Chapter 3: Creating Anglo-America, 1660-1750

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In this video, author Eric Foner lists several causes for the periodic witchcraft panics that struck New England in the seventeenth century. Identify the causes of the panics.

cause of witchcraft panics -atmosphere of general chaos caused by territorial wars with Native Americans -negative attitudes toward women who were independent of the social constraints of the time -lack of scientific explanations for adverse natural events not a cause of witchcraft panics -proliferation of underground pagan cults in Massachusetts

Identify the statements that describe the consumer revolution in the eighteenth century.

Correct -British merchants supplied American traders with loans, allowing them to import goods and sell them on the frontier. -Items that used to be considered luxuries, available only to the wealthy, became accessible to modest farmers. -Shops in port cites flourished. Incorrect -As a result of mass production, consumer goods became widely and cheaply available.

The legal status of Africans—slave or free—deteriorated over the course of the seventeenth century. Place the following events in the order in which they occurred.

-Virginia law banned blacks from serving in militias. -Maryland law stipulated that children born to a slave mother and free father will be slaves. -Virginia law stipulated that converting to Christianity did not release a slave from bondage.

Read and analyze the "Who Is an American?" document from the chapter, titled "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind," derived from a 1751 piece by Benjamin Franklin. In the excerpt below, Franklin expresses his concern about the influx of newcomers to North America in the eighteenth century. Click on the excerpts below where Franklin gives his specific objections to the increase of Germans coming to Pennsylvania.

-and by herding together establish their language and manners to the exclusion of ours? -who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion? -why should we . . . darken its people?

What do the images reveal about Quaker liberty in Pennsylvania?

Correct -Immigrants from around the world were welcome. -Women and men were viewed and treated as equals. Incorrect -Natives Americans were shunned from Pennsylvania. -Military brigades welcomed all those who arrived as immigrants, to set the tone of moral obedience that was required of all.

While slavery had existed for generations in many other parts of the world, American slavery was unique for many reasons. Identify what made American slavery different from slavery in other countries.

Correct -Labor on slave plantations was much more demanding than household slavery at any other time and in any other place. -Slavery in America was based on the plantation, an agricultural enterprise. -A large number of slaves were under a single owner, rather than being dispersed within and among the population. Incorrect -Status as a slave could not be inherited from parent to child.

"Enumerated" goods were the most valuable colonial products in the mercantilist system between England and its colonies. Identify the items that were considered "enumerated" goods.

"enumerated" goods -sugar -tobacco not "enumerated" goods -manufactured clothing -wooden furniture

In 1689, news of the overthrow of James II triggered rebellions in several North American colonies. Match the particulars of each rebellion with the colony in which it took place.

1) Massachusetts 2)Maryland 3)New York

What does it reveal about the origins and status of migrants to British North American colonies from 1700-1775?

Correct -Among English/Welsh migrants, the largest portion were convicts. -A plurality of migrants were slaves. Incorrect -Among Irish migrants, the largest portion were indentured servants. -Slaves were exclusively brought from Asia and Africa.

Identify the statements that describe the Glorious Revolution in England and its impact on the colonies.

Correct -As a result of the Glorious Revolution, fault lines in colonial society were exposed, providing an opportunity for local elites to regain authority. -As a result of the Glorious Revolution, Protestant domination was secured in most of the colonies. -The Glorious Revolution was the culmination of the long struggle between Parliament and the crown for the English government, which established parliamentary supremacy. Incorrect -The Glorious Revolution outlined the terms of the English Bill of Rights.

In the late eighteenth century, there was a stark difference between a "society with slaves" and a "slave society." Identify the statements that describe life for blacks in Virginia's "slave society."

Correct -Blacks were tried in separate courts from whites. -Blacks had to be able to demonstrate they were free or show passes from their owners if found off the plantation. -Blacks were not allowed to own arms. Incorrect -Slaves were not allowed to be passed on to an owner's descendants.

Identify the statements that describe staple crops and why they were so important to settlers.

Correct -Crops such as tobacco and rice that were produced for the world market created great wealth for the farmers. -Because of the lack of credit and money, colonists had to rely on creating their own wealth, and farming staple crops was a reliable source of revenue. Incorrect -Staple crops included luxury goods such as silks, linens, and ceramic plates. -Staple crops enabled the colonists to become financially independent from Britain.

What does it reveal about settlements in North America in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries?

Correct -English settlements extended along the Atlantic seaboard, from present-day Maine to Georgia. -Spanish settlements were grouped in present-day Florida and Georgia. These were the most southern settlements in North America. -French settlements were grouped along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes between present-day Canada and America. Incorrect -Dutch settlements made up over half of the North American settlements.

William Penn's "holy experiment" allowed the Quakers to thrive in colonial Pennsylvania. Identify the statements that describe how Penn put his ideas into practice in Pennsylvania.

Correct -Native Americans were treated peacefully. -Immigrants from all over Europe, no matter the faith they belonged to, were welcome. -Moral laws governing personal behavior were present. incorrect -The use of African slaves supported early economic growth of the colony.

American slavery flourished for many reasons, especially among the Chesapeake planters. Identify the statements that describe why Chesapeake planters found African slaves more suitable as a source of labor compared to indentured servants.

Correct -The children of slaves had no rights and, therefore, also became slaves. -Slaves' terms never expired. -Slaves were more resistant to epidemics than natives were. Incorrect -Indentured servants cost more than slaves.

Identify the statements that describe the colonial elite.

Correct -The colonial elite enjoyed time in Charleston or Philadelphia, both urban centers at the time that provided theaters and social events. -The colonial elite often sought to emulate the lifestyle and customs of the British elite, by wearing English fashion and encouraging their sons to go to school in England. Incorrect -There was a very small gap between rich and poor in North American colonies.

What does it reveal about ethnic diversity on the Atlantic coast of North America in 1760?

Correct -The majority of Scotch-Irish lived inland, not directly on the Atlantic coast. -North Carolina was a very diverse colony, with settlers from Germany, the Scottish Highlands, and England, as well as slaves from Africa. -Dutch settlements were primarily along the Hudson River in present-day New York. Incorrect -New England had the highest concentration of Scotch-Irish settlers.

The Indian uprising led by Metacom, or King Philip's War, was the "bloodiest and most bitter conflict" to erupt in southern New England in the late seventeenth century. Identify the statements that describe this conflict and the dynamics between the settlers and Indians.

Correct -The result of the conflict strengthened the settlers' view that Indians were savages. -Indian tribes formed an alliance, allowing them to attack several English colonies at one time. -Metacom was captured and executed, while other Indians were captured and sold into slavery in the West Indies. Incorrect -New weapons were acquired by Metacom and his allies, allowing them to systematically kill more colonists in wartime.

When the English took over New York from the Dutch, they continued to allow religious toleration but minimized the rights the Dutch had given to which of the following groups of people?

Correct -women -blacks Incorrect -the Iroquois -men who did not own any property

Identify the statements that describe the Covenant Chain and its outcomes.

Describes the Covenant Chain and Its Outcomes -It eventually led the Iroquois Nations to adopt a policy of neutrality. -The Iroquois Nations helped the British attack the French and their Indian allies. -The English formed an alliance with the Iroquois Nations and pledged to support each other in territorial acquisition and defeat of other tribes. Does Not Describe the Covenant Chain and Its Outcomes -It led to King Philip's War.

Identify the statements as describing the Lords of Trade or the Dominion of New England.

Dominion of New England -super-colony made up of New England colonies by James II in order to extract more money from America -ruled by the former New York governor Lords of Trade -established in England to oversee colonial affairs

British North America at the start of the eighteenth century was an overwhelmingly rural, not urban, society. Cities were small, particularly compared to those of Spanish America or Europe. Place these cities below in order by population circa 1700, from largest to smallest.

Mexico City, Boston, New York

When war broke out between natives and colonists, Indians who had already converted to Christianity found themselves in the middle of the conflict. Identify the statement that describes the outcome of this conflict for Indians who converted to Christianity.

The "praying Indians" lost their land and goods necessary for their survival, and were also subjected to fatal diseases.

Identify the statement that explains why Virginia and Maryland shifted toward a reliance on slave labor.

The freedoms Pennsylvania offered European settlers led to a decrease in indentured servants sailing for Virginia and Maryland, causing those settlements to seek alternative labor sources.

Slavery in the United States started in the Chesapeake Bay region, but it eventually spread throughout the colonies in order to support the cash crop production as fewer indentured servants came over from Europe.


By the mid-eighteenth century, the different regions of the British colonies had developed distinct economic and social orders. Identify the economic and social orders of each of the regions.

Virginia and South Carolina -slave plantations that produced tobacco Middle Colonies -farmers that produced grain for their own use and sale abroad New England -small family farms that produced food for local consumption

People, ideas, and goods flowed back and forth across the Atlantic. Goods from North America and the - became a major market for British manufactured goods. Tobacco grown in - was marketed in Britain, and then sold to Europe by British merchants. And rum produced in the West Indies was a popular good in -.

West Indies, Chesapeake, North American colonies

Eighteenth-century North America's religious diversity increased as its population grew. Colonial governments took different approaches to managing this diversity. Match the correct approach to the appropriate colonies.

church and state in most other colonies -barred Catholics and Jews from voting and holding public office -levied taxes to pay ministers' salaries church and state in New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania -enshrined religious tolerance into law

Many migrants settled into the British colonies. Identify the statements that describe the redemptioners.

describes the redemptioners -formed tightly knit farming communities in rural New York, western Pennsylvania, and the southern backcountry -indentured families that received passage to the New World in exchange for an agreement to work off their debts does not describe the redemptioners -unmarried English emigrants in search of religious tolerance -wealthy Scottish and Scotch-Irish immigrants

Identify the statements that describe poverty in the colonies in the eighteenth century.

does not describe poverty in the colonies -Public assistance without any work obligations was available to all colonists. describes poverty in the colonies -Poverty was not as widespread in the colonies as it was in England. -Poor colonists were viewed as lazy and responsible for their own poverty. -Half the wealth in the colonies was held by the richest 10 percent.

William Penn was a devout member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. Identify the statements that describe this religious group.

does not describe the Quakers -came to America with a strong militia describes the Quakers -the first group of whites to speak out against slavery -believed in the equality of all persons (including women, blacks, and Indians) before God -faced persecution in England

Identify the statements that describe women and the household economy in the colonies.

does not describe women and the household economy in the colonies -Compared to life in England, colonial women enjoyed significantly more free time. describes women and the household economy in the colonies -All members of the family, including women, were required to contribute in order to support the family. -Women contributed by managing the cooking, cleaning, and assisting with farming chores, among other responsibilities.

What was Bacon's Rebellion (1676) largely fought over?


In the reading, Franklin is troubled by the "proportionably very small" number of "purely white people" in the world. Franklin's system of racial typology is, to say the least, peculiar. Which complexions does he assign to the peoples of which countries and continents?

not "purely white" -Spain, Italy, France, Russia, Sweden -Asia, parts of Africa, pre-Columbian America -Africa "purely white" -England and Saxony (Northern Germany and Denmark)

A goal of religiously minded English Protestants was to convert natives to their faith. Identify the name given to those native Christian converts.

praying Indians

Initially, Carolina settlers tried raising cattle and trading with the natives, but what cash crop was ultimately responsible for Carolina's success?


British North America in the mid-eighteenth century was quite economically diverse. Match each region below to its dominant form(s) of social and economic organization.

the northern and western frontiers -fur-trading outposts the Hudson Valley -vast, feudal-sized estates New England -small farms and towns

Mercantilism encouraged the use of commerce to enrich countries. Identify the statement that describes how the Navigation laws supported mercantilism between England and its colonies.

English colonies of the New World had to export their raw materials only on English ships and sell them at English ports.

Writing in the late-sixteenth century, Richard Hakluyt exhorted English colonists to "conquer the barbarian, to recall the savage and the pagan to civility, to draw the ignorant within the orbit of reason, and to fill with reverence for divinity the godless and the ungodly." The perception on the ground, however, was that some among the new and old populations in British North America were considered more assimilable than others. Place the groups listed below in order of perceived assimilability.

French Huguenots, Jews, Africans

How did the English Toleration Act of 1690 impact the society of Massachusetts?

It created tension by forcing Puritans to accept Protestants into their communities and leadership roles

Identify the colony that first belonged to the Dutch but later came under English control under King Charles II's brother, the duke of York.

New Netherland

The Walking Purchase of 1737 was the culmination of well-intentioned bargaining between colonists and natives.


There were many rebellions that occurred in the late seventeenth century in both England and the colonies. Most triumphant were the Maryland rebels. Identify the statement that describes what caused the end of religious toleration in Maryland.

Maryland's Protestant Association overthrew the colony's Catholic proprietor, Lord Baltimore.

Identify the colony that was founded as a place of spiritual freedom and of peace between Indians and settlers.


The Salem witch trials revealed serious issues with Massachusetts's system of justice and, as a result, the court of Salem was dissolved by the governor and all prisoners were released.


The slave code of 1705, created by the House of Burgesses, is significant because it outlined the principle of white supremacy for the first time, justifying the ownership and treatment of slaves by their masters.


Which items in this advertisement from a colonial Philadelphia merchant would have been subjected to the enumerated goods clause in the Navigation Acts?

West-India and Philadelphia Rum, Sugars, Tea, Weston's Snuff

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