Chapter 5 Tissues

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Where is transitional Epithelium found

Inner lining of urinary bladder

The cardiac cells are connected to each other by ___________

Intercalated disks

Includes neuroglial cells

Nervous Tissue

Contains neurons and neuroglial cells

Nervous tissue

Coordinates, regulates, and integrates body functions

Nervous tissue

Transmits impulses along cellular processes

Nervous tissue

Skeletal Muscle may have several


Where are nervous Tissue found

Brain, Spina, cord, peripheral nerves

Where is simple columnar found

Lining of uterus, stomach, and intestines

What is the purpose of microvilli

Absorption of nutrients

Simple cuboidal function in _______ and ______ in the kidneys and _______ in the glands

Absorption, secretion, secretion

Commonly called fat

Adipose Tissue

Provides stored energy supply

Adipose Tissue

Cells greatly enlarged with nuclei pushed to sides

Adipose tissue

Functions as heat insulators beneath skin

Adipose tissue

Provides stored energy supply in fat vacuoles

Adipose tissue

Glands that lose portions of their cells bodies during secretion (mammary glands)


Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue

Are made up of tightly packed cells containing little intercellular material, generally lack blood vessels, and are replaced frequently, tend to have prominent nuclei when viewed under a microscope

Binds skin to underlying organs

Areolar tissue

Forms delicate thin layers between muscles

Areolar tissue

Why can't we classify transitional Epithelium as to shape

Because it changes in response to increase tension

Where is adipose Tissue located

Beneath the skin, around kidneys, behind eyeballs, on surface of heart

Where is fibrocartilage found

Between vertebrae

What is the main function of loose fibrous connective (areolar)

Bind organs, hold tissue fluid, hold body parts together

Function of connective Tissue

Bind, support, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells, protect against infections, and repair tissue damage

Contains large amounts of fluid and lacks fibers


Cells arranged around central canal


The most rigid connective Tissue


Which tissue is a pretty tissue because of the arrangement of cells

Bone cells

Has intercalated discs

Cardiac Muscle

Contains intercalated discs

Cardiac muscle

Muscle that composes heart

Cardiac muscle

Striated and involuntary

Cardiac muscle

Definition of tissue

Cells are arragned in tissues that provide specific functions for the body

How are loose fibrous connective (areolar) arranged

Cells are widely separated with fibers loosely packed

Blood: is composed of _____ and a liquid _____

Cells, plasma

Cartilage cells are called


What specialized cell is often found with columnar Epithelium

Ciliary goblet

How are bone cells arranged

Concentric circles around osteolic canals interconnected by canaculi

What shape is cuboidal Epithelium


Function of macrophages

Defend against infection

Main Tissue of tendons and ligaments

Dense fibrous connective Tissue

How are collagenous fibers arranged in dense fibrous connective Tissue to make it tough

Density packed

What is simple Epithelium best suited for


Why do pseudo stratified ciliated columnar looked layered

Due to varying positions of nuclei

Where is elastic cartilage found


Forms framework of outer ear

Elastic cartilage

What shape is columnar cell


What is considered to be organs because they are composed of more than one type of tissue

Epithelial Membranes

Four Main Types of Tissues

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, Nervous

Epithelial Membranes are composed of a layer of of _______ tissue and layer of _______ tissue

Epithelial, connective

Glands that secrete products into ducts are called _______ glands; those that secrete into body fluids and blood are called ______

Exocrine, endocrine

Adipose is a specialized loose connective Tissue designed to store


What is the main cell type found in areolar Tissue


What are the four main cell types

Fibroblast, Macrophages, Mast Cells

Acts as a shock absorber


Forms pad between vertebrae


Pads between vertebrae that are shock absorber


Which is the toughest cartilage


What shape are the top cells of Squamous Epithelium

Flat and scale like

Elastic: is so named because it is _______


What is a holocrine gland

Gland that relies entire cell that disintegrate to release cell secretions

What is an apocrine gland

Glands that lose small portions of their glandular cell bodies during secretion

What is a mecocrine gland

Glands that release fluid by exocytosis

What is an exocrine gland

Glands that secrete their products into ducts that open onto surfaces such as skin or the lining of the digestive tract

What is an endocrine gland

Glands that secrete their products into tissue fluid or blood

What does ciliated mean

Having cilia on the cell surface

Cardiac Muscle if found in the _____

Heart walls

Gland that release entire cells (oil glands in the skin)


Forms the ring around the windpipe

Hyaline Cartilage

Makes up the soft part of nose

Hyaline Cartilage

Forms supporting rings of respiratory passages

Hyaline cartilage

Forms the flexible soft part of nasal septum

Hyaline cartilage

Which is the most common type of cartilage

Hyaline cartilage

Is cardiac muscle voluntary or involuntary?


Is smooth muscle involuntary or voluntary


Why is transitional Epithelium found in the inner lining of urinary bladder

Keep urine from diffusing

List several places you are likely to find simple Epithelium

Lungs, blood vessels, lymph vessels

Where is one place you would find apocrine glands

Mammary glands

Where is stratified cuboidal found

Mammary glands

Where is skeletal Muscle found

Muscles usually attached to bones

Gland that release fluid products by exocytosis (pancreas) and are grouped as serous which produce a thicker, protective substance


In intestinal cells, the surface area is increased with _______


What is bones matriz composed of

Mineral salts

In stratified cuboidal what is the advantage of several layers

More protection, has more blood cells so it heals faster

How many layers is stratified Epithelial Tissue

More than one

What is the general function of all muscle tissue

Move body parts

Skeletal muscles are long so they are called

Muscle fibers

How many layers is simple Epithelial Tissue


How many nuclei does smooth muscle have

One in each cell

What are bone cells called


Where are you likely to find keratin

Outer layer of skin

Where is stratified columnar found

Part of male urethra

What does keratinized mean

Produces a covering of dry, tough, protective, material that prevents water and other substances from escaping underlying tissue and block various chemicals from entering

What is stratified Squamous Epithelium best suited for


Function of Epithelial Tissue

Protection, secretion, absorption, excretion

Commonly possesses cilia that move dust and mucus out of the airways

Pseudostratified Epithelium

Forms lining of trachea and bronchi

Pseudostratified Epithelium

Nuclei located a different levels within cell

Pseudostratified Epithelium

Appears layered but is only one layer

Pseudostratified columnar Epithelium

Lines respiratory passages

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Function of mast cells

Release heparin and histamine

Where is one place you would find merocrine glands

Salivary glands

Where is one place you would find holocrine glands

Sebaceous gland of skin

Function of fibroblast

Secrete fibers

What is the function of ciliary goblet

Secrete mucus

What is neurons function

Sense certain types of changes in surrounding

Main tissue of tendons and ligaments

Sense connective tissue

Found in the tiny air sacs of lungs

Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Single layer of flat cells

Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Lines the intestines

Simple columnar Epithelial Tissue

One layer of elongated cells

Simple columnar Epithelial Tissue

Forms lining do stomach and intestines

Simple columnar Epithelium

Nuclei located near basement embrace

Simple columnar Epithelium

Lines the most of kidney tubules

Simple cuboidal Epithelial Tissue

Lines kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands

Simple cuboidal Epithelium

Forms walls of capillaries and air sac of lungs

Simple squamous Epithelium

Single layer of flattened cells

Simple squamous epithelium

Type of tissue that controls voluntary movements

Skeletal Muscle

Muscle attached to to bones

Skeletal muscle

Striated and voluntary

Skeletal muscle

Type of tissue found in the stomach

Smooth muscke

Muscle that lacks striations

Smooth muscle

Moves good through digestive tract

Smooth muscle tissue

What are three different types of muscle tissue

Smooth, skeletal, cardiac

Reticular fiber characteristics

Soft and colorless

What is the shape of smooth muscle cells

Spindle cells

Forms lining of oral cavity, anal canal, and vagina

Stratford squamous Epithelium

Consists of many layers of flats cells

Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Lines the oral cavity

Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue

The outer layer of skin

Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Younger cells cuboidal, older cells flattened

Stratified squamous Epithelium

Skeletal Muscle appear striped and are said to be


Smooth muscle is striped so it is said to be _____


What are neuroglia cells functions

Support and nourish Tissues

Where are cilia found

Surface facing lumen of certain passageways

Where can we look for dense fibrous connective Tissue

Tendons and ligaments

Collagenous fibers characteristics

Tough and silvery white

Changes in response to increased tension

Transitional Epithelial Tissue

Forms the inner lining of the bladder

Transitional Epithelial Tissue

Consists of several layers of cube-shaped, elongated, and irregulares cells

Transitional Epithelium

Forms inner lining to urinary bladder

Transitional Epithelium

What is bloods function

Transports substances, helps maintain a stable internal environment

Is skeletal Muscle voluntary or involuntary


Where is smooth muscle found

Walls of hollow internal organs

Where are Epithelial Tissue found

Widespread throughout the body, covers organs, and lines body surfaces

Elastic fiber characteristics

Yellowish and has elasticity

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