.

Where was Eisenhower successful in handling foreign crises?

Germany and Egypt

War on terror

Global crusade to root out anti-American, anti-Western Islamist terrorist cells launched by President George W. Bush as a response to the 9/11 attacks


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmitted via the bodily fluids of infected persons to cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), an often fatal disease of the immune system when it appeared in the 1980s

Describe the strategy of "massive retaliation" formulated by President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles as a way of avoiding increased military costs.

It was a strategy that employed the threat of nuclear warfare as a way to prevent Communist aggression.

"I'll never tell a lie"

Jimmy Carter's campaign slogan that convinced voters he was an incorruptible political "outsider," a common man of pure motives who would restore integrity and honesty to the presidency in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal.

Complete the passage below describing how immigration has affected the conservative movement.

Many conservatives have called for the closure of the Mexican-American border. Members of the Republican Party are 87 percent white. Many immigrants support the Democratic Party. In order to stay connected to voters and win elections, some Republican strategists believe that Republican candidates should appeal to minorities.

Complete the passage below describing how Reagan gained the support of the business community.

Many corporations belonged to political action committees that supported pro-business candidates. Businesses did not support government involvement in the economy and opposed many liberal policies. Since Reagan was a conservative candidate, businesses agreed with his beliefs and supported his campaign.

Obama Administration

Push to make major changes in American Health Care

How did most Americans react to the new agencies and laws designed to fight terrorism?

While some Americans were suspicious of laws like the Patriot Act, most Americans supported such measures.

Gorbachev's foreign relations

With Gorbachev's successful efforts to liberalize Soviet domestic life and improve East-West relations cheered Americans. The Soviets suddenly began stressing cooperation with the West in dealing with hot spots around the World. They urged the Palestine Liberation Organization, founded in 1964 to represent the Palestinian people, to recognize Israel's right to exist and advocate a greater role for the United Nations in the volatile Persian Gulf. In 1988,

Imperial presidency

weakened the traditional checks and balances on the executive branch and opened the door to abuses

Identify the examples of Obama's successes in achieving his counterterrorism goals.

- Obama used Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden. - Voters in Afghanistan were able to participate in elections in 2014.

How did the United States pursue the Obama Doctrine in Afghanistan and Iraq?

- Obama used troops in Afghanistan for counterterrorism purposes, not for nation building. - Obama withdrew combat forces from Iraq.

Complete the passage below to describe how the threat of global terrorism influenced Bush's foreign policy.

- preemptive strike - unilaterally - abandon

Iran hostage crisis

Began in 1979 after the deposed shah of Iran was allowed into the US following the Iranian revolution. Iranians broke into the US Embassy in Teheran and took 66 Americans hostage. The hostage crisis contributed to President Carter's defeat in the 1980 presidential election

Why were Republicans unable to remove Clinton from office after he was impeached?

Clinton's crimes were not severe enough to warrant removing him from office.

Put in chronological order the events of the Great Recession.

-Rising home prices encourage consumers to buy houses they cannot afford. -Housing prices fall dramatically. -Huge numbers of mortgage borrowers default on their payments. -Banks lose billions on bad mortgages and other debts, while reduced spending plunges the country into a recession. -Bush signs the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Court-ordered integration inspired "massive resistance" among whites, especially in the South. Select the events that took place as part of this "massive resistance" at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, and identify the federal government's response.

-Some southern politicians called for President Eisenhower's impeachment and removal over Little Rock and closed public schools. -The Eisenhower administration sent 1,000 troops to deal with white riots that ensued when nine black students attempted to enter their school building. -Massive resistance to Court-ordered school integration waned in all but five southern states.

For fifteen years, the NAACP had attempted to employ the courts as a tool for ending racial segregation. Identify the Supreme Court cases that challenged the separate-but-equal doctrine established by the Supreme Court in 1896.

-Sweatt v. Painter -Brown v. Board of Education

How did the U.S. relationship with Iran affect Carter's presidency?

-The Iranian hostage crisis undermined Carter's authority and made the United States look weak. -The energy crisis worsened when Iran refused to provide oil to the United States.

How did the Reagan Doctrine modify the containment strategy?

-The Reagan Doctrine granted U.S. support to brutal dictatorships in order to oppose Soviet expansion. -The Reagan Doctrine supported U.S. attempts to outspend the Soviet Union in an arms race.

Identify the strategies of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the tactics employed by the organization.

-The SCLC sought to execute acts of nonviolent resistance throughout the South. -The SCLC sought to organize groups and organizations for direct action. -African American ministers did not immediately join the organization.

Identify the legacies of Reaganomics.

-The economy prospered for years after Reagan left office. -The country was left with a large amount of debt.

Why was Clinton successful in the 1996 campaign?

-The economy was improving. -The Republican party was divided over cultural and personal issues. -There were no foreign-policy crises.

How did the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war influence Bush's foreign policy?

-The end of the cold war brought instability on a large scale. -Bush struggled to understand the changing political landscape of the world.

"Great Communicator"

A nickname journalists dubbed Ronald Reagan as because of his remarkable skill as a public speaker and his steadfast commitment to a few basic principles and simple themes.

Supply-side Economics

Economic theory claiming that tax cuts for individuals (especially the wealthy) and businesses encourage investment and production (supply) and stimulate consumption (demand) because individuals can keep more of their earnings. Despite promises to the contrary, under President Reagan supply side economics created a massive federal budget deficit

As president, Reagan convinced Congress to significantly reduce spending for many social welfare programs, as he had promised to do as a candidate.


Bill Clinton's policies were designed to be a liberal reaction to the conservative politics of Bush and Reagan.


Bush remained popular among conservatives during his second term despite strong criticism from liberals.


By signing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Bush prevented large financial institutions from collapsing and restored confidence in both the economy and his presidency.


In 2014, the Hispanic population was only growing in the five states along the Mexican border, which limited Hispanics' political power.


Obama pursued an aggressive campaign of nation building to support democracy in the Middle East in accordance with the Obama Doctrine.


Obama pursued an aggressive campaign of nation-building to support democracy in the Middle East in accordance with the Obama Doctrine.


Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) created a system through which uninsured Americans with low income could buy health insurance from the federal government.


President Eisenhower exercised tremendous leadership on behalf of the civil rights movement by encouraging the Supreme Court to take on the case of Brown v. Board of Education.


Reagan's economic policies revitalized the American economy by creating more manufacturing jobs.


Republicans were opposed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) because they wanted to protect American jobs and depended upon labor unions for political support


The Iran-Contra affair revealed that the Reagan administration was secretly channeling funds it secured by selling arms to Iran to fund research on the Strategic Defense Initiative, an anti-missile program that Congress had explicitly abolished, as it violated previous arms limitation treaties with the Soviet Union.


The U.S. military intervention in Panama during Bush's presidency was a continuation of President Reagan's efforts to halt the expansion of communism in Central America.


The United States invaded Iraq with the full support of all its allies to remove Saddam Hussein from power and limit the threat posed by his chemical and biological weapons.


The United States invaded Iraq with the full support of its allies to remove Saddam Hussein from power and limit the threat posed by his chemical and biological weapons.


The bracero program sought to restore the military and economic alliance that had existed between America and various countries in East Asia before the Second World War.


The following quotation illustrates the Obama Doctrine: "If we wait for threats to fully materialize ... we will have waited too long. In the world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action. And this nation will act."


The following quotation illustrates the Obama Doctrine: "If we wait for threats to fully materialize ... we will have waited too long. In the world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action. And this nation will act."


The interconnectedness of the global marketplace during the 1980s revitalized the American economy by creating more manufacturing jobs.


How did Clinton's health care plan influence the political landscape of the United States?

Republicans running on their Contract With America took over many seats from Democrats in the 1994 midterm elections.

How did Clinton's health-care plan influence the political landscape of the United States?

Republicans running on their Contract With America took over many seats from Democrats in the 1994 midterm elections.

Tea Part

Right-wing populist movement, largely made up of middle-class, white male conservatives, that emerged as a response to the expansion of the federal government under the Obama administration

Strategic Defense Initiative

Ronald Reagan's proposed space-based anti-missile defense system, dubbed "Star Wars" by the media, that aroused great controversy and escalated the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union

Which of the following identify the context and significance of this quotation for American foreign policy during Eisenhower's presidency? "We have excited Hungarians for all these years and are now turning our backs on them when they are in a jam."

These words referred to the American pledge to support those countries forced to endure "Communist slavery." President Eisenhower spoke these words during the Hungarian revolt out of guilt that U.S. propaganda had encouraged the Hungarians to believe the United States would support their efforts.

Same-sex marriage

The legal right for gay and lesbian couples to marry

Iranian hostage crisis

(1979) Storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries, who held fifty-two Americans hostage for 444 days, despite President Carter's appeals for their release and a botched rescue attempt.

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

(1983) Ronald Reagan's proposed space-based anti-missile defense system, dubbed "Star Wars" by the media, that aroused great controversy and escalated the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

(1987) Agreement singed by the U.S. president Ronald Reagan and Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev to eliminate the deployment of intermediate-range missiles with nuclear warheads.

Iran-Contra Affair

(1987) Raegan administration scandal over the secret, unlawful U.S. sale of arms to Iran in partial exchange for the release of hostages in Lebanon; the arms money in turn was used illegally to aid Nicaraguan right-wing insurgents, the Contras

Identify the policies Obama sought to implement in his first term.

(ALL) - economic stimuli in order to create jobs - government support of large banks and other financial institutions - setting in motion the end of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - health insurance reform to expand access to the uninsured

To what extent was Obama successful in his goal of uniting the country?

(shortest one)

Identify the locations in the United States that were directly affected by the rise of global terrorism during Bush's presidency.

- NY - PA - DC 2

Identify the locations in the United States that were directly affected by the rise of global terrorism during Bush's presidency.


Identify the regions of the country that were most likely to experience a major realignment of political values during the election of 1980.

*ON MAP* Right Top Right Bottom

Election 1972

- Nixon reelected, who appealed to Democrats about Vietnam, race, law and order - Nixon v. George McGovern - Republicans believed that George McGovern is and left-wing extremist, and his support for busing, a generous welfare program, and immediate withdrawal from Vietnam alienated - Significance: largest landslide in US history winning 60.7% of the votes, won among traditional democrats

Complete the passage below describing how Reagan's presidency influenced liberal ideas and institutions.

- AFL-CIO - unions - feminism

Which population groups grew the fastest at the end of the twentieth century?

- Asian Americans - multiracial Americans - Hispanic Americans

How did the end of the Cold War influence the foreign-policy visions of Clinton and Bush?

- Bush never articulated a new foreign-policy strategy. - Clinton wanted to send economic aid to countries that had been a part of the Soviet Union.

How did the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War influence Bush's foreign policy?

- Bush struggled to understand the changing political landscape of the world. - The end of the Cold War brought instability on a large scale.

Identify the aspects of Carter's personality that limited his success as a president.

- Carter failed to inspire the nation and came off as preachy and negative. - Carter's desire to be a "strong, aggressive president" made it difficult for him to get Congress to pass any of his bills. - Carter liked to micromanage.

What was Carter's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

- Carter imposed a grain embargo on the Soviet Union. - Carter imposed an American boycott on the Moscow summer Olympics.

How did Carter lose the support of Christians who were part of the growing "religious right"?

- Carter supported the Equal Rights Amendment. - Carter did not support efforts to restore daily prayer in schools. - Carter refused to ban abortions.

What major difficulties did Clinton experience during his presidency?

- Clinton failed to pass health-care reform. - Clinton's reputation was damaged by scandals.

To what extent was Clinton's foreign policy a success?

- Clinton negotiated several significant agreements between Israel and the PLO. - Clinton authorized military action that put an end to ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

How did Obama bring health-care reform to the United States? Put the following steps in chronological order.

- Congress passes the Affordable Care Act. - The Affordable Care Act website fails. - Congress refuses to fund the Affordable Care Act. - Obama refuses to sign the federal budget and the government shuts down. - Congress passes a budget that funds the Affordable Care Act.

How did the rights of gay Americans evolve during Obama's presidency? Put the events in chronological order.

- Congress repeals the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. - Obama endorses same-sex marriage. - The Supreme Court overturns the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

How did the election of 2010 change President Obama's ability to pursue his policy goals?

- Democrats and moderate Republicans lost their Congressional seats to more conservative candidates. - The Tea Party became a powerful force in American politics.

The economy was deep in recession when Obama became president. Identify the laws Obama supported and their intended effect.

- Dodd Frank: The act reformed the system that regulated the financial industry. - TARP: The act provided bailouts to financial institutions. - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The act provided funds for states to spend on infrastructure development projects.

Why was democracy able to take hold in Eastern Europe?

- Gorbachev began to cooperate with the United States. - Gorbachev stopped intervening in the affairs of Communist countries.

Which of the following statements accurately describe immigration in the twenty-first century?

- Immigration from Asia, as well as Latin America and Africa, means that the majority of new arrivals are no longer from Europe. - Asian Americans are the fastest-growing ethnic group as a result of Chinese immigration.

Although Bush struggled to define his "New World Order," he was successful in resolving a conflict in the Middle East. Which countries did Bush seek to protect with Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm?

- Kuwait - Saudi Arabia

Identify the roles of the following laws or agencies during the "war on terror" after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

- Office of Homeland Security: This was created to protect Americans from terrorists at home and to respond to terrorist threats abroad. - Transportation Security Administration: This was designed to improve security on airlines and prevent terrorists from entering the country or carrying out another attack similar to 9/11. - USA Patriot Act: This allowed the government to try suspected terrorists in military courts.

What steps did Reagan take to end the Cold War? Put the events leading up to the end of the Cold War in chronological order.

- Reagan begins a massive military buildup. - Reagan authorizes the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). - The United States and Soviet Union sign the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement. - Reagan calls for Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

What personal qualities and values helped Reagan to victory in the 1980 election?

- Reagan was a great public speaker. - Reagan supported religious and family values.

How did Reagan envision his "peace through strength" strategy succeeding?

- Reagan would brand the Soviet Union as the "evil empire." - Reagan would increase America's military strength and force the Soviets to try to keep up.

What factors helped Reagan win the election of 1984?

- Reagan's campaign was more optimistic than the Democrats. - The economy prospered because of his economic policies. - Reagan promised he would not raise taxes whereas his opponent said he would.

Put in chronological order the events of the Great Recession.

- Rising home prices encourage consumers to buy houses they cannot afford. - Housing prices fall dramatically. - Huge numbers of mortgage borrowers default on their payments. - Banks lose billions on bad mortgages and other debts, while reduced spending plunges the country into a recession. - Bush signs the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Describe how the following events limited Carter's ability to be a successful president.

- Stagflation: Unemployment and prices rose despite Carter's efforts to reduce taxes and increase spending. - Panama Canal: Republican critics worried that Carter had abandoned the country's national interests. - "Crisis of confidence" Speech: Carter seemed to blame Americans for his own failings as president. - Iranian Hostage Crisis: Carter and America appeared weak on the world stage.

How did the Reagan Doctrine modify the containment strategy?

- The Reagan Doctrine granted U.S. support to brutal dictatorships in order to oppose Soviet expansion. - The Reagan Doctrine supported U.S. attempts to outspend the Soviet Union in an arms race.

Identify the goals of the "religious right."

- The biblical story of creation should be taught in public schools. - Roe v. Wade should be reversed. - The size of the government should be reduced.

Identify the legacies of Reaganomics.

- The country was left with a large amount of debt. - The economy prospered for years after Reagan left office.

How did the U.S. relationship with Iran affect Carter's presidency?

- The energy crisis worsened when Iran refused to provide oil to the United States. - The Iranian hostage crisis undermined Carter's authority and made the United States look weak.

Obama was successful in passing health-care reform. What factors influenced the success of the actual implementation of the Affordable Care Act?

- The government website did not work properly. - Insurance providers cancelled the policies of many Americans.

Despite Obama's attempts to resolve the economic crisis, many people in the United States became increasingly angry over the nation's economic situation. The image above illustrates which of the following critiques of the U.S. economy?

- The government's actions during the economic crisis had improperly benefited large financial institutions. - Rich people were controlling too large a percentage of wealth in the United States.

What were the societal effects of the government's stance on low-cost housing and mental health services?

- The number of homeless Americans increased because the government did not support public low-cost housing. - The number of homeless Americans increased because there were few services for the many people released from mental institutions.

How did demographic changes make conservative politics more popular?

- The number of senior citizens in the United States increased. - Americans migrated to conservative Sunbelt states.

Why did Clinton's health-care bill fail?

- The plan was overly complicated. - It lacked support from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. - It lacked support from Republicans.

Identify how the invasion of Iraq affected the American budget and economy.

- The rebuilding process in Iraq cost nearly a trillion dollars. - America faced massive budget deficits because of the enormous costs of the war.

Why was Clinton successful in the 1996 campaign?

- There were no foreign-policy crises. - The economy improved significantly, ushering in a period of great economic growth. - The Republican party was divided.

Identify the regions of the country that were most likely to experience a major realignment of political values during the election of 1980.

- Top Right (Maine Area) - Bottom Right (Florida Area)

How did each of the following events influence Bush's presidency?

- economic recession: area of Bush's failings that Clinton exploited during the 1992 election - Operation Desert Storm: • improved Bush's approval ratings in the short term • provided a source of criticism during the 1992 election - Reaganomics: created a massive national debt and a recession

What factors contributed to the public's declining support for the war on terrorism in 2003 and 2004?

- information indicating that the United States had mistreated prisoners - the rising financial and human costs of the war in Iraq - the continued instability of Iraq due to ethnic and religious divisions - the lack of weapons of mass destruction

In his 1958 book The Affluent Society, John Galbraith criticized the widespread belief that major social problems in America were being rectified by the country's economic prosperity. Identify some of the chronic social problems America faced in the postwar era.

-Almost 50 percent of the black community was poverty-stricken. -Twenty-five percent of Americans lacked any savings or other type of financial assets. -The disparity between black and white wages widened.

What effect did the cold war and consumerism have on the nature of religion in the United States?

-American popular religion was upbeat and positive. -Public officials supported public displays of religious faith. -Books about religion were best sellers.

Which population groups grew the fastest at the end of the twentieth century?

-Asian Americans -multiracial Americans -Hispanic Americans

What was Carter's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

-Carter called for an international boycott of the Moscow summer Olympics. -Carter imposed a grain embargo on the Soviet Union.

How did Carter lose the support of Christians who were part of the growing religious Right?

-Carter did not support efforts to restore daily prayer in schools. -Carter refused to ban abortions. -Carter supported the Equal Rights Amendment.

Identify the aspects of Carter's personality that limited his success as a president.

-Carter liked to micromanage. -Carter's desire to be a "strong, aggressive president" made it difficult for him to get Congress to pass any of his bills. -Carter failed to inspire the nation and came off as preachy and negative.

How did the baby boom provide its own stimulus for the postwar American economy?

-Children represented a new set of consumer demands ranging from toys to clothing. -The growing population resulted in the development of suburbia. -This period witnessed a surge in new schools to accommodate so many children.

What major difficulties did Clinton experience during his presidency?

-Clinton failed to pass health care reform. -Clinton's reputation was damaged by scandals.

To what extent was Clinton's foreign policy a success?

-Clinton negotiated several significant agreements between Israel and the PLO. -Clinton authorized military action that put an end to ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

How did the end of the cold war influence the foreign-policy visions of Clinton and Bush?

-Clinton wanted to send economic aid to countries that had been a part of the Soviet Union. -Bush never articulated a new foreign-policy strategy.

How did the rights of gay Americans evolve during Obama's presidency? Put the events in chronological order.

-Congress repeals the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. -Obama endorses same-sex marriage. -The Supreme Court overturns the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

How did the election of 2010 change President Obama's ability to pursue his policy goals?

-Democrats and moderate Republicans lost their congressional seats to more conservative candidates. -The Tea party, which disliked President Obama's "big government," became a powerful force in American politics.

How did Eisenhower view America's foreign policy strategy under Truman, and how did his administration seek to reform it?

-Eisenhower sought to initiate a "roll back" policy around the world. -Eisenhower believed the Truman policy of "containment" to be no longer adequate.

Identify actions President Eisenhower took to meet his promise of a "middle way between untrammeled freedom of the individual and the demands of the welfare of the whole nation."

-He sought to trim the bureaucracy of the federal government. -He expanded the number of people eligible for Social Security. -He worked to balance the budget.

Which of the following statements accurately describe immigration in the twenty-first century?

-Immigration from Asia, Latin America, and Africa means that the majority of new arrivals are no longer from Europe. -Asian Americans are the fastest-growing ethnic group as a result of Chinese immigration.

Viet Minh soldiers march French captives to a prisoner camp in Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954.Describe the events at Dien Bien Phu, and evaluate their significance for American foreign policy under the Eisenhower administratio

-In an attempt to restore control over their colony, French forces planned to construct a base in Dien Bien Phu. -Eisenhower refused to use atomic weapons against the Viet Minh. -French forces at Dien Bien Phu were overwhelmed. -Viet Minh fighters surrounded the base with cannons. -The United States was almost fully supporting the French military campaign and nearly dragged into a foreign intervention.

Analyze the following quotation from a marketing consultant in 1955: "[America's] enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption a way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into [religious] rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption." What does this quotation reveal about the nation's postwar economic climate, and what factors made this growth in "consumer culture" possible?

-Innovations in financing made consumption easier. -It illustrates how consumerism became virtually a civic duty in American life, while frugality was frowned upon.

Identify the causes of the Great Recession.

-Irresponsible lenders gave unqualified borrowers home mortgages they could not afford. -The housing bubble burst, leading to a rapid decline in home prices.

Why did Clinton's health care bill fail?

-It lacked support from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. -The plan was overly complicated. -It lacked support from Republicans.

Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and identify the events that contributed to its passage in the Senate.

-It passed with the aid of Senator Lyndon Johnson, who rounded up southern support for the bill. -It sought to prohibit voting discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity.

The conclusion of World War II aroused growing fears about the health of the American economy and a potential spike in unemployment. How did the GI Bill of Rights seek to address these concerns?

-It provided funds for veterans to obtain more education, creating the most educated workforce in the world. -It ensured the buying of new homes and starting of new businesses by providing veterans with loans. -It included a comprehensive benefits package for veterans.

Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and identify the events that contributed to its passage in the Senate

-It sought to prohibit voting discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity. -It passed with the aid of Senator Lyndon Johnson, who rounded up southern support for the bill.

How did Eisenhower's political philosophy affect the civil rights movement's strategies?

-Meaningful civil rights leadership came from the Supreme Court. -Eisenhower preferred to allow state and local governments to handle civil rights issues on their own, but was willing to use federal power to maintain law and order.

Identify the examples of Obama's successes in achieving his counterterrorism goals.

-Obama used Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden. -Obama achieved many of his counterterrorism goals in Afghanistan by narrowing the focus of the U.S. mission and providing extra soldiers to finish the job.

How did the United States pursue the Obama Doctrine in Afghanistan and Iraq?

-Obama used troops in Afghanistan to eliminate terrorists rather than continue nation-building. -Obama withdrew combat forces from Iraq.

What steps did Reagan take to end the cold war? Put the events leading up to the end of the cold war in chronological order.

-Reagan begins a massive military buildup. -Reagan authorizes the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). -The United States and Soviet Union sign the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement. -Reagan calls for Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

What personal qualities and values helped Reagan to victory in the 1980 election?

-Reagan supported religious and family values. -Reagan was a great public speaker.

How did Reagan envision his "peace through strength" strategy succeeding?

-Reagan would increase America's military strength and force the Soviets to try to keep up. -Reagan launched a "war of ideas" against communism.

Identify the ways in which the federal government contributed to the dramatic growth of the postwar American economy.

-The federal government provided loans for home buyers and spent a tremendous amount on highways, water, and sanitation that promoted a boom in suburban development. -Research for military efforts helped create thriving new industries. -The GI Bill of Rights provided a pathway for social mobility for millions of veterans. -The federal government reallocated war-related plants to civilian owners.

What were the societal effects of the government's stance on low-cost housing and mental health services?

-The number of homeless Americans increased because there were few services for the many people released from mental institutions. -The number of homeless Americans increased because the government did not support public low-cost housing.

How did demographic changes make conservative politics more popular?

-The number of senior citizens in the United States increased. -Americans migrated to conservative sunbelt states.

Identify how the invasion of Iraq affected the American budget and economy.

-The rebuilding process in Iraq cost nearly a trillion dollars. -America faced massive budget deficits because of the enormous costs of the war.

Describe Eisenhower's "falling domino" theory.

-This analogy was used to describe how quickly communism would spread once it infiltrated a nation. -The "falling domino" theory incorrectly assumed communism to be a single, massive, and unified worldwide movement directed by the U.S.S.R.

Complete the passage below describing how Carter's handling of the energy crisis contributed to his lack of success as president. Carter's inability to solve the energy crisis deepened an ongoing - and contributed to his -. The - complicated matters because America's - was limited even further.

-economic crisis -declining popularity -crisis in Iran -oil supply

What factors contributed to the public's declining support for the war on terrorism in 2003 and 2004?

-information indicating that the United States had abused prisoners -the continued instability of Iraq due to ethnic and religious divisions -the rising financial and human costs of the war in Iraq -the lack of weapons of mass destruction

Identify the policies Obama sought to implement in his first term.

-setting in motion the end of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -health insurance reform to expand access to the uninsured -continued government support of large banks and other financial institutions -economic stimuli in order to create jobs

Identify the factors that were blamed for the rise of teen delinquency during the fifties.

-the emergence of rock 'n' roll as a popular music form, which had the ability to bring together various cultures and races -the increased access to the automobile, which provided teenagers greater overall freedom from parental supervision -the increased popularity of Elvis Presley, who was said to be leading adolescents in a social revolt

Complete the passage below describing how Gorbachev's policies signaled the end of the cold war. 1. __1__ restructured the Soviet government bureaucracy in an effort to make it more efficient. 2. __2__ allowed for open debate and shared information. 3. Gorbachev __3__ Soviet imperialism and sought __4__ relations with the United States.

1 2 3 4

Complete the passage below describing how the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States evolved during Reagan's presidency. Near the __1__ of Reagan's presidency, the relationship between the two superpowers became __2__. The Soviet Union joined the United States in __3__ to __4__. The Soviet Union also -.

1 2 3 4 5

Complete the passage below describing secret foreign missions conducted by the Eisenhower administration. While promoting a public campaign for the __1__ of Communist countries, the Eisenhower administration employed the __2__ in a far more secretive fashion. The agency conducted various operations in countries like Iran and __3__, in which elected leaders were __4__ in favor of more cooperative individuals. This strategy was America's way of ensuring that these countries did not embrace communism, but it inevitably produced __5__ in these regions.

1 "liberation" 2 Central Intelligence Agency 3 Guatemala 4 ousted 5 instability

Complete the passage below describing how Reagan's presidency influenced liberal ideas and institutions. Under Reagan, the __1__ lost much of its political power as Reagan did not support __2__. Additionally, __3__ faced setbacks as Reagan opposed the Equal Rights Amendment.

1 AFL-CIO 2 unions 3 feminism

Complete the passage below describing how conservative politics influenced social programs during Clinton's presidency. Republicans in - opposed Clinton's health care plan. Meanwhile, - ruled against - programs several times. Clinton responded by - Republicans and highlighting the fact that he was a -. Clinton's signing into law of the - was one notable example of his ability to work with the other party.

1 Congress 2 the Supreme Court 3 affirmative-action 4 working with 5 centrist 6 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA)

Complete the passage below describing the Suez crisis that occurred in the Middle East during the Eisenhower administration. Nasser's rise to power in __1__ created tensions in the region as his regime urged the British to withdraw from the __2__. The United States supported this insistence, but Nasser's attempts to acquire __3__ from the Soviet Union further complicated the U.S.-Egyptian relationship. Eisenhower offered to fund a crucial __4__ for Nasser; however, increased trade between Egypt and the Soviet Union led the administration to rescind the offer. This prompted Nasser to occupy the Suez Canal and deny access to ships headed to Israel, resulting in an Israeli, British, and __5__ invasion of Egypt.

1 Egypt 2 Suez Canal 3 weapons 4 dam 5 French

Complete the passage describing a crucial factor that contributed to the postwar economic boom. In the years after the __1__, Americans unleashed their repressed demand for goods and luxuries and engaged in a spree of __2__. The invention of __3__ made consumerism easier. This period was different from past economic booms in that it improved the standard of living for the __4__ and allowed many blue-collar workers to enter the __5__.

1 Second World War 2 consumption 3 credit cards 4 working class 5 middle class

Complete the passage below describing how the Supreme Court responded to conservative assertions that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ruled that the majority of the Affordable Care Act was __1__ . Republicans particularly opposed the __2__ on the grounds that it was an imposition on __3__. The Supreme Court ruled that the mandate and subsequent tax penalties for being uninsured fell under __4__. The conservative chief justice of the Court, John Roberts, voted __5__ the Affordable Care Act.

1 constitutional 2 individual mandate 3 personal freedom 4 Article 1 of the Constitution 5 to support

Complete the passage below describing how the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States evolved during Reagan's presidency. Near the __1__ of Reagan's presidency, the relationship between the two superpowers became __1__. The Soviet Union joined the United States in __1__ to __1__. The Soviet Union also __1__.

1 end 2 less adversarial 3 urging the Palestine Liberation Organization 4 recognize Israel's right to exist 5 withdrew its forces from Afghanistan

Complete the passage below describing the extent to which a "Reagan Revolution" occurred. Despite Reagan's pledges to reduce the size of the - , the amount of federal employees - under Reagan's watch, and he never succeeded in abolishing federal agencies or - spending on Social Security. Furthermore, he never fulfilled his campaign promises to ban - and restore daily prayer in public schools. Nevertheless, his popularity and the economic resurgence that happened during his presidency helped his - and anti-tax agenda dominate the nation's politics for the next twenty years.

1 federal government 2 increased 3 cutting 4 abortions 5 anti-government

Complete the passage below describing the housing revolution that took place in America during the postwar economic boom. The shortage of __1__ within cities incentivized the development of housing communities for an expanding __2__ of predominantly white Americans. As a wave of __3__ migrated north to cities, an increasing number of white Americans chose __4__. The construction of identical homes, such as those in __5__, promoted the principles of uniformity and __6__. The continuing struggle for __7__ was embodied in these developments as restrictions continued to plague African Americans seeking housing.

1 housing 2 middle class 3 black southerners 4 suburbia 5 Levittown 6 conformity 7 racial equality

Complete the passage below describing why Carter's Office of Human Rights was so controversial. Carter was a political __1__ and sought to defend __2__ throughout the world. He ceased supporting __3__ repressive governments. He __4__ many others, which led to harsh criticism from the left. Where the left saw __5__, the right saw an unrealistic foreign policy that sacrificed __6__.

1 idealist 2 human rights 3 a few 4 continued to support 5 hypocrisy 6 national interests

Complete the passage below describing the ultimate effect of Reagan's tax cuts on the economy. Reagan's tax cuts encouraged __1__ from consumers. They also __2__ the federal debt and nearly led the country into a recession. Investor confidence was __3__ after stock prices __4__ in 1987.

1 increased spending 2 increased 3 very low 4 fell

Complete the passage below describing the events that made up the Montgomery bus boycott. . The Montgomery bus boycott displayed the courageous acts of __1__ African Americans struggling for racial justice. The boycott began with the refusal of Rosa Parks to __2__ her seat on a public bus to a white passenger, an act of __3__ for which she was subsequently __4__ . This event unified the black community's, and for over a year, African Americans employed __5__ means of transportation as a revolt against the public bus system. This triggered tremendous __6__ among the white community. Many boycott bbleaders endured physical and verbal abuse for their actions, while some were even victims of home __7__ by Ku Klux Klan members.

1 individual 2 relinquish 3 nonviolent civil disobedience 4 arrested 5 alternative 6 resentment 7 bombings

Complete the passage below describing how Hurricane Katrina hurt the Republican cause. The federal government's response to Katrina was __1__ as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was __2__ for such a big disaster. The public __3__ of Bush's response to the hurricane. In the 2006 election, __4__ won control of Congress as well as several state governments.

1 ineffective 2 not prepared 3 disapproved 4 Democrats

Complete the passage below describing what the election of 1980 indicated about the changing political landscape of the United States. Reagan won a __1__ victory over Carter. He convinced many __2__ to __3__. The change signaled the beginning of the __4__.

1 large 2 southern Democrats 3 switch to the Republican party 4 Reagan era

Complete the passage below describing why Reagan believed Reaganomics would work. Reagan believed that if he __1__ taxes on corporations and __2__, people would have __3__ to __4__.

1 lowered 2 income 3 more money 4 invest in the economy

Complete the passage below describing the roles and expectations of women in postwar America. Though millions of women occupied __1__ during the war, the return of veterans essentially forced women out of these roles and back into the __2__. The __3__ industry contributed to the public pressure on women to return to the home by promoting an ideal of the __4__. Women's roles were also __5__ in a way that supported America's anti-Soviet stance by comparing the freedom enjoyed by American women under __6__ with the struggles of female manual laborers under __7__.

1 male jobs 2 domestic sphere 3 advertisement 4 middle-class housewife 5 politicized 6 capitalism 7 communism

Complete the passage below to describe the effects of technological innovation on the U.S. economy. The __1__ made it possible to develop __2__. Other inventions, such as email, further __3__ the economy. Technological innovation made workers __4__ and improved __5__.

1 microprocessor 2 personal computers 3 globalized 4 more productive 5 communication

Complete the passage below to describe how the threat of global terrorism influenced Bush's foreign policy. Bush decided to use - to confront terrorism throughout the world. The Bush Doctrine declared that the United States would respond to terrorist threats - to neutralize them before they became too big. Bush said the United States would - diplomacy to respond to threats posed by terrorism.

1 preemptive military action 2 without its allies 3 abandon

Complete the passage below describing a popular social group that emerged in the fifties. The fifties witnessed the emergence of a __1__ group of artists and writers who rejected the consumerism and __2__ of middle-class life. These young individuals known as __3__ sought an __4__ sense of self and pursued __5__ in both art and life. Their attitudes toward women were often __6__, and they took an individualistic approach to their needs and problems.

1 rebellious 2 conformity 3 Beats 4 authentic 5 originality 6 sexist

Complete the passage below describing how political polarization affected politics in America. Republicans and Democrats __1__ work together to solve the nation's problems. Both parties __2__ with each other on how the government should address major issues. There were __3__ moderates, and Congress was __4__ to compromise and found it __5__ to pass legislation.

1 refused to 2 disagreed 3 fewer 4 unable 5 difficult

Complete the passage below describing a crucial federal project launched by the Eisenhower administration. A few of the major programs launched by the Eisenhower administration strongly __1__ the public works projects of the 1930s that were created under FDR. The __2__ , for instance, implemented a __3__ system of connected highways that not only aided defense efforts, but it also completely __4__ American life. This network of highways was the __5__ project ever executed by the federal government.

1 resembled 2 Federal-Aid Highway Act 3 national 4 transformed 5 largest

Complete the passage below describing the new economy that developed under Clinton. Under Clinton, the federal government developed a budget __1__. New forms of __2__ helped create __3__ companies. New technology also spurred __4__ as many American companies moved abroad or outsourced jobs to other countries. By the end of Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced __5__ inflation and low unemployment.

1 surplus 2 electronics 3 dot-com 4 globalization 5 low

Complete the passage below describing why Obama supported the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and how that support influenced his presidency. Obama realized that people needed to have faith in __1__ and set out to save big __2__. Obama's administration said that TARP prevented __3__. Many Americans __4__ with TARP because it did not help __5__.

1 the banking system 2 financial institutions 3 the economy from crashing 4 strongly disagreed 5 struggling Americans

Complete the passage below describing the effect of Bush's presidency on the 2008 election. Bush's many failures - the Republican party. His poor response to -, the continuing war in -, and the Great - undermined public support for the party. Americans responded well to Barack Obama's message of a "politics of - ." In 2008, - won majorities in Congress and - was elected president.

1 weakened 2 Hurricane Katrina 3 Iraq 4 Recession 5 hope 6 Democrats 7 Obama

How did Obama bring health care reform to the United States? Put the following steps in chronological order.

1- Congress passes the Affordable Care Act. 2- The Affordable Care Act website fails. 3- Congress refuses to fund the Affordable Care Act. 4- Obama refuses to sign the federal budget and the government shuts down. 5- Congress passes a budget that funds the Affordable Care Act.

Put in chronological order the following events that took place in the French colony of Indochina

1-Ho Chi Minh leads a fighting force to resist French colonial efforts. 2-French soldiers invade Dien Bien Phu in order to attack guerilla fighters. 3-The Geneva Accords are signed. 4-The Viet Cong attack the government of South Vietnam.

How did Gorbachev's policies signal the end of the Cold War?

1. Perestroika restructured the economy in an effort to supply goods and services to the Soviet people. 2. Glasnost made the Soviet economy more open. 3. Gorbachev limited Soviet imperialism and sought better relations with the United States.

Examples of Domestic Terrorism

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing of the Federal Building

Attempts to end the Great Recession

2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided government funding to increase economic activity

Bill Gates

A Harvard sophmore who improved the software of Altair 8800, dropped out of college, and formed a company called Microsoft to sell the new system. By 1977, Gates and others had helped transform the personal computer into a mass consumer product.

Moral Majority

A group founded by Reverend Jerry Falwall to campaign for the major political and social goals of the religious right: the economy should operate without "interference" by the government; the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade legalizing abortions should be reversed; Darwinian evolution should be replaced in school textbooks by the biblical story of creation; prayer should return to public schools; woman should submit to their husbands; and Soviet communism should be opposed as a form of pagan totalitarianism.

Example of Cyber Attack

A hacker stealing classified government information

Contract with America

A list of conservatives' promises in response to the supposed liberalism of the Clinton administration, that was drafted by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and other congressional Republicans as the GOP platform for the 1994 midterm elections.

"Crisis of Confidence"

A televised speech President Carter made, claiming that the lack of confidence was paralyzing the nation and that the people lost confidence in his leadership.

Purpose of TARP

Address a financial crisis

al - Qaeda


Identify the impact that the GI Bill of Rights had on each of the following minority groups who received the benefits in the decade after the Second World War.

African American veterans were unable to enjoy the full benefits of the GI Bill. Latino minorities benefited greatly from the GI Bill.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

Agreement signed by U.S. president Ronald Regan and Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev to eliminate the deployment of intermediate-range missiles with nuclear warheads

Panama Canal Treaty 1977

Agreement that returned control of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama in 2000. To pass the treaty, President Carter overcame stiff opposition in the Senate from conservatives who regarded control of the canal as vital to America's interests

Camp David accords

Agreements between Egypt and Israel reached at the 1979 talks hosted by President Carter at Camp David, In the accords, Egypt became the first Arab state to recognize Israel, and Israel agreed to gradual withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula (which was seized during the Six-Day War)

Religious right

Christian conservatives with a faith-based political agenda that includes prohibition of abortions and allowing prayer in public schools.


An acronym for political action committees; created by corporations to distribute money to pro-business political candidates, which also helped fund conservative "think tanks," such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, and the Heritage Foundation, all of which opposed "liberal" legislation.

National Right to Life Committee

An anti-abortion (or pro-life) organization that denounced abortion as murder and was supported by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Phyllis Schlafly

An conservative Catholic attorney and Republican activist from Alton, Illinois, who was an anti-feminist and campaigned successfully to keep the ERA from being ratified by the required thirty-eight states.


An electronic circuit printed on a small silicon chip; a major technological breakthrough in 1971, it paved the way for the development of the personal computer


An electronic circuit printed on a tiny silicon chip; a major technological break through in 1971, it paved the way for the development of the personal computer.

Operation Desert Storm

Assault by American-led multinational forces that quickly defeated Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein in the First Gulf War, ending the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait

Kyoto Protocol

Associated with global climate changes

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981

Authorized the largest reduction in taxes in the nations history. The tax cuts disproportionately benefited affluent Americans and widened the distribution of wealth in favor of the rich - Reagan

Identify the accurate description of Bush's response to the Great Recession.

Bush prevented big financial institutions from collapsing, but failed to end the recession.

Identify the accurate description of Bush's response to the Great Recession.

Bush prevented big financial institutions from collapsing, but failed to restore confidence in the economy and end the recession.

How did Bush react to the 1991 Communist Coup?

Bush refused to support the new government and maintained support for Boris Yeltsin and Gorbachev.

Complete the passage below describing the effect of Bush's presidency on the 2008 election.

Bush's many failures weakened the Republican party. His poor response to Hurricane Katrina, the continuing war in Iraq, and the Great Recession undermined public support for the party. Americans responded well to Barack Obama's message of hope and unity. In 2008, Democrats won majorities in Congress and Obama was elected president.

Breakup of the Soviet Union

Caused concern of poor security and record keeping of Nuclear storage sites

"New Democrats"

Centrist ("moderate") Democrats led by President Bill Clinton that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s to challenge the "liberal" direction of the party

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996

Comprehensive welfare-reform measure, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Clinton, that aimed to decrease the size of the "welfare state" by limiting the amount of government aid provided to the unemployed so as to encourage recipients to find jobs

Support for al - Qaeda by Muslims

Concerns about Western influence over Islamic people

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Contributed to a renewed debate over the role of government in the economy

Arab Spring

Create direct challenge to tolerance of religious diversity

George McGovern

Democratic Senator running against Nixon on antiwar platform in 1972 election, he lost in a landslide

How were American politics influenced by increases in the number of minorities living in the United States?

Democratic candidates received major support from minorities.

Complete the passage below describing the extent to which a "Reagan Revolution" occurred.

Despite Reagan's pledges to reduce the size of the federal government, the amount of federal employees increased under Reagan's watch, and he never succeeded in abolishing federal agencies or cutting spending on Social Security. Furthermore, he never fulfilled his campaign promises to ban abortions and restore daily prayer in public schools. Nevertheless, his popularity and the economic resurgence that happened during his presidency helped his anti-government and anti-tax agenda dominate the nation's politics for the next twenty years.

Majority Minority

Due to demographic changes politicians will have an increasing incentive to appeal to minority voters

What was the main complaint from the Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Financial institutions were letting the rich control too large a percentage of wealth in the United States.

2010 Democratically controlled Congress Legislation

Health Care

Result of U.S. dependence on foreign sources of energy

High U.S. expenditures for military mobilization

U.S. dependence on foreign sources of energy

High domestic demand for the use of fossil fuels

What effect did the invasion of Iraq have on the "war on terror"?

The invasion destabilized Iraq and created an opportunity for terrorists to gain a stronghold.

James Carter's early successes

In sign of his commitment to efficiency, he reduced the number of staff in the White House by a third and told cabinet officers to give up their government cars and drive their own. His administration included more African Americans and women than any before. He fulfilled a controversial campaign pledge by offering amnesty to young men who had fled the United States to avoid being drafted. He reorganized the executive branch and reduced government red tape by slowing new regulations and creating two new cabinet-level agencies, the Departments of Energy and Education. He also pushed through Congress several environmental initiatives.

Identify the tactics Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged African Americans to use to fight discrimination

King wanted his followers to defy laws peacefully

Great Recession

Massive, prolonged economic downturn sparked by the collapse of the housing market and the financial institutions holding unpaid mortgages

How were American politics influenced by increases in the number of minorities living in the United States?

Minorities tended to support Democratic candidates.

Complete the passage below describing how the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States evolved during Reagan's presidency.

Near the end of Reagan's presidency the relationship between the two superpowers became less adversarial. The Soviet Union joined the United States in urging the Palestine Liberation Organization to recognize Israel's right to exist. The Soviet Union also withdrew its forces from Afghanistan.

Nixon "Enemies List"

Nixon asked his aides for an "enemies list" of people considered unfriendly to the administration. Later he would have FBI investigate them and leak information about them


North American Free Trade Agreement

To what extent was Obama successful in his goal of uniting the country?

Obama could not bridge the bitter divide between Republicans and Democrats.

How did Obama pursue his foreign-policy goals in the Ukraine?

Obama imposed economic sanctions on Russia and avoided military conflict.

Complete the passage below describing why Obama supported the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and how that support influenced his presidency.

Obama realized that people needed to have faith in the banking system and set out to save big financial institutions. TARP prevented the economy from crashing. Many Americans strongly disagreed with TARP because it did not help struggling Americans.

2008 Presidential Election

Obama received the largest percentage of the popular vote for a Democratic candidate in over 50 years

Identify why Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.

Obama saw the war as counterproductive and too costly both in human and financial terms.

Identify why Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.

Obama was following the agreement reached between the Iraqi government and the Bush administration in 2008.

2012 Presidential Election

Obama wins reelection

Nixon's "Southern Strategy"

Officially the "Southern Strategy" is defined as the GOP's campaign to win back the southern vote through the use of racially divisive appeals (nativism) - The South, overall one of the poorest regions in the US and historically a Democratic stronghold, had shifted from being solidly Democratic to heavily Republican by the 60s and 70s (Refers to strategy by republican party candidates of gaining political support in south by appealing to racism against blacks)

Arab oil embargo

One of the biggest factors in the "energy crisis," since it was instated in 1973, the price of imported oil had doubled, while the U.S. dependence on foreign oil had grown from 35 percent to 50 percent of its annual needs.

Opponents to NAFTA

Passage of the treaty is likely to result in the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to foreign outsourcing

Equal Rights Amendment

Passed by Congress in 1972 that would require equal treatment of men and women under federal and state law. Facing fierce opposition from the New Right and the Republican Party, the ERA was defeated as time ran out for state ratification

Camp David Accords

Peace agreement in 1978 between Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Isreal and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, the first Arab head of state to officially recognize the state of Israel

New (Christian) Right

Politically active religious conservatives who become particularly vocal in the 1980s. The New Right criticized feminism, opposed abortion, and homosexuality, and and promoted "family values" and military preparedness

What did the passage of Clinton's 1993 tax increase plan indicate about American politics at the time?

Politics was becoming more divided along party lines.

Growth of internet has accelerated international diffusion of American Culture

Popular entertainment forms have been adapted by people living in foreign nations

Foreign Outsourcing

Practice of having goods or services produced or performed by companies located outside of the United States

Carter inflation

President Carter's attempt to attack unemployment by authorizing some $14 billion in federal spending to trigger job growth while cutting taxes by $34 billion, but increased the annual inflation as a result.

Panama Canal zone

President Carter's decision to turn over the control of the Panama Canal Zone to the Panamanian government aroused intense criticism. He argued that Panama's deep resentment of America's having taken control of the Canal Zone during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt left him no choice but to transfer management of the canal to Panama.

Reaganomics (ERTA)

President Reagan's "supply side" economic philosophy combining tax cuts with goals of decreased government spending, reducing regulations of business, and a balanced budget.


President Reagan's "supply-side" economic philosophy combining tax cuts with the goals of decreased government spending reduced regulation of business, and a balanced budget

Identify the impact each of the postwar events and innovations below had on American life.

Q- Americans were able to drive cars and heat buildings at a low cost.: A- Texas and Oklahoma oil boom Q- This contributed to the wave of white, middle-class Americans moving to the sunbelt states. A- air conditioning Q- This was described by one magazine as the "biggest of the new forces in American life today." A- television Q- This increased the income disparity between men and women. A- GI Bill

Describe how the following events limited Carter's ability to be a successful president.

Q- Carter and America appeared weak on the world stage. A- Iranian hostage crisis Q- Carter seemed to blame Americans for his own failings as president A- "crisis of confidence" speech Q- Unemployment and prices rose despite Carter's efforts to reduce taxes and increase spending A- economic crisis

Identify the political parties with whom Clinton worked to gain support for the following bills.

Q- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA) A- Republican party Q- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) A- Republican and Democratic parties Q- economic reforms of 1993 A- Democratic party

The economy was deep in recession when Obama became president. Identify the laws Obama supported to help the economy and their intended effect.

Q- The act provided bailouts to financial institutions. A- TARP Q- The act provided funds for states to spend on infrastructure development projects. A- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Identify the roles of the following laws or agencies during the "war on terror" after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Q- This allowed the government to try suspected terrorists in secret military courts. A- USA Patriot Act Q- This was designed to ensure airline passengers did not bring weapons and bombs on planes. A- Transportation Security Administration Q- This was created to protect Americans from terrorists at home and to respond to terrorist threats abroad. A- Office of Homeland Security

How did each of the following events influence Bush's presidency?

Q- area of Bush's failings that Clinton exploited during the 1992 election A- economic recession Q- created a massive national debt and a recession A- Reaganomics Q- • improved Bush's approval ratings in the short term • provided a source of criticism during the 1992 election A- Operation Desert Storm

Complete the passage below describing what the election of 1980 indicated about the changing political landscape of the United States.

Reagan won a large victory over Carter. He convinced many southern Democrats to switch to the Republican party. His victory also meant the religious right had more power in American politics.

Why did HIV/AIDS become such a significant problem in the United States?

Reagan's advisers encouraged him not to address the problem.

Why did HIV/AIDS become such a significant problem in the United States?

Reagan's advisors encouraged him not to address the problem.

Complete the passage below describing the ultimate effect of Reagan's tax cuts on the economy.

Reagan's tax cuts encouraged increased spending from consumers. They also increased the federal debt and nearly led the country into a recession. Investor confidence was very low after stock prices fell in 1987.


Referring to the 1972 break-in at Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington DC., by men working for the president Nixon's reelection, along with Nixon's efforts to cover it up. The Watergate scandal led to Nixon's resignation

Latin American Immigration

Regional immigration that has most altered the demographic makeup of the United States

How did political polarization affect politics in America?

Republicans and Democrats refused to work together to solve the nation's problems. Both parties disagreed with each other on how the government should address major issues. There were far fewer moderates, and Congress was unable to compromise and found it difficult to pass legislation.

Complete the passage below describing how conservative politics influenced social programs during Clinton's presidency.

Republicans in Congress opposed Clinton's health-care plan. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative-action programs several times. Clinton responded by working with Republicans and highlighting the fact that he was a centrist. Clinton's signing into law of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA) was one notable example of his ability to work with the other party.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 by Iranian revolutionaries, who held fifty-two Americans hostage for 444 days, despite President Carter's appeals for their release as well as a botched rescue attempt

Nixon Tapes

Tapes which proved Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal. Although he withheld them at first, the Supreme Court made Nixon turn over these recordings of the plans for the cover-up of the scandal.

Moral Majority

Televangelist Jerry Falwell's political lobbying organization, the name of which became synonymous with the religious right

How did the prosperity of the 1950s affect African Americans?

The African American population was disproportionately poor compared to whites.

How did the Camp David Accords influence the politics of the Middle East?

The Camp David Accords marked the first time an Arab nation officially recognized the existence of Israel.

Complete the passage below describing how the Supreme Court responded to conservative assertions that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court ruled that the majority of the Affordable Care Act was constitutional. Republicans particularly opposed the individual mandate on the grounds that it was an imposition on personal freedom. The Supreme Court ruled that the mandate and subsequent tax penalties for being uninsured fell under Article 1 of the Constitution. The conservative chief justice of the court voted to support the Affordable Care Act.

What effect did Reaganomics have on the economy by the summer of 1983?

The economy pulled itself out of recession and began to recover.

Complete the passage below describing how Hurricane Katrina hurt the Republican cause.

The federal government's response to Katrina was ineffective as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was not prepared for such a big disaster. The public disapproved of Bush's response to the hurricane. In the 2006 election, Democrats won control of Congress as well as several state governments.

Complete the passage below to describe the effects of technological innovation on the U.S. economy.

The microprocessor made it possible to develop personal computers. Other inventions, such as email, further globalized the economy. Technological innovation made workers more productive and improved communication.

Obama and Bush policies

The placement of detained terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

The religious figure and leader of the Iranian Revolution that overthrew the Iranian monarchy in 1979. He endorsed the mob action and demanded the return of the hated shah of Iran from the United States (along with all of his wealth) in exchange for the release of the hostages.

Cause of 9 - 11 attacks

The stationing of U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf War

How did the "surge" influence public support for the war in Iraq?

The surge reduced violence in Iraq and helped strengthen the Iraqi government, but most Americans still saw the war as a mistake.

How did the "surge" affect the war in Iraq?

The surge reduced violence in Iraq and helped strengthen the Iraqi government.

Ethnic Cleansing

The systematic removal of an ethnic group from a territory through violence or intimidation in order to create a homogeneous society


Troubled Asset Relief Program

Bush's decision to cut taxes in order to stimulate economic growth backfired as federal revenue declined and the budget deficit increased due to the cost of unexpected wars.


Bush's decision to cut taxes in order to stimulate economic growth backfired as federal revenue declined and the budget deficit increased during the "war on terror."


During his presidency, Carter's relationship with Congress deteriorated quickly while his relations with the American people deteriorated over time.


During his presidency, Carter's relationship with Congress deteriorated quickly, while his relations with the American people deteriorated over time.


The 2012 election proved that President Obama's policy priorities appealed to minority voters far more than those of the Republican party candidate Mitt Romney.


The Reagan Doctrine mandated that the United States lend support to dictatorships as long as they were anti-Soviet.


The Reagan Doctrine mandated that the United States lend support to dictatorships as long as they were pro-American and anti-Soviet.


The passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 affected poor Americans because it abolished the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and limited the number of years that people could receive welfare payments.


The passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 hurt poor Americans because it abolished the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and limited the number of years that people could receive welfare payments.


Invasion of Iraq in 2003

U.S. wanted to prevent Iraq from using weapons of mass destruction


United States largest economic competitor

Affordable Care Act

Vast health care reform imitative signed into law and championed by President Obama and widely criticized by Republicans that aims to make health insurance more affordable and make health-care accessible to everyone, regardless of income or medical conditions


Weapons of Mass Destruction

USA Patriot Act

Wide-reaching Congressional legislation, triggered by the war on terror, which gave government agencies the right to eavesdrop on confidential conversations between prison inmates and their lawyers and permitted suspected terrorists to be tried in secret military counts

Expansion of cable and internet

contributed to an increase in children's exposure to violence

What was one of the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Obama signed soon after he assumed office in February 2009?

give states extra money to spend on development projects, thus creating jobs

What was the goal of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Obama signed soon after he assumed office in February 2009?

give states extra money to spend on development projects, thus creating jobs

The following image depicts a West German hammering at the Berlin Wall while East German security forces look on without interfering. Which of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's policies toward reforming the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe does this best symbolize?


The following image depicts an East German hammering at the Berlin Wall while East German security forces look on without interfering. Which of Soviet leader Mikael Gorbachev's policies toward reforming the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe does this best symbolize?


Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

limited the range of affirmative action but allowed universities to attack the results of past discrimination if they avoid strict quotas and racial classification

Grove City v Bell (1984)

persuaded the Supreme Court to severely weaken title nine of the educational amendment act of 1972, a key law promoting equal opportunity in education - Grove City won, which banned discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. This is the with the help of congress who bypassed Regan's veto on the Civil Rights Restoration Act

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Significant Sections of the Charter

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ATI maternal newborn practice A 2023

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Chapter 20 - Nursing Management of the Pregnancy at Risk

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more random places that are definitely random and not just copied :] but I am going to see how much I can type in this thingy until it does not let me I am still going and auto correct it the bomb I have made multiple mistakes and it just keeps correcting

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Chapter 13: The Spinal Cord and Nerves

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