Chapter 3: Ethical Leadership

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To assist you in step four and step five, you can use _________ _________ (in the Critical Thinking chapter) to help you make a decision that's not only ethical, but rational and logical as well.

Decision Analysis

By succumbing to this ethical trap, your actions and decision-making become detrimental to your leadership abilities as a result of the self-imposed philosophy to 'win at all costs'. This becomes apparent when your knowledge or what's right and wrong is subordinated to what's right or wrong for me. Put another way, the needs of the Air Force, your people, and the mission take a second seat to your own personal need for success.

Drive for success

________ _____ _______ occurs when decisions are made based on a "win at all cost" attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Sure, there may be nothing wrong with possessing a sincere drive to succeed. You may be thinking, "If I don't do what's best for me, who will?" The downside of this way of thinking is that it's an "all about me" way of leading instead of leading based on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct.

Drive for success

________ ________are fundamental to the success of any organization. However, they're also vital to the growth and development of the Airmen within the organization, as well.

Effective Leaders

Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the ________ _________.

Enlistment Oath

Situations where one is forced to choose between two alternatives (both alternatives can be unfavorable and/or less right and more right or less wrong and more wrong).

Ethical Dilemma

The definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture or historical period; therefore nothing is objectively 'right' or 'wrong'.

Ethical Relativism

________ _________ include the Air Force Core Values, the Oath of Enlistment, Air Force Instructions, and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.

Ethical codes

_________ _________ are intended to be central guides and references for users in support of day-to-day decision making. They're meant to clarify an organization's mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct.

Ethical codes

_______ ______ _______refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles.

Ethical decision making

__________ __________combines ethical decision-making and ethical behavior, and occurs in both an individual and organizational context. A major responsibility of a leader is to make ethical decisions and behave in ethical ways, and to see that the organization understands and practices its ethical codes.

Ethical leadership

_________ ___________ manifests itself when decisions are made based on personal values/beliefs of right and wrong rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.

Ethical relativism

__________ _________holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it's practiced. The same action may be morally right in one society, but be morally wrong in another.

Ethical relativism

_________ _________stem from confusion or uncertainty as to what action or behavior should be taken in a given situation. Keep in mind that it may seem all prospective choices have some measure of drawback. This makes it important to be cognizant of potential_______ _______ in order for you to choose the course of action you believe will best serve the situation. Those traps are: Ethical Relativism, Loyalty Syndrome, Worry Over Image, and Drive for Success.

Ethical traps

The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and of how we judge those behaviors. It's a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values.


Integrity First: Doing the right thing, all the time, whether everyone's watching or not. Service Before Self: Professional duties take precedence over personal desires. Excellence in All We Do: Continuously advance our craft and increase our knowledge as Airmen.

Air Force Core Values

An _______ ______ ________ (AFI) is a documented instruction for members of the United States Air Force intended for use by active duty, guard, and reserve members and associated civilians. In almost all cases, an AFI is a form of general order; violation of the AFI by an Airman subject to it can be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Air Force Instruction

"As Airmen we step to a higher calling and hold ourselves to the highest standards. We have certain beliefs and truths that strengthen our organization and our nation. At the very heart of this is our Core Values; they are a clear illustration of the price of admission to our Air Force, and the common bond by which we win the fight, strengthen the team, and shape the future. Our values must be much more than words...they must guide us and point us to what is universal and unchanging in our profession of arms. They are the very fabric that bonds our commitment and dedication to duty, honor, country, fidelity and competence."

CMSAF James Cody

If you're decision doesn't pass the __________ ________, then you may be able to trace the problem back to one of the three Ds...discern, declare, and do. Maybe you haven't discerned the truth or been able to 'weed out' false information (or information that you're not sure will stand up to scrutiny). Otherwise, you should be able to 'declare' with courage.

Community Test

____________ ___________ can create ethical dilemmas for some individuals.

Competing values

According to the ________ __________ chapter, consequences of your actions can impact your people in the following ways: A. Mental Fitness - might impact their ability to adapt to unique challenges... especially if your stance is that the 'ends justify the means' B. Physical Fitness - could impact their health and well-being if your decision needlessly puts your people in harm's way or requires them to work harder than they're normally expected to C. Social Fitness - could cause communication breakdowns and impact their ability to work as a team if they feel as if your decision isn't justifiable based on the situation D. Spiritual Fitness - might cause them to become discouraged in environments where perseverance can impact the success or failure of the mission *Additionally, according to the Critical Thinking chapter, you can perform a risk analysis (Decision Analysis) to figure out if your decision is worth the consequence.

Comprehensive Fitness

According to the POA & the SNCO chapter, your inability to resolve a values conflict (or adhere to our professional standards) can have a negative impact on your status within the POA. Failure to resolve these conflicts can move you to the left side of the __________ ____ ____________ (less professional).

Continuum of Professionalism

The ______ _______ are more than minimum standards...they remind us what it takes to get the mission done and inspire us to do our very best at all times.

Core values

According to the _____ chapter, you can use transactional behaviors such as Contingent Reward or Management by Exception-Active as a way to handle mistakes.


"We say these are the values of the organization, and we all live them. Then, no matter what the situation, we never think, well, I can be slightly unethical today, but tomorrow I'll be better. It doesn't work that way."

Frances Hesselbein

If you're decision doesn't pass the _______ _______, go back and take a look at the three Os: owing, ordering, and oughting. Are you taking into account the people or institution you owe? Have your ordered your thinking using moral and ethical structuring? Is this what you really ought to do?

God Test

Five Steps of Ethical Decision Making: 1. _______ ____ ________ 2. Analyze the situation 3. Identify ethical traps 4. Consider possible course of action 5. Decide the most ethical course of action "

Interpret the situation

__________ _____ ____________requires you to stop and think about the circumstances confronting you. Taking time to stop and critically think could help you determine what ethical dilemmas exist (if any) and also prevent you from making rash decisions. Delaying the impulse to rush to a conclusion provides time for thoughtful insight and can allow you time to put effective actions into motion.

Interpretinhe situation

Prudence is the intellectual habit of choosing the right means to achieve worthy ends. It involves reasoning, foresight, and caution.

J. Steadman

Dr._______ ____ _______, formally of the Air War College, explains that military ethics is about knowing what's true and then doing what's right. He takes an interesting approach to make his points memorable by using the following ethical principles: Three Os, Three Ps, Three Rs, and Three Ds. Used in conjunction with the Air Force Core Values, these principles place additional tools at your disposal as you strive to continue leading ethically.

James H. Toner

"As a leader, your every action has a consequence...make sure it is one you intended".

Katherine Bryant Executive/Leadership Coach

If your decision doesn't pass the ______ _______, you really should reflect deeply on the three Rs: rules, results, and realities. As a SNCO, you're legally bound to the rules. Considering the 'results' first could cause serious legal issues for you, your organization, or the Air Force. Remember, sometimes the end does NOT justify the means.

Legal Test

__________ _________is defined as making decisions based on respect and/or loyalty to an individual, unit, or organization rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. This becomes problematic when leaders subordinate the questions of right and wrong due to their value of loyalty to their leadership.

Loyalty syndrome

Values and expected rules of the profession that are appropriate to actions taken within the military environment (Gabriel, 2003). The American military ethic is designed to put principle above self-interest. Personal integrity and moral courage are the keys to viability of that ethic (Flammer, 1976). "

Military Ethics

"Values that we attribute to a system of beliefs that help us define right from wrong, good versus bad. Typically, they get their authority from something outside the individual; they come from a higher being or authority. "


The _______ _____ _________into the United States Armed Forces is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military.

Oath of Enlistment

"Situational variables can exert powerful influences over human behavior, more so that we recognize or acknowledge."

Philip Zimbardo Psychologist

Justice establishes and maintains the laws required for the common good and advancement of society.

R. Garrigou-Lagrange

According to the Critical Thinking chapter, you can use the _________ ____________ of Implications and Universal Intellectual Standard of Depth in order to think through the consequences of an ethical dilemma and consider all significant factors before taking action. They should help you rationally identify and address potential consequences.

Reasoning Element

Director and producer _______ _______ once said, "Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas..." Let's start navigating this 'gray area' with an introduction to ethical leadership.

Ridley Scott

As a _______, leader, and military professional, it's imperative you conduct yourself with the highest degree of professionalism every day. Whether you direct a small team, are in charge of a large group within the organization, or fill a leadership role in your personal life (parent, coach, etc.), people depend on you to lead in an ethical way. Your behavior and the motives behind them should never create the appearance of impropriety.


SNCOs bear personal responsibility and culpability for their actions. If you decide your actions, if made public, would be embarrassing or humiliating, then they don't pass the _________ ________. If you decide your actions would discredit yourself or the uniform you wear, then they don't pass the _________ _________.

Shame Test

In order for your decision to pass the ________ ________, your 'special circumstance' should be one that either hasn't been experienced by senior leaders before, or one that consists of a unique set of factors that makes it 'fall outside the box' of what's already known.

Situation Test

_______ ______ emphasize that you have a moral charge to educate yourself as best as you can in light of the truth, to speak up for truth, and then to act in truth.

Three Ds

________ _____ are as follows: 1. Discern the truth 2. Declare the truth 3. Do what you've discerned

Three Ds

Owing...Ordering...Oughting. Military ethics based upon "me-ism" or "egotism" cannot function. Therefore, the _______ _____ are important in making ethical decisions.

Three Os

________ ______ include: 1. Knowing specifically who and what you owe 2. Displaying proper order by having moral structuring and ethical priorities 3. Understanding what Airmen should do, or ought to do

Three Os

The ________ ______ provide the perspective for the way to think about the Os. Airmen are to adhere to the precedence of principles, purpose, and then people. Switching the order would negate the entire process.

Three Ps

_______ ______ are ordered as follows: 1. Principle: Truth telling and honor 2. Purpose: Mission accomplishment and duty 3. People: Fellow citizens, Airmen, Soldiers, etc

Three Ps

_______ ____ are as follows: 1. Rules provide individuals ethical guidance 2. Results are the outcome or bottom line-consequences of following or not following those rules 3. Realities are the result of recognizing the importance of the situation, circumstances, or realities

Three Rs

_________ ______provide guidance when considering the Os...they explain that when making decisions, displaying conduct (on and off-duty), etc., there are rules that provide ethical guidance. The situation, circumstances, or realities can influence if the rules are followed. Don't forget to consider the results or consequences of decisions and actions beforehand.

Three Rs

These codes are tools that can assist you in making decisions that are mostly black and white...right and wrong. However, you should keep in mind that these codes may not be a catchall solution for every situation you face, especially when dealing with issues in the 'gray' area.


__________ also becomes a factor when there may not be a clearly established policy, procedure, or rule for handling the situation...there's no established right or wrong way.


The _________ _________ ____ ________ __________ (UCMJ) is the foundation of military law in the United States. It applies to all members of the uniformed services of the United States. DOD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, provides a single source of standards of ethical conduct and ethics guidance, including direction in the areas of financial and employment disclosure systems, post-employment rules, enforcement, and training.

Uniform Code of Military Justice

The core beliefs we hold regarding what's right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with others; what individuals believe to be of worth and importance in their life.


"In any organization, once the beliefs and energies of the critical mass of people are engaged, conversion to a new idea will spread like an epidemic."

W. Kim and R. Mauborgne Harvard Business Review"

_________ ______ _________ entails making decisions based on how they'll impact your reputation or standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, or community rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Concern about what might turn out to be an embarrassing situation (or needing others to see you in a positive light) may cause you to do something less ethical instead of what's right.

Worry over image

Which ethical principle serves as a reminder to SNCOs that we must always put truth and honor first, followed by mission accomplishment and our Airmen? a. The Three Ps b. The Three Rs c. The Three Ds

a. The Three Ps

The Air Force Core Values, Oath of Enlistment, and DOD 5500.7-R assist us in making sound ethical decisions. a. True b. False

a. True

AF Core Doctrine Volume 2, Leadership Ethical purpose. By executing the oath of enlistment, Airmen make a promise - an ethical _________ or bond of a person's word.


____________ are the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study of how we judge those behaviors. a. Morals b. Ethics c. Values

b. Ethics

When diagnosing ethical dilemmas, SNCOs should ________________. a. diagnose only the dilemmas that are present b. consider the second and third order consequences c. reconcile dilemmas using the 5-Step Process

b. consider the second and third order consequences

Dr. Toner's _________________ Test answers the question, "Will the end justify the means?" a. Community b. Situation c. Consequences

c. Consequences

For SNCOs to be effective and consistent in their actions, decisions should be based on military rules, regulations and ________ _____ _________.

codes of conduct

It's important to think through the first, second and possibly third order ___________ of your decisions before you make the first decision. Will you always be able to see the future consequences? Maybe not, but it takes a lot more resources (time, people and money) to deal with unattended consequences than it does to consider and plan for their possibility up front.


You must ________ the truth. Once you have discerned the truth, you must declare it. This might mean 'declaring' it to a few individuals or your entire unit (depending on the situation). Don't allow your responsibility to declare the truth be hindered by an ethical trap such as the loyalty syndrome or worry over image. Failing to declare the truth when you know what it is can damage your creditability and your moral/ethical standing within the Profession of Arms.


You must ________ the facts from assumptions and falsehoods. You're morally charged to gather the facts as they pertain to the truth in all situations. Many times, your people will come to you with problems that fall into the 'gray' area mentioned earlier in the chapter. When presented with situations that involve ethical issues or dilemmas, you can use the Reasoning Elements and Universal Intellectual Standards of Critical Thinking. These tools can help you do your due diligence in determining what is true.


You must _______ what you have discerned and declared...finding the truth and declaring the truth aren't enough. SNCOs must reflect the highest qualities of a leader and professional. Excellence in All We Do - Discipline required you to uphold the highest personal and professional standards. As a representative of the Air Force, your actions shape the culture of the Air Force and the reputation of the Profession of Arms.


According to the POA and the SNCO chapter, one way to avoid the ethical trap of ________ ______ ______ is to exhibit Warrior Spirit by placing the welfare of peers or subordinates ahead of our personal needs or comfort.

drive for success

"We characterize people as _________ when they act in ways that are consistent with societal moral values. In other words, the ethics of our decisions and actions are defined societally, not individually.


As an ethical leader, there are two key areas you should keep your Airmen focused on: their commitment to the Profession of Arms and their ability to make _______ choices.


Acting responsibly in difficult and/or complex situations; with quality character and judgment, is the essence of ______ _________.

ethical behavior

An __________ __________ is a situation where you're forced to choose between two alternatives, neither of which may result in an ethically acceptable outcome.

ethical dilemma

Situations that are uncomfortable but don't require a choice between right and wrong are NOT _________ __________!

ethical dilemmas

As a SNCO, you'll need to consider the _______ _______ discussed earlier (ethical relativism, loyalty syndrome, worry over image, and drive for success). By understanding and identifying _________ _______, you can choose the course of action that can best serve everyone involved.

ethical traps

An ________ _________ __________ exemplifies professionalism, humility, self-control, personal discipline, and values.

ethically minded organization

In leadership, sometimes you may have to operate in the "______ _______", areas where there's less standardization and clarity. What's important is that when confronted with these situations, you're equipped to apply ethical leadership to guide your actions, decisions and behaviors.

gray areas

As a senior leader, you should find ways to work through values conflicts while remaining focused on the _______ _________ of the organization and its people.

greater good

Leaders become __________ when acceptable means to mission accomplishment take precedence over established guidelines. The decision to just do what works based on personal (due to each individual's cultural background) values is problematic and oftentimes ethical questions are never raised or explored.


SNCOs may make __________ decisions when issues that require the attention of leadership are hidden, when leaders begin to make excuses or cover for leadership, or when leaders fail to voice objections when senior leadership is wrong.


According to the POA and the SNCO chapter, one way to avoid the ethical trap of _________ ________ is to practice Integrity First's virtue of Courage. It states you should have the courage to take personal and professional risks or make decisions that might be unpopular.

loyalty syndrome

In the case of _________ _________, leaders may be reluctant to tell the truth... in worry over image leaders aren't interested in telling the truth. SNCOs become ineffective when they refuse to accept negative input and what becomes important is how things are perceived versus how things really are.

loyalty syndrome

Appropriate action taken for dereliction of duty or misconduct. There is a difference between a 'mistake' and '__________'. If you determine misconduct or dereliction of duty has occurred, disciplinary action is more appropriate in order to maintain an ethical climate. Disciplinary action can range from a verbal counseling to a court-martial. The tool that's most effective depends on the situation. However, before acting, you should ensure all factors leading to the misconduct are explored.


Duty ─You are ________ to follow the rules. To serve is to do one's duty, and our duties are most commonly expressed through rules. Duty is the obligation to perform what is required for the mission. While your responsibilities are determined by the law, the Department of Defense, and Air Force instructions, directives, and guidance, our sense of duty is a personal one and bound by the oath of service we took as individuals. Duty sometimes calls for sacrifice in ways no other profession has or will. Airmen who truly embody Service Before Self consistently choose to make necessary sacrifices to accomplish the mission, and in doing so, we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


Loyalty ─ You ________ to exhibit loyalty, both professionally and personally. Loyalty is an internal commitment to the success and preservation of something bigger than us. Our loyalty is to the Nation first, the values and commitments of our Air Force second, and finally to the men and women with whom we serve. Loyalty to our leaders requires us to trust, follow, and execute their decisions, even when we disagree. We offer alternative solutions and innovative ideas most effectively through the chain of command. Ultimately, loyalty is demonstrated by helping each other act with honor.


Respect ─ You _______ others respect...treating others with dignity and valuing them as individuals. You must always act knowing that all Airmen possess fundamental worth as human beings. You must treat others with the utmost dignity and respect, understanding that our diversity is a great source of strength.


Excellence in All We Do - Teamwork is achieved when the __________ of the organization can work together to successfully reach common goals. Teamwork is essential to triumph at every level. Airmen recognize the interdependency of every member's contributions towards the mission and strive for organizational excellence. We not only give our personal best, but also challenge and motivate each other. We carry our own weight, and whenever necessary, help our wingmen carry theirs. We serve in the greatest Air Force in the world, and we embrace the idea that our part of the Air Force meets that world-class standard.


As a SNCO, there are many _________ that can prevent you from walking an 'ethical path' and making sound, ethical decisions. However, if you know what to look for, you can avoid making some of the same bad choices as those you read about in the news.


When you act with professionalism, you help tip the entire organization to the _________ side of the scale.


An ethical dilemma could also stem from _______ ________ caused by a decision you made.

potential harm

Integrity First - Honesty is the hallmark of a military professional. SNCOs acting with integrity are expected to always place __________ first in all endeavors. Integrity is simply doing the right thing, all the time, whether everyone is watching or no one is watching. It's the compass that keeps us on the right path when we're confronted with ethical challenges and personal temptations, and it's the foundation upon which trust is built. An individual realizes integrity when thoughts and actions align with what he or she knows to be right.


Excellence in All We Do - Mission directs you to develop a sustained passion for continuous improvement and innovation. You should consider this your _________ and the basis of mission accomplishment. Excellence in All We Do does not mean that we demand perfection in everything from everyone. Instead, this value directs us to continuously advance our craft and increase our knowledge as Airmen. We must have a passion for continuous improvement and innovation that propels America's Air Force in quantum leaps towards accomplishment and performance.


You must consider the _________ of the situation. This requires you to examine the truth or actuality of the situation, the way the situation really is, and to appropriately adhere to guiding ethical principles.


Many believe that what matters most is the bottom line or the ________. However, not even good ends can justify all means. You must understand that certain means are wrong even though the end may be good.


There are no _________ for unethical behavior. Leaders shouldn't take action, make decisions, or display behaviors that reinforce unethical behavior or conduct. By doing so, you give the impression these are acceptable behaviors for your organization and could cause major damage to senior leader loyalty, faith in the system, as well as the overall organizational reputation.


Applying "Prudence First and Justice Second". As a SNCO, you need to consider what's ________ before what's possible. Just because something is legal or permissible, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do. Prudence is lawful behavior; however it includes being wise and just.


SNCOs must follow and enforce established _______. You must understand that there aren't rules that govern every situation, however; there is guidance in the form of the UCMJ, AFIs, and various policies.


Sanctions and forgiveness for mistakes. Leaders __________ always take disciplinary action for mistakes. In order to preserve an ethical climate, you could either forgive the individual or impose sanctions (depending on the mistake).


Ethical dilemmas could stem from _____________ as a result of not having all of the facts pertaining to a situation or because you may have little to no experience dealing with a particular situation.


Why does the ethical dilemma exist? It could stem from __________, i.e., not having all the facts concerning a situation, little to no experience dealing with the situation or maybe you've never encountered the situation before. The uncertainty could also stem from not having a clearly established policy, procedure or rule for handling the issue.


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