Chapter 4 World History

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A nation's ultimate goal under mercantilism was to become _____-_______, not dependent on other countries for goods.

Amerigo Vespucci

A year later, ________ ________, an Italian in the service of Portugal, also traveled along the eastern coast of South America. Upon his return to Europe, he claimed that the land was not part of Asia, but a "new" world. In 1507, a German mapmaker named the new continent "America" in honor of _______ __________.

gold and silver and balance of trade

According to the theory of mercantilism, a nation could increase its wealth and power in two ways. It could obtain as much ______ and _______ as possible. It could establish a favorable _______ ___ ______, in which it sold more goods than it brought.

United States

African slaves were also brought to what is now the ______ ________. In all, nearly 400,000 Africans were sold to Britain's North American Colonies. Once in North America, however, the slave population steadily grew. By 1830, roughly 2 million slaves toiled in the United States.

triangular trade

Africans transported to the Americas were part of a transatlantic trading network known as the _______ _______. Over one trade route, Europeans transported manufactured goods to the west coast of Africa. There, traders exchanged these goods for captured Africans, the Africans were then transported across the Atlantic and sold in the West Indies. Merchants bought sugar, coffee, and tobacco in the West Indies and sailed to Europe with these products.

different items

Africans were not the only cargo transported across the Atlantic during the colonization of the Americas. The settlement of the Americas brought many ______ _______ from Europe, Asia, and Africa to North and South America. It also introduced items from the Americas to the rest of the world.

ocean voyage

Africans who survived their ________ _______ faced a difficult life in the Americas. Forced to work in a strange land, enslaved Africans coped in a variety of ways.

profitable trade network

After being captured, African men and women were shipped to the Americas as part of a _______ _____ _______-. Along the way, millions of Africans died.

slow to attract

Although the Dutch company profited from its fur trade, it was ______ ___ _______ Dutch colonists. To encourage settlers, the colony opened its doors to a variety of peoples. Gradually more Dutch, as well as Germans, French, Scandinavians, and other Europeans, settled the area.

joint-stock company

Another business venture that developed during this period was known as the _______-______ _________. The ________-______ _______ worked much like the modern-day corporation, with investors buying shares of stock in a company. It involved several people combing their wealth for a common purpose.


As Cortes and Pizarro conquered the civilizations of the Americas, fellow ___________ defeated other native peoples.


As England's presence in the Americas grew, it came to ________ the Atlantic slave trade.

European colonization

As in Mexico and South America, the arrival of Europeans in the present-day United States had a great impact on Native Americans. _________ ___________ brought mostly disaster for the land's original inhabitants.

sacred objects and native rituals

As late as the end of the 17th century, natives in New Mexico fought Spanish rule. Although they were not risking their lives in silver mines, the natives still felt the weight of Spanish force. In converting the natives, Spanish priests and soldiers burned their ________ ________ and prohibited _______ _______, along with forcing them to work for the Spaniards, against their wills.


As the slave trade grew, some African rulers voiced their __________ to the practice. Nonetheless, the slave trade steadily grew. Lured by its profits, many African rulers continued to participate. African merchants developed new trade routes to avoid rulers who refused to cooperate.

colonial supremacy

As they expanded their settlements in North America, the nations of France, England, and the Netherlands battled each other for _______ ________.

strangled and Cuzco

Atahualpa offered to fill a room once with gold and twice with silver in exchange for his release, however, after receiving the ransom, the Spanish _________ the Incan king. Demoralized by their leader's death, the remaining Incan force retreated from Cajamarca. Pizarro then marched on the Incan capital, _______, which he captured without a struggle in 1533.

small and profits

Because joint-stock companies involved numerous investors, the individual members paid only a fraction of the total colonization cost. If the colony failed, investors lost only their _______ share. If the colony thrived, the investor shared in the ________.

cheap labor

Beginning around 1500, European colonist in the Americas who needed _____ _______ began using enslaved Africans on plantations and farms.


By 1650, however, the Portuguese had surpassed the Spanish in the importation of Africans to the Americas. During the 1600s, ________ dominated the European sugar market, as this industry grew, so too did European colonists', demand for cheap labor. During the 17th century, more than 40 percent of all Africans brought to the Americas went to ______-.

Catholic priests and single men

By 1760, the European population of New France had grown to only about 65,000. Many French colonists had no desire to build towns or raise families. These settlers included _______ ________ who sought to convert Native Americans. They also included young, ______ _____ engaged in what had become New France's main activity, the fur trade.


By the time Spain had re-conquered this southwest region, the rulers of Spain had far greater concerns. Other nations from Europe had begun to ________ their own colonies in the Americas.


Catholic _________ had accompanied conquistadors from the very beginning of American colonization. The conquistadors had come in search of wealth, while the ________ had come in search of converts.


Columbus had miscalculated where he was. He had not reached the East Indies. Scholars believe he landed instead on an island in the __________ in the Caribbean Sea.


Columbus, like other explorers, was interested in _______. Finding none on San Salvador, he explored other islands, staking his claim to each one. "It was my wish to bypass no island without taking possession," he wrote.

conquistadors and gold and silver

Cortes marched inland, looking to claim new lands for Spain. Cortes and many other Spanish explorers who followed him were known as ___________ (conquerors). They were lured into these lands by rumors of vast regions filled with ____ and _______, the ___________ carved out colonies in territories that would become Mexico, South America and the United States.


Despite their nightmarish start, the colonist eventually gained a foothold in their new land. Jamestown became England's first permanent settlement in North America. The colony's outlook improved greatly after farmers there discovered __________. High demand in England for __________ turned it into a profitable cash crop


During the 1500s and 1600s, the nations of Europe adopted a new economic policy known as __________. The theory of __________ (Chart) held that a country's power depended mainly on its wealth.


During the 1530s, colonists began settling Brazil's coastal region. Finding little gold or silver, the settlers began growing ________. Clearing out huge swaths of forest land, the Portuguese built giant ________ plantations. The demand for ______ in Europe was great, and the colony soon enriched Portugal. In time, the colonists pushed farther west into Brazil, settling even more land to produce ________.


During the 1600s, the nations of Europe also colonized the _________. The French seized control of present-day Haiti, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. The English settled Barbados and Jamaica. In 1634, the Dutch captured what are now the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba from Spain.

New Netherland

Dutch merchants formed the Dutch West India Company. In 1621, the Dutch government granted the company permission to colonize the region and expand the fur trade. The Dutch holdings in North America became known as ______ _________.

diseases, plantation work, escape, and catch them

Europeans saw advantages in using Africans in the Americas. Africans had been exposed to European _______ and had built up some immunity. Africans had experience in farming and could be taught ________ _______. Africans were less likely to _______ because they did not know their way around the new land. There skin color made it easier to _____ ______ if they escaped and tried to live among other

Henry Hudson

Following the English and French into North America were the Dutch. In 1609, ________ _______, an Englishman in the service of the Netherlands, sailed west. He was searching for a northwest sea route to Asia, which he did not find. He did, however, explore three waterways that were later named for him - the Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait.

Africa and Grains

Foods from ______ (including some that originated from Asia) migrated west in European ships. This included bananas, black-eyed peas, and yams. _______ introduced to the Americas included wheat, rice, barley, and oats.

sparsely populated

France's North American empire was immense. Though it was _______ ______.

fur trade

French and Dutch settlers developed a mostly cooperative relationship with the Native Americans. This was due mainly to the mutual benefits of the ____ _______. Native Americans did most of the trapping and then traded the furs to the French for such items as guns, hatchets, mirrors, and beads. The Dutch also cooperated with Native Americans to establish a fur-trading enterprise.


From 1690 until England _________ the slave trade in 1807, it was the leading carrier of enslaved Africans. By the time the slave trade ended, the English had transported nearly 1.7 million Africans to their colonies in the West Indies.


His crew, greatly reduced by disease and starvation, continued sailing west toward home. Out of Magellan's original crew, only 18 men and one ship arrived back in Spain in 1522, nearly three years after they had left. They had become the first persons to __________, or sail around, the world.

North America

If it existed, northwest trade route through North America to Asia would become highly profitable. Not finding a route, the French, English, and Dutch instead established colonies in _____ _______.

Pedro Alvares Cabral

In 1500, Portuguese explorer ______ _______ ______ reached the shores of modern-day Brazil and claimed the land for his country.

Ferdinand Magellan

In 1519, Portuguese explorer ________ ______ led the boldest exploration yet. Several years earlier, Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa had marched through modern-day Panama and had become the first European to gaze upon the Pacific Ocean. Soon after, _______ convinced the king of Spain to fund his voyage into the newly discovered ocean.

Hernando Cortes

In 1519, as Magellan embarked on his historic voyage, a Spaniard named _________ ________ landed on the shores of Mexico. After colonizing several Caribbean islands, the Spanish had turned their attention to the American mainland.

Francisco Pizarro

In 1532, another conquistador, _________ ______, marched a small force into South America. He conquered the Incan Empire.

Francisco vasquez de Conorado

In 1540-1541, _________ ________ ___ _______ led an expedition through much of present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. He was searching for another wealthy empire to conquer. Coronado found little gold amidst the dry deserts of the Southwest. As a result, the Spanish monarchy assigned mostly priests to explore and colonize the future United States.

Virginia and Jamestown

In 1606, a company of London investors received from King James a charter to found a colony in North America. In late 1606, the company's three ships, and more than 100 settlers pushed out of an English harbor, and about four months later, in 1607, they reached the coast of _______. The Colonists claimed the land as theirs. They named the settlement _________ in honor of their king.

Sameul de Champlian

In 1608, another French explorer, __________ ___ ________, sailed up the St. Lawrence with about 32 colonists. They founded Quebec, which became the base of France's colonial empire in North America, known as New France.

epidemic of smallpox

In 1616, for example, an _________ ____ _______ ravaged Native Americans living along the New England coast. The population of one tribe, the Massachusett, dropped from 24,000 to 750 by 1631. From South Carolina to Missouri, nearly whole tribes fell to smallpox, measles, and other diseases.

Plymouth and religious freedom

In 1620, a group known as Pilgrims founded a second English colony, _________, in Massachusetts. Persecuted for their religious beliefs in England, these colonists sought ________ ________.

Pope and 12 years

In 1680, _____', a Pueblo ruler, led a well-organized rebellion against the Spanish. The rebellion involved more than 8,000 warriors from villages all over New Mexico. The native fighters drove the Spanish back into New Spain, which lasted ___ _____, until the Spanish regained control of the area.

French and Indian War

In 1754 a dispute over land claims in the Ohio Valley led to a war between the British and French on the North American continent. The conflict because known as the ______ _____ _______ _____. The war became part of a larger conflict known as the Seven Years' War. Britain and France, along with their European allies, also battled for supremacy in Europe, the West Indies, and India.

disease, physical abuse, and suicide

In African ports, European traders packed Africans into the dark holds of large ships. On board, Africans endured whippings and beating from merchants, as well as _______ that swept through the vessel. Numerous Africans died from _______ or _______ ______ aboard the slave ships. Many committed ________ by drowning, and scholars estimate that roughly 20 percent of the Africans aboard each slave ship perished during the brutal trip.

American colonization

In Europe during the 1500s and 1600s, that common purpose was ________ __________. It took large amounts of money to establish overseas colonies. While profits may have been great, so were risks. Many ships, for instance, never completed the long and dangerous ocean voyage.


In Europe, the costs of many goods rose. _________, for example, endured a crushing bout of inflation during the 1600s, as boatloads of gold and silver from the Americas greatly increased the nation's money supply.


In North America, the British colonists, with the help of the British Army, defeated the French in 1763. The French ___________ their North American holdings. As a result of the war, the British seized control of the eastern half of North America.


In building their new American empire, the Spaniards drew from techniques used during the __________ of Spain. When conquering the Muslims, the Spanish lived among them and imposed their Spanish culture upon them.

three and 17

In early 1493, Columbus returned to Spain. The reports he relayed about his journey delighted the Spanish monarchs. Spain's rulers, who had funded his first voyage, agreed to finance ______ more trips. Columbus embarked on his second voyage to the Americas in September of 1493. He journeyed no longer as an explorer, but as an empire builder. He commanded a fleet of some ___ ships that carried over 1,000 soldiers, crewmen, and colonists. The Spanish intended to transform the islands of the Caribbean into colonies, or lands that are controlled by another nation.

warriors and chiefs

In late spring of 1520, some of Cortes men killed many Aztec ________ and ______ while they were celebrating a religious festival. In June of 1520, the Aztecs rebelled against the Spanish intruders and drove out Cortez's forces.

African and Muslim

In most _______ and _______ societies, slaves had some legal rights and an opportunity for social mobility. In the _______ world, a few slaves even occupied positions of influence and power. Some served as generals in an army. In ________ societies, slaves could escape their bondage in numerous ways, including marrying into the family they served.

Catholic religion

In the next two decades, a string of Christian missions arose among the Pueblo - the native inhabitants of what is now known as the state of New Mexico, which had been one of the first Northern Spanish territories settled. Scattered missions, forts, and small ranches became the headquarters for advancing the __________ _______.

encomienda and abused

In their effort to exploit the land for its precious resources ,the Spanish forced Native Americans to work within a system known as ____________. Under this system, natives farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish landlords. The holders of ___________ promised the Spanish rulers that they would act fairly and respect workers, but many were ________, and worked to death, especially inside dangerous mines.

Atlantic Slave Trade

In time, the buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas - known as the _______ ______ _____ - became a massive enterprise. Between 1500 and 1600, nearly 300,000 Africans were transported to the Americas. During the next century, that number climbed to almost 1.3 million. By the time the Atlantic slave trade ended around 1870, Europeans had imported about 9.5 million Africans to the Americas.

joint-stock company

It was a _______-______ ________ that was responsible for establishing Jamestown, England's first North American colony.

hunger, disease, and Native Americans

Jamestown's start was disastrous. The settlers were more interested in finding gold than in planting crops. During the first few years, seven out of every ten people died of _______, _______, or battled with the ________ __________.


Magellan's voyage showed that ships could reach Asia by way of the _________ Ocean. Spain claimed the route around the southern tip of South America. Other European countries hoped to find an easier and more direct route to the __________.

rulers and merchants

Many African _______ and _________ played a willing role in the Atlantic slave trade. Most European traders, rather than travel inland, waited in ports along the coasts of Africa, there African _______ with the help of local ______, waited for captured Africans to be enslaved and delivered in exchange for gold, guns, and other goods.

national identity

Mercantilism contributed to the creation of a national identity.

raw materials and market

Mercantilism went hand in hand with colonization, for colonies played a vital role in this new economic practice. Aside from providing silver and gold, colonies provided _____ ________ that could not be found in the home country, such as wood or furs. In addition to playing the role of supplier, the colonies also provided a _______, one where a home country could sell its goods to its colonies.


More destructive than the Europeans' weapons were their diseases. Like the Spanish in Central and South America, the Europeans who settled North America brought with them several _________. The _________ devastated the native population in North America.

Sieur de La Salle

Nearly 10 years later, _______ __ ___ _______ explored the lower Mississippi. He claimed the entire river valley for France. He named it Louisiana in honor of French king, Louis XIV. By the early 1700s, New France covered much of what is now the midwestern United States and eastern Canada.

Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet

Next the French penetrated the North American continent. In 1673, French Jesuit priest ________ _______- and trader ______ ________ explored the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi River.

great wealth

No longer were governments the sole owners of ______ _______. Due to overseas colonization and trade, numerous merchants had obtained ______ _______.

Stono Rebellion

Occasional uprising also occurred in Brazil, the West Indies, and North America. In 1739, a group of slaves in South Carolina led an uprising known as the ______ _______.


On another triangular route, merchants carried rum and other goods from the New England colonies to Africa. They exchanged their merchandise for _________. The traders transported the ________ to the West Indies and sold them for sugar and molasses. They then sold these goods to rum producers in New England.

cotton and sugar

On these islands, the Europeans built huge ________ and ________ plantations. These products, although profitable, demanded a large and steady supply of labor. Enslaved Africans eventually would supply this labor.


One area of South America that remained outside of Spanish control was ________. In 1500, Cabral claimed the land for Portugal.


One aspect of the European economic revolution was the growth of ________. _________ is an economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources, such as money, for profit.

King Phillip's War and Metacom

One of the bloodiest conflicts between colonists and Native Americans was known as ______ _______'s ______. It began in 1675 when the Native American ruler _______ (also known as King Philip) led an attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts. In the months that followed, both sides massacred hundreds of victims. After a year of fierce fighting, the colonists defeated the natives.


One of the effects of this loss was a severe shortage of labor in the colonies. In order to meet their growing labor needs, European colonists soon turned to another group: __________, whom they would enslave by the million.

natives themselves

Opposition to the Spanish method of colonization came not only from Spanish priests, but also from the _______ _________. Resistance to Spain's attempt at domination began shortly after the Spanish arrived in the Caribbean. In November of 1493, Columbus encountered resistance in his attempt to conquer the present-day island of St. Croix. Before finally surrendering, the inhabitants defended themselves by firing poison arrows.

corn and potatoes

Perhaps the most important items to travel from the Americas to the rest of the world were _______ and ________. Both were inexpensive to grow and nutricous. __________, especially, supplied many essential vitamins and minerals. Over time, both crops became an important and steady part of diets throughout the world.


Pizarro and his army of about 200 men met the Incan ruler, ___________, near the city of Cajamarca. __________, who commanded a force of about 30,000 brought several thousand mostly unarmed men for the meeting. The Spaniards waited in ambush, crushe the Incan force, and kidnapped __________.


Slaves also found ways to ______. They made themselves less productive by breaking tools, uprooting plants, and working slowly. Thousands also ran away.

smallpox and measles

Some aspects of the Columbian Exchange had a tragic impact on many Native Americans. Disease was just as much a part of the Columbian Exchange as goods and food. The diseases Europeans brought with them included: _______ and the _______, which led to the deaths of millions of Native Americans.

revolt and Hispaniola

Some slaved pushed their resistance to open _______. As early as 1522, about 20 slaves on _______ attacked and killed several Spanish colonist. Larger _______ occurred throughout Spanish settlements during the 16th century.

Aztec Empire and Tenochtitlan

Soon after landing in Mexico, Cortes learned of the vast and wealthy ______ _______ in the region's interior. After marching for weeks through difficult mountain passes, Cortes and his force of roughly 600 men finally reached the magnificent Aztec capital of __________.

American Empire

Spanish explorers also conquered the Maya in Yucatan and Guatemala. By the middle of the 16th century, Spain had created an __________ ________. This empire included New Spain (Mexico and parts of Guatemala), as well as other lands in Central and South America, along with the Caribbean.

better treatment

Spanish priests worked to spread Christianity in the Americas. They also pushed for ________ ________ of Native Americans. Priests spoke out against the cruel treatment of natives. In particular, they criticized the harsh pattern of labor that emerged under the encomienda system. "There is nothing more detestable or more cruel," Dominican monk Bartolome de Las Casas wrote, "than the tyranny which the Spaniards used toward the Indians for the getting of riches."

Jacques Cartier

Ten years later, Frenchman _________ ______ reached a gulf off the eastern coast of Canada that led to a broad river. ________ named it the St. Lawrence. He followed it inward until he reached a large island dominated by a mountain. He named the island Mont Real (Mount Royal), which later became known as Montreal.

Massachusetts Bay

Ten years later, a group known as puritans also sought religious freedom from England's Anglican Church. They established a larger colony at nearby ________ ______.

generations, reunited, and guns

The Atlantic slave trade had a profound impact on both Africa and the Americas. In Africa, numerous cultures lost ________ of their fittest members - their young and able - to European traders and plantation owners. In addition, countless African families were torn apart, and never ________. The Slave trade devastated African societies in another way: by introducing _______ into the continent.

Montezuma II

The Aztec emperor, ________ ____, was convinced at first that Cortes was a god wearing armor. He agreed to give the Spanish explorer a share of the empire's existing gold supply. This did not satisfy Cortes. Cortes admitted that he and his comrades had a "disease of the heart that only gold could cure."

fur trade

The Dutch claimed the region along these waterways. They established a _____ ______ with the Iroquois Indians. They built trading posts along the Hudson River at Fort Orange (now Albany) and on Manhattan Island.

France and England

The English soon became hungry for more land for their colonial population. They pushed further west into the continent. In doing so they collided with ________'s North American holdings. As England's colonies expanded, _________ and ___________ began to interfere with each other.

land claims and trading rights

The Europeans and natives did not live together in complete harmony. Dutch settlers fought with various Native American groups over ______ ________ and ________ ______. However, for the most part the French and Dutch colonists lived together peacefully with their North American hosts.

weaponry, native groups, and Spaniards-disease.

The Spaniards, however, struck back. Despite being greatly outnumbered, Cortes and his men conquered the Aztecs in 1521. Several factors played a key role in the stunning victory: The Spanish had superior _________, Cortes was able to enlist the help of various ________ ________, and the natives could do little to stop the invisible warrior that marched alongside the ___________-________.


The Spanish government _________ the encomienda system in 1542. To meet the colonies', need for labor, Las Casas suggested Africans. "the labor of one...African... is more valuable than that of four Indians," he said. - Although he later changed his view and denounced African slavery, while others promoted it.

peninsulares and mestizo

The Spanish settlers to the Americas, known as _________, were mostly men. As a result, relationships between Spanish settlers and native women were common. These relationships created a large _________ - or mixed Spanish and Native American - population.

plantations and gold and silver mines

The Spanish took an early lead in importing Africans to the Americas. Spain moved on from the Caribbean and began to colonize the American mainland. As a result, the Spanish imported and enslaved thousands more Africans. By 1650, nearly 300,000 Africans labored throughout Spanish America on ________ and in _____ and ______ ______.

Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

The _____, ______, and _______ _______ sailed out of a Spanish port around dawn on August 3, 1492. In a matter of months, Columbus's fleet would reach the shores of what Europeans saw as an astonishing new world.


The _______ were the first European settlers in the Americas. As a result of their colonization, the ________ greatly enriched their empire and left a mark on the cultures of North and South America that exists today.


The _________ wanted to build a model community that would set an example for other Christians to follow. Although the colony experienced early difficulties, it gradually took hold. Due in large part to the numerous families in the colony, unlike the mostly single, male population in Jamestown.

rural areas, poor, and wealth

The changes in European society, however, only went so far. While towns and cities grew, much of Europe's population continued to live in ____ ______. Although merchants and traders enjoyed social mobility, most Europeans remained _______. More than anything else, the economic revolution increased the ________ of European nations.

Giovanni de Verazzano

The early French explorers sailed west with dreams of reaching the East Indies. One explorer was ___________ ___ _________, an Italian in the service of France. In 1524, he sailed to North America in search of a sea route to the Pacific. While he did not find the route, __________ did discover what is today New York harbor.

economic revolution

The economic changes that swept through much of Europe during the age of American colonization also led to changes in European society. The _______ ________ spurred the growth of towns and the rise of a class of merchants who controlled great wealth

colonial empires

The establishment of _______ _______ in the Americas influenced the nations of Europe in other ways. New wealth from the Americas was coupled with a dramatic growth in overseas trade. The two factors together prompted a wave of new business and trade practices in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. These practices, many of which served as the root of today's financial dealings, dramatically changed the economic atmosphere of Europe.


The first Europeans to explore Africa were the _________ during the 1400s. Initially, __________ traders were more interested in trading for gold than for captured Africans. That changed with the colonization of the Americas, as natives began dying by the millions.

Colombian Exchange

The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas is known as the ________ _______. Ships from the Americas brought back a wide array of items that Europeans, Asians, and Africans had never seen. This included such plants as tomatoes, squash, pineapples, tobacco, and cacao beans (for chocolate). Also included were animals such as the turkey, which became a source of food in the Eastern Hemisphere.


The hostility between the English settlers and Native Americans led to warfare. As early as 1622, the _________ tribe attacked colonial villages around Jamestown and killed about 350 settlers. During the next few years, the colonists struck back and massacred hundreds of __________.

money supply

The increase in economic activity in Europe led to an overall increase in many nations' ______ _______. This in turn brought on inflation, or the steady rise in the price of goods.

African-American and mixed race

The influx of so many Africans to the Americas also has left its mark on the very population itself. From the United States to Brazil, many of the nations of the Western Hemisphere today have substantial ______-________ populations. Many Latin American countries have sizable _______-_____ populations.

Taino and San Salvidor

The natives there were not Indians, but a group who called themselves the ______. Nonetheless, Columbus claimed the island for Spain. He named it _____ _________, or "Holy Savior."

middle passage

The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America was known as the ________ _________. It was considered the middle leg of the transatlantic trade triangle. Sickening cruelty characterized this journey.


These foods helped people live longer, thus played a significant role in boosting the world's ________. The planting of the first white potato in Ireland and the first sweet potato in China changed more lives than the deeds of 100 kings.

grew and flourished

These merchants continued to invest their money in trade and overseas exploration. Profits from these investments enabled merchants and traders to reinvest even more money in other enterprises. As a result, businesses across Europe ______ and _________.

East Indies

Thinking he had successfully reached the _______ ______, Columbus called the surprised inhabitants who greeted him, los indios. The term translated into "Indian," a word mistakenly applied to the native peoples of the Americas. October 12, 1492

land religion

This same peace could not be said of the English. Early relations between English settlers and Native Americans were cooperative, however, these relations quickly worsened over issues of ______ ________.

cultural heritage

To cope with the horrors of slavery, Africans developed a way of life based on their ______ ________. They kept alive such things as their musical traditions as well as the stories of their ancestors.

Duke of York

To the English, New Netherland separated their northern and southern colonies. In 1664, the English king, Charles II, granted his brother, the ______ ___ _____, permission to drive out the Dutch. When the ______'s fleet arrived at New Netherland, the Dutch surrendered without firing a shot. The ______ __ ______ claimed the colony for England and renamed it New York.

horse, cattle, sheep, and pigs

Traffic across the Atlantic did not flow in just one direction, however. Europeans introduced various livestock animals into the Americas. This included _______, _______, _______, and ______.


Unlike the English, the French were less interested in occupying territories than they were in making ________ off the land.

Native Americans

Unlike the French and Dutch, the English sought to populate their colonies in North America. This meant pushing the _______ off their land. The English colonists seized more land for their population grow tobacco and to religious differences also heightened tensions. The English settlers considered ________ _______ heathens, people without a faith. Over time Puritans viewed _______ ________ as agents of the devil and as a threat to their godly society. ______ ________ developed a similarly harsh view of the European invaders.

auctioned and lifelong

Upon arriving in the Americas, captured Africans usually were ________ off to the highest bidder. After being sold, slaves worked in mines or fields or as domestic servants. Slaves lived a grueling existence, living on little food, and in dreary huts. They worked long days and suffered beatings. In much of the Americas, slavery was a _______ condition, as well as a hereditary one.

northern and southern colonies, west indies, england, europe, and africa

Various other transatlantic routes existed. The "triangular" trade encompassed a network of trade routes crisscrossing the _____ and _______ colonies, the _____ _______, _____, ______, and _______.

strong and purchase

Wealth, after all, allowed nations to build ________ navies and ________ vital goods. As a result, the goal of every nation became the attainment of as much wealth as possible.

economic and cultural

While they were unwilling participants in the growth of colonies, African slaves contributed greatly to the _______ and ________ development of the Americas. Their greatest contribution was their labor, without back-breaking work, colonies such as those on Haiti and Barbados may not have survived. In addition to their muscle, enslaved Africans brought their expertise, especially in agriculture. Culture such as art, music, religion, and food also influenced American societies.

South American and Philippines

With about 250 men and five ships, Magellan sailed around the southern end of ______ _______ and into the waters of the Pacific. The fleet sailed for months without seeing land, except for some small islands. After exploring the island of Guam, Magellan and his crew eventually reached the _________. Unfortunately, Magellan became involved in a local war there and was killed.

13 colonies

With the Dutch gone, the English colonized the Atlantic coast of North America. By 1750, about 1.2 million English settlers lived in _____ _______ from Maine to Georgia.

slavery and slave trade

_______ had existed in Africa for centuries. In most regions, it was a relatively minor institution. The spread of Islam into Africa during the seventh century, however, ushered in an increase in ________ and the _____ _______. Muslim rulers in Africa justified enslavement with the Muslim belief that non-Muslim prisoners of war could be bought and sold as _______. As a result, between 650 and 1600, Muslims transported about 17 million Africans to the Muslim lands of North Africa and Southwest Asia.

Measles, mumps, smallpox, and typhus

_______, ________, _________, and ________ were just some of the diseases Europeans were to bring with them to the Americas. Native Americans had never been exposed to these disease, thus they had developed no natural immunity to them. This resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and later millions throughout central Mexico.


__________ occurs when people have more money to spend and thus demand more goods and services. Because the supply of goods is less than the demand for them, the goods become both scarce and more valuable, prices then rise.

United States and Juan Ponce de Leon

reams of new conquest prompted Spain to back a series of expeditions into the southwestern ______ _______. The Spanish had settled in parts of the United States before they even dreamed of building an empire on the American mainland. In 1513, Spanish explorer ____ ____ ____ ______ landed on the coast of modern-day Florida and claimed it for Spain.

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