Chapter 7 Science: Investigating Rock Strata

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A 3 million-year-old igneous layer lies below a sedimentary layer that lies below a 2 million-year-old index fossil. How old is the sedimentary layer?

between 2 and 3 million years old

Radioactive atoms ___________ and form a different kind of atom.


Igneous rocks contain radioactive atoms, so as the rock gets older __________.

fewer radioactive atoms remain

The law of ___________ says that the sequence of changes in organisms as recorded by fossils is the same everywhere on Earth.

fossil succession

What kind of rock does absolute dating work for?


Which of the following is a feature that is applicable to the law of cross-cutting relationships?

igneous intrusion

Fossils of organisms that lived in a widespread area over a short period of geologic time are called ___________.

index fossils

It is reasonable to guess that rock layers on either side of a gap are the same age because of the principle of ___________.

lateral continuity

What is the name of the law that states that a rock feature cutting across another rock feature is the younger of the two rocks?

law of cross-cutting relationships

Rock layers below are __________ rock layers above.

older than

According to the principle of ____________, rock layers form in ________ layers due to gravity.

original horizontality; horizontal

What is it called when scientists use radioactive atoms to absolutely date igneous rocks?

radiometric dating

If an igneous rock cuts a sedimentary rock in half vertically, which rock is older?


law of superposition

states that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rock is at the bottom and the youngest rock is at the top

principle of original horizontality

states that rock layers form when sediments are deposited in horizontal layers due to gravity

principle of lateral continuity

states that sediments are deposited in layers that extend horizontally in all directions until they reach an obstacle

law of cross-cutting relationships

states that the rock feature that cuts across another rock feature is the younger of the two features

law of fossil succession

states that the sequence of changes in organisms as recorded by fossils is the same everywhere the fossils are found on Earth

What can cause rock layers to fold?

tectonic forces

A fault line runs through an igneous intrusion in a sedimentary rock layer. The youngest feature is ___________

the fault line

What are fossils?

the preserved remains of organisms

absolute dating

the process of determining the approximate age of a rock, fossil, or event

relative dating

the process of determining the order in which events in Earth's history occurred

For the law of superposition to hold true, the layers of rock must be _____________.


Why is the Grand Canyon a good place to study rock layers?

Lots of layers have been uncovered by river erosion.

______________ determines the age of a rock by comparing it to the rocks around it.

Relative dating

Rock A has 50% of its uranium atoms remaining, and Rock B has 20% of its uranium atoms remaining. Which rock is older?

Rock B

Why are index fossils important?

They are useful for relative dating of rock strata.

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