chapter 32: imperialism

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political and Military reasons; strategic sites on the world sea lanes; Harbors or Supply stations for commercial and naval ships; deny them from Rivals; power and Prestige; franco-prussian war; German pride and validation; directly confronted industrialists; diffuse social tension and Inspire patriotism; attractive alternative to Civil War; dress; music; win popular support; opposed Imperial ventures; powerful religious justification; facilitated communication; information they needed to maintain control of overseas colonies; meeting places; distribution centers; bring them civilization; civilizing mission; order and Enlightenment

As European States extended their influence overseas a geopolitical argument from imperialism gained prominence. Even if colonies were not economically beneficial imperialists held that it was crucial for ___ to maintain them. Some overseas colonies occupied ___ and others offers ___. Advocates of imperialism sought to gain those advantages for their own States and to ___. The political determinants of imperialism were rooted in the desire for ___. French imperialism intended to restore France's International prestige after its defeat in the ___. In Germany public opinion demanded colonies for reasons of ___ after the Nations achieved nationhood. Imperialism had its uses for domestic politics. In an age when socialists and Communists ___, European politicians and national leaders sought to ___ by focusing public attention on foreign and imperialist Ventures. Cecil Rhodes once observed that imperialism was an ___. By the end of the 19th century European leaders Who currently organized Colonial exhibition's had subject people display their ___, ___, and custom for tourists and general public and Imperial lands in effort to ___. Even spiritual motives fostered imperialism. Like Jesuits, missionaries flock to African and Asian lands in search of converts to Christianity. Missionaries often ___ and defended the interests of their converts against European Colonial officials. Their spiritual campaigns provided a ___ for imperialism. Missionaries also ___ between imperialist and subject peoples and sometimes provided European officials with ____ Missionary settlements also served as convenient ___ for Europeans overseas and as ___ for European manufactured goods. While missionaries taught to introduce Christianity to subject peoples, other Europeans work to ____ in the form of political order and social stability. French imperialist invoke mission civilisatrice (____) as justification for their expansion, the English writer and poet Rudyard Kipling defined The White Man's Burden as duty of European and Euro American people's to bring ____ to distant lands.

competition among European States; French and Russian; establish their own presence in India; the fall of Napoleon; undertake systematic effort; Ottoman and Qing Empires; great Caravan cities of the Silk Roads; influence in intelligence; great game; Central Asia; sought alliances with local rulers; global war in 1914; never took place; subjected the region to Russian hegemony

As the East India Company and British colonial agents tighten their grip on India kindled further empire building efforts. Beginning in the 19th century ___ strategists sought Ways to break British power and _____. The French bid stalled after ____ but Russian interests in India fuel to prolong contest for power. Russian Powers had probed Central Asia as early as 16th century but only in the 19th century did they ____ to extend Russia Authority. The weakening of the ____ turn Central Asia into Political vacuum and invited Russian expansion into the region. By the 1860s Cossacks had overcome the ____ and approach the ill-defined northern Frontier of British India. For the next half-century Military Officers and imperialist Ventures engage in Risky pursuit of ___ that British agents referred to as a ___. Russian and British explorers ventured into parts of ____ never before visited by Europeans. They map terrain, scouted mountain passes, and ____ from Afghanistan to Aral Sea, all in an effort to prepare for the war for India. In fact the outbreak of ___ and collapse of the Russian state in 1917 ensure that the contest ____. Nevertheless Russian expansion brought much of Central Asia into the Russian Empire and _____ that persisted until the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. Competition

Southeast Asia; Spanish; Dutch rule; tightened their control; Dutch East Indies; sugar, tea, coffee, and tobacco; rubber and Tin; increasing trade; establish presence; came into conflict with Kings of Burma; ivory; Thomas Stanford Raffles; Singapore; base for British conquest; control sea Lanes; tin and rubber; French Indochina; European style schools; conversion to Christianity; Vietnam; Siam; convenient buffer

Competition among European powers lead also to further imperialism in ____. Philippines had come under ___ colonial rule and 16th century and many Southeast Asian land fell to ___. As Imperial rivalries escalated in the 19th century Dutch officials ____ and extended their Authority throughout the ____, archipelago that makes up modern state of Indonesia. Along with cash crops of ____, exports of ____ made Dutch East Indies a valuable and productive economy. In the interest of ___ between India, southeast Asia, and China, British imperialists in the 19th century moved to ____ in Southeast Asia. As early as 1820s Colonial officials in India ____ while seeking to extend their influence to the Irrawaddy River delta. By the 1880s they had established Colonial Authority in Burma which became a source of teak, ___, rubies, and Jade. In 1824 ____ founded the port of ___ which soon became the busiest Center of trade in the Strait of Malacca. Administered by the colonial regime in India, Singapore served as a ____ of Malaya in the 1870s and 1880s. Besides offering outstanding ports that enabled the British Navy to ____ linking the Indian oceans to South China Sea, Malaya provided abundant supplies of ___. Although foiled in their efforts to establish themselves in India, French imperialist build a large Southeast Asian colony of ____ consisting of modern States Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Like the British counterparts in India French Colonial officials introduced ____ and tried to establish close connections with Native Elites. Unlike their Rivals, French officials also encouraged ____ and as a result the Roman Catholic Church became prominent throughout French Indochina especially in ___. By centuries and all of Southeast Asia had come under European Imperial rule except for the kingdom of ___ which preserved its independence because Colonial officials regarded it as ____ between British Burma and French Indochina.

unequal Treaty of 1876; anti-foreign Rebellion; fall into Anarchy; Target of European and US imperialism; declared Sino-Japanese war on China; dependency of Japan; strengthened Japanese control in East Asian Waters; unequal treaty rights; Russia; same territorial Ambitions (in Liandong peninsula, Korea, and Manchuria); future conflict with Russia; International recognition; Railroad and economic interest

Conflict erupted in 1894 over the status of Korea. Taking advantage of the ___ Japanese businesses had substantial interest in Korea. When an ____ broke out in Korea, Meiji leaders fear that the land might ____ and become ___. Qing ruler sent an army to restore order and impose Chinese Authority but Meiji leaders were unwilling to recognize Chinese control over an important land. So they ___. The Japanese Navy quickly gained control of the Yellow Sea and demolish the Chinese ships in a battle lasting 5 hours. The Japanese Army then pushed Qing forces out of the Korean Peninsula. Within a few months the conflict was over and when to come back tents made peace, Qing recognized the independence of Korea and making it essentially a ____. They also seated Taiwan, Pescadores islands, and Liaodong Peninsula which ____. Alongside territorial Acquisitions Japan gained ____ in China like European and American Powers. The unexpected Japanese Victory startled European powers, especially __ and tensions between Japan and Russia mounted as those Powers had ___. During the late 1890s Japanese military leaders strengthen their Navy and army with an eye towards ___. War broke out in 1904 and Japanese destroyed Russian installations before reinforcements could arrive from Europe. The enhanced Japanese navy destroyed the Russian Baltic Fleet which had sailed Halfway Around the World to support the war effort. By 1905 the war was over and Japan won ___ of its Colonial authority over Korea and the Liaodong Peninsula. Furthermore, Russia ceded the southern half of Sakhalin Island to Japan along with _____ in Manchuria.

encourage Mass migration of workers; free cultivators or industrial laborers; indentured laborers; sought opportunities overseas; Italy; Ireland; United States; cheap lands cultivate; drove US industrialization; became free cultivators or herders; European and Euro-American imperialism; indentured laborers; institution of slavery; replace the slaves; poor and populated lands; 2.5 million; free passes to their destinations; for 5 to 7 years; free Return Passage

Efforts to exploit the natural resources and agricultural products of subject led Imperial and Colonial powers to ___ during 19th and 20th centuries. Two patterns of Labor migration were specially prominent. European migrants went mostly to temporal and where they were just worked as ___. In contrast migrants from Asia, Africa, and Pacific Islands move to Tropical and subtropical hands were they worked as ___ on plantations are manual laborers for mining Enterprises and construction projects. Between them, the two streams of Labor migration profoundly influenced development of societies. Some 50 million Europeans left their homes and ___, and most of the migrants left poor agricultural societies and especially ___, Russia, Poland although sizable members came from Britain, ___, Germany, and Scandinavia. Majority of the migrants went to the ___ and many of the early arrivals went West in search of ___. Later migrants settled in the Northeast where they provide the labor and ___. Settler colonies in Canada, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa had large numbers of European migrants who ____ but sometimes found employment as skilled laborers in mind or Industries. Most European migrants travel this free agents but some as indentured laborers. All of them were able to find opportunities in temperate regions of the world because of ___. In contrast of the European counterparts migrants from Asia, Africa, and Pacific Traveled as ___. As ___ went to into decline, large numbers of laborers went to ___. Planters relied primarily on indentured laborers recruited from ____. Between ___ indentured laborers left their homes to work in distant parts of the world. Labor recruiters generally offered workers ___ and provided them with food, shelter, clothing, and compensation for their services in exchange for a commitment to work ___. Recruiters sometimes offered ____ to workers that completed second term of service.

powerful technological advantages; gunpowder; develop increasingly powerful military Technologies; produce huge quantities; medicine; communication; malaria; mosquito borne disease; Quinene; Peru; bark from cinchona tree; Jesuit bark; prevent it; Pierre Pelletier; Joseph Cavuto; pills by their bed stands; major force in expansion; survive and prosper in tropical regions; crucial to the health of the Empire; steamships and railroad; powerful guns; ignore the winds

Even the strongest motive would not have been enabled imperialist to impose their rule throughout the world without ____ industrialization conferred. Ever since the introduction of ___ European States competed to ____. Industrialization enhance those efforts by making it possible to ____ of advanced weapons and tools. Industrialists devised effective Technologies of ___, Transportation, ____, and war that enables Imperialists to have their way in the larger world. By far one of the most common and deadly of the diseases affecting tropical and subtropical regions is ___. As Europeans established colonies in the tropics they face serious and Mortal threat from ____. Effective treatment of malaria in the form of ___ became a powerful weapon in the European Quest To Conquer and Rule distant lands. The remedy for malaria came to Europe from ___ where Spanish and Jesuit missionaries had discovered that indigenous peoples use the ___ to treat various fevers. This ___ also worked against malaria and when it became clear that the bark could be used not only to treat malaria but to ___, it became the favorite treatment. And 1822 French chemists, ____ and ____, extracted alkaloid Quinene from cinchona bark and by the 1840s colonizer kept ____. The use of it proved to be a ____ of European Empires and permitted the small populations to ____. By the time the British in India and the Dutch in Java began to commercially plant cinchona trees to create reliable supply of the bark, its active ingredient had become ____. The most important innovation in transportation involve ___. Steamboat Supply Waters of United States and Western Europe from early 19th century. During the 1830s British Naval Engineers adapted steam power to military uses and build large ships equipped with ___. These stem ships traveled much faster than sailing vessels and they could ____ and travel in any direction. Because he could travel much farther upriver than sailboats enabled imperialist to project power deep into the interior regions of foreign lands.

settlers overwhelmed in overpowered native populations; Whalers, merchants, and missionaries; sandalwood and sea slugs; Roman Catholic and Protestant churches; establish direct colonial rule over Pacific lands; stake their claim in the Pacific; steam ships; navies; Tahiti; Marquesas; Fiji; Germany; partition of Oceania; Kingdom of Tonga; sugar cane plantations; Copra; nickel; guano

Even though imported diseases ravaged indigenous populations Pacific Islands mostly Escape the Fate of Australia and New Zealand where _____. During the 19th century the principal European visitors to Pacific Islands were _____. Wheeler's frequented ports where they could relax, reset their ships, and drink rum. Merchants sought ____ which fetched high prices in China. Missionaries established ____. Naval vessels sometimes made show of force or intervened in disputes between Islanders and Europeans or between competing groups of Europeans. Through most of the 19th century imperialism Powers had no desire to ____. That situation changed in the late 19th century. Just as nationalist rivalries drove the Scramble for Africa, they encouraged imperialist powers to ____. In an era of global imperialism European states sought reliable stations for their ____ and ports for their ___. France established protectorate in ___, the society lands, and the ___ as early as 1841. It also an annexed New Caledonia. British made ___ a Crown Colony, and ___ Annex several of the Marshall Islands. At the Berlin Conference European diplomats agreed on ___ as well as Africa and Britain, France, Germany, and United States proceeded to claim almost all of the Pacific Islands. By 1900 only the ____ remained independent and it had accepted British protection. Quite apart from their value as ports and cooling stations Pacific Islands offered economic benefits to Imperial Powers. Hawaii and Fiji were sites to productive ____. Samoa, French Polynesia, and many Melanesian and Micronesian Islands had sources of ___ which produce high-quality vegetable oil for a manufacturer of soap, candle, and new lubricants. New Caledonia had Rich veins of ___ and many small Pacific Islands had abundant deposits of ___.

South Africa; diamonds and gold; Cecil John Rhodes; extend British control over all of Africa; rule over all of the world; different from earlier Empires; imperialism; domination of European powers over subject lands in the world; Force of Arms; trade; investment; influence their Affairs

Few Europeans travel to ___ by the 19th century but the discovery of ____ brought European settlers and dramatic change to the region. Among the arrivals was ____ 18 year old student who went in search of climate that would relieve his tuberculosis. Him and his brother began buying small diamond mines and at age 35 he almost completely monopolized diamond mining in South Africa. He also had a gold mining business though he did not seek to monopolize it like he did with diamonds. His Ambitions went beyond business and politics he wanted to ____ and he led movement to enlarge the colony by absorbing territories. He wanted the British Empire to ____, even hoping to bring back the United States. The building of Empires is an old story and by the nineteenth-century European observers recognize that empires of their day were ___. About the mid-century they began to speak of ____ and the recently coined term had made its way into popular speech and writing throughout Western Europe. It refers to ___. Sometimes that domination came in the old-fashioned way, by ___, but it often arose from ___, ___, and business activities that enabled Imperial powers to profit from subject societies and ____ without going to the trouble of exercising direct political control.

harsh treatment meted out by the British; anti-british revolution; Indian princes; disrupted by British trade; full-fledged war of independence; gain the upper hand; abolished the Mughal Empire; exiled the emperor; abolished the East India Company; direct rule of India; Queen Victoria; Viceroy; elite Indian Civil Service; to all parts of India and Ceylon; cleared Forest; encourage cultivation of crops; railroad and Telegraph networks; Canals; irrigation systems; promote Christianity

In response to the ____ several regiments join the large-scale mutiny, igniting a general ___ in Central and North India. Sepoys were now joined by ___ and their followers whose territories had been annexed by the British. People whose ways of life in sources of income had been ___, missionary activity, and misguided social reforms also joined. What had began as Rebellion turn into a ____ and in the course of the conflict both sides committed atrocities against combatants and non-combatants alike in after several months of inconclusive battle, British forces ____ and peace was declared. The widespread but unsuccessful Rebellion against British rule had far-reaching consequences. British government ____ and ____ to Burma. To stabilize Affairs and Forrestal future problems the British crown ____ in favor of ___ by the British government. ____ assigned responsibility for Indian policy to the newly-established office of Secretary of State for India. ___ represented British royal Authority in India and administered The Colony through an ____ staffed almost exclusively by the English. Indians served all domestic and foreign policy in India. Under both the East India Company and direct Colonial Administration British rule transformed India. As they extended their authority _____, British officials ___, restructured land Holdings, and ___ such as tea, coffee, and opium. They built extensive ____ that tighten links between India and the larger global economy. They also constructed new ___, harbors, and ____ to support Commerce and agriculture. British colonial authorities made little effort to ____ but they established english-style schools for children of Indiana leads whom they saw a supporters of their rule.

colonies; political, social, economic, and cultural structures; Imperial powers to dominate subject lands; settler colonies populated by migrants; settle there in large numbers; integrating local economies into the network of global capitalism; business techniques; Educational Systems; cultural preferences; survival of their states and societies; personal fortunes; secure and enhance their Enterprises; British Imperial expansion; was in the economic interests of European societies as well as individuals; reliable sources of raw materials not available; rubber; copper; petroleum; Southeast Asia; United States and Russia; Southwest Asia; consume your products; Haven for migrants; in large quantities; Independent states in Americas

Like the building of Empires, the establishment of ___ in foreign lands is a practice dating from ancient times. Modern Colonialism refers not just to the sending of colonists to settle new lands but to the ___ that enabled ___. In some lands, European powers established ___ from their home societies. Some Scholars also speak of European colonies in India, southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa even though European migrants did not ____. European agents, officials, and business people turn those lands into colonies and influence their historical development by controlling their domestic and foreign policies, ____, introducing European ___, transforming ___ according to European standards, and promoting European ____. During the second half of the nineteenth Century many Europeans came to believe that Imperial expansion and Colonial domination were crucial for the ____ and sometimes for the health of their ___. European Merchants sometimes became wealthy from business ventures in Asia or Africa and they argued for their home states to pursue imperialist policies partly to ___. After making his fortune mining diamonds, Cecil Road gems worked tirelessly on behalf of ___. It is not difficult to understand why entrepreneurs would promote overseas expansion but their interest alone could not have driven the vast imperialist ventures of the late 19th century. Wide range of motives encouraged European people encouraged campaigns of conquest and control. Some argued that imperialism ____. They pointed that overseas colonies could serve as ___ in Europe that came into demand because of industrialization, ___, tin, and ___ were vital and ___ has also become crucial. Rubber trees were indigenous to Amazon River Basin but imperialists established Colonial rubber plantations in the Congo River Basin and Malaya. A bunch of supplies of tin were available from colonies in ____ and copper and central Africa. ____ supplied most of the world's petroleum but the oil fields of ____ attracted attention of European industrialists and imperialists. Proponents of imperialism also held that colonies would ___ and provide a ____ in an age of rapidly increasing European population. Manufactured goods are not floating most colonies ____ and European migrants went overwhelmingly to ____. Nevertheless arguments arising from National Economic interest generated considerable support.

South tip of African continent; Cape Town; Beyond company control; boers; afrikaners; Dutch, Germans, and French; encroaching on lands occupied by khoikhoi and Xhosa people; hostility; Warfare; smallpox epidemics; Napoleonic Wars; afrikaners Society; English law and language; The institution of slavery; primary source of labor for white Farmers; leave their farms; Great Trek; Violent conflict with indigenous peoples; Republic of Natal; Orange Free State; South African Republic; large mineral deposits; South African War; whites against whites; concentration camps; provinces in the union of South Africa

Long before 19th century scramble, European presence had grown at ____ where Dutch East India company established ___ as Supply station for ships. Soon after former company employees and new settlers from Europe moved into lands ____ to take up farming and ranching. Many of the settlers known as ___ and then ___ believe that God has predestined them to claim the people and resources of the Cape. The area under white settler control expanded during the 18th century as a steady stream of European migrants, ____, continue to swell the colonies population. As European settlers spread Beyond the reaches of the original colony they began ____. Competition for lands led to ___ and by early 18th century, __, enslavement, and ____ had led to the virtual extinction of the khoikhoi. After a century of warfare the Xhosa had also been decimated losing lives, land, and resources. The British take over of Cape during the ___ encourage further expansion into the interior of South Africa. The establishment of British rule in 1806 disrupted ____ for its wake came imposition of ____. _____ developed into the most contentious issue between British administrators and afrikaners. When the British abolish slavery they not only eliminated the ____ but also dealt a blow to afrikaners' financial viability and lifestyle. Under British rule, afrikaners started to ___ in Cape colony and migrated East to what they called the ____. The colonial expansion sometimes led to ____ but the superior power of the Afrikaner voortrekkers overcame first Ndebele and Zulu resistance. Colonizers interpreted their successful expansion as evidence that got approved of their dominance. By mid 19th century they had created several independent republics, such as ____, ____, and ___. Britain's lenient attitude towards Afrikaner statehood took drastic turn with discovery of ____ in Afrikaner populated territories. Influx of thousands of British Miners and Prospectors created tensions between British authorities and afrikaners culminating in the ____. The brutal conflict pitied ___ and also took a large toll on black Africans that serve both sides of soldiers. Internment of black Africans in British ____ left more than 10,000 dead. The afrikaners conceded defeat in a 1902 and by 1910 the British government had reconstituted the four former colonies as ____, autonomous British Dominion. British attempts at improving relations Century on Shoring up the Privileges of what colonial society and the domination of black Africans.

India; China; Africa; indentured labor trade; French and British; rubber plantations and Sugar plantations; Opium War; China; tin mines; railroad construction sites; Hawaii; sugar plantations; Global influence of imperialist powers; settler Societies; recruit workers; established plantations and opened mines; distinctive ethnic identities; far from their original homes

Majority of indentured laborers came from __ in many numbers came from ___, Japan, Java, ___, and Pacific Islands. Indentured laborers went mostly to Tropical and subtropical lands. The ___ began in the 1820s when ___ colonial officials sent Indian migrants to work on sugar plantations in Indian Ocean. The arrangement worked well and large numbers of Indian laborers later want to work on ___. After the __ recruiters began to seek workers in __ and large numbers of Chinese laborers went to Sugar plantations, guano mines, ___, gold mines, and ____. After Meiji Restoration in Japan, large contingent of Japanese laborers migrated to ___ to work on sugar plantations in smaller group went to work in guano mines. Indentured laborers from Africa went mostly to ___ in the South Pacific Islands and some went to plantations in other Pacific Islands and Australia. All those large-scale migrations of the 19th century reflected ____. European migrations was Possible only because European and American people's had established ___ in temperate regions around the world. Movements of indentured laborers were possible because Colonial officials were able to ___ and dispatch them to distant lands were their compatriots had already ____. In combination, the migrations influenced societies around the world by depositing large communities of people with ___ in lands ____.

Indian National Congress; communicate their views on public affairs; Indian poverty; harmed Indian businesses; drought or famine; Indian self-rule; all India Muslim League; interests of Muslims; Indian participation in government; elect representatives; mass movement; immediate Independence; organized boycotts of British goods; bombing government buildings; bring independence from Colonial rule; anticolonial campaigns; European educated Elites; an attack on European colonial rule in foreign lands

One of the most important of the reform groups was the ___ fouded British approval as a forum for Indians to ____. Representatives from all parts of the subcontinent aired grievances about ___, transfer of wealth from India to Britain, tariff policies that ___, and inability of colonial officials to provide effective relief for regions with ___, and British racism towards Indians. By the end of the century the Congress openly sought ___ with larger imperial framework. In 1916 the congress joined forces with the ____ to advance political and social ____. Faced with increasing demands for ___, in 1909 Colonial authorities granted limited franchise that allowed Indians to ___ to local legislative councils. By that time, the driver political reform have become ___ and Indian Nationalism called for ___, mounted demonstrations to build support for their cause, and ____. A few zealous nationalist turn to violence and sought to undermine British rule by ___ and assassinating Colonial officials. Going into 20th century Indian Nationalism was powerful movement that would ___ in 1947. Although local experience has varied, Indian nationalism and Independence has been served for ___ in other lands and in almost all cases, the leaders of this movement were ___ who absorbed Enlightenment values and then turn those values into ___.

to natural resources and agricultural products; efficient suppliers; rubber; gold; diamonds; tea; global trade in those Commodities; colonial Powers; transform the production; for their own cotton textiles or supplied local artisans; needs of emerging British textile industry; for export; railroads; factories turn large volumes of the textiles; undermined Indian cotton cloth production; supplier and consumer; introduction of new crops; tea bushes; converted rainforest into tea plantations; growing demands for tea in Europe; rose profoundly; rubber trees

One of the principal motives of imperialism was desire to gain access ___. As Imperial Powers Consolidated their holds on foreign lands, Colonial administrators reorganize subject societies so they could become ___ of Timber, __, petroleum, ___, silver, ___, cotton, ___, coffee, cacao, and other products as well. As a result of ___ surged and the advantages of the trade went mostly to the ___ whose policies encouraged their subject plans to provide raw materials for processing. Sometimes colonial rule ___ of crops and commodities that have been long prominent subject Societies. In India the cultivation of cotton began before 5000 BC and for most of History cultivators spun thread ____. In 19th century colonial administrators reorient to the cultivation of cotton to serve the ____. They encourage cultivators to produce cotton ___ and built ___ deep into the subcontinent to transport Rock cotton to the coast quickly before things could spoil the product. They shipped raw cotton to England where ____ and allowed the inexpensive import of British textiles which ____. Colonial policies transformed India from World's principal cotton manufacturer to a ___ of textiles produced in British Isles. In some cases Colonial ruler led to the ___ that transform both landscape and social order of subject land. In 19th century British colonial officials introduced __ from China to Ceylon and India. The effect on Ceylon was profound and British Planters felled trees in much of the island, ____, and recruited Women by The Thousands to carry out intensive work of harvesting maturity leafs. Consumption of tea was almost insignificant and increase supplies met ___, where the beverage became accessible to individuals of all social classes. Value of tea ____. Malaya and Sumatra underwent similar social transformation after British colonial agents planted ____ and establish plantations to meet growing Global demand for Rubber products.

deal with one another on regular and systematic basis; sepoy rebellion; hotpot of resistance; foreign rule; high taxation; traditional religion; Maji Maji Rebellion; German; Maji-Maji; protect them from German weapons; constant threat to Colonial rule; boycotting European Goods; publishing anticolonial newspapers and magazines; brought together artificially in Multicultural societies; congregated on plantations; dominated by their own ethnic groups; foundations for strong ethnic identities

Policies adopted by Imperial powers and Colonial officials forced people of different societies to ___. This led to violent conflicts between colonizers and subject peoples. The ___ was most promising effort to resist British colonial Authority in India but it was only among thousands of interactions organized by Indian subjects. Colonized lands in Asia and Africa also became ___ as subject people revolted against ___, tyrannical behavior of colonial officials, introduction of European schools and curricula, ____, and requirements that subject peoples cultivate certain crops and provide compulsory labor. Many rebellions drew strength from ___ and often led resistance to Colonial rule. In German East Africa local private organized large-scale ___ to expel __ Colonial authorities. Rebels sprinkled themselves with ___ which they believe will ___. Magic Water was ineffective and 75000 died in the conflict. Nevertheless, rebellion was ____. Even when subject populations did not revolt they resisted colonial rule ____, organizing political parties and pressure groups, ____, and pursuing anti-colonial policies through churches and religious groups. Colonial policies also led to conflicts among peoples _____. When indentured laborers from different societies ___ tensions develop between workers and supervisors among different groups of workers themselves. In Hawaii, one of the most diverse Multicultural societies, workers on sugar plantations came from China, Japan, and Portugal but there were sizable people from Philippines, Korea, and Pacific Islands. Workers and their families lived in villages ___ but there were plentiful opportunities for individuals and groups to mix with one another. All the various communities adopted their neighbors foods and took spouses from other groups- linguistic, religious, and cultural differences provided ____.

scientific racism; count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau; several distinct racial groups; essay on the inequality of the human Races; Africans; Asians; native peoples of the Americas; Europeans; skin color; physical characteristics; Superior to other people's race; Charles Darwin; The Origin of Species; evolved over thousands of years in contest for survival; survival of the fittest; Social Darwinists; Herbert Spencer; evolve to higher States; domination of European imperialists over subject peoples; elaborate scientific theories to justify racism; personal experience; superiority to subject peoples; Francis Younghusband; Asian peoples were physically and intellectually equal; monopoly of European imperialists; US and Japanese; gooks; torture enemies in Conflict; Japanese newspapers portrayed Chinese and Korean people; Aryans than Mongolians; help civilize their little asian brothers

Social and cultural differences were the foundation of an academic Pursuit known as ___ which became problem after 1840s. Theorists such as French nobleman ____ took race as most important index of human potential. In fact there's no such thing as biologically pure race, but nineteenth-century theorists assume that the human species consisted of ____. In his ____, Gobineau divided Humanity into four main racial groups Each of which had its own peculiar traits. He characterized ___ as unintelligent and lazy, ___ as smart but docile, ___ as dull and arrogant, and ___ as intelligent, Noble, and morally Superior to others. Throughout the 19th century racist thinkers sought to identify racial groups on the basis of ___, bone structure, nose shape, cranial capacity and ____. Agreeing that Europeans were ____ theorists reflected the dominance of European Imperial powers. After 1860 scientific racist relied heavily on writings of ___ whose book ____ argued that all living species have ____. Species that adapted well survived, reproduce, and flourished whereas others declined and went to Extinction. The slogan "____" became a byword of Darwin's theory of evolution. Philosophers as ___ adapted those ideas to explain the development of human societies. English philosopher ___ relied on theories of evolution to explain differences between strong and weak, successful individuals and the races that competed better in the natural world and consequently ___. On the basis of reasoning, Spencer and others justified ____ as inevitable result of natural scientific principles. On a more popular level there is no need for ____. Representatives of Imperial and Colonial Powers routinely adopted racist views on the basis of ___ which seemed to teach their ____. In 1896 the British military officer Colonel ____ reflected on differences between people that he noticed during his travels throughout China, central Asia, and India. He granted that ___ to the Europeans but held that no European can mix with non-Christian races without feeling superiority over them. Racist views were by no means a ____, ___ empire Builders also developed a sense of superiority over the people they conquered and ruled. US forces in Philippines disparaged the rebels they fought as ___ and did not hesitate to ___, justified by President McKinley as an effort to civilize and christianize. In the 1990s ____ as dirty, backward, stupid, and cowardly. Some Scholars concocted speculative theories that Japanese people are more kin to the ___. After the victory in the Russo-Japanese war, political and military leaders came to believe that Japan had an obligation to oversee the Affairs of their backward neighbors and ____.

ranks of Imperial Powers; unequal treaties; eliminate the Diplomatic handicaps imposed by the treaties; trustworthiness; Imperial expansion; East Asian land; Japanese migrants to populate the islands; modern warfare ships; Korea; submit to the same kind of unequal treaty the United States and European States impose on Japan; conflict with China

Strengthened by rapid industrialization during the Meiji era, Japan join ____. Japanese leaders deeply resent to the ___ that the United States and European powers forced them to accept and they resolve to ____ and to raise to their profile in the world. While founding a representative political institutions to demonstrate their ___ to American and European diplomats, Japanese leaders also made a bid to stand alongside the world's great Powers by launching a campaign of ___. The Japanese drive to Empire begin in the ___. During the 1870s Japanese leaders Consolidated their hold on Hokkaido and the Kurile islands, and they encouraged ___ to forestall Russian expansion. They also established hegemony over Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands. In 1876 Japanese purchase ___ from Britain and newly strength and Japanese Navy immediately began to flex his muscles in ___. After confrontation between Korea in Japanese vessel, Meiji officials dispatch the gunboat expedition and forced Korean leaders to ___. As US and European imperialists divide of the world, Meiji political and military leaders made plans to protect Japanese powers of broad. They develop plans for a ___, State maneuvers in anticipation of a continental war, and made navy with the capacity to fight on the high seas.

Berlin West Africa Conference; 12 European States as well as United States and Ottoman Empire; give the proceedings of unbiased International approval; notify the other of its claims; effective occupation of the claimed territory; signed agreement from a local African ruler; military conquest; end to the slave trade; parcel out African land among participant Nations; public notice; latest weapon technology; failed to defeat African forces; Ethiopia; Italian; Battle of Adwa; Liberia; colonial occupation; initial modest investment; system of rule; exceedingly High spendings

Tension between those European powers who are seeking African colonies led to the ____, during which the delegates of ____ devised ground rules for colonization of Africa. Half of the Nations represented had no imperialist Ambitions on the continent but they had been invited to ___. The Berlin Conference produced agreement for future claims on African lands in which each colonial power had to ____ and each Clan had to be followed up by ____. Occupation was accomplished by getting ____ or by ___. Conference participants also spelled out noble-minded objectives for colonize lands, an ____, extension of civilization and Christianity, and commerce and trade. While the conference did not ____ it serve ___ that European powers were poised to carve the continent into colonies. During next 25 years European imperialist sent armies to consolidate their claims and in post-colonial rule. Armed with the ___ including machine gun and rarely ____. All too often battles were one-sided. The only indigenous African state to resist colonization was ____. In 1895 ___ forces invaded Ethiopia but any designs decide to make colony were banded when well-equipped Army annihilated the Italians at the ___. Besides Ethiopia the only African States remained independent was ___. In the wake of Rapid Conquest came problems of ____. Imperial Powers commonly assumed that following an ____ Colonial Administration will become financially self-sufficient. Europeans struggle to identify the ideal ____ just to learn that colonial rule in Africa could be maintained only through ____.

new canals; Suez Canal and Panama Canal; travel rapidly between the World's seas oceans; lowered the cost of trade; overseas lands; organize local economies; travel quickly through the colonies; distribution of European manufactured goods; musket; one minute; very accurate; Firearms; machine guns; any other in the world; battle of omdurman; Sudan; time required to deliver messages; two years; steamships; 4 months; less than two weeks; telegraph; through the oceans; all parts of the British Empire; distinct advantages; mobilize forces

The construction of ___ enhance the effectiveness of steamships in both the ___ facilitated building and maintenance of Empires enabling Navy vessels to ____ and this also ____ between Imperial powers and subject lands. Once imperialists gained control of ____, railroads help them maintain their hegemony and ____ to their own Advantage. Rail Transportation enabled Colonial officials and armies to ___ and facilitated trade in raw materials and ____ in the colonies. European industrialists also made enormous quantities of powerful weapons, the most being ___. When large numbers infantry fire their muskets at once the result could cause Havoc among opponents but it took a skilled musketeer about ___ to reload a weapon and it was not ___. By mid century European armies were using breech-loading ___ with rifled bores that were more accurate and reliable. By 1870s Europeans were experimenting with rifled ___ and an 1880s they adopted the Maxim gun. Those Firearms provided European armies with Arsenal vastly stronger than ___ and accurate rifles and machine guns devastated opposing forces, enabling European armies to impose postcolonial Route almost at will. One example was during the ___ where the British army with 20 machine guns and six gunboats lost a few hundred men and killed close to 20,000 Sudanese opening the door for British colonial rule in ___. Communications also benefited from industrialization. Ocean-going steamships reduce the _____ from Imperial Capital to Colonial lands. In the 1830s it took as long as ___ for a British correspondent to receive a reply to a letter sent to India by sailing ship. By 1850s after introduction of ___, Correspondence to make the round trip between London and Bombay in ___. After opening of Suez Canal steamships traveled from Britain to India in ____. Invention of the ___ made it possible to exchange messages even faster, as wires is carried Communications Overland but only in the 1850s it Engineers devised reliable submarine cables for the transmission of messages ____. By 1870 submarine cables carry messages between Britain and India in about 5 hours. By 1902 cables linked ____ throughout the world and other European States maintain cables to support Communications with their own colonies. Their Monopoly on telegraphic communication provided Imperial Powers with ____ over their subject lands. Imperial officials could rapidly ____ to deal with troubles and Merchants could respond quickly to developments of Economic and Commercial significance.

merchant activities of the English East India Company; build fortified posts on the coastlines; traded for Goods; pepper and cotton; silk and Porcelain; spices; tea and coffee; Aurengzeb; period of Decline; asserted their independence; strengthen and expand its Trading Post; conquest of India; autonomous Indian kingdoms; Delhi; doctrine of lapse; failed to produce a biological male heir to the throne; small British Army; sepoys; willing to cooperate; deadly Uprising in 1857; cartridges for new rifles were lubricated with mixture of pig and cow fat; offensive and insulting to both Muslims and Hindus

The British Empire in South Asia and Southeast Asia grew out of ____ which enjoyed Monopoly on English trade with India. The East India Company obtained permission from Mughals of India to ____. Their agents ___ and stored Commodities in warehouses until company ships arrive to transport them to Europe. And the 17th century company Merchants traded mostly for Indian ___, Chinese ___, and ___ from Southeast Asia. During 18th century, ___ became a prominent trade items. After the death of the emperor ____ the Mughal state entered ___ and local authorities ____. The East India Company took advantage of weakness to ____ and in the 1750s company officials embarked on ____. Through diplomacy or military campaigns the company conquered ___, introduced Empire rule to only a small area around ___. Part of the British policy of expansion was ___ which was resented by Indians. If an Indian ruler ____ his territories laps to the company upon his death. By the mid-nineteenth century the English East India Company had annexed huge areas of India. Company rule was enforced by ___ and large number of Indian troops known as ___. Not all of the Indian population was ___ with foreign rule and the English East India Company faced ___ that threatened the British Empire in India. Sepoy discontent came to a head when rumors circulated among the troops that ___ and to load their rifles they had to bite off the end of the lubricated cartridges making oral contact with substance that was ____. In several cases soldiers refuse to use these cartridges and were probably convicted of mutiny.

new Imperial power to intervene in the Affairs; protect American business interests; Filipino revolt against Spanish rule; support Independence; under American control; South China Sea; Emilio Aguinaldo; canal across the narrow stretch of land in Central America; Isthmus of Panama; Theodore Roosevelt; rebellion against Colombia; Panama; Panama Canal Zone; Roosevelt Corollary; demonstrated an inability to maintain the security

The United States quickly established colonial governments and most of its new possessions. Instability and disorder prompted a ____ of the Caribbean and Central American lands, even those that were not US possessions to prevent rebellion and ____. U.s. Military forces occupied Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Haiti. The consolidation of US authorities in the Philippines was an especially difficult Affair. The Spanish Cuban American war coincided with ___ and US forces promise to ___ to the Philippines in exchange for an alliance against Spain. After the victory over Spain President William McKinley decided to bring the Philippines ____. United States paid 20 million dollars for rights the colony which was important to American Business people and military leaders because of its strategic position in the ___. Led by ____ Filipino Rebels turn their arms against new Intruders and the result was bitter insurrection that lived until 1902. To facilitate communication and transportation between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans United States to build a ___. Engineers identify the ____ as best site for Canal but Columbia was unwilling to see the land. Under President ____, the United States supported a ___ and help Rebels establish the Breakaway state of ___. In exchange for the support the United States won the right to build a canal across Panama and control the adjacent territory known as the ____. Given US expansion of us interest in Latin America, Roosevelt made extension to the Monroe Doctrine. The ___ exerted the US right to intervene in the domestic affairs of Nations within the hemisphere if they ____ deemed necessary to protect US Investments. The Roosevelt Corollary and Panama Canal strengthened US military and economic claims.

concessionary companies; private companies; undertake economic activities; railroad construction; Taxation and labor recruitment; modest investment; liabilities; public outcry in Europe; curtail the powers of private companies; direct rule or indirect rule; administrative districts; tax collection; maintenance of Law and Order; divide and weaken potentially powerful indigenous groups; removing strong Kings and leaders; African populations in check; civilizing mission; shortage of European personnel; long distances and slow transport; speak local languages; local Customs; Frederick D. Lugard; British; The Dual mandate in British tropical Africa; advantages; indigenous institutions; tribal authorities; customary laws; already established strong and highly organized States; impose their own ideas; artificial tribal boundaries

The earliest approach to Colonial rule involved ___. European governments typically granted ___ large concessions of territory in Empire them to ____ such as mining, Plantation agriculture, or ____. Concessionary companies also had permission to implement systems of ____. Although that approach allowed European governments to colonize and exploit big territories with ___ in capital in Personnel, Company rule also brought ___. The brutal use of force labor provoked ___ and profit smaller than anticipated which persuaded European governments to ____ and to establish their own rule which took form of either ____. Under direct rule colonies featured ___ heated by European personnel who assume responsibility for ___, labor and Military recruitment, and ____. Administrative boundaries intentionally cut across African political and ethnic boundaries to _____. Direct Rule was principle of ____ and replacing them with malleable people. Underlining the principal was the desire to keep ____ and permit European administrators to engage in the ____. That approach presented its difficulties and key among them has constant ____. In French West Africa 3,600 Europeans try to rule over a population of 9 million and the combination of ___ limited effective communication. An inability to ____ and limited understanding of ___ among the European officials undermine their effective Administration. The British colonial administrator ___ was driving force between the doctrine of indirect rule which ___ employed in many of their colonies. In his book ____, he stressed the moral and financial ___ of exercising control over subject population through ____. He was keen on using existing ____ and ____ as foundation for Colonial rule. Forms of indirect rule worked in regions where Africans had ____ but elsewhere assumptions concerning the tribal nature of African societies weakened in the effectiveness of indirect rule. Bewildered by the complex adhesive African societies, Colonial officials frequently ____ of what constituted tribal boundaries or tribal authorities. The invention of rigid travel categories and establishment of ____ became one of the greatest obstacles to nation-building and Regional stability in much of Africa.

Africa; coastal colonies; Trading Post; Portuguese; French; British and Dutch; lively Commerce; ivory; gold; textiles; manufactured goods; partition and colonize almost the entire African continent; nationalist rivalries; Scramble for Africa; charted interior regions never visited before; Dr. David Livingstone; Mission posts; Henry Morton Stanley; Richard Burton; John Speke; great African rivers; King Leopold II of Belgium; Congo free state; Congo region would be a free trade zone; rubber plantations; taxes so high; protested his Colonial regime; 4 to 8 M; Belgian Congo; Egypt; borrowed heavily from European lenders; crushing debt; provoked rebellion; Suez Canal

The most striking outbursts of imperialism took place in ___. As late as 1875 European people's maintain a limited presence in Africa. They held several small ___ in fortified ___ but only their only sizable possessions were the ___ colonies of Angola and Mozambique and the ___ colony in Algeria in cluster of settler colonies populated by ___ migrants in South Africa. At the end of the slave trade a ____ developed around the exchange of __, ___, and palm oil for European ___, guns, and ____. This trade brought prosperity and Economic Opportunity especially to Africa. Between 1875 and 1900 the relationship dramatically changed and within a quarter Century European Imperial Powers ____. Prospects of exploiting African resources and ____ between European powers help to explain the Quest for Empire often referred to as the ___. European imperialist built on the information compiled by a series of Adventures and explorers that ___. Some went to Africa as missionaries best-known was _____, who traveled through much of the central and southern Africa in search of locations for ___. Other Travelers were Adventures such as American journalist ___ who took expedition to find Livingstone and report on his activities. Meanwhile to English explorers ____ and ___ ventured into East Africa seeking the source of the Nile River. The geographic information compiled by these Travelers held great interest for merchants eager to exploit business opportunities. Especially exciting was reliable information about the ____ and the access they provided to Inland regions. ____ employed Henry Morton Stanley to help develop commercial ventures in establish colony called the ___ in the Basin of Congo River. To forestall competition Leopold announced that the ____ accessible to Merchants and business people from All European lands. In fact he carved out a personal colony and filled it with lucrative ___ run by forced labor. Working conditions were so brutal, ___, and abuse has so many that humanitarian ____. Predatory rule had culminated and the death of ___ Africans. In 1908 the Belgian government took control of the colony therefore known as ___. As Leopold colonized central Africa, Britain established Imperial presence in ___. As Muhammad Ali and other rulers sought to build up their army, strengthen their economy, and distance themselves from Ottoman Authority they ____. In the 1870s ____ forced Egyptian officials to impose high taxes which ____. In 1882 British Army occupied Egypt to protect British financial interest and ensure the safety of the ___.

European imperialism; almost all regions of North America; pushed indigenous peoples into marginal lands; wield power outside of North America; James Monroe; US protectorate; Monroe Doctrine; informal influence; free trade; natural resources and agricultural products of the Americas; Alaska; the islands of Hawaii; productive sugarcane plantations; Grover Cleveland; William McKinley; Spanish Cuban American War; large investments; Spain; Cuba and Puerto Rico; Manila; Guam and the Philippines

The very existence of the United States was due to ____. After the New Republic won its independence US leaders pursue their Manifest Destiny and got ____ under their Authority. Like British migrants in Australia and New Zealand, Euro American cultivators _____ and this domination of the North American continent represents a part of the larger story of European and euro-american imperialism. The fledgling United States also tried to _____. In 1823 President ___ issued Proclamation that warned European States against perilous designs in western hemisphere. He claimed the Americas to a ___ and his Proclamation known as the ____ served as justification for later US intervention in hemispheric Affairs. Until 19th century, US mostly exercise ___ in the Americas and sought to guarantee ___ in the region. That policy benefited US entrepreneurs, whose European counterparts worked to bring the ___ to the World Market. As the United States Consolidated its Continental Holdings, US leaders became interested in acquiring territories beyond the regions of North America. In 1867 United States purchased ___ from Russia and then 1875 explained a protectorate over ___ where they had established ___. The Hawaiian Kingdom survived until 1893 when a group of Planters and business people over for the last queen Lili 'uokalani and invited the United States to Annex the lands. US President ___ opposed annexation but his successor ___ was more open to American expansion and agreed to acquire the islands. The United States emerged as a major Imperial and colonial power after the brief ____. War broke out as anti-colonial tensions mounted in Cuba and Puerto Rico, Where US business interest had made ___. In 1898 the u.s. Battleship Maine exploded and sank a tank in Havana Harbor. US leaders claim sabotage and declared war on ___. United States easily defeated Spain and took control of possession in ____. After the u.s. Navy destroyed the Spanish Fleet at ___ in a single day the United States also took possession of ____ to prevent them from falling under German or Japanese control.

develop the sense of their own identities; National feelings; national identities; anti-colonial movements; India; educated Indian Elites; Ram Mohan Roy; father of modern India; Modern European science; Hinduism; end the practice of Sati; improve status of woman; Vedas and upanishads; Hindu spirituality; mobilize educated Hindus; upper caste Hindus; Muslim organizations; lower castes; self-governing; inspiration from European enlightenment; political and social reform

While imperialists convince themselves of their superiority, Colonial rule promote subject peoples to ____. Just as Napoleon's invasions created ___ and allowed for emergence of nationalist movements, Imperial expansion and Colonial domination prompted the formation of ____ and organization of ___ in subject lands. Potential of imperialism and colonialism to push their subject peoples towards nationalism was most evident in ___. During the 19th century ___ helped forge a sense of Indian identity. The most influential was ___, a prominent intellectual called the ____. Roy argued for the construction of society based on ___ and Indian tradition of ___. He supported British colonial policies such as campaign to ____ and he worked with Christian social reformers to ____. Yet he saw himself as a Hindu reformer who drew inspiration from ___ and who sought to bring ___ to bear on the problems and conditions of his time. During last two decades of his life he published newspapers and founded societies to ___ advance cause of social reform. Reform Society has flourished in nineteenth-century India. Most of them appeal to ___ but some were ___ and few presented interests of peasants, landlords, and ___. After mid century reformers called for ___ or greater Indian participation in government. Their leaders often had received Advanced education at British universities, drew ____. But they invoked those values to criticize British colonial regime in India and call for ____.

Pacific Ocean basin; Australia and New Zealand; Pacific Islands; basis for their operations; impose direct colonial rule; Pacific Voyages of James Cook; New South Wales; voluntary migrants; gold; hunting whales and seals; fertile soils and Timber; diseases such as smallpox and measles; 650,000 to 90,000; 200,000 to 45,000; European settlers and Native populations; pushed indigenous peoples from their lands; occupy lands permanently; Terra nullius; military campaigns; dispersing them throughout the continent; Treaty of Waitangi; under British protection; colonial control; New Zealand Wars; Maori Kingdom movement; force many Maori into rural communities

While scrambling for Africa European Imperial powers did not Overlook opportunities to establish their presence in ___which took two main forms. In ____ European powers established settler colonies and dominant political institutions. In most of the ___ they sought commercial opportunities and reliable ___ but did not wish to go to the trouble of outright colonization. Only in the 19th century did they begin to ____ on the islands. European Mariners sailed around Australia and made occasional landfalls from the early 16th century but only after the ____ did Europeans travel to the continent in large numbers. In 1788 the first British Fleet arrived and established the colony of ____ and the migrants supported themselves by herding sheep. Lured by opportunity, ____ outnumber conducts and discovery of ___ brought surge in migration. European settlers established communities also in New Zealand. European settlers first visited New Zealand while ____ but the islands ____ soon attracted their attention and Drew many migrants. European migration Rocked the societies of Australia and New Zealand and ____ devastated indigenous peoples at the same time that European migrants flooded their lands. Australian population fell from ____. Population of the indigenous Maori and New Zealand fell from ____. Increasing migration also fueled conflict between ____. Large settler societies ____ often following violent confrontations. Because the nomadic foraging peoples of Australia did not ____ British settlers consider the continent ____ that they could put to their own uses. They undertook brutal ___ to evict Aboriginal peoples from land suitable for agriculture or hurting. Despite resistance, by 1900 British had succeeded in this placing most Australians from their traditional lands and ____. Similarly disruptive process transpired in New Zealand. Representatives of the British government encourage Maori leaders to sign the ___ design to place New Zealand ____. Interpreted differently by the British and Maori the treaty actually signal the coming of official British ___ in New Zealand and thereafter inspired effective and long-lasting Maori opposition to British attempts to assert their land and sovereignty conflicts over land and disputed land sales helped spark _____, a series of military confrontations between Maori groups and British troops and settlers. Various Maori also cooperated in the ____ beginning in 1856 as means of forwarding Maori Unity. While political and Military battles continued, British managed to ____ separated from European settlements.

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