Chapter 6 Intro to Research Methods

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_______ design seeks to compare outcomes observed in two jurisdictions over time, where policing practice is changed in one but not in the other.

An Interrupted time series

____ must precede ____ in time for causal inference

Cause, effect

If we repeatedly study a population of subjects over time, where each time we randomly draw a new sample from those who graduated from high school in 2000, we are conducting a ______ study.


____ group is the term used in quasi-experimental designs for the subjects that are not subject to the test conditions.


____ groups get no treatment and serves as a basis for comparison.


___ variables are the responses.


A _____ experiment design may be applied so that neither the subjects nor the experimenters know which group subjects are in.


While issues of validity are a challenge to all research designs, _____ designs are more effective in addressing these issues than alternative designs.


____ groups receive the treatment condition.


____ variables are the potential causes.


_____ groups is the term used when the groups being studied are not drawn from a common subject pool.


A _____ is conducted before subjects receive the experimental condition.


_____ sampling reduces the effects of systematic bias when selecting study subjects.


Quasi-experimental design may be used when _____.

Randomized assignment of groups is not possible.

A ____ relationship must exist between variables to infer a causal relationship.


A _____ is conducted after subjects receive the experimental condition.


Laboratory experiments are rare in social and behavioral science, except for branches of _____.


A causal relationship cannot be due to a ____.

spurious variable

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