Chapter 3, 4, 5

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Women's Rights

More calls for women's rights. At the time, married women had no rights, and unmarried had fairly limited ones.

Rise of Consumerism

1700s, it became more important to people to own possessions and show off status. New methods of advertisement. People wanted to be refined in clothes and speech/behavior. Cities also become more refined, with parks and public spaces.

Stono Rebellion

1739. 100 Af Am rose up and killed whites in S Caro. Whites quickly ended the rebellion, but it was significant in that it showed the unhappiness of the slaves.

The Confederation and the Northwest

After Revolution many people began to move to the W. Confederation had to figure out a way to deal w the new settlements.

First State Constitutions

After the rev, most states recreated new constitutions. All of them were written down, since Am believed that Eng's corruption came from their vagueness. By 1780s, most states had either revised their constitutions or created new ones

Catholics after the Rev War

After the war, the image of the Catholics in America actually improved. This was largely due to the French and their assistance, many of whom were Catholic.

The Assumptions of Republicanism

Am agreed they wanted a Republic, where the rule came form the people and not a royal figure. 'All men created equal' = talents emerge, and more people could rise up in society. However, still large inequality: women, blacks.

Search for New National Gvt

Am had been much quicker to agree on state constitutions and governments than on national ones. Many believed the government should be weak, which is why the Articles of Confederation existed.

Am vs. Eng

Am had not expected the war to be so big, and at first found themselves militarily unprepared. England was one of the greatest armed powers in the world at the time.

Laws and Politics

Am politics and law were beginning. Rooted in English ideals, but also very different. The powers of the colonial assemblies were often similar to the powers of Parliament in England. Differences between Eng and Am would cause problems.

English Parliament + Colonies

America and other countries under English colonial rule had little to no representation in English Parliament, yet the English believed that the Parliament represented everyone.

War Econ

America became separated from English trade and econ. However in the long run this actually strengthened the American econ. America no longer had any restrictions placed by the English. Efforts to produce more commodities and necessities. While the rev did not revolutionize the econ, it encouraged its growth.

Mobilizing for War

America had many gunsmiths but nonetheless could not prepare for the war in time. Relied largely on weapons and supplies from France, some captured from England.

Anglicans After War

Anglicans also suffered, as many of them had been loyalists. Originally, VA and MARY had been Anglican, but this was dismantled after the war.

Dec of Indepn.

Approved July 4th. Written largely by Jefferson, also Franklin, and a little help from Adams. Included ideas the get is responsible for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (instead of property). Overall, the American Revolution and the Dec of Indep. inspired more around the world.

The Decision for Independence

As Common Sense sold, so did the support for independence - which had no always existed. America kind of reverts the Prohibitory Acts, by opening all of America's ports to any nation but England. Congress created a committee to write the Dec of Indep.

Articles of Confederation (2)

As said earlier, the Articles of Confed were about by the Continental Congress. Kept national power very limited, and was a result of the fear of English and tyranny. Could only deal w foreign affairs/wars/debts - not taxes, troops or trade. President is not important. Articles of Conf led to many disagreements, as it had to be approved by all states.

Population Pressure and Generational Conflict

As towns grew, people moved farther away and wanted to create their own churches. It was also hard for parents to give up land (still working it) and therefore many moved away and created their own towns.

Native Americans in the Rev

Both sides of the war did not want the interference of the natives, and most stand out of it. However, some saw the Rev as the replacement of the trusted Eng with the bad Americans.

Internal vs External Taxes

Both ways to tax the American people for English benefit, but the external taxes were a bit more accepted.

Treaty of 1763

Brings peace to England after the Seven Years War. England, however, is in huge debt and decides to get more involved in the colonies.

Changing State Governments

Changes the way documents were written, now was created by a group of people who would never meet again. A small strengthening of the executive in some states.

Cities in the 1700s

Cities existed at the time, largest was nYC and Phili. Largely important for trade and commerce, but were also centers of schools, culture, shops. Social distinctions and class were much more visible in cities. City also had negative aspects such as epidemics and poverty.

Burdens of Empire

Colonies were very resistant to have English involved. Before colonies had had more autonomy, but now England was looking to them for trade and taxes. With all the land gained, it was hard to decide what to do with it and how to interact with the natives. England is fairly unstable at the time, King George III is sickly and insane - bad because England needed better ruling in such critical years. Grenville is more responsible for the problems.


Colonists largely valued education, but there was limited access. White males in America did have high literacy rates. Most women did learn some reading/writing at one point in their life. However, the education which was available for slaves was almost nonexistent. More college also founded in the 1700s - math, science languages.

The Great Awakening

Concerns about religion in America led to the Great Awakening. This appealed to women and sons - gave them a chance to start a new life and new relation with God. Division between old light (oldies) and new light

Population (birth and death) in colonies

Conditions of life improved in the colonies as the populations increased. In New England there was a very good life expectancy rate of 70 years, which was almost double that of England. The South did not benefit from such a high life expectancy. The reason behind the increase in population was a more balanced sex ratio, many more women were immigrating into the US.

1st Mutiny Act

Created by Grenville and forced troops into America and ensured that Americans were welcoming of them.

Stature of Religious Liberty

Created by T Jefferson. Complete separation between church and state. Led some states to allow complete religious freedom.

Control Of Townshend

Creates the Mutiny Act, and disbands NY until they agree to the act

Currency and Stamp Acts

Currency Act prohibited paper money. Stamp Act was a tax on most printed documents. This one caused a lot of discontent as many many people were affected by it. the economic burden was not large, but it was the idea that England was purely trying to use the colonies as a source of revenue which many found bothering. Many did not know how to respond. These acts were a way of mercantilism.

Sons of Liberty

In Boston, people burned stamps and terrorized.

Paxton Boys (from Penn)

Demand tax relief from Am and protection from Inds. Succeed.

The British and tribes

Eng went into the newly acquired land, which technically belonged to the natives. To avoid conflict, they created the Proclamation of 1763 to prohibit settlers from going beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

English change in policy

England changes its policy, but not because of the riots and arguments, but because the US had begun to boycott British goods.

Lexington and Concord

English soldiers want to surprise the colonists, take their supplies and leave. However, patriots in Boston warned their counterparts of this, and when England arrived, the colonists were ready. Shots were fired, and some people were left dead. From Concord all the way back to Boston, hidden Americans jumped out and attacked the English who were on their way back and had already lost so many men. This was the key moment which begun the War for Independence.

Medicine in the Colonies

Fairly little medical knowledge at the time. There was little training to become a medical 'professional', which meant that there were many women in the field known as midwives. Many Americans correctly felt as though they had the same knowledge as a doctor and therefore dealt with the situations themselves.

Women and Families in New England

Family structure in New England was very different form that of the South. It was more traditional and male dominated. New born children in the north were much more likely to survive. Parents had control for longer and often saw grandchildren grow up. Strong idea of a Patriarchal Puritan Family.

Preparation for War

For months, the people in Mass prepared themselves for a defensive war.


French Calvinists who immigrated to America (believed in pre-destination)

The Colonial Response

Grenville wants more authority in the colonies. Creates the Mutiny Act. Creates many more rules for Am.

Response to Acts

Henry argues that Am should have the same rights as England. His resolutions were known as the 'Virginia Resolves'. Riots.

Sam Adams

Highlights how the Boston Massacre shows English Corruption and American Virtue. Gains more support against England.

First Continental Congress

In 1774, the First Continental Congress was called, where delegates from all of the colonies except Georgia attended. In this they disagreed to colonial unity under Eng, but approved a series of resolutions.

Colonial Social Mobility

In America, unlike England, many people owned land, and there was more social mobility.

General Gage

In charge of the British troops in Boston. Knew of the military preparation and was cautious. Received orders for England to arrest Adams and Hancock, but was not convinced. Only until he heard of the gunpowder in Concord did he act

Stirrings of Revolt

In the 1760s Am had more conflict with English. They saw themselves as independent and deserving of political autonomy.

Changing Sources of Euro Immigration

In the early 18th century, the immigrants from England start to decrease - instead there are other groups, including the Huguenots. Also many Germans, most of whom went to Penn or Quaker colony. Scots-Irish also came, who were targeted by the English to conform to a certain religion; were fairly influential in creating presbyterianism.

2nd Continental Congress

In this congress, all the delegates present agreed to the war, but not to its purpose.

Loyalists and Minorities after the war

Losers of the Am Rev War were really the English and the Loyalists. About 1/3 of America had been loyalist, but many left this belief or left the country.

Common Sense

Largely important political pamphlet which changed America's view on the war. Showed the English Constitution as a problem. Sold out very quickly after published.


Largely prosecuted at the time, despite being fairly small in numbers.

Responses to Independence

Many celebrated independence, but other did not and were still loyal to the King. These were known as loyalists, and where a fairly large minority. Most colonies were beginning to create their own indpen. / state. National get level it was harder to create constitution, because of American great fear of tyranny and higher dictatorship power.

The Loyalist Plight

Many loyalists were harassed and therefore forced to flee. The richer returned to England, while the poorer went to Canada.

Boston Massacre

Many of the troops sent from England were only part-time employed. Wanted to find other jobs, but in doing so would compete with the locals. 1770, the Liberty Boys and others began to throw rocks and snowballs. In response, the English fired and shot people, and to highlight English brutality this was nicknames the Boston massacre. News described it as murder, and spread quickly.

Colonial Commerce + Trade

Merchants in the colonies often faced difficulties. For example, the colonies i=did not all respect a common currency. There was therefore never any real order in trade. Nonetheless, by the mid 1700s century a merchant class had been created.

The Beginnings of Slavery

Millions of Africans were brought over to America, and soon began to outnumber the Euros. They started this journey on the infamous middle passage journey - little food and water, breathing space, many rapes. At the beginning, the import was much higher in SA, because there were larger plantations there. Also, those that would come to NA would often stop in the Caribbean or Indies before. At first, there was an uncertainty about the future of black people in America, and blacks and whites worked side by side as equals. However, whites soon began to see blacks as 'inferior' and masters soon began to enforce hard and strict slave codes.

Northern Econ and Techno life

More diverse agri in N than in S. Soil is less favorable. More commercial, families had businesses. Extractive Industries (extraction of nat resources) became highly important in the N.

Plantation Slavery

Most Af lived on the bigger plantations, where society and culture developed. Slaves were often separated from their families, and adapted to hard conditions. Created new languages and regions, and began a slave culture. Some had very good relations with their masters/families, others did not and faced brutality.

Spread of Science

Most colleges taught science. Boston experimented with a smallpox inoculation - worked and became popular.

The Enlightenment

Movement based on reason, rather than faith. Believed that reason could create progress and advance knowledge. Encouraged people to look to themselves rather than God for guidance. Largely challenged traditional authority - wanted religion to follow thinking.

Witchcraft Phenomenon

New England (largely Puritan) wanted a united community, often saw it as diverse. Began to accuse people of witchcraft, especially unmarried women or women who owned a lot of land.

Lord North

New Prime Minister. Realizes that the taxes have become a real problem. Decides to repeal all of the Townshend Duties except for the tax on Tea

Indentured servants

Origins came from English practices. A person would become bound to a master for a few years. In return, the servants were supposed to get help reintegrating back into daily life when their time was over, however this often was not the case. For women, it was a bit easier as they could marry off, however many men were left single and unemployed. Indentured servants were very wanted in America as many did not yet want Af workers and natives were not fit for the job. While most indentured servants were voluntary, some were considered criminals or unwanted. By 1670s it ended.

Revolution and Women

Overall, the Revolution strengthened the patriarchal society, however it placed ideas of gender equality in peoples' brains.

Organizing Army

Patriotism was one of the leading reasons in which the army was created. Once patriotism ended, however, America needed to pay people or draft them. Even when the number of people was enough, the soldiers were not under a single system. The continental army was then created with Washington in charge - good leader because he had experience and respect.

The plantation

Plantation would emerge early in American history and last until the Civil War. Some were huge and very independent, but most were small w hard working conditions. Prices of working in agri fluctuated, so it could be a risky industry.

Awakenings v. Enlightenment

two major ideas in the 1700s, which competed with each other. God vs. Science and Reason. Tension between two different movements.

Regulator mvt of NC

Regulators were farms in NC who opposed high taxes - they were underrepresented and failed to win. They armed themselves and used force, but were defeated. There was something in the Grenville program that could antagonize anybody.

Effects of Rockingham's Idea

Rich English landlords fear that less taxes on America will mean more taxes on them. Nonetheless, the Kind removes Rockingham's idea.

Parliament Retreats

Rockingham is the new prime minister after Grenville, and in order to please the unsettled colonists he retreats. However, this angers the richer people in England. In order to please them, he creates the Declaratory Act, which gives England power over the colonies 24/7.

Patterns of Religions

Roots of religious tolerance existed in America since the first colonizers. Catholics were less willing to give toleration, protestants gave it more willingly. jeremiads = ministers who complained about loss of faith


Slavery was abolished in some areas of the N/. Slavery largely survived in South

The War and Slavery

Some slaves were able to leave and escape through the English. The war also left many of them with a desire and a belief in freedom. Some open resistance, but many others just write about it. In the North some anti-slavery ideas were beginning to spread, but the South ignored and rejected these. Lots of tension between the idea of American liberty and slavery.

Women's Roles

Some women were put in charge as a result of the war, others were impoverished. Some went to war, even though Washington and other men would complain. Women were actually very helpful in the war, and were cooks and nurses. They helped lift morale.

Colonization Population

Soon after colonization began, the Euros and Afs outnumbered the Natives. This was largely due to natural increase and immigration. Large majority of the Americans at the time were working class, not many rich.Many of the newly arriving immigrants were also indentured servants.

Boston Tea Party

The anger amongst the colonists against the Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party.About 150 men went on board in front of many people and threw tea into the harbor. George III and Lord North create policies against MA - closed the port and trials, served as martyr.

Coercive Acts

The Acts which were instated especially in MA after the Boston Tea Party.

Quakers after Rev

The Quakers after the Rev were also a little hurt due to their pacifism.

The Tea Act Revitalizes

The Tea Act and the unwillingness of England to remove the tax was incredibly angering. It revitalized the revolution. The Tea Act also allowed the East India Company to sell tea in America without having to pay any taxes. This made many Americans fear replacement. England had miscalculated and had believed that the act would please people because tea would cost less because of the absence of middlemen. Instead, caused frustration and boycotts (women were key player in tea boycotts)

The Tea Excitement

The calm in America at the time hid all of the underling resentment. Colonists kept their revolutionary ideas alive through writing and talking. Throughout the years, anger often led to small rebellions, but there had never been anything major.

Gvt Power

The government and executive branch were strictly limited in their powers

Olive Branch Petition

The members of the 2nd CC all decided to try and send 'deal' to England. Overall, the men thought that they were fighting for smaller reforms at first. However, then they realized that the costs of the war were too small for tiny results. England was also busy recruiting natives against the Americans, and England also denied the Olive Branch Petition and created the Prohibitory Act, which closed off the trade of the colonies to the rest of the world.

Native Americans after the Rev

The revolution over all weakened the natives. Americans wanted more land expansion, Am/Ind relations deteriorated, some became treated as conquered people.

Colonial Boycotts

These were boycotts against the English and English products. These were especially common in Boston.

Prohibitory Acts

These were created hand in hand with the neglection of the Olive Branch Petition. It required people in America to trade with nations abroad.

International Failures due to Articles of Confed

These were largely a problem w english after the war - could not get english to take them seriously and create a peace treaty. England was unsure if they were dealing with one nation or thirteen.

Conciliatory Propositions

To appease the colonists, Lord North creates these propositions which he hopes will take effect. However, he offered too little and arrived too late.

Southern Economy

Tobacco is largely the most popular agricultural crop in the Chesapeake area. Lots of overproduction occurred which led to a large decline in prices. South Caro was found to be highly productive with Indigo. Southern region was much more focused on agri than on anything else.

The Puritan Community

Town is very important in New England, as it was a pattern of settlement. Houses and a meetinghouse, neighbors close by. Town was also mostly independent.

Mutiny Act Reinstated

Townshend demands that the Mutiny (or Quartering Act) be reinstated. This required Americans to provide headquarters and supplies to the English soldiers. For the most part, it wasn't the actual hospitality which bothered the Americans, but rather the fact that is was mandatory they do it.

Colonial Economies

Traded a lot with French, Span, Inds. Econ overall highly based on agri.

Articles of Confederation

Unable to create a Constitution good for all of the people, Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation in 1777. These were very weak and allowed the national gvt to do basically nothing.

Financing the War

Very hard to get money for the war, as Congress still did not have much power and could not force the money from the states. Could not raise the money. Government and states need to issue paper money - this leads to inflation. Failed to end inflation and continued to borrow money from other nations.

Sugar Act of 1764

Wanted to eliminate the illegal sugar trade. Created new courts to try smugglers.

Consequences of Seven Years War

War forced colonists to all work together against a common foe. Troops worked together as a communal force, with no hierarchy. During this war some began to believe that England had no real place in colonial affairs.

Small Depression of Seven Years War

War is usually followed by a recession of some kind because there is a lot of over production which suddenly stops. This is true after the seven years war, which was therefore only made worse by the English taking money from the colonies. Did not largely affect people financially, but scared them.

Proclamation of 1763

Was created by the English and intended to slow down and stop the movement of colonists into the new lands. This was good for the English because it gave them influence over Western movement, it limited people form leaving the costal towns, and it Eng claimed some of the trade in the new lands. Many tribes saw this proclamation as their best option. However, it was not very effective in stopping the white man from moving in anyway.

American Advantages in the Revolutionary War

While England did hold military advantages, Americans were on home land, they believed in their war and they also had aid from abroad. America also won because of English mistakes

Women + families in Chesapeake

Women often married early. There were high mortality rates, especially in men. Most women who married were already pregnant. If a indentured servant were to get pregnant, the child would also become one unless someone could buy their way out or the woman's term was going to end before the birth of the child. Women in the South had a fair amount of power. They often had a large selection of men for marriage because of the high mortality rate, and also did not have family to influence their decisions.

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