Chapter 33 WH

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During the "Prague Spring," A) Czechoslovakian leaders demanded that the U.S. pull its forces out of their nation. B) Soviet writers protested their nation's occupation of eastern Europe. C) Czech freedom fighters battled Warsaw Pact forces. D) Alexander Dubcek sought to liberalize Czechoslovakian communism. E) None of these answers is correct.

Alexander Dubcek sought to liberalize Czechoslovakian communism.

A Geneva peace conference regarding Vietnam in 1954 A) followed the defeat of France at Dienbienphu. B) determined that Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the seventeenth parallel. C) determined that Ho Chi Minh and the communists would have control of North Vietnam. D) determined that democratic elections would be held. E) All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct.

At the Bay of Pigs in 1961, A) An American-sponsored invasion failed and subsequently strengthened Castro's grip on power. B) American special forces were defeated by Cuban troops. C) anti-Castro Cuban forces defeated Cuban forces on the beach but failed to spark an uprising against Castro. D) an American naval blockade turned back Soviet supply ships. E) All these answers are correct.

An American-sponsored invasion failed and subsequently strengthened Castro's grip on power.

The Berlin blockade demonstrated that A) the western allies were afraid of a nuclear war. B) the Soviet Union lacked the will to confront the west. C) Britain and the United States would not abandon Berlin. D) Berlin could survive without outside support. E) All these answers are correct.

Britain and the United States would not abandon Berlin.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would A) become a homeland for immigrant Jews. B) continue as a homeland to the resident Arab Muslims. C) remain a British protectorate indefinitely. D) be partitioned into distinct Arab and Jewish zones. E) have elections to determine its future.

become a homeland for immigrant Jews.

Ideologically, the two competing sides in the cold war were A) socialism and communism. B) communism and fascism. C) capitalism and communism. D) republican and democrat. E) fascism and capitalism.

capitalism and communism.

Deng Xiaoping A) masterminded the Great Leap Forward. B) was the driving force behind the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. C) was the leader of Taiwan who helped bring about tremendous economic expansion. D) fled to Taiwan after the Chinese civil war. E) ended China's isolation and economic self-sufficiency.

ended China's isolation and economic self-sufficiency.

The reorganization of China under communism in the 1950s included all of the following EXCEPT A) free-market reforms to increase productivity. B) a Five-Year Plan that emphasized heavy industry over consumer goods. C) collective farming to replace individual farming. D) legal equality for women. E) challenges to or elimination of many Chinese family traditions.

free-market reforms to increase productivity.

The regime of the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was overthrown because A) he alienated conservative Shia Muslims with his secular reforms. B) his repressive policies alienated leftist politicians. C) he allowed U.S. corporations to heavily influence the economy. D) he alienated conservative Shia Muslims and allowed U.S. corporations to heavily influence the economy; and his repressive policies alienated leftist politicians. E) None of these answers is correct.

he alienated conservative Shia Muslims and allowed U.S. corporations to heavily influence the economy; and his repressive policies alienated leftist politicians.

The nonalignment movement suffered from internal dissension primarily because A) of a lack of vision or leadership among member states. B) too few states attended the Bandung Conference to achieve consensus. C) many nonaligned states needed and accepted aid from either the United States or the Soviet Union. D) the United States threatened to invade any country that joined the movement. E) All these answers are correct.

many nonaligned states needed and accepted aid from either the United States or the Soviet Union.

Which of the following was NOT a cold war flashpoint? A) the Korean War B) the Berlin airlift C) the Vietnam War D) the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan E) the 1971 war between Pakistan and India

the 1971 war between Pakistan and India

The United States tentatively supported a failed invasion of Cuba at A) Havana. B) the Bay of Pigs. C) Hukbalahap. D) Sukarno. E) Guantánamo.

the Bay of Pigs.

The Cuban missile crisis ended when A) the United States invaded Cuba and overthrew Batista. B) the Soviets agreed to withdraw their missiles in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade Cuba and his agreement to withdraw U.S. missiles from Turkey. C) Khrushchev agreed to end the blockade of Berlin. D) the United States threatened to impose a strict embargo on all Cuban exports. E) None of these answers is correct.

the Soviets agreed to withdraw their missiles in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade Cuba and his agreement to withdraw U.S. missiles from Turkey.

Tensions developed between China and the Soviet Union after A) the Soviets refused to buy any Chinese goods. B) the two countries disagreed over who should get control of Taiwan. C) the Soviets tried to prevent the Chinese from developing nuclear weapons. D) the Soviets refused to support China against India and provided China with only modest foreign aid. E) All these answers are correct.

the Soviets refused to support China against India and provided China with only modest foreign aid.

As a result of the Cultural Revolution in China, A) the elite were killed, jailed, or sent to corrective labor camps. B) the educational system was strengthened. C) student demonstrators in Tiananmen Square were crushed by government troops. D) the nation achieved industrialization within a generation. E) the Red Guard was discredited.

the elite were killed, jailed, or sent to corrective labor camps.

The expression "domestic containment" refers to A) the public hearings to expose spies and communists in the United States in the 1950s. B) strict immigration quotas imposed against people from communist countries. C) efforts to keep communism from taking hold in the western hemisphere. D) the popular retreat to the home and family to escape from the anxieties of the cold war. E) volunteer activities of U.S. housewives to showcase the American way of life.

the popular retreat to the home and family to escape from the anxieties of the cold war.

Britain turned over control of Palestine to the UN in 1947 because A) their mandate had ended. B) they could not resolve the conflict between Palestinians and Jews. C) the United Nations demanded that they leave. D) the Arab states demanded that they leave. E) All these answers are correct.

they could not resolve the conflict between Palestinians and Jews.

Gandhi and Nehru opposed the partition of India because A) it would leave Hindu India surrounded by Muslim states. B) it would deprive India of some of its most valuable land. C) they mistrusted Muhammad Ali and the Muslim League. D) they wanted the people of India to act and feel as one nation. E) All these answers are correct.

they wanted the people of India to act and feel as one nation.

Conflicts between native Kikuyu and British settlers intensified in Kenya after World War II because A) white settlers had seized the best farmlands for years. B) Kikuyu had been crowded onto tribal reserves. C) Kikuyu had been reduced to the status of wage laborers. D) white settlers had seized the best farmland; and Kikuyu had been crowded onto reserves and reduced to the status of wage laborers. E) None of these statements is correct.

None of these statements is correct.

The end of communism in east and central Europe was peaceful in all of the following states EXCEPT A) Bulgaria. B) Czechoslovakia. C) Hungary. D) Poland. E) Romania


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