Chapter 7 Speech Information
1) identify specific and useful information 2) discover the main points
In reviewing your notes, try to concentrate on two things: (what are the two?)
begin their research early
It is imperative that speakers ___________________________________.
Abstract, Summery
Keep in mind that the _____________ is only a _____________ of the article.
Help locate specific information and also help you to locate sources
Librarians are an excellent resource. They can help you do what?
ProQuest, LexisNexis, and World News Connection
Name the three major newspaper and periodical databases.
Speech bibliography, Speech
Research materials found on the internet needs to be cited both in the ______________________ and in the ________________________ itself.
preliminary bibliography
Speakers should creat a ______________________________________ of research sources.
take notes
The Second stage of the interview process is what?
transcribe/review notes as quickly as possible
The Third stage of the interview process is what?
formulating a purpose
The first stage of the interview process is what?
leading questions hostile questions questions that can be answered without the interview
What are the types of questions one should avoid during the interview process? Name 3
Uniform Resource Locator
What does URL stand for?
Library Research
_____________ _____________ Is an important source of material for speeches.
Interviewing People
________________________ with specialized knowledge is another way to gather materials for a speech.
academic database
a database that catalogues articles from scholarly journals
research interview
an interview conducted to gather information for a speech
Call Number
key to finding book on the shelves
the research process is most productive when speakers
think about their material as they research
Encyclopedias: Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbooks: World Almanac Quotation Books: Barlett's Familiar Quotations Biographical Aids: International Who's Who
4 types of reference works
Academic Database
A database that catalogues articles from scholarly journals. (Example: Goggle Scholar)
Preliminary Bibliography
A list compiled early in the research process of works that look as if they might contain helpful info about a speech topic.
A listing of all the books, periodicals, and other resources owned by a library.
Newspaper and periodical database
A research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of magazines, journals, and newspapers.
Knowledge, Experience
A speakers own _____________ and _________________ can be a valuable recource for information on a speech topic.
A summary of a magazine or journal article, written by someone other than the original author.
Research Interview
An interview conducted to gather information for a speech.
An interview conducted to gather information for a speech
Define research interview:
JSTOR, Info Trac, and Google Scholar
Name several academic databases
Systematically and Effectively
Regardless of the kind of search aid one chooses, it should be used ____________________________ and _______________________.
1) begin research early 2) create a preliminary bibliography 3) take efficient notes
Regardless of which resources speakers rely on in gathering speech materials, there are several ways to make their research more productive. Name three
1) it provides handy access to government documents and publications 2) has a number of sites for basic reference information
The internet also contains many specialized resources for researching a speech. Name two.
Call Number
The key to finding the book on the shelves.
1) authorship-if possible, verify credibility 2) sponsorship- judge if sponsoring organization is impartial enough to cite in your speech 3) Recency- never cite from undated sources
There are 3 primary criteria for evaluating the quality of documents found on the internet. What are the 3?
Search Engines, Meta Search Engines, and Virtual Libraries
Three major kinds of search aid for locating information on the Web.
Keyword Search and Subject Search
Two approaches to conduct a keyword search is:
The internet
When used responsibly and effectively, the _______________