Chapter 6- Choosing a Topic
Central Idea made by the speech usually stated in a single sentence.
Identify- the characteristics of a good topic
1. Importance to the speaker- you have to have interest because if you don't your audience wont. 2. Interest to the Audience- gain interest of the audience by adding information they may not know. 3. Worthy of listeners time- don't makes they audience like they have wasted their time 4. Appropriateness of scope- Do something you can appropriately cover in the amount of time of have for a speech. 5. Appropriateness fro oral delivery- make sure the topic isn't to complex for a speech
Strategic planning
An identification of the objectives to be sought in a speech and the means for achieving them. 1. Identify the Purpose- Can achieve a particular goal 2. Identify the constraints- Factor beyond your control 3. Identify the opportunities- Choice you can make 4. Select the means- how you will present to the audience to accomplish your outcome
Come form Audience and Occasion 1. Audiences in general - Use interesting examples or you will lose their attention 2. Your specific audience analysis- Make sure your analysis keeps your audience focused on your topic 3. Ethos as a speaker- Gaining the audience is crucial for them to take you as a serious speaker of the topic. 4. Nature of your Topic- make it interesting instead of boggling the audience down with details 5. Rhetorical Situation- The impact that one speech may have one the audience
Specific purpose
Statement of a particular outcome sought from the audience
Specific purpose of a speech
The outcome the speaker is wanting to reach. 1. Provide new information or perspective 2. Agenda Setting 3. Creating positive or negative feelings 4. Strengthening commitment 5. Weakening commitment 6. Conversion 7. Including a specific action
You should have an advantage over the audience more knowledge on your topic. Using your analysis to persuade the audience. There is no right or wrong way to present information. That will depend on the type of audience you'll have.
General purpose
overall goal providing new information, perspectives, agenda setting, creating positive or negative feelings strengthening commitment, weakening commitment, conversion, specific action