Chapter 7 assignment Business
Conceptual Skills
Ability to see the organization as a whole and visualize how it fits into the broader environment.
Decision-making tool for weighing the pros and cons of a decision.
Technical Skills
Knowledge of and proficiency in completing specific tasks.
Free-rein leader
Leader who favors autonomy and allows group members to make decisions and take action as needed.
Democratic Leader
Leader who involves subordinates in goal setting, problem solving, and decision making.
Autocratic Leader
Leader who maintains individual control over all decisions and accepts little input from subordinates.
Long-term, measurable accomplishments to be achieved by the firm within a specified time frame.
Middle Management
People within a company who are in charge of departments or groups but below those in charge of the whole company.
Contingency Plan
Plan that establishes alternate courses of action if existing plans are disrupted or become ineffective.
Strategic Plan
Plan that establishes organization's major goals and objectives and allocates resources to achieve them.
Tactical Plan
Plan that translates general goals developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities.
Statements of short-term, specific outcomes that are to be achieved by the firm.
The answer to the question, "Why does this organization exist"?
The full, accurate, and timely disclosure of pertinent information to stakeholders of the firm.
Top Management
The most senior staff of an organization; i.e., Vice President, CEO, COO.
Mission Statement
Written declaration of purpose that affirms the highest priorities of the organization.