Chapter 7 Assignment: Training and Development

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Massive Online Open Courses anyone can take

Chief Ethics Officers

A high-ranking manager directly responsible for fostering the ethical climate within the firm


A training method used when it is either impractical or unwise to train employees on the actual equipment used on the job

Blended Learning

the use of both in-person classroom learning and online learning

Feedback and Reinforcement

Example: "I have good news! You all got 80% or above on the last exam, so I'm taking the class out the lunch!"

Goal Setting

Example: An instructor outlines the objectives of the training prior to teaching the class.

Establish a Climate for Transfer

In some cases, trained behavior is not implemented because old approaches and routines are still reinforced by people within the organization. Firms need to encourage their manager to embrace the strategic changes their organizations are seeking to implement and reinforce and reward trainees for applying the new skills or knowledge.

Seminars & Conferences

Like classroom instruction, useful for bringing groups of people together for training and development; can be used to communicate ideas, policies, or procedures, but are also good for raising points of debate and discussing issues that have no set answers or resolutions

HRD staff per 1,000 employees

Number of human resource development staff ÷ total employee population × 1,000

(OJT) Reinforce & Review

Provide praise and encouragement, and give feedback about how the employee is doing. Continue the conversation and express confidence in his/her doing the job.

Instructional Objectives

The desired outcomes of a training program

Focus on General Principles

When job change or the work environment cannot be matched exactly, trainers often stress the basics behind the training rather than focusing on rote behavior. This approach helps trainees learn how to apply the main learning points to varying conditions on the job.

Feature Identical Elements

have conditions in the training program come as close as possible to those on the job


The formal process of familiarizing new employees with the organization, their jobs, and their work units

Average training hours per employee

Total number of training hours (hours x participants) ÷ total employees trained

Case Studies

A particularly useful method used in classroom learning situations in which the participants learn how to analyze (take apart) and synthesize (put together) facts, become conscious of the many variables on which management decisions are based, and, in general, improve their decision-making skills

Meaningfulness of Presentation

Example: "All of you have some sales experience, and you are familiar with cold calling. Today we're going to talk about how recruiting new employees is like cold calling."

Learning Management System (LMS)

Online system that provides a variety of assessment, communication, teaching, and learning opportunities

Spot Rewards

Programs that award employees "on the spot" when they do something particularly well during training or on the job

(OJT) Reassure

Put each employee at ease. Learn about his/her prior experience, and adjust accordingly. Try to get the employee interested, relaxed, and motivated to learn.

(b) Role Playing

Tony is taking a management class. he has been asked to work with another student, Caleb. Tony is supposed to be a manager, while Caleb is an employee who wants a pay raise. They are supposed to have a discussion and work out this issue. What kind of training is tony going through? (a) MOOC (b) Role Playing (c) Blended learning (d) Behavior modeling

Training Dollars Spent per Employee

Total Training Expenditures ÷ total employees served

Percent of payroll spent on training

Total Training Expenditures ÷ total payroll

Training costs per student hour

Total costs of training ÷ total number of hours of training

(a) A competency assessment

You are designing a training needs analysis for your company, but you are concerned because everything seems to be changing so rapidly. Employees do one job today and a completely different job a month later. What would be the best type of task analysis to do int his situation? (a) A competency assessment (b) A review of existing job descriptions (c) A review of existing job specifications (d) A person analysis

(d) Identify which skills are easiest to train. Look for skills that can be acquired in computer-based courses.

Which of the following actions is NOT something a small business might do to assess its training needs? (a) Develop a plan for delivering training, based on costs and benefits. (b) Do internal scanning to find out what skills your employees need the most. (c) Do environmental scanning to find out about the strategic goals of other organizations. (d) Identify which skills are easiest to train. Look for skills that can be acquired in computer-based courses.

Behavior Modeling

A learning approach in which work behaviors are modeled, or demonstrated, and trainees are asked to mimic them

(b) An instructional objective

A learning objective, such as the ones found at the beginning of each chapter of your text, is an example of: (a) A modeling approach to training (b) An instructional objective (c) A way to evaluate learner readiness (d) A principle of learning


A learning technique that consists of playing the roles of others, often a supervisor and a subordinate who are facing a particular problem

On-The-Job Training (OJT)

A method by which employees are given hands-on experience with instructions from their supervisor or other trainer; uses the PROPER idea method

Apprenticeship Training

A system of training in which a worker entering the skilled trades is given thorough instruction and experience, both on and off the job, in the practical and theoretical aspects of the work


Activities in organizations that are narrowly focused on short-term performance concerns of workers

Competency Assessment

An analysis of the sets of skills and knowledge needed for decision-oriented and knowledge-intensive jobs

Individual differences

Example: An instructor offers students a choice of learning formats: audio, demonstration, or written.

Transfer of Training

The effective application of principles learned to what is required on the job

Percent of employees trained per year

Total number of employees receiving training ÷ total employee population


Training sessions that take place in a very short time frame, usually 5 minutes or less

(OJT) Perform

When employees are ready, let them try the job themselves. Give them an opportunity to practice the job and guide them through rough spots. Provide help and assistance at first, then less as they continue.

(OJT) Orient

Show the employee the correct way to the job. Explain why it is done this way. Discuss how it relates to other jobs. Let him/her ask lots of questions

Distributed Learning

Example: "When studying for this class, try to break up your time. It's better to spend 10 minutes per day than 10 hours the day before the exam."

Whole-versus-Part Learning

Example: A sales instructor breaks the selling process down into steps, including eliciting a customer's needs and presetning the product in a way that meets those needs.

(a) Simulation

Last year, Eliza joined the U.S. Navy. This year, she is learning how to pilot ballistic missile submarines. Fortunately, the Navy has a computerized system, which allowed Eliza to "drive" a submarine without actually operating this multibillion dollar piece of equipment. Eliza is participating in what kind of training? (a) Simulation (b) Behavior modeling (c) Games (d) Microlearning

(c) One-on-one conversations between employees and managers

When conducting a person analysis for a training needs assessment, the best what to determine why people are or are not meeting the firm's expectations is through: (a) A review of performance appraisals (b) An online survey (c) One-on-one conversations between employees and managers (d) Employee focus groups

Organization Analysis

An examination of an environment, goals, strategies, performance, and resources so as to determine what training it should do

(OJT) Evaluate

Check an employees' performance, and question them on how, why, when, and where they should do something. Correct errors; repeat instructions.


Learning that takes place via electronic media such web and computer-based training (CBT), and social networks

Person Analysis

The process of determining the specific individuals who need training in an organization

Special Assignments

A system of training in which trainees, who are often but not always on managerial tracks, to different jobs in different areas of a firm, often in different regions and countries

Cost savings as a ratio of training

Total savings in scrap or waste ÷ dollars invested expenses in training

Profits per employee per year

Total yearly gross profits ÷ total number of employees


Behavior Modeling component in which trainees rehearse the behaviors modeled

(OJT) Prepare

Decide what employees need to be taught. Identify the best sequence or steps of the training. Decide how best to demonstrate these steps. Have materials, resources, and equipment ready.

Task Analysis

The process of determining a training program's content by studying the tasks and duties a job involves

(c) Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the content of the training program.

You are the director of training and development at an entertainment company. One of your direct reports, a new and relatively inexperienced facilitator, has come to see you to discuss strategies for enhancing her effectiveness when conducting training programs. How would you respond? (a) Go back to school and earn an MBA. (b) Diversify your expertise to include a wider range of topics. (c) Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the content of the training program. (d) Maintain a professional, impersonal, style with participants.


A flow of instructions, comments, and suggestions from the manager to a subordinate; a flow of encouragement and support meant to help people not just do their jobs right and get ahead but become leaders

Relapse Prevention (RP)

A training method that teaches individuals hot to anticipate and cope with the inevitable setbacks they will encounter back on the job


Behavior Modeling component in which a manager shows the trainee how specifically to deal with the situation and demonstrate the learning points

Learning Points

Behavior Modeling component that describes the skill, why it's important for trainees to learn, and when it should be utilized

Feedback & Reinforcement

Behavior Modeling component that describes the trainer rewarding the trainees with praise, approval, encouragement, and attention

Just-In-Time training

Electronic training delivered to trainees when and where they need it to do their jobs

Active Practice and Repetition

Example: "It takes 2 years of work to become a master diamond cutter. There are 30 industrial-grade diamonds at each of your work desks. I want you to mark each stone and indicate whether it should be cleaved or sawed for maximum brilliance."


Example: "Let me show you how to use an air hammer to complete this project. Once you've seen how I do it, you can try it yourself."

Give Employees Transfer Strategies

Particularly in setting that are not conductive to transfer, managers should provide trainees with strategies and tactics dealing with their transfer environment.

(d) "We need to conduct an organization, task, and person analysis to assess the type of training that is needed."

The chief information officer of your company is interested in learning more about how to design some training programs that will be beneficial for her technical employees. She contacts you, the chief learning officer, to discuss her interest in this training program. As the meeting begins, she asks "What do we need to do first to develop an appropriate training program?" What would you say? (a) "We need to conduct a reactions-based evaluation of the training program." (b) "It depends on the budget you have allocated to support this training program." (c) "We need to design the training program so that it is based on established principles of learning." (d) "We need to conduct an organization, task, and person analysis to assess the type of training that is needed."


The process of systematically socializing new employees to help them get "on board" with an organization


The process of training employees to do multiple jobs within an organization

Adventure-Based Learning

The use of adventures, such as games, trust activities, and problem-solving initiatives, for the personal and social development of participants

Cooperative Training

A training program that combines practical on-the-job experience with formal educational classes

(c) Assess the motivation of the participants to complete the training by asking them what they want to learn from the training program.

The instructional designer at a natural foods retailer has been working on conducting a needs assessment to identify the type of training that is most critical to provide for employees. Based on the needs assessment, it was discovered that teamwork skills training was most needed. The designer has formulated three instructional objectives for the training program and conducted an analysis of the readiness of the participants for the training. At this point, what is the next action that the instructional designer needs to take as part of the process for developing the teamwork training program? (a) Develop a budget for developing the training program. (b) Identify the training content for the program. (c) Assess the motivation of the participants to complete the training by asking them what they want to learn from the training program. (d) Identify training methods for the training program.

(b) Formulate instructional objectives for the training program.

The instructional designer in a large consumer products company has been working on conducting a needs assessment to identify the type of training that is most critical to provide for employees. The needs assessment revealed that leadership training was most needed. At this point, what is the next action that the instructional designer needs to take as part of the process for developing the leadership training program? (a) Benchmarking the training program against other comparable training programs. (b) Formulate instructional objectives for the training program. (c) Create content for the training program. (d) Identify training methods for the training program.

(a) We should focus the analysis on reviewing worker performance appraisal information as well as conducting a sit down meeting between the manager and direct report to discuss areas for improvement.

The senior management team at a book publishing company has asked you, their director of learning and development, to attend their quarterly meeting to help them to understand how to best determine the type of training needed for their salesforce. At the meeting, the CEO asks whether any information about the person is important for conducting a needs assessment. How would you respond? (a) We should focus the analysis on reviewing worker performance appraisal information as well as conducting a sit down meeting between the manager and direct report to discuss areas for improvement. (b) We should use our company's strategic plan to identify training needs. (c) We should focus the analysis on reviewing the job description and KSAOs of jobs in the company. (d) We should analyze the company's environment, goals, strategies, performance, and resources to determine our training needs.

(a) You would want to analyze the company's environment, goals, strategies, performance, and resources to determine training needs.

The senior management team at a large multinational conglomerate has asked you, the director of learning and development, to attend their quarterly meeting and help them to understand how to best determine the type of training needed for their upper, middle, and first-level managers. At the meeting, the CEO asks whether any information about the corporation is important for conducting a needs assessment. How would you respond? (a) You would want to analyze the company's environment, goals, strategies, performance, and resources to determine training needs. (b) You would want ti focus the analysis on your top three competitors' environment, goals, strategies, performance, and resources t determine training needs. (c) You would want to examine the company's financial performance for the past 5 years as the key indicator of need for training. (d) You would want to focus the analysis on reviewing the job description and KSAOs of jobs in the company to determine training needs.

(c) Yes, we should analyze job descriptions and KSAOs of jobs in the company to determine training needs.

The senior management team at a major department store chain has asked you, their director of learning and development, to attend their quarterly meeting and help them to understand how to best determine the type of training needed for their non-managerial workforce. At the meeting, the CEO asks whether any information about the specific tasks and jobs is important for conducting a needs assessment. How would you respond? (a) We should really examine jobs at other organizations that are very different from our jobs to learn about what type of training is needed. (b) The best thing to do is to examine our company's strategic plan to identify need for training. (c) Yes, we should analyze job descriptions and KSAOs of jobs in the company to determine training needs. (d) No, it is more important to analyze the company's environment, goals, strategies, performance and resources for this project.

(a) Skill levels of individual employees

You are the VP of HR for a medium-sized organization. Your CEO has just asked you to perform an organization analysis as part of a needs assessment for the company. Which of the following items would NOT be examined in your organization analysis? (a) Skill levels of individual employees (b) Demographic trends in the labor force (c) Economic and policy issues (d) Resources available to the organization

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