Chapter 3- The Aquatic Environment

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The turnover time for atmospheric water is

.024 year

oxygen in water reaches a maximum solubility of ____ in freshwater at a temperature of 0C


___ oxygen in water

1% oxygen

pressure increases 1 atm for each ____m in depth in water



1:1 ratio for water

ph range of natural waters is between


ocean salinity


maximum density of water occurs at

4 degrees C

most organisms cannot reproduce below pH


most organisms cannot survive and reproduce at a pH below


the entire water content of the atmosphere is replaced on average every

9 days

At a high pH, more CO2 is present as

CO3 2-

surface runoff

During heavy rains when the soil is saturated, excess water flows across the surface of the ground

At neutrality (pH 7), most of the CO2 is present as

HCO3 -

light attenuation

The change in the wavelength with the depth

When do whitecaps form?

When the waves reach a point where energy from wind equals energy lost by breaking waves


Where freshwater meets saltwater

high specific heat is important because it acts as

a buffer for heat change, both internally and externally

the system acts as a buffer by

absorbing hydrogen ions in the water when they are in excess (producing carbonic acid and bicarbonates) and producing them when they are in short supply (producing carbonate and bicarbonate ions)

pH of less than 7


The greater the number of H+ ions, the more

acidic the solution is

seawater is slightly _____

alkaline 7.5-8.4

sodium, potassium, and calcium are

alkaline ions

Aquatic organisms are unable to tolerate low pH conditions largely because acidic waters contain high concentrations of


acidic waters contain high concentrations of


Bicarbonate may further dissociate into

another hydrogen ion and a carbonate ion

oxygen is not distributed ___ ____ in oceans

as evenly because of the movement in the ocean

oxygen diffuses from _____ to ______

atmosphere (high) to surface waters (low)

____ light travels the deepest


the carbon dioxide-carbonic acid-bicarbonate system functions as a

buffer to keep the pH of water within a narrow range

as co2 in ocean rises,

calcium carbonate decreases

Colder water increases oxygen solubility. Formation of ice, however

can greatly reduce diffusion from atmosphere into surface waters

Upon diffusing into the surface, carbon dioxide reacts with water to produce

carbonic acid (H2CO3)

why do we have tides

centrifugal force from the moons gravitational pull, creates a bulge

surface tension is caused by

cohesive forces within a liquid


coldwater o2 poor

The availability of oxygen in aquatic environments characterized by flowing water is different.

constant churning of stream water over riffles and falls gives greater contact with the atmosphere; the oxygen content of the water is high,

temp affects stream community structure

cool water vs warm water organisms

in the winter time, surface water is _____ than the bottom water

cooler because below 4C water becomes less dense and rises to the surface

how is estuary water mixed

currents and winds

solubility _______ as salinity increases


the solubility of a gas in water ______ as the temperature rises



deeper water is recharged with oxygen

decline in oxygen reflects the

demand and uptake by decomposer organisms inhabiting the bottom zone

formation of ice can greatly reduce

diffusion from atmosphere into surface waters

As a result, the amount of light reflected from the water surface will vary both

diurnally and seasonally between the equator and the poles

latent heat

energy released or absorbed in transforming water from one state to another

over oceans, ______ exceeds ____

evaporation exceeds precipitation


evaporation of water from internal surfaces of leaves, stems, and other living parts

vertical water temp is the least variant in the


the stream's character changes from

fast water to slow

estuary temps _______ daily and seasonally


at low pH, more CO2 occurs in the

free condition

carbon dioxide-carbonic acid-bicarbonate system result in the production of

free hydrogen ions

saturation value of oxygen is _____ for cold water than warm water


ph indirectly influences through

heavy metal concentration

water has a _______ viscosity relative to air


watersheds dominated by limestone caco3

higher ph and well buffered

evaporation is governed by

how much water vapor is in the air relative to the saturation vapor pressure

Carbonic acid further dissociates into a

hydrogen ion and a bicarbonate ion:

high tides occur when the moon is

in line with the sun, either side of earth

At high tide, the incoming seawater ______ the salinity toward the river mouth.


solubility _______ as atmospheric pressure increases


aluminum is _____ in neutral or alkaline waters


the figure shows that in an estuary, near the mouth of a river, salinity

is lower at low tide and higher at high tide

Water's high viscosity relative to that of air is largely the result of

its greater density

sperm whale body shape purpose

its shape meets the least water resistance

Oxygen declines sharply in the thermocline and is nonexistent on the bottom because of

its uptake by decomposer organisms in the sediments

As a result, salinity is higher on the

left side

ocean acidification effects

less calcium carbonate mean organisms cant create their shells (when they die it breaks down the structure of the entire food web) animal chemical signaling is impacted

water is ____ dense and ___ stable as a solid

less dense and more stable

Salinity increases with depth because

lighter freshwater flows over denser saltwater

deep sea creature characteristics

longer life span large eyes

watersheds dominated by sandstone or granite

lower ph, less buffered

When frozen, water molecules occupy ____ space than they do in liquid form


high tide shoreline brings in ____ salinity to the river mouth


longer wavelength of red light bumps into _____ particles than blue light


saltwater is _____ dense than freshwater


how do waterfalls on mountains stay supplied

more precipitation than river flow and transpiration evaporation

because of infiltration, certain amounts of water

never get filtrated but instead evaporate

Even under ideal conditions, gases are ____ soluble in water.

not very

Along the western edges of the continents, the Coriolis effect causes the surface waters to move


water temp rises as water in a stream runs through

open meadows

colder water can hold more


less metabolic activity in organisms in deeper organisms because

oxygen is a limiting factor for their metabolism

during spring and fall turnover, water recirculates, causing

oxygen to be replenished in deep water

carbon dioxide-carbonic acid-bicarbonate system directly affect the

pH of aquatic ecosystems

low tides occur when the moon is

perpendicular with the sun

Addition or removal of CO2 affects ___ , and a change in pH affects ___

ph co2

ph directly influences

physiological processes

which of these is the largest reservoir of freshwater on earth

polar ice caps and glaciers


precipitation intercepted by vegetation, dead organic matter, or urban structures


precipitation that reaches the soil and moves into the ground


rapid temp change light attenuation drop off 02 decreases

water absorbs some wavelengths more than others

red wavelengths

concentration of oxygen in aquatic environments often limits

respiration and metabolic activity

In all estuaries of the Northern Hemisphere, outward-flowing freshwater and inward-flowing seawater are deflected to the


the waters with the lowest salinity are at the

river mouth

____ underlying a watershed affect its ph


ph of watersheds is largely dependent on the

rocks it flows over

Determination of the most abundant element, chlorine, is used as an index of


when the winds are still, the river water flows ______ on a shallow surface over an _____ movement of seawater

seaward upstream

tidal overmixing

seawater on the surface tends to sink as lighter freshwater rises, and mixing takes place from the surface to the bottom

Is it the shorter or longer wavelengths of visible light that penetrate the deepest into the water column?


turnover formula

size of reservoir / rate of evaporation

driving force behind the water cycle

solar radiation

The rate of diffusion is controlled by the

solubility of oxygen in water and the steepness of the diffusion gradient

acidity tend to ____ in aquatic environments


thermocline is mainly only present in the


in the summer, oxygen is greatest at the



surface evaporation plus transpiration

Once oxygen enters the surface water, the process of diffusion continues, and oxygen diffuses from the

surface to the waters below (because of their lower concentration)

The amount of light entering the water surface is further reduced by two additional processes.

suspended particles intercept light by absorbing/scattering water absorbs light

triple point of water

temperature and pressure at which water will coexist as a solid, liquid, gas.

thermal stratification

temperature changes sharply with depth

Oxygen is lost from the water as

temperatures rise and through the uptake of oxygen by aquatic life.

small stream temps

tend to follow, but lag behind, air temps


the ability of light to pass through a medium

amount of light reflected from the surface of the water depends on

the angle at which the light strikes the surface

capillary action

the combined force of attraction among water molecules and with the molecules of surrounding materials to go up a thin tube

oxygen increase below the oxygen minimum zone of ocean may be the result of

the influx of cold, oxygen-rich waters that sank in the polar waters.

the waters with the highest salinity are at

the sea

Movement of the surface waters offshore results in an upwelling of deeper, colder waters to

the surface next to the western edge

water molecules on the surface are pulled downward because

they have a stronger attraction to the water molecules below them than the atmosphere above

neap tides

tides with minimum daily tidal range that occur during the first and third quarters of the moon

Evaporation from the oceans exceeds precipitation into the oceans. Which of these processes or parts of the water cycle does not contribute water to the oceans?

transpiration by marine algae

three estuary types in nc

tributary trunk back barrier sound

rate of infiltration depends on

type of soil, slope, vegetation, and precipitation intensity

carbon dioxide carbonic acid bicarbonate system

used as a buffer in aquatic environments

the temp of a flowing body of water is


estuary salinity varies ______ and ____

vertically and horizontally


warm water 20-30 ft o2 rich

large stream temps

warmer parts are exposed to sunlight, cooler parts are shaded by trees

How is the loss of water in the ocean balanced

water evaporated from the ocean is precipitated on land where it returns to the ocean in rivers

what types of water are evaporated

water on the surface of the ground in the upper layers of soil on the surface of vegetation surface layers of streams, lakes, and oceans

fish need less structural support and can be large because

water reduces the effect of gravity

wind generates


coriolis effect is at work with

waves (upwelling)

we can grow a lot of plants similar to japanese plants because

we have the same soil/structure metamorphis granitic rock

solar tides are ______ than lunar tides


Because the Sun has a weaker gravitational pull than the Moon does, solar tides are partially masked by lunar tides—except for two times during the month:

when the Moon is full and when it is new

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