Chapter 6 - US History

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How much did the Louisiana Territory cost?

$15 million


*Jefferson corps of discovery led by Lewis and Clark *Explored the new regions resources *Captured the public imagination, and gave the United States to the claims Oregon Country.

War of 1812

*RENEWAL OF THE EUROPEAN WAR IN 1803 CREATEDTHE TREATY OF GHENT ENDED THE WAR OF 1812* 1. Britain's seizure of American ships and impressment of sailors. 2. America's resentment of Britain. 3. American belief that British were arming Native Americans and inciting them to riot. 4. American "War Hawks" wanting to annex Florida and Canada.

How many state militia troops did George Washington lead into Pennsylvania to squash the rebellion?


Bayard v. Singleton

1787 - First court decision in which a law was found unconstitutional based on a written constitution.

What year did George Washington appointed Anthony Wayne


Jay's Treaty

1794 - It was signed in the hopes of settling the growing conflicts between the U.S. and Britain. It dealt with the Northwest posts and trade on the Mississippi River. It was unpopular with most Americans because it did not punish Britain for the attacks on neutral American ships. It was particularly unpopular with France, because the U.S. also accepted the British restrictions on the rights of neutrals.

Pickney's Treaty

1795 - Treaty between the U.S. and Spain which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi river and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans.

XYZ Affair, Talleyrand

1798 - A commission had been sent to France in 1797 to discuss the disputes that had arisen out of the U.S.'s refusal to honor the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. President Adams had also criticized the French Revolution, so France began to break off relations with the U.S. Adams sent delegates to meet with French foreign minister Talleyrand in the hopes of working things out. Talleyrand's three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe. The Americans did not pay the bribe, and in 1798 Adams made the incident public, substituting the letters "X, Y and Z" for the names of the three French agents in his report to Congress.

Treaty of Sam Ildefonso

1800 - In this treaty, Spain gave the Louisiana territory back to France (France had lost it to Spain in the Seven Years War).

Toussaint L'Overture

1803 - Led a slave rebellion which took control of Haiti, the most important island of France's Caribbean possessions. The rebellion led Napoleon to feel that New World colonies were more trouble than they were worth, and encouraged him to sell Louisiana to the U.S.

Louisiana Purchase: reasons, Jefferson, loose construction

1803 - The U.S. purchased the land from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains from Napoleon for $15 million. Jefferson was interested in the territory because it would give the U.S. the Mississippi River and New Orleans (both were valuable for trade and shipping) and also room to expand. Napoleon wanted to sell because he needed money for his European campaigns and because a rebellion against the French in Haiti had soured him on the idea of New World colonies. The Constitution did not give the federal government the power to buy land, so Jefferson used loose construction to justify the purchase.

Lewis and Clark expedition and its findings

1804-1806 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region. Beginning at St. Louis, Missouri, the expedition travelled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It produced extensive maps of the area and recorded many scientific discoveries, greatly facilitating later settlement of the region and travel to the Pacific coast.

Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

1807 - The American ship Chesapeake refused to allow the British on the Leopard to board to look for deserters. In response, the Leopard fired on the Chesapeake. As a result of the incident, the U.S. expelled all British ships from its waters until Britain issued an apology. They surrendered the colony to the English on Sept. 8, 1664.

Bank war: Veto message by Andrew Jackson

1832 - President Jackson vetoed the bill to recharter the national bank.

George Washington did how many terms?


How many electoral votes did Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams by?

8 votes

XYZ Affair

A 1797 incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats

"Rule of 1756"

A British proclamation that said that neutral countries could not trade with both of two warring nations; they had to chose sides and only trade with one of the nations. This justified Britain's seizure of neutral American ships during the war between Britain and France in the early 1800s.

Justice Samuel Chase

A Federalist judge appointed by Washington to the Supreme Court. Chase had been a Revolutionary War hero, and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson disagreed with his rulings and had him impeached for publicly criticizing the Jefferson administration to the Maryland grand jury. Chase was acquited by the Senate, and the impeachment failed. (This is the only attempt in history to impeach a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.)


A ban on trade

Bejamin Banneker

A black man who was hired by Andrew Ellicott to help survey the land of the Capital


A chief who had refused to sign the Treaty of Greenville in 1795.

Convention of 1800

A conference between the U.S. and France which ended the naval hostilities.

War Hawks

A group of younger congressmen, mostly from the West calling for war with Britain. The new generation of political leaders had come of age after the winning of independence and were ardent nationalists.

What was the long lasting impact?

A positive reputation for america and the establishment of the Navy

The Prophet (Tenskwatawa)

A religious prophet who called for complete separation from whites, the revival of traditional Indian culture, and resistance to federal policies.

Citizen Genet

A representative of the French government who arrived in Charleston, SC in April 1793; raised the question of how Washington should receive him, which would reflect on how Washington viewed the French revolutionary government; eventually received.


A state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional

Excise Tax

A tax on all whiskey distilled within the US; part of Hamilton's financial program; might reduce the consumption of whiskey; affects westerners.

Excise Tax

A tax placed on luxury goods.

Whiskey Tax

A tax placed on the production of whiskey

Supreme Court: Ware v. Hylton, 1796

A treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain required that all debts owed by the U.S. to Britain had to be paid in full. However, a Virginia statute said that American debts to Britain could be paid in depreciated currency. The Supreme Court upheld the treaty, proving that federal laws take precedence over state laws.

War of 1812 (1812-1814)

A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Also, a war against Britain gave the U.S. an excuse to seize the British northwest posts and to annex Florida from Britain's ally Spain, and possibly even to seize Canada from Britain. The War Hawks (young westerners led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun) argued for war in Congress. The war involved several sea battles and frontier skirmishes. U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson seized Florida and at one point the British managed to invade and burn Washington, D.C. The Treaty of Ghent (December 1814) restored the status quo and required the U.S. to give back Florida. Two weeks later, Andrew Jackson's troops defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans, not knowing that a peace treaty had already been signed. The war strengthened American nationalism and encouraged the growth of industry.

The economic effects of the 1807 embargo & the War of 1812

A. Was Jefferson's attempt to keep the country at peace and avoid further provocative incidents B. Stopped the export of American goods and prohibited all U.S. ships from leaving for foreign ports C. Was denounced by New England merchants and western and Southern farmers alike

Loose Construction

AKA broad-constructionist interpretation; a more liberal, loose interpretation of the Constitution; Hamilton.

Who is Thomas Jefferson's running mate

Aaron Burr

Vice-President Burr

Aaron Burr was one of the leading Democratic-Republicans of New york, and served as a U.S. Senator from New York from 1791-1797. He was the principal opponent of Alexander Hamilton's Federalist policies. In the election of 1800, Burr tied with Jefferson in the Electoral College. The House of Representatives awarded the Presidency to Jefferson and made Burr Vice- President.

Who was sent to help win over America's support

Admond Genet

Hamilton-Burr duel

After Burr lost to Jefferson as a Republican, he switched to the Federalist party and ran for governor of New York. When he lost, he blamed Hamilton (a successful Federalist politician) of making defamatory remarks that cost him the election. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel, in which Hamilton was killed on July 11, 1804.

Burr expedition, treason trial

After the duel, Burr fled New York and joined a group of mercenaries in the southern Louisiana territory region. The U.S. arrested them as they moved towards Mexico. Burr claimed that they had intended to attack Mexico, but the U.S. believed that they were actually trying to get Mexican aid to start a secession movement in the territories. Burr was tried for treason, and although Jefferson advocated Burr's punishment, the Supreme Court acquitted Burr.

Sec. of Treasury Gallatin

Albert Gallatin was a Swiss immigrant who was a financial genius and served as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1801 - 1814 under Presidents Jefferson and Madison. He advocated free trade and opposed the Federalists' economic policies. Gallatin was a member of the U.S. delegation that negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, and later served as Ambassador to France and to Britain.

First treasurer

Alexander Hamilton

Who grew up as an orphan

Alexander Hamilton

Who did they help/hurt? Alien and Sedition Acts

Alien hurt immigrants trying to keep them out of the country, sedation hurt the press and free speech

Tripolitan War (1801-1805)

Also called the Barbary Wars, this was a series of naval engagements launched by President Jefferson in an effort to stop the attacks on American merchant ships by the Barbary pirates. The war was inconclusive, afterwards, the U.S. paid a tribute to the Barbary states to protect their ships from pirate attacks.

John Adams

America's first Vice-President and second President. Sponsor of the American Revolution in Massachusetts, and wrote the Massachusetts guarantee that freedom of press "ought not to be restrained."

Why was the Mississippi River and New Orleans so desireable?

American trade went through there and New Orleans controlled the Mississippi river

Who replaced Pirre L'Enfant?

Andrew Ellicott

Charles Pinckney

Apart of the negotiation in France to get our ships back

Chesapeake Incident

Attack in 1807 by the British ship Leopard on the American ship Chesapeake in American territorial waters

Embargo Act of 1807

Attempt to exert economic pressure by prohibiting all exports from the United States, instead of waging war in reaction to continued British impressment of American sailors.

Why was Washington, DC chosen as the capital?

Because Jefferson lobbied for it to be further south, and it was planned to be in a profitable and beneficial area

Northwest posts

British fur-trading posts in the Northwest territory. Their presence in the U.S. led to continued British-American conflicts.


British laws which led to the War of 1812. Orders-in-council passed in 1807 permitted the impressment of sailors and forbade neutral ships from visiting ports from which Britain was excluded unless they first went to Britain and traded for British goods.


British seamen often deserted to join the American merchant marines. The British would board American vessels in order to retrieve the deserters, and often seized any sailor who could not prove that he was an American citizen and not British.

Who did the natives side with

Brits and the US

How did Alexander Hamilton create the National Bank?

By promising Jefferson to move the nation's capital further south, in DC instead of New York

Alien and Sedition Acts

Changed time to become a citizen 5 to 14 years

Alexander Hamilton

Chief political thinker, treasury/secretary, fiscal policies always aimed at consolidating national power, regarded his fellow humans with unvarnished cynicism because he believed everyone was motivated by economic self-interest.

who passed the new tax on whiskey?


War Hawks

Congressman from the South and West who pushed for war against the British and war defense of "national honor " and to rid the Northwest of the Indian problems


Congressmen who declare war

Why are there political parties

Could not agree on power and size of the government

Agrarian Economy

Democratic Republican

strong state government

Democratic Republican


Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson against Federalist Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Jefferson easily defeated Pinckney in the first presidential election conducted following the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

what are the 3 executive departments

Dept of state, dept of war, dept of treasury

what was the debate of Jefferson and Hamilton over?

Difference in economy

The Capital moved from NY to where?

District of Columbia

Treaty of Greenville, 1795

Drawn up after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The 12 local Indian tribes gave the Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exchange for a reservation and $10,000.

Bank war: its enemies and defenders

During Jackson's presidency, this was a struggle between those who wanted to keep the national bank in operation and those who wanted to abolish it. Jackson and states' rights advocates opposed the national bank, which they felt imposed discriminatory credit restrictions on local banks, making it more difficult for farmers and small businessmen to obtain loans. The bank was defended by Nicholas Biddle and Henry Clay, the National Republicans, the wealthy, and larger merchants, who felt that local banks credit policies were irresponsible and would lead to a depression.

Spanish intrigue in the Southwest

During the late 1700s/early 1800s Spain was exploring and settling the region which is now the Southwest U.S. The Spanish used the Indians of Florida and Georgia as spies and encouraged the tribes to raid U.S. settlements, which contributed to the outbreak of the War of 1812 . Zebulon Pike used his expedition to the West as an opportunity to spy on the Spanish and map out their land.

Citizen Genêt

Edmond Charles Genêt. A French diplomat who came to the U.S. 1793 to ask the American government to send money and troops to aid the revolutionaries in the French Revolution. President Washington asked France to recall Genêt after Genêt began recruiting men and arming ships in U.S. ports. However, Washington later relented and allowed Genêt U.S. citizenship upon learning that the new French government planned to arrest Genêt.

Who was the first attorney general

Edmund Randolph

Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Ended the War of 1812 between the United States and Britain.

Whiskey Rebellion

Farmers in Pennsylvania protested the tax on Whiskey

Strong Central Government


What party did Marshall favor?


Federalist opposition to the Louisiana Purchase

Federalists opposed it because they felt Jefferson overstepped his Constitutional powers by making the purchase.

Marbury v. Madison, 1803

First U.S. Supreme Court decision to declare a federal law - the Judiciary Act of 1801 - Unconstitutional.

Bill of Rights

First ten amendments to the U.S. constitution, adopted in 1791 to guarantee individual rights against infringement by the federal government.

Revolution of 1800

First time that an American political party surrendered power to the opposition party; Jefferson, a Republican, had defeated incumbent Adams, a federalist, for president.


Forcing of US sailors to serve in the British army

War of 1812

Fought with Britain, 1812-1814, over issues that included impressment of American sailors, interference with shipping, and collusion with Northwest Territory Indians; settled by the Treaty of Ghent in 1814.

Alien and Sedition Acts

Four measures passed during the undeclared war with France that limited the freedoms of speech and press and restricted the liberty of non-citizens.

George Washington died and it made things better with who


British seizure of American ships

France blocked English ports during the Napoleonic Wars of the early 1800s; England responded by blocking French ports. The British seized neutral American merchant ships which tried to trade at French ports.

XYZ Affair

French foreign minister Tallyrand's three anonymous agents demanded payments to stop French plundering of American ships in 1797; refusal to pay the bribe was followed by two years of undeclared sea war with France.

Treaty of Greenville

Gave Miami 20,000 worth of goods and annual payment of 10,000

Who is the head of the government

George Washington

who established the two year limit on presidential terms

George Washington

Ending the Whiskey Rebellion

George Washington led 13,000 troops to put down the rebellion The size of the army scared the rebels; they left without fighting

Federalist supported who


Who sided with the rich part of america


President Jefferson

He believed in a less aristocratic presidency. He wanted to reduce federal spending and government interference in everyday life. He was a Democratic-Republican (originally an Anti- Federalist), so he believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson

He did not believe that president should use force to stop the Whiskey Rebellion.

Why did Hamilton and Burr get in a duel?

He did not like the way that Hamilton wanted to run things

Federalists are upset so Thomas Jefferson does what

He resigns

Alexander Hamilton

He urged President Washington to send in troops to squash the rebellion.

Washington's Farewell Address

He warned against the dangers of political parties and foreign alliances.

Hamilton wanted to do what during Bloody Reign of Terror

Help Great Britain

secretary of war

Henry Knox

Why did we go to war with Great Britain?

Impressment, expansion, weapons-natives, shipping disputes.

Rutgers v. Waddington, 1784

In 1783, the New York State Legislature passed the Trespass Act, which allowed land owners whose property had been occupied by the British during the Revolution to sue for damages. Rutgers sued in the Mayor's Court over the seizure of her brewery, and the Mayor, James Duane, declared the Act void because it conflicted with a provision of the Treaty of Paris. It was the first time a U.S. court had declared a law unconstitutional, and was an important precedent for the later U.S. Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison.

Why is the election of 1800 also known as the Revolution of 1800?

In what is sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800", Vice President Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party defeated President John Adams of the Federalist Party. The election was a realigning election that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican rule.


In what state did the Whiskey Rebellion take place?

How did the Louisiana Purchase garner praise at the time of the deal and still today?

Increased the size of the nation established New OrleansGot trade access to Mississippi RiverEconomic benefits (trade, agriculture, natural resources)


It Led to the debate on the nature of the constitution *Federalist Feared the addition of new territories would strengthen the republicans. *Nowhere did the Constitution mention the purchase of territory. *Many thought growing rate of westward driving up wages reducing Atlantic cost

The Alien and Sedition Acts What did they show Adams?

It showed that new laws were made and those laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote.

bloody reign of terror

Jacobins took over beheaded Louis XVI

Who sided with the poor side of America


Jefferson's Inaugural Address, "We are all Federalists, we are all Republicans"

Jefferson (a Republican) declared that he wanted to keep the nation unified and avoid partisan conflicts.

Aaron Burr

Jefferson's Vice President; killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel

Revolution of 1800

Jefferson's election changed the direction of the government from Federalist to Democratic- Republican, so it was called a "revolution."

Adams calls the three men as X, Y, Z

Jerry, John and charles

Who is the first Vice President

John Adams

Who was president during the time?

John Adams

Who was responsible for the Midnight Judges?

John Adams

The Election of 1796 President/Party

John Adams/ Federalist

Leader of the warhawks

John C Calhoun (South Carolina) Henry Clay (Kentucky)

who was the best appointment that John Adams ever appointed?

John Marshall

What principle was created in Marbury and Madison?

Judical review

When was the Bastille

July 14, 1789

Adams and Jefferson died on what day

July 4, 1826

Undeclared naval war with France

Late 1790s - Beginning in 1794, the French had began seizing American vessels in retaliation for Jay's Treaty, so Congress responded by ordering the navy to attack any French ships on the American coast. The conflict became especially violent after the X,Y, Z Affair. A peace convention in 1800 with the newly installed dictator, Napoleon, ended the conflict.

What purchase doubled the size of the United States?

Louisiana Territory


Loyalty to a region


Loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole

Hartford Convention

Meeting of New England Federalists on December 15, 1814, to protest the War of 1812; proposed seven constitutional amendments, but the war ended before Congress could respond.

How did Marshall become a Supreme Court Justice?

Midnight appointments and appointed by john Adams

Where did Thomas Jefferson live?


Who was not invited to Treaty of Paris 83'

Native Americans

Role of Lewis and Clark

Natural resources and established good relations with natives

The Quasi-War

Naval war

Trevett v. Weeden, 1786-1787

Occurred under the Articles of Confederation, when each state had a different type of currency. Acts passed by the Rhode Island Legislature imposed heavy fines on those who refused to accept the state's depreciated currency at face value. Weeden was acquitted on the grounds that the acts were unconstitutional.

Northwestern territory

Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan

Federalist control of courts and judges, midnight judges

On his last day in office, President Adams appointed a large number of Federalist judges to the federal courts in an effort to maintain Federalist control of the government. (The Federalists had lost the presidency and much of Congress to the Republicans.) These newly-appointed Federalist judges were called midnight judges because John Adams had stayed up until midnight signing the appointments.

Federalist Party

One of the two first national political parties; led by George Washington, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton, it favored a strong central government.

Democratic-Republican Party

Organizations created in the mid-1790s by opponents of the policies of the Washington administration and supporters of the French Revolution.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Passed by the Virginia and the Kentucky legislatures; written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, the resolutions advanced the state-compact theory of the Constitution. Virginia's resolution called on the federal courts to protect free speech. Jefferson's draft for Kentucky stated that a state could nullify federal law, but this was deleted.

The election of 1796 Vice President/Party

Pinckney Federalists

French engineer, later fired by George Washington for being Obstinate

Pirre L'Enfant

what did Jefferson want?

Power of the states

Louisiana Purchase

President Thomas Jefferson's 1803 purchase from France of the important port of New Orleans and 828,000 square miles west of the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains; it more than doubled the territory of the United States at a cost of only $15 million.

Clay's American System

Proposed after the War of 1812, it included using federal money for internal improvements (roads, bridges, industrial improvements, etc.), enacting a protective tariff to foster the growth of American industries, and strengthening the national bank.

First Bank of the United States

Proposed by the first secretary of the treasury, Alexander Hamilton, the bank opened in 1791 and operated until 1811 to issue a uniform currency, make business loans, and collect tax monies.

George Washington did what during Bloody Reign of Terror

Remained Neutral

Lewis and Clark

Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.

Alien and sedition acts

Series of four laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants

Sedition act

Set fines and jail terms for anyone hindering the government

How does America achieve Manifest Destiny?

Settlers were meant to expand to North America and take over land from coast to coast

Effects of the Whiskey Rebellion

Showed that the Federal government had the right to tax Americans ins all states and had to power to make sure people paid the tax

Causes of the Whiskey Rebellion

Small farmers made lots of money by making whiskey The Whiskey Tax made small farmers angry; they did not want to pay this tax.

Strict Constructionist

Southerners who insisted that the federal government could only exercise powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

Who controls everything under the 31st parallel


Pinckney's Treaty

Spain gives up claimes east of the Miss. River, opened the miss. river to the US

Neutrality Proclamation of 1793

Spoken when Washington received Genêt, he declared that the US would adopt "a conduct friendly and impartial toward the belligerent powers."

James Madison

Strict constructionist, 4th president, father of the Constitution, leads nation through War of 1812.

Hamilton's Group

Strong central government, federalists

What did Hamilton want?

Strong federal government

Jefferson's group

Strong state government, Republicans

Shawnees leader


The XYZ Affair What did it show about America?

That as a nation they would not back down or fall victim to intimidation

Midnight Judges

The 16 judges that were added by the Judiciary Act of 1801 that were called this because Adams signed their appointments late on the last day of his administration.

Changes in federal land laws and policies

The Land Acts of 1800 and 1820, and the Preemptive Acts of the 1830s and 1840s lowered the price of land and made it easier for prospective settlers to acquire it. This encouraged people to move west.

George Washington

The first president, former Revolutionary War leader, had a hand in creating the Constitution, acted cautiously during his first few months in office because he knew he was setting precedents.

Supreme Court: Chisholm v. Georgia

The heirs of Alexander Chisholm (a citizen of South Carolina) sued the state of Georgia. The Supreme Court upheld the right of citizens of one state to sue another state, and decided against Georgia.

British Impressment

The kidnapping of sailors, including American citizens of British origin, to serve in their navy.

Barbary pirates

The name given to several renegade countries on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa who demanded tribute in exchange for refraining from attacking ships in the Mediterranean. From 1795-1801, the U.S. paid the Barbary states for protection against the pirates. Jefferson stopped paying the tribute, and the U.S. fought the Barbary Wars (1801-1805) against the countries of Tripoli and Algeria. The war was inconclusive and the U.S. went back to paying the tribute.

"Whiskey Boys"

The nickname given to the rebels who refused to pay the whiskey tax.

What was the long lasting impact of Midnight appointments?

The rule of keeping the Supreme Court Judges in power for life

Polly case, Essex case

These dealt with the impressment of sailors.

Berlin Decree (1806), Milan Decree (1807)

These decrees issued by Napoleon dealt with shipping and led to the War of 1812. The Berlin Decree initiated the Continental System, which closed European ports to ships which had docked in Britain. The Milan Decree authorized French ships to seize neutral shipping vessels trying to trade at British ports.

Changes and improvements in transportation and its effect

These included canals in the Great Lakes region, toll roads, steamboats, and clipper ships. The result was faster trade and easier access to the western frontier. It aided the growth of the nation.

What was the point of Alien and Sedition Acts

These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote. (Fed for this but DR not)

Bank war: laws from 1800 to 1865 on banking

These laws moved away from favoring the national bank towards favoring state banks.

Marbury v. Madison

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

Democratic-Republicans supported who

Thomas Jefferson

First state senator

Thomas Jefferson

Who founded Virginia University

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

How did the Louisiana Purchase garner criticism at the time of the deal and still today?

Thomas Jefferson went against everything he stood for by buying the Louisiana land from France. --small/weak federal government Added to the national debt Not strict interpretation of the constitution

Whiskey Rebellion

Thousands of farmers from Pennsylvania attacked tax collectors and tried to take over the city of Pittsburgh They were protesting the Whiskey Tax

profit attack william henry harrison where

Tippecanoe River

The Midnight Judges The Point?

To keep a party in office for the Judicial branch for life

Why did Hamilton want more taxes- Excise Tax

To pay off the war debt

Was Jacksonianism an attack on privilege?

To some extent, it was. Jackson opposed monopolies and the privileged class of society; he attacked the national bank for this reason. He advocated increased popular participation in government and greater opportunity for the common man.

Jay's Treaty

Treaty with Britain negotiated in 1794 by Chief Justice John Jay; Britain agreed to vacate forts in the Northwest Territories, and festering disagreements would be settled by commission.

Treaty of Greenville

Twelve Indian tribes ceded most of Ohio and Indiana to the federal government.

Congress creates what

US Navy

War of 1812 (1812-1815)

US v Britain:fought over trade restrictions caused by British-French war; the impressment of American sailors, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion,A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Also, a war against Britain gave the U.S. an excuse to seize the British northwest posts and to annex Florida from Britain's ally Spain, and possibly even to seize Canada from Britain. The War Hawks (young westerners led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun) argued for war in Congress. The war involved several sea battles and frontier skirmishes. U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson seized Florida and at one point the British managed to invade and burn Washington, D.C. The Treaty of Ghent (December 1814) restored the status quo and required the U.S. to give back Florida. Two weeks later, Andrew Jackson's troops defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans, not knowing that a peace treaty had already been signed. The war strengthened American nationalism and encouraged the growth of industry.

War of 1812

Uncle Sam (Samuel Wilson) was a meat packing business supplied barrels of salted meat to the army.


Undeclared war with France after the XYZ Affair; fought in Caribbean waters between warships of the US Navy and French privateers; US was initially losing but then captured many French ships; caused tensions between the Republicans and Federalists because the Republicans opposed the war, and Agent Y had claimed a "French party in America".

Whiskey Rebellion

Violent protests by western Pennsylvania farmers against the federal excise tax on whiskey, 1794.

What states is Washington, DC a part of?

Virginia and Maryland

Washington's Farewell Address

Washington was tired of the treaty debates, so he decided to retire; published in September, 1796; most of it was written by Hamilton; outlined two principles that were highly important until the late 1940s: maintaining commercial (but not political) ties to other countries, and entering no alliances.

Neutrality Proclamation

Washington's declaration that the U.S. would not take sides after the French Revolution touched off a war between France and a coalition consisting primarily of England, Austria and Prussia. Washington's Proclamation was technically a violation of the Franco-American Treaty of 1778.

"Mad" Anthony Wayne, Battle of Fallen Timbers

Wayne had been one of the leading generals of the Continental Army, and had played a crucial role in the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown. In the early 1790's, the British held trading posts in the Ohio Valley and encouraged the local Indian tribes to attack the Americans. Led by Wayne, the Americans defeated the Miami Indians in the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794 near what is today Toledo, Ohio. This paved the way for American settlement of the Ohio Valley.

What was the first major challenge of the federal government

Whiskey Rebellion

James Wilkinson (1759-1825)

Wilkinson had been an officer in the Continental Army, and later held several positions relating to the Army, such as secretary of the board of war and clothier general to the army. He was one of the Commissioners appointed to receive the Purchase Louisiana from the French, and served as Governor of Louisiana from 1805-1806. He informed Pres. Jefferson of Burr's conspiracy to take over Louisiana, and was the primary witness against Burr at his treason trial, even though Wilkinson was himself implicated in the plot.

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence. Second governor of Virginia. Third president of the United States.

Pike, Major Long, their observations

Zebulon Pike explored (1805-1807) Minnesota and the Southwest, mapped the region, and spied on the Spanish whenever his exploration took him into their territory. (He was eventually captured by the Spanish, but the U.S. arranged for his release.) Major Long explored the middle of the Louisiana Purchase region (Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado) and concluded that it was a worthless "Great American Desert."

Daniel Boone

a famous early pioneer who helped clear the Wilderness Road

Miami Confederacy/ Little Turtle

an alliance of 8 indian nations who terrorized americans who invaded their land. Little Turtle was their war chief. Supported by the British, who gave them firearms.


another word for drafting

Battle of Fallen Timbers

battle between Native Americans and American forces

Nepoleon set up a


War of 1812 causes

causes: -pre existing past revolution, British influence on Native Americans, violation of trading rights, British impressment, and U.S desired Canada

Virginia and Kentucky resolution

declared the Sedition Act unconstitutional

Aaron Burr

democrat republican

Thomas Jefferson

democrat republicans

louisiana purchase

democratic republicans

poor/ common people

democratic republicans


democratic republicans

strict constructionist

democratic republicans

Treaty of Mortefontaine

ending issues between the US and France

Thomas Jefferson banned the flow of what to other countries


Alexander Hamilton


John Adams


xyz affair


alien and sedition acts


industrial economy


loose constructionists






wealthy/ educated people


Bank of the US

federalists; favored by Hamilton(federalist)

Farwell Address

final official speech of Presidents as they leave office

William Henry Harrison

governor of the Indiana territory

Protective Tariff 1789

import tax on goods to encourage American production

Royal Navy

largest navy in the world

Madison's attempts to deal with the British and French

led to war with the British

leaders involved in louisiana Purchase

napoleon, jefferson

Cumberland Gap

natural pass in Appalachian mountains that allowed settlers to travel west

Jefferson wanted to do what during Bloody Reign of Terror

repay France

Judiciary Act of 1789

set up the Supreme Court as well as federal district and circuit courts

The French got mad and did what

stole our ships that were headed to GB

Who was the minister that our three men went to meet up with


Excise Tax

tax on whiskey

George Washington warned Americans about...

the 2 party system

Why did George Washington not run for a third term

the Argument over Jay's Treaty

The nations involved in the Louisiana Purchase

the nation's involved which were the US, France, Haiti, and Spain

Jay's Treaty

treaty over land west of the Appalachians

Why did the farmers protest?

turning corn into whiskey was their source of income

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