Chapter 3: Sutures of the Skull their Bony Articulations
Coronal Sutures
Paired; Bony Articulation of the Frontal Bone & Parietal Bones
Squamosal Suture
Paired; Bony Articulation of the Temporal Bones & Parietal Bones
Temporozygomatic Sutures
Paired; Bony Articulation of the Temporal Bones & Zygomatic Bones
Zygomaticomaxillary Sutures
Paired; Bony Articulation of the Zygomatic Bones & Maxillae
Frontonasal Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Frontal Bone & Nasal Bones
Intermaxillary Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Maxillae
Transverse Palatine Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Maxillae & Palatine Bones
Median Palatine Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Maxillae in the Anterior Part and Palatine Bones in the Posterior Part
Lambdoidal Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Occipital Bone & Parietal Bone
Sagittal Suture
Single; Bony Articulation of the Parietal Bones