Chapter 3 : Legal Concerns and Insurance Issues
What are the ways in which Athletic Trainers avoid litigation?
1. Establishgood relationships with athletes, parents, patients, clients, etc. 2. Establish policies and procedures 3. EAP 4. Be familiar with the health status and medical history of athletes 5. Keep accurate and timely documents 6. Safe rehab or training environments 7. Detailed job description in writing 8. Minors = obtain consent 9. Confidentiality of medical records 10. Use extreme caution of OTC medication 11. Use of therapeutic methods that they are qualified to use and that the law states should be used 12. Do not use of permit injured players to participate unless cleared by the team physicians 13. Do not use hazardous equipment 14. Work cooperative with coach and physician 15. Develop understanding with coaches 16. Follow orders of the physician at all times 17. Purchase professional liability insurance 18. Know limitations as well as state regulations 19. Use common sense in making decisions about a patients health and safety
What are two types of torts?
1. Nonfeasance 2. Malfeasance / Misfeasance
Point of service plan
A combination of HMO and PPO
A legal wrong
What is premium?
A periodic payment made to an insurance company by an individual policy holder
A specific amount paid by the policy holder
Statue of limitations
A specific length of time in which an individual may sue
Assumption of risk
Acknowledgment of hazards in sports
List the health care systems designed to contain cost
Indemnity plans, HMO, PPO, EPO, PHO, POS, TPA, workers compensation, capitation, medicaid, medicare
Members make a monthly payment
Most traditional form of billing for health care
What is negligence and list the four things that must be proved in order to claim negligence
Negligence - the failure to use ordinary or reasonable care 1. A duty of care existed between the person injured and the person responsible for the injury 2. Conduct of the defendant fell short of the standard of care 3. The defendant caused the injury to occur 4. Personal, property, or punitive damages resulted
Owed by the insured annually before the insurance company will pay
Result in unreasonable risk of harm to others
Describe the standard of reasonable care
The standard of reasonable care is when an individual is assumed to be neither exceptionally skillful nor extraordinarily cautions, but the individual is a person of reasonable and ordinary prudence.
Define liability
The state of being legally responsible for the harm one causes another person
Treatment not covered by insurance policies
Product liability
Written guarantee athletic equipment is safe