Chapter 4 Peace Education
Positive Peace
It means no war or violent conflict combined with a situation where there is equality, justice, and development.
Direct violence
physical, or behavioral violence such as war, bullying, domestic violence, exclusion or torture
Structural violence
poverty and deprivation of basic resources and access to rights; oppressive systems that enslave, intimidate, and abuse dissenters as well as the poor, powerless and marginalized
refers to aggressive behavior which is repeated and intends to hurt someone.
Peace Education
strives to empower future generations to use "the capacity and inclination to make peace, to bring about a nonviolent and just social order" with an overt normative understanding that the manifestation of these changes will be "the primary indicator of a maturing of our species"
Cultural violence
the devaluing and destruction of particular human identities and ways of life, the violence of sexism, ethnocentrism, racism and colonial ideologies.
- is a complex concept. - is often understood as the use or threat of force that can result in injury, harm, deprivation or even death. It may be physical, verbal or psychological.
- is manifested through values such as respect for human rights, freedom, and trust.
Social justice
- is realized by principles of equality, responsibility, and solidarity.
2 Common Conceptions of Peace
1. Negative Peace, or actual peace 2. Positive Peace.
Peace Education
It aims to develop tools for building a more sustainable and just world for all.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015 recognize the important role of security for development.
Gender-based violence
it is one of the most frequent forms of structural and cultural violence. It is present in every society and its consequences affect virtually all human beings.
The Concept of Peace
The world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the Earth and each other.
Peace Education
activities promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help people either to prevent the occurrence of conflict.
Peace Education
cultivates the knowledge base, skills, attitudes and values that seek to transform people's mindsets, attitudes and behaviors that, in the first place, have either created or exacerbated violent conflicts.
World Health Organization (WHO)
defines violence as "intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation".
Peace and Justice
is to "promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels".
Negative Peace
is understood as 'the absence of violence or fear of violence — an intuitive definition that many agree with, and one which enables us to measure peace more easily.