Chapter 5 and 6 Study Guide

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Discuss the Battle of Bunker Hill.

1,200 minutemen met the British at Lexington. British realized this war would not be easy or fast.

Tell about Thomas Jefferson

32 years old when the Congress met. Brilliant thinker and writer. Wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Tell about John Hancock.

38 years old. Wealthy merchant. Founded many patriot groups. Became president of the Second Continental Congress.

Discuss fighting at Lexington and Concord.

70 minutemen were waiting for the British in the center of Concord.

Explain the Townshend Acts.

After the Stamp Act Parliament passed the Townshend Acts in 1767. They taxed colonists but only through imported goods. The tax had to be paid at the port of entry. Goods taxed were glass, tea, paper, and lead. Colonists had to import these items because they did not produce them.

Explain why Americans won the Revolutionary War. ? (Paragraph Summary: How the Americans won and its effect on the world)

Americans had many advantages throughout the years such as they got to fight on their own ground, Britain having to bring supplies and soldiers thousands of miles away, Britain could not control the countryside, and more. America got help from the Spain and The French. America would not have had success in Yorktown if not for French soldiers. And Spanish aid helped by attacking the British in the Mississippi Valley and along the Gulf of Mexico.

Explain the Intolerable Acts.

Closed Boston Harbor. Massachusetts colonists had to pay for the ruined tea. Took away certain rights of the colonists. Banned town meetings. Colonists could be tried in other colonies or in Britain. Colonists had to shelter redcoats in their own homes.

Discuss the first Continental Congress.

Colonial leaders knew they needed to do more than boycott to gain the liberty they wanted. They needed the colonies to act together in their opposition to British policies. September 1774, 55 men met in Philadelphia. All colonies sent delegates except Georgia. The men had met to establish a political body to represent American interests and challenge British Control. They called the new organization the Continental Congress.

Discuss Common Sense.

Common Sense Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in January 1776. Captured the attention of the colonists and inspired thousands. Paine called for complete independence from Britain. Argued that it was "common sense" to stop following King George's orders and to fight for freedom.

What did the First Continental Congress do?

Drafted a state of grievances - called on Britain to repeal 13 laws that violate their rights.

How did the colonists treat loyalists?

Every state had some Loyalists. Neighbors shunned them.

What is guerilla warfare? Give an example.

Guerrilla Warfare: hit-and-run technique of warfare. Britain received less help than expected from Loyalists in Southern states.

What were the Colonists disadvantages during the Revolutionary War?

Had a population of only 2.5 million. Army lacked military experiences. Weapons and ammunition were in short supply.


Information designed to influence opinion.

Discuss the Olive Branch Petition.

July 1775 Congress sent the petition (formal request) to King George III. It assured the king of the colonists' desire for peace. It asked the king to protect colonists' rights. King George III refused to receive the petition, instead he prepared for war.

Discuss the Battle of Yorktown.

July 1780 French warships with 5,000 soldiers were in Newport, Rhode Island. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in Yorktown. November 1780 Washington was north of New York City waiting for a second fleet of French ships - he planned to attack the British once they arrived. Washington had to wait a year before that second fleet of French ships arrived.

What was the third section of the declaration about?

List of complaints the colonists have against King George. Includes cutting off trade, imposing taxes without consent, etc.

What was the second section of the declaration about?

Lists the rights the colonists believed they should have. Rights include that all men are equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Explain Loyalists.

Loyalists: chose to stay with Britain. Some did not think unfair taxes and regulations good reasons to rebel. Some remained loyal because they didn't want to lose their positions as officeholders. Some were so isolated that they were not experience the discontent that other Americans did. Some expected Britain to win the war and wanted to gain favor with the British.

Explain the Boston Massacre.

March 5, 1770 tensions between the redcoats and colonists peaked. Townspeople used any weapon they could find and marched toward the customhouse. 5 colonists were killed. soldiers were confused and started firing their guns. Colonists spread the word of it being a massacre.

Discuss the Second Continental Congress.

Met on May 10, 1775. Many delegates from the First Continental Congress and new members joined this Congress. Began to cover colonies. Set up a post office. Voted on July 2, to become independent.

Tell about Ben Franklin

One of the most accomplished and respected men in the colonies. An influential member of the Pennsylvania legislature. He represented the colonies in London. Joined second continental congress.

Explain the Sugar Act.

Passed in 1764 by parliament to increase tax revenue. Lowered the tax on molasses to stop colonists from smuggling. Allowed officers to seize goods from smugglers without going to court.

Explain the Stamp Act.

Passed in 1765. Placed a tax on almost all printed material in the colonies. Newspapers, pamphlets, wills, playing cards, license. All printed materials had to have stamp that was given by British officials. So many items were taxed that this law affected almost everyone in the colonies. This act convinced many that there was a need for action.

Explain Patriots.

People who were determined to fight the British until the end, until independence was won.

What are privateers and how did they help in the war?

Privateers: privately owned merchant ships equipped with weapons. American privateers captured more British vessels at sea than did the American navy.

What was the fourth section of the declaration about?

Proclaims the existence of the new nation. Colonies pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. The struggle for American independence, the American independence, had begun.

What was the first section of the declaration about?

States, or introduction. States that people who wish to form a new country should explain their reasons for doing so.

Explain in detail the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence Was created By Thomas Jefferson. It is what gained America it's freedom among Great Britain. It was signed by 56 delegates. And was approved on July 4, 1776.

Discuss the Treaty of Paris.

The Treaty of Paris stated that Great Britain recognized the United States as an independent nation. Britain promised to withdraw all troops from American territory. The US agreed that British merchants could collect any debts owed by Americans.

Explain the Tea Act of 1733.

The act was passed to save the East India Company. The company was able to ship tea to the colonies without paying most of the taxes usually placed on tea. Company was able to sell tea cheaper to colonial stores.

What were the Colonists advantages during the Revolutionary War?

They fought on their own ground. They fought with great determination to protect their land. Britain shipped soldiers and supplies thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean.

What were British advantages during the Revolutionary War?

They had the strongest navy in the world. Had the wealth of a worldwide empire. Had a larger population - 8 million people.

Explain the Boston Tea Party.

Three tea ships arrived in Boston Harbor in late 1773 and refused to turn back. Samuel Adams and the Boston Sons of Liberty were disguised as Mohawks with hatchets marched toward the ships. They threw 342 chests of tea overboard.

Explain the Newburgh Conspiracy.

Washington maintained a strong army in Newburgh, New York after Britain surrendered. American soldiers became angry when Congress refused to pay their pensions and did not provide any other pay. Some officers circulated a letter threatening that if their demands were not met the army would refuse to disband.

Discuss the winter at Valley Forge.

Winter great suffering. lacked cloths food and shelter.

What was a low point for the Continental Army?

Winter of 1776 - 1777

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