Chapter 3 anatomy

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The Na+ K+ pump is associated with

- Active transport -Resting membrane potential - antiporters and symporters

The production and export of milk from mammary gland cells involves which of these cell organelles?

- Golgi apparatus - rough endoplasmic reticulum - smooth endoplasmic reticulum - vesicles

Which of the following is characteristic of aging cells?

- golgi apparatus becomes fragmented - lipid inclusions accumulate - glycogen-containing structures decrease

Which one among the following describes the function of the cell membrane or plasma membrane?

-Cell membrane separates the cell from its external environment. -Plasma membrane gives the cell a definite size and shape. -Plasma membrane controls the movement of molecules from one side of the cell to the other.

Which of the following organelles have their structure and function accurately described?

-Vesicles - membranous sacs; contain various substances that recently entered or formed in the cell -Microfilaments - tiny rods of protein (actin); cause cellular movement -Microtubules - long, slender tubes of globular protein (tubulin); form internal skeleton of cell

Which of the following cellular components is nonliving?

-mitochondria -nucleus -cytoplasm

What size (in diameter) are most human cells?

10-15 µm

How many divisional stages occur during meiosis?


By the process of mitosis in a human cell, __________ daughter cells are produced, each of which has __________ chromosomes.

2, 46

Which of the following best approximates the diameter of a typical human cell?

20 µ m

Aerobic respiration produces __________ ATP molecules, __________ require oxygen to be available, and produces __________ as end product(s).

36-38, does, CO2 and water

Arrange the following in correct sequence: 1.) Polypeptide chains move through rough ER and then carried in vesicles to Golgi Apparatus. 2.) Vesicles are pinched off from Golgi Apparatus carrying newly formed proteins to plasma membrane. 3.) Golgi Apparatus separates and modifies varieties of proteins and then packages them into vesicles. 4.) Initiated by RNA, polypeptide chains are made by ribosomes on rough ER.

4, 1, 3, 2

Human somatic cells contain _______ chromosomes, while gametic cells contain _______ chromosomes.

46; 23

If an m-RNA molecule is 2400 nucleotides (bases) in length, this molecule will contain _______ codons.


_______ is enclosed in double membranes with cristae extending inward from the inner membrane

A mitochondrion

What characteristic is shared by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Both involve the movement of a substance from regions of a higher concentration to lower concentration without cellular energy.

Elements present in DNA and RNA are

C, H, O, N, P

mRNA is copied from


Chemotherapy usually makes use of drugs that affect the ___________ of cancer cells.

DNA molecules

Which one among the following statements about organelles is true?

Depending on the particular cell function, organelles vary in number and type.

__________ depends upon a pressure difference on either side of a partition.


are peripheral proteins, are activated by surface receptors, and relay hormone and neurotransmitter stimuli to secondary messengers.

G proteins

Which of the following statements concerning transport across the plasma membrane is true?

Lipid-soluble substances pass through the membrane by dissolving in the lipid bilayer.

________________ increase a cell's external surface area and are found on intestinal cells.


Which of these substances diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane?

O2 and CO2

Replication of DNA takes place during the

S phase.

_______ are the only type of cells where flagella are found.


___________ cells are thin, flat, and often have a bulge where the nucleus is.


_____________ cells are thin, flat, and often have a bulge where the nucleus is.


Which of the following is a nonmembranous organelle?

a centriole

By what method can the intestinal cells absorb sodium ions if they are in higher concentration inside the cell?

active transport

Cyanide stops the production of ATP. Which of the following processes would be affected?

active transport

When molecules move from the area of lower concentration to the area of higher concentration and energy is used, it is called

active transport

The sodium-potassium pump located in the plasma membrane

actively moves potassium into cells

The sequence of nucleotides in a messenger RNA molecule is needed to determine the sequence of

amino acids in a protein

The __________ on a tRNA molecule pairs with three nucleotides on a mRNA molecule.


Cells dispose of worn-out organelles by a process called


Basic skeleton of the plasma membrane is formed by

bilayered phospholipid structure

Blood cells in a hypotonic solution will

burst (hemolysis)

The structural and functional unit of all living organisms is the


Cells undergo a series of changes during their life-span which is known as

cell cycle

A cell uses centrioles in the process of

cell division

When a cell is observed with a compound light microscope, which of the following structures will be seen?

cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus

In cystic fibrosis, the cilia become embedded in sticky mucus due to a malfunction of the

chloride pump

The second most abundant of the lipids in the plasma membrane is


In the nucleus, DNA is wrapped within proteins. This structure is known as


DNA is condensed to form a structure called a _________ in the nucleus.


Which of the following structures is most closely related to moving particulate matter along the surface of epithelium?


The glycolipids and glycoproteins function to

confer each cell's unique identity or fingerprint

One function of a nucleus in the cell is to

control and coordinate cellular activities

Which of these processes involves a sodium-potassium exchange pump and two carrier molecules?


Which of these processes is associated with meiosis, but not mitosis?

crossing over

The process by which cytoplasm divides during cell division is known as


Organelles in the cytoplasm are embedded in a semitransparent matrix called


A cell with abundant peroxisomes would most likely be involved in

detoxification activities

The movement of oxygen from a higher concentration in the lungs to a lower concentration in the blood stream is an example of


Which of these transport processes does NOT require ATP?


During the process of DNA replication,

each new DNA molecule has one strand of nucleotides from the original DNA and one newly synthesized strand.

The structure of the nucleus can be described as

enclosed in a nuclear envelope

Microtubules are

essential components of cilia, flagella, centrioles, and spindle fibers

Many gland cells release their secretions by means of _______, a process somewhat like reverse endocytosis.


Formation of a secretory vesicle, fusion of the secretory vesicle to the cell membrane, and release of the contents of the secretory vesicles outside the cell describes


Given these characteristics of a transport process: 1. moves with the concentration gradient 2. does not require energy 3. requires carrier molecules Which of these processes is described?

facilitated diffusion

The movement of a solution across a plasma membrane because of a pressure gradient is called


When blood pressure in capillaries forces water and dissolved solutes out into the tissue fluid, this is called


In question 9 above, if the containers for solution A and solution B are connected, with a selectively permeable membrane between them, water moves

from solution B to solution A.

Organelles are distinguished from inclusions in that organelles are _______, whereas inclusions are _______.

functional structures; storage sites for chemical substances

Meiosis is the process of cell division that occurs in the

gametes (egg and sperm)

A sequence of nucleotides in DNA that provides a chemical set of instructions for making a functional protein is called a


Chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid in the cell are called


If you compare a cell with a manufacturing plant that exports goods, the cell's _______ could be compared to the manufacturing plant's shipping department.

golgi apparatus

By the process of meiosis, a _________ number of chromosomes are produced in the gametes.


A 10% salt solution is __________ to distilled water.


Where the extracellular fluid is more highly concentrated than the intracellular fluid, we may say it is


You place blood cells in an unknown solution and observe them with a microscope; you notice that most of the cells have crenated. Therefore, you conclude that the unknown solution is __________ to the cells.


0.9% NaCl solution (saline) is isotonic to a cell, while seawater is

hypertonic to the cell

Which tonicity describes a solution that has a lower concentration of nonpermeating solutes than the intracellular fluid?


Which of these conditions decreases the rate of diffusion?

increased viscosity

Crossing over

increases the amount of genetic diversity

In some tissues, cells are tightly packed and their cell membranes are connected by the structure known as the

intercellular junction

Regions of DNA that do not code for portions of a protein are called


The process of pinocytosis,

involves ingestion of liquids rather than particles

The nucleus of the cell

is the site of RNA synthesis is the largest organelle in eukaryotes has a double membrane

The process that divides the nucleus during cell division is known as


Cilia and flagella are distinguished from each other on the basis of

length and numbers

Although the basic structure of the plasma membrane is determined mainly by its __________ , the functions of the plasma membrane are determined mainly by its __________.

lipids, proteins

Tay-Sachs disease involves a cellular defect in

lysosomal enzymes

Which of these organelles function as intracellular digestive systems and contain enzymes?


During embryonic development, some structures are formed and then degenerate; the cell organelles responsible for the breakdown of these structures are the


Which molecules in the cell membrane are mostly glycoproteins?

marker molecules

Which of the following is CORRECTLY matched with its function?

marker molecules - are primarily steroids

Cells of the small intestine and kidney tubule have a "brush border" composed of _______, which are cell extensions that increase surface area.


Which structure increases cell surface area?


As a result of exercise, there is an increase in the number of __________ in muscle cells.


Muscle cells contain numerous _______ because of their high demand for ATP.


Which of the following organelles can be compared to a power-house because it supplies the cell with energy?


Which of these organelles contains DNA?


Cell adhesion molecules (CAM) are

modified structure to function as sensory receptors

Factors that affect the rate of diffusion through a membrane include

molecular weight of particle, concentration gradient, and membrane permeability.

Solution A has a greater osmotic pressure that solution B. Therefore, solution A contains __________ solutes and __________ water than solution B.

more, less

What happens by the process of mitosis?

new daughter cells with same number of chromosomes and all other cellular components are produced

Which of the following correctly matches a nuclear structure with its function?

nuclear pores - allow molecules to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm

Subunits of ribosomes are manufactured in the


The building blocks of DNA and RNA found in the nucleus of the cell are known as the


In which of these organelles is chromatin found?


The "control center" of the cell is the


The major phenomenon and changes during cell division starts within the


Transcription takes place in the __________ of the cell.


Which of these organelles is surrounded by a double membrane layer that contains many pores?


In simple diffusion, the rate at which a solute passes through a membrane depends on all of the following EXCEPT the

number of carriers in the membrane

DNA replication results in two new DNA molecules. Each of these new molecules has

one strand of nucleotides from the parent DNA and one newly synthesized strand of nucleotides

The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. This means that

only certain substances can pass into or out of the cell

The hydrostatic pressure required to stop osmosis is known as

osmotic pressure

The greater the concentration of a solute in a solution, the greater the

osmotic pressure of the solution

The function of the Golgi apparatus is

packaging and distribution of proteins and lipids

A protein that adheres to the intracellular face of the plasma membrane is called a(n)

peripheral protein.

All of the following processes can move substances out of a cell EXCEPT


White blood cells engulf foreign particles by means of


Given these observations concerning a transport process into a cell: 1. ATP is required 2. does not exhibit saturation 3. solid particles are transported The transport process involved is


The largest percentage of molecules that make up the cell membrane are

phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins.

In the fluid mosaic model, the double layer (bilayer) of molecules found in the cell membrane is made up of


Part of a proprotein is cleaved off to make a functional protein. This describes

posttranslational processing.


produce ribosomal subunits

Which is the longest and most complex phase during meiosis?

prophase I

What function would immediately cease if the ribosomes of a cell were destroyed?

protein synthesis

Which function is associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

protein synthesis

Proteins of the plasma membrane serve all of the following functions except

pumping water out of the cell

Communication between cells occurs when chemical messengers from one cell bind to _______ on another cell.

receptor molecules

Insulin is removed from the bloodstream by the endothelial cells by which of the following methods?

receptor-mediated endocytosis

Membrane proteins that aid in communications from other cells are


What change/s occur when red blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution?

red blood cells lose water and shrink

The process of meiosis

results in the production of sperm cells or oocytes.

Endoplasmic reticulum can be smooth or rough. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is different from the smooth because it has _____ embedded in it.


Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it is called

rough ER

The process of DNA replication is

semiconservative in nature

The aroma of a cake baking in the kitchen reaches the living room. The distribution of this odor throughout the house is an example of

simple diffusion

The organelle that protects cells from the damaging effects of medications and toxins is the

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Pasteur provided experiments that disproved which of the following ideas:

spontaneous generation.

Membrane phospholipids arrange themselves with their hydrophilic ends toward the _________ of the membrane and their hydrophobic ends toward the ________ of the membrane.

surface; center

If a carrier protein were to move both hydrogen and chloride ions from the inside of a cell to the extracellular fluid, and consume ATP in the process, it would be considered a(n)

symport system

Which of the following molecules contains the anticodon?


Which of the following will increase the rate of diffusion? An increase in the


DNA synthesis occurs during

the S phase of interphase

What organelle is most active in causing programmed cell death?

the lysosomes

The fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane suggests that

the membrane has rigidity and flexibility

The larger particles do not move across the membrane because

the membrane is selectively permeable

The fluid mosaic model is a theory for the structure of

the plasma membrane

When a cell grows

the surface area increases to a lesser degree than its volume

To study the smallest organelles and cellular components of cells _______________ is/are used.

the transmission electron microscope (TEM

Microvilli are characterized by all of the following except

they have a chloride pump.

In the DNA molecule, adenine always pairs with


The transfer of information from DNA to messenger RNA (m-RNA) is known as


During the process of translation, __________ tRNA molecule(s) occupy(ies) the tRNA binding site(s) on a ribosome.


Which one among the following bases is present in RNA but NOT in DNA?


When a white blood cell engulfs a foreign particle with its pseudopods, it traps the particle in a bubble called a _______ in its cytoplasm.


When a sperm cell comes into contact with an egg cell, there is a change in the electrical charge across the plasma membrane and various channel proteins close. These channels would be called

voltage-gated channels

Osmosis is the diffusion of _______ across a selectively permeable membrane.


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