Chapter 29 & 27

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Do mosses have vascular tissues?

1. Some mosses have simple water and food conduction‐type cells (but these are not the same as the xylem and phloem tissues of vascular plants). They have no lignified cell walls (like wood) for strength, so the plants remain small. Neither do they have leaves, stems, or roots. No

The cell walls of fungi are composed of:

1.chitin not cellulose

Members of phylum ____________ are the most primitive of the fungi and were previously classified as protists. Why are the considered to be the most primitive?

10. Chytridiomycota . x

Define Gametophyte generation

10.The haploid portion of the life cycle in plants that gives rise to the haploid gametes by mitosis.

The sac fungi are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called:

11., ascospores

Define Sporophyte generation

11.When two gametes fuse, the diploid portion of the life cycle, begins

The common black bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer, belongs in the phylum of_______.

12. Zygomycota. Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to the phylum Zygomycota because it sexually produces zygospores and is considered saprophytic and parasitic.

Define Haploid has only a single set of chromosomes,numbered chromosomes is 23.

Common name is Club Fungi (Ex. mushrooms, puffballs and shelf fungi), belongs in the phylum of _______________.

13. Basidiomycota

13. Define diploid

13.two sets of chromosomes in number,number is 46

The study of yeasts, molds, mildews, mushrooms and other related organisms is called __________________________

14. Saccharomyces cerevisiae x kingdom fungi or 72. mycology

Define Zygote

14. The 2n cell that results from the union of n gametes in sexual reproduction. Species that are not polyploid have haploid gametes and diploid zygotes.

Define Spore

15. A reproductive cell that gives rise to individual offspring in plants, fungi, and certain algae and protozoa.

Define a mycelium. Is it found underground or above ground?

15. As hyphae grow they form a tangled mass or tissue like network. Underground.

Define Lignin

16. A substance found in many plant cell walls that confers rigidity and strength, particularly in woody tissues. A strengthening polymer in the walls of cells that function for support and conduction

Describe septated hyphae.

16.•In ascomycetes haploid mycelia of opposite mating types produce septate hyphae. In this hypha, each cell is dikaryotic (has two nuclei).

Describe coencytic hyphae.

17. Some fungi are coenocytes, which lack septa. In these species nuclear division is not followed by cytoplasmic division. As a result, a coenocytic fungus is one elongated, multinucleated, giant cell (FIG. 29-1e).

Define Xylem

17. The vascular tissue that conducts water and dissolved minerals in plants.

Where do fungi grow best?

18.Fungi grow best in moist habitats, but they are found universally wherever organic material is available.

Define Phloem

18.the vascular tissue that conducts dissolved organic molecules such as sugar in plants.

In plants, ____________ are multicellular sexual organs used for reproduction.

19. Flower parts x or 51. gametangia

Name a zygomycetes

19. Zygomycota, or 60. common black bread mold

Define Cuticle

2. the outer layer of living tissue, in particular. BOTANYZOOLOGY a protective and waxy or hard layer covering the epidermis of a plant, invertebrate, or shell. noun: cuticle; plural noun: cuticles the outer cellular layer of a hair. ZOOLOGY another term for epidermis. 2. the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail.

A ____________ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


Name the spores of a Zygomycetes

20.Haploid spores and Zygospores

The ____________ is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in ferns.


Cell walls of plants contain cellulose and __________, which aids in structural support.

21 lignin

Name a Ascomycetes (sac fungi)

21.(yeasts, powdery mildews, molds, morels, truffles)

Name the spores of Ascomycetes (sac fungi)

22. asci and conidia,or 65. Ascospores

Alternation of generations in plants refers to the alternation of ____________ stages.

22. diploid and haploid

Which plants produce seeds covered by a fruit?

23. Angiosperms

Name a Basidomycetes (club fungi)

23. The division of fungi known as the club fungi, Basidiomycota, includes some of the most familiar fungi. Mushrooms, puffballs, and shelf fungi are all members of this group, as are the plant rusts and smuts.

Mosses and liverworts are limited in size because they lack:

24. Vascular tissue

Name the spores of a Basidomycetes (club fungi)

24. basidiospores

In mosses, the ____________ grows into the leafy gametophyte plant.

25. Bryophyta x or 50. protonema

Mycoses are fungal diseases. List three mycoses that infect humans.

25. classified as superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, or systemic (deep) infections depending on the type and degree of tissue involvement and the host response to the pathogen.

The ____________ generation is dominant in mosses, as it can live independently.

26. Haploid gametophyte

Define Fruiting Body

26.the spore-producing organ of a fungus, often seen as a mushroom or toadstool.

Define Spores

27.a minute, typically one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion, characteristic of lower plants, fungi, and protozoans.

The leafy fern that you might have as a house plant is the __________ generation.

27.diploid sporophyte

Define Sporangia

28. (in ferns and lower plants) a receptacle in which asexual spores are formed.

The gametophyte generation of ferns is called the:


An example of a unicellular fungus is:

29. Yeast

The sori of most ferns are found on the: (what are their leaves called)

29.on the edge or underside of a fertile frond. Leaflets

Define Stomata

3.(sing., stoma) Small pores located in the epidermis of plants that provide for gas exchange for photosynthesis; each stoma is flanked by two guard cells, which are responsible for its opening and closing.

In a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called a(n):

3.fruiting bodies

Define Homothallic

30.Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus (A plant body undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf.), as in some fungi and algae.

Name the common ancestor to plants. Explain Why? algae, charophytes because Both green algae and plants contain the same photosynthetic pigments: chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids, including xanthophylls (yellow pigments) and carotenes (orange pigments). Both store excess carbohydrates as starch and have cellulose as a major component of their cell walls. In addition, plants and some green algae share certain details of cell division, including formation of a cell plate during cytokinesis or 61. green algae, share many traits with common plant

Define Heterothallic

31.Heterothallic species have sexes that reside in different individuals. The term is applied particularly to distinguish heterothallic fungi, which require two compatible partners to produce sexual spores.

What is the main advantage of the wax cuticle on the outer surface of aerial plant parts?

32.Essential for existence on land, the cuticle helps prevent desiccation, or drying out, of plant tissues by evaporation. Plants that are adapted to moister habitats may have a very thin layer of wax, whereas those adapted to drier environments often have a thick, crusty cuticle.

What is the function of the stomata of plants

33.facilitate gas exchange.

The female gametangium, or ________________, produces an egg; the male gametangium, or _______________, produces sperm cells.

34.The female gametangium, or archegonia, produces an egg; the male gametangium, or antheridia , produces sperm cells.

A ______ is the reproductive cell of a fern.

35. spores

Vascular plants possess ______________ to conduct water and dissolved minerals and ______________ to conduct dissolved sugar.

36. Xylem and Phloem.

The word, "bryophyte" means

37. any of the Bryophyta, a phylum of nonvascular plants comprising the true mosses and liverworts or 81. moss plant

Where do you usually find mosses?

38. You will usually find them in moist areas out of the direct sunlight.

The bryophytes include- (list three)

39. mosses, hornworts, and liverworts

Dikaryotic cells are denoted as.

4.having two nucleii

Where is cellulose found in plants?

4.tough cell walls that surround plant cells, and is what makes plant stems, leaves, and branches so strong.

Sphagnum moss is commonly known as __________

40. Bog Moss or 71. peat

What do ferns possess that mosses lacks?

41. leafy like structures meaning vascular tissues.

Do ferns have vascular tissue? Do they form flowers?

42. Yes and no

Sori are associated with which plants?

43. ferns and smut fungi

The multicellular sex organs in plants are known as:

44.archegonium (pl., archegonia)=In plants, the multicellular female gametangium (sex organ) andantheridium (pl., antheridia) In plants, the multicellular male gametangium (sex organ)

Alternation of generations in plants refers to the alternation of:

45.The fluctuation between these diploid and haploid stages that occurs in plants.

The __________ is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants.

46. Stamen of the flower in other words pollen. In general terms, or at least in flowerin plants (angiosperms), the male gametes are produced on anthers (the top part of the stamen) in the form of pollen. Or 2. Antherida

Cell walls of plants contain cellulose and __________, which aids in structural support.


Hornworts are members of phylum _____________

48. Bryophytes

Name the four major groups of Plants:

49. Bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, and two groups of seed plants: gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Define Gametangia

5. Special multicellular or unicellular structure of plants, protists, and fungi in which gametes(a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.)are formed.

An example of a member of phylum Zygomycota is?

5. black bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer

Reproduction in the black bread mold occurs between + and ____ types of hyphae.

6.(-) minus

Define Archegonium

6.In plants, the multicellular female gametangium (sex organ) that contains an egg. Compare with antheridium.

During sexual reproduction of sac fungi, spores are made and they are called _______________

7. Ascomycetes

Define Antheridium

7.In plants, the multicellular male gametangium (sex organ) that produces sperm cells. Compare with archegonium.

Asexual reproduction in sac fungi involves production of spores called:

8. conidium

Define Embryo

8.(1) A young organism before it emerges from the egg, seed, or body of its mother. (2) Developing human until the end of the second month, after which it is referred to as a fetus. (3) In plants, the young sporophyte produced following fertilization and subsequent development of the zygote. Or 22. Young Plant

Define Alternation of generation

9. A type of life cycle characteristic of plants and a few algae and fungi in which they spend part of their life in a multicellular n gametophyte stage and part in a multicellular 2n sporophyte stage., they spend part of their lives in a multicellular haploid stage and part in a multicellular diploid stage

Lichens are most typically formed by the symbiotic association of an alga or cyanobacterium and a(n): (Give the phylum of Fungi) ascomycete x


Ch. 27

Plants are thought to have evolved from a group of algae known as?

Charophytes or fresh water algae or 66. green algae

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