Chapter 8

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Why is a "strong culture an asset" for an organization?

-if a companies culture does match the organizational environment and people behave ethically ex: Culture: strong outcome orientated, if value system matches the organizational environment the company may outperform others

What is "manage your first impression"

so that u can dress properly, be on ur best behaviour

Whats a mission statement?

statement of purpose, describing who the company is and what it does.

Whats role modeling

the process where employees modify their own beliefs and behaviours to reflect those of the leaders

What is "invest in relationship development "

the relationships u develop with ur manager and ur coworkers are really important

Why are leaders so important

there is a correspondence between the leaders style and org's culture -leadership influence in culture is through role models -Leadership also shape culture by their reactions to the actions of others around them

Whats "show success early on"

to gain the trust of your new manager u must show that u are capable of completing certain tasks well

Describe people orientated cultures

value fairness, supportiveness and respecting individual rights -emphasizes and have great expectations on treating people with respect and dignity

Whats training

well crafted training programs may be instrumental in bringing about culture change by teaching employees the new norms and behavioural styles

What are some issues with unethical behaviour ?

when performance pressures leads to a culture with unethical behaviour become their norm, individuals see their peers as rivals and short term results are rewarded--> unhealthy work environment

Whats counterculture?

when subculture are directly opposite to values of broader organizational culture

Descrive detail orientated cultures

within OCP framework are characterized as emphasizing precision and paying attention to details -has comp advantage to companies b/c helps them differentiate from others

Where does Organizational culture fit in the POLC framework?

It fits into organization and closely linked to organizational design

Important thing to remember about corporate culture

It's not what u say it is, or what u want to be it is the sum of all the organizing actions

Example of a company that has team orientated cultures

Southwest airlines:they don't hire anyone who isn't a team player

Whats creating new symbols and stories

Success of the culture change effort maybe increased by developing new rituals, symbols and stories

What is Organizational Culture?

System of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that indicate appropriate and inappropriate behaviours in an organization

Whats changing the reward system?

The criteria with which employees are rewarded and punished have a powerful role in determining cultural values in an org -switching from commission based --> straight salary may be more instrumental in bringing about customer focus among sales

How does the reward system influence culture?

Types of behaviours that are rewarded or ignored set the tone for the culture, -rewards go a lot farther than money

What's "change leaders and other key players"

after there is culture change there is often followed by highest levels of organization changes -> this is to implement the change effort quickly and efficiently

Whats "seek feedback"

ask ur coworkers and boss how u are doing and whether or not u are doing okay

Describe Team orientated cultures

emphasizes cooperation among employees

define a mentor

helps new employees adjust by teaching them the ropes to the jobs and how the company operates

What happens in "create a sense of urgency"

in order for a change to be successful, it is important to emphasize the need for change

Why is a formal orientation program good?

indoctrinates new employees to the company culture, and introduces them to new jobs and employees

What are rituals?

its the repetitive activities within an organization that have symbolic meaning -ex: how does the manager react to you, how u praise

What is stories and languages

most colourful and effective way in which organizations communicate their culture to new employees and org members.

Why is using supervisors and coworkers good for orientation

new employees understand the culture better when interacting face to face rather than just doing it over the computer

Describe Stable Cultures

predictable, rule orientated, and bureaucratic -cultures prevent quick action as a result may be a misfit to a changing dynamic culture

What is new employee on boarding ?

process where new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviours required to function effectively within an organization

What is values?

shared principles, standards and goals

What is a founder values?

- company's culture, particularly during its early years, tied to the personality, background and values of its founders and vision for the future of the organization -apart of corporate culture to the degree to which they help the company be successful

Why is feedback important?

- employees can found out sooner rather than later what they can change, and gain a better understanding of whether their behaviour fits with the company culture and expectation

Example of companies with innovative cultures?

-Apple, Samsung,

Give example of Assumption, Values and Artifacts

-Assumption: happy employee's means good organization -Values:ur org's values will revolve around that (i.e.: company about having fun ) -Artifacts: the layout of ur office ( open space)

How is culture maintained?

-Attraction- Selection- attrition (ASA framework) -New Employee Onboarding -leadership -reward system

What can employees do during onboarding?

-Feedback -Networking

What can organization do during on boarding?

-Formal orientation program -Mentoring by supervisors and and coworkers

What are the two things that are part of culture creation and what do they lead to? ?

-Founder values and preferences -Industry Demands --> Early values, goals, assumptions

Companies that have detail orientated cultures

-Four seasons, Ritz Carlton and Walt Disney

Example of a company that has a stable culture

-IBM:conservative, at a certain point made everyone wear blue suits -GM: made slow decisions as a company, kept working on hummer long after they realized this would fail -Uni's: mostly things don't change

Example of companies with aggressive culture

-Microsoft ( they use aggressive language.. i.e: kill our competition) -Nike

What is a strong culture?

-One that is shared by organizational members: where most employees show consensus regarding the values of a company

Example of a company that has people orientated culture

-Starbucks: offers above min wage and health care and tuition reimbursment--> lower turnover rate

What are subcultures?

-cultures that emerge from diff departments, branches or geographic locations

what are industry demands?

-diff companies will have diff cultures but the industry demands and characteristics act as a force to create similarities among organizational culture. -shows it may not be possible to imitate the culture of a company in a diff industry, even though some outsiders might wanna

Whats a limitation of a strong culture?

-difficulty of changing established organizational behaviours: may get criticized a lot for it

Describe outcome orientated cultures

-emphasizes achievement results and action as important values -reward performance, not loyalty or seniority -can have issues with unethical behaviour

Examples of companies with outcome orientated cultures

-enron -Bestbuy -any place where they hold employees as well as managers accountable for success and use systems that reward employee's and group output

What does gather info consists of?

-find as much about the company and the job as u can before you start working to be a good observer -learn as much about the company as possible

Describe Innovative cultures

-flexible, adaptable, and experiment with new ideas (openess) - flat hierarchy

Why is a "strong culture a libility" for an organization

-if companies cultures doesn't match with the organizational environment(ppl behave unethically) -ex: strong outcome orientated culture and unethical behaviour could be detrimental to organizations effectivess -ex: mergers: 2 companies with really diff cultures

Why is networking important/

-if company has no proper on boarding very important for employees to facilitate their own on boarding and create relationships

Why is organizational culture important?

-it may be its strongest asset or biggest liability - effective control mechanism to dictate employee behaviour -culture or shared values may be related to increase performance -companies with a rare and hard to imitate culture may enjoy competitive advantage

What is physical layout about?

-layout of the workspaces communicates an important message about the company culture. layout office that means work environment is not like a hierarchy its more like egalitarian

What are artifacts?

-surface level - visibile, tangible aspects of organizational culture

Describe Aggressive culture

-values competitiveness and outperforming competitors

What are the levels of organizational culture ? (smallest to biggest)

1. Assumptions 2. Values 3.Artifacts

What are the 7 dimensions of organizational culture?

1. Innovative 2. Agressive 3. Outcome 4.Stable 5. People- Orientated 6. Team- Orientated 7.Detail- Orientated

What are the 5 visual elements of culture?

1. Mission statement 2.Rituals 3.Rules and Policies 4.Physical layout 5.Stores and Language

What attributes in org culture leads to success (4)

1. decisive 2. customer orientated 3. empowering 4. people orientated

Steps to take, to learn to fit in

1. do ur research 2. observe the physical environment between the lines 4.reflect on how you are treated 5. ask questions? 6.listen to your gut

What are the 6 steps of cultural change?

1.Create a sense of urgency 2.Change leaders and other key players 3.Role Model 4.Train 5.Change the reward system 6.Create new stories and symbols

What are the 5 steps to managing workplace impressions?

1.Gather info 2. Manage your first impression 3. invest in relationship development feedback 5.Show success early on

What percentage of new managers start a new job and fail by voluntarily leaving or fired within one year


Of the percentage before, what % say they don't form effective relationships with colleagues


Whats the ASA framework?

A(ttraction)employees are attracted to orgs where they will fit in -if u a big company this will be easy S(election) companies try to find people that will fit in best with their current corporate cultures A(ttrition) eliminate individuals who do not fit within the organization (very expensive:to train new employees)

What is assumption?

Below awareness taken for granted, and reflect beliefs about human nature and reality.

What are rules and policies?

Companies create rules to determine acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and the rules that a company has signals the types of values that it has.

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