Chapter 3 Test - Christian Beliefs

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A class of created spiritual beings who are said to continually worship God


A class of created spiritual beings who once guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden and over whom God is enthroned

living creatures

A class of created spiritual beings with appearances like a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle who are said to worship around the throne of God.


A created spiritual being with moral judgment and high intelligence but without a physical body.


A fifth-century monk who taught that every person has the ability to obey God's commands and can take the first and most important steps toward salvation on his or her own

demon possession

A misleading phrase found in some English translations of the Bible that seems to suggest that a person's will is completely dominated by a demon. The Greek term δαιμονίζομαι (G1227) is better translated "under demonic influence," which could range from mild to strong influence or attack.


A sacrifice that bears God's wrath to the end and in so doing changes God's wrath toward us into favor.


A theological tradition named after the 16th century French reformer John Calvin that emphasizes the sovereignty of God in all things and man's inability to do spiritual good before God

Which of the following is an example of God using evil human choices for his will?

All of the above: a. the life of joseph b. the exodus from Egypt c. the crucifixion of Christ

Which of the following does the text cite as a reason that God wants us to pray?

All of the above: a. We give glory to God. b. We can be involved in kingdom work. c. We can come into deeper fellowship with God.


An angel with authority over other angels


An archangel who appears as a leader in the angelic army


An aspect of God's providence whereby he cooperates with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do.


An aspect of God's providence whereby he keeps all created things existing and maintaining the properties with which he created them.

original guilt

Another term for "inherited guilt"


Another term for the theological tradition known as Calvinism

Which passage tells us that God named the human race man?

Genesis 5:2

total inability

Man's total lack of spiritual good and inability to do good before God (often referred to as "total depravity")

Which work of Jesus gives us confidence that we can come to God in prayer?


Which of the following prayers does the text cite as an example of prayer changing the way God acts?

Moses praying for Israel (Exodus 32)

principalities and powers

Other names for demonic powers (and perhaps angelic powers) in some verses of the Bible

A fifth-century monk who taught that man has the ability to obey God's commands and can take the first and most important steps toward salvation on his own:



Personal communication from us to God


The Old Testament practice in which the firstborn in any generation in a human family has leadership in the family for that generation.

inherited sin

The guilt and the tendency to sin that all people inherit because of Adam's sin (often referred to as "original sin"). Inherited sin includes both inherited guilt and inherited corruption.

inherited guilt

The idea that God counts all people guilty because of Adam's sin

distortion of roles

The idea that in the punishments God gave to Adam and Eve after their sin, he did not introduce new roles or functions, but simply introduced pain and distortion into the functions they previously had.

equality in personhood

The idea that men and women are both created in God's image and therefore are equally important to God and equally valuable to him.


The personal name of the head of the demons


The role that Jesus plays in coming between God and us, enabling us to come into the presence of God

inherited corruption

The sinful nature, or the tendency to sin, which all people inherit because of Adam's sin. This idea entails that (1) in our nature we totally lack spiritual good before God, and (2) in our actions we are totally unable to do spiritual good before God

total depravity

The traditional term for the doctrine referred to in this text as "total inability"

unpardonable sin

The unusually malicious, willful rejection and slander against the Holy Spirit's work attesting to Christ, and attributing that work to Satan.


The view that men and women are equal in value before God but have different roles in marriage and the church; specifically, that there is a unique leadership role for the husband in marriage and that some governing and teaching roles in the church are reserved for men.


To be under demonic influence; in the New Testament, the term often suggests more extreme cases of demonic influence.


Trust or dependence on God based on the fact that we take him at his word and believe what he has said


a theological tradition that seeks to preserve the free choices of human beings and denies God's providential control over the details of all events


an aspect of God's providence that indicates that God has a purpose in all he does in the world and that he providentially governs or directs all things so they accomplish his purposes


another name for angels

original pollution

another term for our inherited sinful nature


any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature

Which word group below is best associated with the phrase 'in Jesus' name?"


free choices

choices made according to our free will

willing choices

choices that are made in accord with our desires and with no awareness of restraints on our will

The view that men and women are equal in value before God, but that some governing and teaching roles in the church are reserved for men


_______________ is that aspect of God's providence whereby he cooperates with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do.


The view that man is made up of two parts:


The text states that the curse brought about a ______________________ of previous roles


The view that all functions and roles in the church are open to men and women alike:


The idea that men and women are created equally in God's image and therefore are equally important to God and equally valuable to him:

equality in personhood

Which of the following reasons does the text not give to assert a distinction of roles before the fall?

eve sinned first


evil angels who sinned against God and who now continually work evil in the world

Mark 11:24 encourages us to pray with ______________.


T/F: At Christs return, believers will experience a progressive recovering of God's image.


T/F: Praying "according to God's will" expresses certainty that what we pray for is God's will.


T/F: The doctrine of total inability (or total depravity) means that unbelievers are unable to do any good.


T/F: The text states that praying to the Holy Spirit is wrong.


T/F: The text states that the Arminian view has no answer for the question, how can God cause us to choose something willingly.


T/F: Trichotomists argue that man is made up of body, soul, and mind.


T/F: Unanswered prayer is always the result of disobedience.


T/F: When Adam and Eve sinned, the image of God in man was lost.


Grudem states that our purpose in life is to ___________________ God


_______________ is that aspect of God's providence which states that God has a purpose in all that he does and that he directs all things in order that they accomplish his purposes.


The text states that Eve was created as a _________________ for Adam


to ________________________ means to think of as belonging to someone, and therefore to cause it to belong to that person.


_________________________ sin is the guilt and tendency to sin which all people are born with because of Adam's sin.


_____________________ refers to something that is similar but not identical to the thing it represents.


The view that man is only one element, and that the body is the person:


Sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or _______________________


Which of the following are not aspects of our likeness to God?

none of the above: a. Spiritual b. Mental c. Physical

Which of the following happens when a Christian sins?

our legal standing before God does not change

_______________ is that aspect of God's providence whereby he keeps all created things existing and maintains the properties to cause them to act as they do.


The text states that God is the invisible, behind-the-scenes _______________ that initiates everything that happens.

primary cause

_________________ refers to the Old Testament practice in which the firstborn in any generation in a human family has leadership in the family for that generation


Paul calls Christ our _______________________, which is a sacrifice that bears the wrath of God against sin and turns God's wrath into favor.


Gods punishment of sin has as its primary purpose:

proving God's righteousness

"in Jesus' name"

refers to prayer mad on Jesus' authorization and consistent with his character


refers to something that is similar but not identical to the thing it represents

_______________theology is another term for Calvinism.


free will

the ability to make willing choices that have real effects (choices not determined by God)

Which of the following does the text state is a distinction between humans and animals?

the ability to show complex emotions

primary cause

the divine, invisible, directing cause of everything that happens


the doctrine that God is continually involved with all created things in such a way that he (1) keeps them existing and maintaining the properties with which he created them; (2) cooperates with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do; and (3) directs them to fulfill his purposes


the idea that both God and the material universe have eternally existed side by side as two ultimate forces in the universe

difference in role

the idea that men and women have been given by God different primary functions in the family and the church


the immaterial part of main; used interchangeably with "soul"


the immaterial part of main; used interchangeably with "spirit"

image of God

the nature of man such that he is like God and represents God

secondary cause

the properties and actions of created things that bring about events in the world

orginial sin

the traditional term for the doctrine referred to in this text as "inherited sin." Original sin includes both original guilt and original pollution.


the view that all functions and roles in the family and church are open to men and women alike/ Specifically, egalitarianism holds that there is no unique leadership role for the husband in marriage and that no governing or teaching roles in the church are reserved for men.


the view that man is made of only one element, the physical body, and that his body is the person


the view that man is made up of three parts: body, soul, and spirit


the view that man is made up of two parts - body and soul/spirit

T/F: Gilbert Bilezikian states that male headship is as satanic as death.


T/F: If God did not punish sin, he would be unrighteous.


T/F: James 5:16 encourages us to confess our sins to each other.


T/F: One Arminian objection against the Calvinist view is that the Calvinist view makes God responsible for sin.


T/F: Paul uses the fact that Adam was created first as a reason for restricting some leadership roles in the church to men.


T/F: The Arminian view holds that God simply responds to human choices and actions.


T/F: The text maintains that children have a guilty standing before God even while in the womb.


T/F: The text states that God uses evil for his glory.


T/F: The text states that prayer to the Holy Spirit is not recorded in the New Testament.


T/F: The word image can be used of something that represents something else.


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