chapter 7
Connect bone to bone
ultraviolet light converts cholesterol into Vitamin
bone resorption is a function of ____
osteoprogenitor cells
bone stem cells, produce a cell that becomes an osteoblast
bones of the skeleton function as a system of ____ that are pulled when skeletal muscles contract
bones provide structural support for the body by serving as a(n) ______ for the entire body
breaks in bones are called ____
breastbone( sternum) , bones of the roof of the skull, shoulder blade bones
lilac crust
donor bone marrow is most commonly harvested from the _____
during bone development, the liver releases somatomedin in response to ____ hormone
ground substance
the ______ is the semisolid material that suspends and supports the collagen fibers: it is part of the organic materials in the matrix of bone
upper limb bones, vertebrate, lower lim bones
the bones formed through endochondrial ossification
long bones include
the bones of the fingers; the bones of the palm; the bones of the toes; and the thigh bone
flat bones of the skull, maxilla, mandible
the bones produced through intramembranous ossification
the cells that produce most of the matrix of cartilage
bone remodeling
the continual deposition of new bone tissue and the removal of old bone tissue
central canal
the cylindrical channel that lines in the center of the osteon
medullary cavity
the cylindrical space within the diaphysis of a long bone
the elongated cylindrical shaft of a long bone
osteoprogenitor cells are located in ________-
the endosteum, the periosteum
the expanded end of a long bond is called the
the innervation of bone is mainly composed of sensory nerves that signal injuries to the skeleton
the mineral called ____ , stored within bone, is a component of ATP and phospholipids
the region in the diaphysis of a long bone where bone replaces cartilage through endochondral ossification is called the ____ ossification center, it is the first major center of bone formation
the secondary ossification centers form in the _____ of long bones
what characterizes concentric lamellae of osteons
they are rings of bone tissue, they contain collagen fibers, their numbers vary among osteons
Calcium is required for
Stimulation of the heart, blood clotting, and initiation of muscle contraction
_____ connective tissue contains osteoblasts and osteocytes
a ______ fracture occurs in bone that has been weakened by disease
a blood clot within a bone fracture
a bones growth in diameter is called ____ growth
a bones growth in diameter is called ______ growth
a fracture which is a thin break caused by recent increased physical activity in which the bone experiences repetitive loads is called ____ fracture
2 to 3 months
a simple bone fracture typically takes how long to heal?
epiphyseal plate
achondroplasia dwarfism is caused by the failure of cell division in the ______
organic components
an osteoblast is an example of which type of component of bone
an osteon is the basic functional and structural microscopic unit of mature ____ bone
long bone
based on shape, the most common type of bone is the _____
irregular bones
based on shapes, bones that have elaborate, complex shapes are classified as ____
vitamin d , calcium, phosphate
bone formation
Vitamin D and phosphate and calcium
bone formation requires
bone growth begins during embryologic development
bone has a poor supply of blood vessels
characterize the microscopic arrangement of spongy bone
contains no osteons, contains parallel lamellae
decreased bone mass can cause a disease
rings of bone directly internal to the periosteum of a bone are called
external circumferential lamellae
compact/ spongy
flat bones that have surfaces composed of bone internally placed bone
fracture to the distal end of fibula with dislocation of foot outward and backward
protection , support, mineral storage
functions of bone
describe the inorganic components of the matrix of bone
gives the bone its hardness, contains hydroxyapatite crystals
growth along the periphery of cartilage is called ____ growth
which hormone stimulates the liver to produce somatomedin, which ultimately results in bone elongation
growth hormone
high levels of cortisol ___ bone loss
irregular bones
hip bones
hormone promotes calcium deposition in bone and inhibits osteoclast activity
in a ____ fracture, bone is splintered into several small pieces between the main parts
in a ______ fracture, one or both ends of a broken bone pierce the overlying skin
in bone fracture repair, a fibrocartliaginous callus is replaced with a(n) ____ callus
Lamellar bone
in intramembranous ossification, what replaces woven bones
intramembranous ossification, ossification centers first appear ____
in regions of mesenchyme
insufficient ossification is a condition known as ___
is produced in the thyroid gland has the greatest effect on children's blood calcium levels
which is a function of cartilage
it attaches the ribs to the sternum
what characterizes endosteum
it contains osteoblasts, it is active during bone repair, it lines medullary cavities
what characterizes the function of cartilage
it covers the ends of long bones, it provides a model for formation of bones
what characterizes periosteum
it functions to anchor blood vessels to the surface of the bones, it is composed of dense irregular connective tissue, it covers the outer surface of the diaphysis of a long bone
what characterizes bone remodeling
it helps maintain calcium and phosphate levels in body fluids, it can be stimulated by stress on a bone, it occurs at the peiosteal and endosteal surfaces of a bone
describe compact bone
it is solid, and relatively dense. it contains osteons, it forms the external walls of a long bone
which statement describes an osteon
it runs parallel to the diaphysis of a long bone, it also is called Haversian system, it is a microscopic , it contains a central canal
what describes the effects of aging on the skeletal system
its ability to produce the organic portion bone matrix decreases, the tensile strength of bone decreases
what characterizes lamellar bone
its called secondary bone also, it becomes the compact bone of flat bones, it becomes the spongy bone of flat bones
leftover parts of osteons that have partially resorbed are called _____ lamellae
epiphyseal lines form
lengthwise bone growth is complete when ____
osteprogenitor cells
located in the endosteum, the periosteum
another name for calcification of bone is
another name for the calcification of bone is ______
interstitial growth of cartilage
new cells and new matrix are produced
what characterizes woven ( lamellar) bone
not well organized, it is replaced by lamellar bone, it is formed during intramembranous ossification
many blood vessels
one bone is supplied by ___
another term for bone tissue is ______ connective tissue
osteoclast, osteoblast
osteitis deformans is caused by increased ____ activity
osteoclast, osteoblast
osteitis deformans is caused by increased ______ activity.
serotonin affects ____ differentiation
osteitis deformans is caused by increased ______ activity
osteoclast and osteoblast
in fracture repair, the fracture hematoma becomes a ______, which in turn becomes a ______
procallus, fibrocartilaginous callus
process of bone formation
osteoprogenitor cells
produce a cell that becomes a osteoblasts , are stem cells
produce a cell that becomes an osteoblast, are stem cells
production of blood cells
region of mature bone between diaphysis and epiphysis
in the structure of the epiphyseal plate , the zone farthest away from the medullary cavity of the diaphysis of a long bone is the zone of _______
resting cartilage
rickets is caused by a vitamin ___ deficiency
yellow, red
severe anemia can trigger the conversion of _____ bone marrow
In adults, red bone marrow is located in the
skull bones, the ribs, vertebrate, the sternum
which are examples of short bones?
some bones of the foot, bones of the wrist
cancellous bone
spongy bone is called
the role of estrogen and testosterone on maintenance and bone growth is to _____
stimulate osteoblasts and promote epiphyseal plate growth and closure
epiphyseal line
structure that replaces the epiphyseal plate
epiphyseal plate
the region of cartilage between the diaphysis and an epiphysis of a long bone during endochondral ossification
calcitriol and parathyroid hormone
the two primary hormones that regulate blood calcium
the type of ossification that begins with a hyaline cartilage model is ____ ossification
what characterizes canaliculi
they contain osteocyte cytoplasmic extensions, extend from lacuna to lacunae , nutrients pass through them
what characterizes osteoclasts
they have ruffled borders, they are phagocytic
what characterizes osteocytes
they reside in lacunae, they maintain bone matrix
characterizes perforating canals of bone
they run perpendicular to central canals, they contain blood vessels and nerves, they connect multiple central canals
articular cartilage
thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the part of the epiphysis where the bone forms an articulation (joint) with another bone
tough, fibrous tissue that forms the outermost covering of bone
typically bones of athletes become noticeably thinner as a result of repetitive and stressful exercise
when osteoblasts become entrapped in the matrix they produce, they become cells called _______
in appositional growth, cartilage grows _____
when stem cells at the perichondrium divide
protection of organs
which is a function of bone?