Chapter 7: Forms
<select name="devices" size="3" multiple="multiple"> <option value="_" selected="selected"> text the user sees</option> </select
Syntax for multiple select box
short forms and retrieving data from a server
The "get" method is good for...
<form action="_" method=" get or post"></form
What is the structure of form
What is the syntax for a multi-line text input
<input type="radio" name="_" value="_" checked="checked"/>
What is the syntax for a radio button style
<input type="password" name="_" maxlength="_"/>
What is the syntax for password input?
<select> <option value="_" selected="selected"> text the user sees</option> </select
What is the syntax for the select box form
<input type="text" name="_" maxlength="_"/>
What is the syntax use for text input?
you can use the <fieldset> element. ex. <fieldset><legend></legend></fieldset>
how can you group form controls?
<label> <input type ="_" name="_"/></label> or <label for="_">txt</label>
syntax for adding labels for form controls
<input type="date" name="depart"/>
syntax for date input for HTML5?
<input type="email" name="depart"/> <input type="url" name="depart"/>
syntax for email and url input
<form action="_" method="post"> <input type="file" name="_"/> <input type="submit" value="upload" \* used to control text on button*\/>
syntax for file input box
<input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Enter keyword"/>
syntax for search input
<input type="image src="url"/ width="_" height="_"/>
syntax for setting up an image as the submit button
allows users to upload files, is very long, contains sensitive data, and adds information or deletes information from a database
the "post" method is good for...
<input type ="hidden" name="_" value="_" />
used for hidden form controls so the author can add values to forms the author doesnt want the user to see
you can use form validation by used the required attribute. ex. required="required"
what can you do to make sure forms are filled correctly?
<input type="checkbox" name="_" maxlength="_"/>
what is the syntax for a checkbox style form that allows you to select and deselect options