Chapter 5 test DRW

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Ezekiel_______ the exiled Jews to Babylon. Prior to Jerusalem's fall he _____ the Chosen People and the nations for their sinful actions and engaged in symbolic actions To________the people into turning from their sins. Later he told the exiled Jews of a new king - a ______- who would make a covenant of with his people of God's________ of the nation.

accompanied, censured, shock, Shepard, restoring

The books of Samuel cover the history of the Israelites from the period of judges until the last year's of the prophet Isaiah. T OR F?


The prophet Jeremiah consistently preached a message of ______, Warning that the people's sins would lead to _______ and death. Once Jerusalem _______ he preached a message of ________. He sometimes taught by an acting living_________, like the time he dramatically shattered a ________ in front of elders and priests.

reoentance, sorrow, fell, hope, parables, clay flask

The two books of kings cover the history of the Israelites from the death of king David until the Babylonian captivity. T OR F.


According to Hosea, what is the antidote for the Israelites infidelity to God?

"For it is loyalty that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings."

_______ united all the_______and became the sole king of the united nation for _______years. In that time, he made _______ the capital and brought the _______ there to witness Gods Permanent presence to the new _____.

David, tribes, 30, Jerusalem, Ark of the Covenant, nation

What did the prophet Ezikial emphasize in his prophecy?

Easy keel emphasized the need to keep the Sabbath and follow the law of holiness

Ezra was a priest and religious reformer Who helped solidify Jewish identity by encouraging marriages between Jews and non-Jews. T or F


The Davidic covenant led the Israelites to believe that the Messiah would come from the line of Samuel to save the chosen people from their enemies


The generations following saw look to him as someone God used in a special way to work out his divine plan into rain as a golden age of Israel. T OR F


The major theological truths in the book of Judges is that the lord fought t for Israel. The book of Joshua explains that the Israelites gained a foothold of the land after about 200 years through a series of major battles. T OR F?


The Davidic dynasty lasted 800 years until the Babylonians conquer the southern kingdom. T OR F

False ; 400 years

The prophet Elijah succeeded Elisha and performed many miracles just like his predecessor, also siding with the poor. T or F

False ; Elisha succeeded Elijah

Isaiah prophesies the building of the new Jerusalem Temple and the nations return there. T or F

False, Ezekiel

The life of Jeremiah parallels the lives of John the Baptists and Moses. T or F

False, John and Jesus

After SolomonSteph, the United Kingdom split into with Solomon's son Jeroboam Rulling the southern kingdom and his servant Rehoboam Rulling the northern kingdom of Judah. T OR F

False; his son Rehoboam ruled the south and his servant Jereboam ruled the north.

What was the religious theme of the period of the Monarch?

Fidelity to God lead to success; disobedience to God leads to disaster.

How did Micah add to the hope that Isaiah had given?

1. He foretold a coming Messiah Who would lead Israel to peace and Justice, 2. He was from Bethlehem and would rule by the strength of the Lord 3. He would gather Gods remnant who would survive the Babylonian captivity

What are three ways Solomons power and splendor corrupted him during the years?

1. Solomon kept many wives whom he had to support and luxury, 2. some of his foreign wives introduced their false gods and caused the Israelites to worship them, 3.;because Israel had a large army with many soldiers and Solomon initiated many building projects, he taxed the Israelites heavily and forced them to labor.

What are four important themes preached by the Old Testament Prophets?

1. Worship the one true God, 2. Be just, especially to the poor, 3. Know that God will ultimately triumph, 4. Accept Gods love and mercy

What was the prophet Amos basic message? What warning did he issue?

Amos basic message was that the worship of God must show itself in concrete deeds of mercy and justice to the weak and the poor. He warned that the many sins of the northern kingdom would lead to the people destruction.

In the absence of a strong central__________, God raises up local __________ leaders called ___________. During this era, Israelite history centers around a cycle of_________: The denial of God and the repudiation of___________.

Authority, military, judges, apostasy, faith

What important lesson did the Babylonian exile teach the chosen people?

God does not tolerate idolatry and pagan worship

What is the Davidic Covenant?

Gods covenant with David ensuring that a leader from is family would always rule Israel.

What sign did Isaiah promise in 7: 14

He promised that the young woman who was pregnant would bear a son called Emmanuel, or (Jesus Christ) who would be the Messiah

What warnings did Samuel issue to the people of Israel's desire for a king?

He warned the people that a human king would draft Israelite children into his army, tax them, and treat them like slaves.

The prophet _______ began preaching in the last years of ________preaching and continued until the fall of Israel. In his preaching Hosea drew on his painful________ situation to describe God's relationship with_______. Like Amos, he saw Israel's worst crimes as_____ and oppression of the ________.

Hosea, Amos's, martial, Israel, idolatry, poor

Why was Elijah considered one of the greatest Old Testament Prophets next to Moses?

The Jews believed that Elijah was the Messiah and would bring peace to the world at the end of time.

What did the profits right about during the post exilic period ?

Issues such as the rebuilding of the temple, the role of priests, and proper worship

King ________ violated the 1st commandment by placing two ________ in the cities of Dan and Bethel for the people to worship. This was motivated by his ________that allowing people of the north to worship in ________ might inspire their loyalty to the southern king, and many of his ________ followed suit.

Jereboam, golden calves, fear, Jerusalem, successors

Most of the inhabitants of________ were deported to Babylon when King ___________ destroy the city in 586 BC. In order to preserve their Jewish identity The exiles encouraged__________ only between Jews, Studied the law, observed the ______, continue to practice________, and met in ______to study and pray together.

Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar, marriage, sabbath, circumcision, synagogues

The Jews returning to_______Were more faithful to the law as a ________ to the nations. They rebuilt Jerusalem and the______, reesablished worship of YHWH, AND _____ the covenant. Those Jews Who chose not to return were open to_____ ideas. However they looked to ______ for leadership, paid the _____ tax, and made ______ to the holy city

Judah, vocation, Temple, renewed, Jerusalem, Temple, pilgrimages

Led by the _________ family, The Jews revolted against the cruel rule of ________. The feast_______ of commemorates this rebellion when Judas Maccabeus recaptured Jerusalem and __________ the Temple. The short-lived independent_________ was formed which brought glory and political______ to the Jews.

Maccabee, Antiochus, Hanukkah, rededicated, dynasty, freedom

The downfall of the_______ kingdom was the result of idolatry. Rather than centering worship and the holy city of_______, Jereboam centered it at two ancient ________, Dan and Bethel. Later, King Ahab allow his wife________, to erect altars to Baal. These practices spread _________throughout the kingdom and led to the _______ of the northern kingdom.

Northern, Jerusalem, shrines, Jezebel, idolatry, destruction

While ruled by the ________ The Jews were not required to practice______, The official Persian religion. When the Persians were_______ by Alexander the great he established_________, and his desire that all concquered people be one nation with classical______ culture as their unifying force.

Persians, Zoroastrianism, conquered, Hellenism, Greek

The Hebrew word for _______ is nabbi which means mouthpiece and the basic message of Israel's Prophets was:____________. They appeared during _______ and Judah's decline and the __________ Exile. Failure to heed the prophets words brought ______.

Prophet, repent and be saved, Israel, Babylonian, doom

Herod the Great was appointed by the _______ as a puppet over Judea and served from 37 to 4 BC and was renowned for his great ______ projects, including the rebuilding of the Jerusalem________. He was a bloodthirsty ruler who called for the execution of________ children. Fortunately Jesus Christ who was born in_________, escaped his wrath.

Romans, building, Temple, male Jewish, Bethlehem

_______ was selected as Israel's first king with_________ approval. His _________ exploits were successful as well as his efforts to unite the ___________. However, when he began to stray from God's ____________, Samuel anointed_________, the greatest of all Israel's kings, while Saul was still king.

Saul, God's, military, tribes, commands, David

What important work was done by Jewish scribes during the Exile?

Scribes gathered Israel's oral traditions and committed them to writing as a permenang record of Gods love toward his people, which became part of Jewish scriptures

During this era the ______ compiled and _______ early texts and oral traditions and the ________ _________ began to resemble its present form. Both the_________ and historical books were completed and the works of the prophets were________. Further, unique works from the postexilic period were produced including the_______, Ezra, and _______.

Scribes, edited, historical books, Chronicles, Nehemiah

King _______ was a powerful and wealthy king who generally enjoyed a peaceful and _______ reign. He ______ the center of Israel's religious life by building the ______ there which proved to be his greatest achievement. Pleased with Solomon God gave him _________, exceptional understanding and _________.

Solomon, prosperous, established, temple, wisdom, knowledge

The end of the_______ kingdom came in 586 BC at the hands of the______, Who would eventually take much of the population into______.Some of King Solomon successors tried to keep Gods______, but eventually the kings_______ with the northern kingdom's Ahaz-Jezebel family, which led to idolatry, _________, and religious worship marked by formality without______ spirit.

Southern, Babylonians, Exile, Covenant, intermarried, injustice, a godly

Why might the relationship with God and the Israelites seem one-sided?

The Israelites were not always faithful friends to the God who rescued them from slavery, guided them with his law, gave them a land, sent judges and kings to defend them from their enemies, gave them profits to correct them when they went astray.

Who were the famous lost tribes of Israel?

The Israelites who were deported into exile by the king of the Assyria

Explain how the prophet Isaiah is unique.

The book of Isaiah is a collection of prophecies spanning 250 yrs. it is divided to reflect the different eras.

Explain how obedience to God was the key to success.

The book of Joshua emphasizes that the Israelites had God support against their enemies, but only when they were faithful.

What period do the books of Joshua and Judges cover? What story do they tell?

The old testament books of Joshua and Judges presents the Israelites history from the time of Moses' death to the beginning of the monarchy. They tell the story of the Israelites settlement in the promised land and their interactions with their Canaanite neighbors.

What did the prophet Isaiah 40-55 make clear about the actions of king Cyrus of Persia?

The prophet of Isaiah 40-55 made it clear that it was the all powerful creator God ,the source of everything ,who truly deliver his chosen people, although king Cyrus was the lords instrument because he aloud them to return

What were the basic tasks of those who shaped post exilic Judaism?

Their basic tasks were to rebuild the temple and to renew the covenant in the hearts of the people

How did the prophetic message of both Jeremiah and Ezekiel change from the time before and after the Exile?

Their prophecies changed from calls of repentance and warnings of doom to words of consolation and hope once doom struck

All of the profits of the postexilic period referenced and prefigure Jesus Christ in one way or another. T or F


Because the prophets responsibility was to tell authorities what they were doing wrong, it was a thankless job that made them unpopular. T or F


Despite his greatness, King David had his faults including the sins of adultery and murder. T or F


In the postexilic period Rabbis and scribes became increasingly important religious figures both within and outside the holy land. T or F


Isaiahs reference to Emmanuel is a prophecy about Jesus Christ. T or F


Israel fell apart despite the judges help because of their on faithfulness unlawfulness. T OR F.


Jews who compiled the Bible did not consider the Northern kingdoms faith to be authentic to YHWH because they did not worship in Jerusalem. T or F


Samuel was a wise priest and prophet, and Israel's last and most significant judge, Who helped the people to avoid idolatry. T OR F


The "nonwriting" group of profits are those that did not leave behind their own writings like Amos and Hosea


The hopeful message of the author of Isaiah 40-55Came to pass when the Persian empire conquered the Babylonian empire and Gods remnant returned to Jerusalem. T or F


The mutual distrust between the Jews and Samaritans came aboutBecause the Samaritans were a mixed population of both isreal and Assyrian decent Who worship false gods at Dan in Bethel. T or F


The prophets Amos and Hosea were two prophets of social justice who challenged a king Jereboam the 2nd and his successors who permitted the worship of Baals and exploitation to the poor. T or F


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