Chapter 8 A&P Multiple Choice

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The head of the humerus articulates with the: -greater trochanter. -trochlear notch. - glenoid cavity. -greater tubercle. -intertubercular sulcus.

Glenoid cavity

Which does not contribute to the pelvic brim? -Arcuate line -Sacral promontory -Pubic crest -Gluteal line -Pectineal line

Gluteal Line

The part of a rib that articulates with the demifacets on the bodies of vertebrae is the: -head. -tubercle. -shaft. -tuberosity.


The ___________ of the scapula is the point where the medial and lateral borders meet. -lateral angle -superior angle -supraglenoid tubercle -infraglenoid tubercle - inferior angle

Inferior angle

On the os coxae, the ischial ramus is fused to the -Inferior pubic ramus - Superior pubic ramus -Ischial spine -Ischial body -Pubic tubercle

Inferior pubic ramus

The ossicles are: -three of the fourteen facial bones. -six of the fourteen cranial bones. -three small bones within each ear. -neck bones that articulate with the larynx (voice box).

Three small bones within each other

The sagittal suture joins the: -left and right parietal bones. -left and right temporal bones. -parietal and occipital bones. -temporal and occipital bones. -frontal and parietal bones.

left and right parietal bones

Which of the spinal curves forms when a child is about 12 months of age? -Sacral -Lumbar -Cervical -Thoracic -Coccygeal


The hyoid bone is located between the: - mandible and the larynx. -maxilla and the mandible. -pharynx and the nasal cavity. -cranium and the axilla. -larynx and the trachea.

mandible and the larynx

Which of these is not a paranasal sinus? -Maxillary sinus -Ethmoid sinus -Sphenoid sinus -Mastoid sinus -Frontal sinus

mastoid sinus

How many pairs of ribs articulate (directly or indirectly) with the sternum? -7 -12 -10 -5 -24


A pollex has ______ phalanges. -2 -3 -14 -10 -7


How many pairs of ribs are "floating ribs" that do not articulate with the sternum? -5 -2 -7 -12 -10


Which bone count is not correct for a normal adult human? -14 facial bones -7 pairs of true ribs -7 lumbar vertebrae -6 auditory ossicles -8 cranial bones

7 lumbar vertebrae

The vertebral column includes ___ cervical, ___ thoracic, and ___ lumbar vertebrae. -5, 12, 7 -6, 14, 6 -7, 13, 4 -7, 12, 5 -6, 13, 5


The skull consists of _____ cranial bones and _____ facial bones. -8, 14 -7, 12 -10, 12 -5, 7 -9, 11


Which of these features is found in a lumbar vertebra? -Pedicles -Vertebral foramen -Spinous process -Vertebral arch -All choices are correct

All choices are correct

Which fontanel is the last to close? -Anterior -Sphenoidal -Mastoid


What is the function of the nuchal lines? -Attachment for dura mater -Attachment for muscles and ligaments -Passageway for cranial nerves -Passageway for jugular vein -Grooves for dural sinuses

Attachment for muscles and ligaments

Protection of vital organs and hematopoiesis are two functions commonly named for the __________ skeleton. -axial -appendicular


As an adult ages, the symphysial surface of the pubis: -becomes more flattened, and the bony ridge at its circumference progressively disappears. - becomes more flattened, and a bony rim forms at its circumference. -becomes more billowed, and the bony ridge at its circumference progressively disappears. -becomes more billowed, and a bony rim forms at its circumference.

Becomes more flattened and a bony rim forms at its circumfrence

Which cervical vertebra is also known as the vertebra prominens? -C1 -C2 -C4 -C5 -C7


Which is not a carpal bone? -Hamate -Trapezium - Capitulum -Scaphoid -Trapezoid


What is the correct order for the vertebral regions, from superior to inferior? -Cervical - thoracic - sacral - coccygeal - lumbar -Thoracic - sacral - lumbar - thoracic - coccygeal -Cervical - thoracic - lumbar - sacral - coccygeal -Thoracic - coccygeal - cervical - lumbar - sacral -Thoracic - cervical - lumbar - coccygeal - sacral


Which bone is not part of the axial skeleton? -Malleus -Sacrum -Clavicle -Atlas -Frontal bone


The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the _____ articulates with the _____. -humerus, scapula -scapula, clavicle -scapula, thoracic cage -clavicle, humerus -clavicle, sternum

Clavicle, sternum

Which is not characteristic of a male pelvis? -Greater sciatic notch narrow, U-shaped, and deep - Coccyx tilted posteriorly -Pubic arch less than 90 degrees -Obturator foramen oval -Superior inlet heart-shaped

Coccyx tilted posteriorly

The _________ process of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone. -alveolar -condylar - mastoid -temporal -coronoid


Which feature is unique to the axis? - Dens -Bifid spinous process -Superior articular facet -Transverse foramen -Vertebral foramen


Which bone marking does not serve as an articulating surface? -Head - Epicondyle -Condyle -Facet -Trochlea


Which of these skull bones cannot be easily palpated? -Frontal -Temporal -Occipital -Parietal -Ethmoid


A skull with five gracile features and one robust feature is most likely a _______ skull. -male -female


Which is not correct regarding the pelvis? -The adult pelvis is composed of 4 bones. -The pelvis includes the sacrum. -The pelvic girdle protects the viscera of the pelvic cavity. -In anatomic position, the pubis is posterior and inferior to the ischium. -There are two sacroiliac articulations

In anatomic position, the pubis is posterior and inferior to the ischium

Which is not a site for muscle attachment on the femur? -Gluteal tuberosity -Pectineal line -Linea aspera -Greater trochanter - Lateral condyle

Lateral Condyle

Which bone is not paired? -Maxilla -Mandible -Lacrimal -Nasal -Zygomatic


What is the superior portion of the sternum called? -Xiphoid process -Manubrium -Body -Gladiolus -Coccyx


What is the inner, gelatinous region of each intervertebral disc called? -Annulus fibrosus -Nucleus pulposus -Lamella -Chondral ring -Articular ring

Nucleus polposus

Which bones form the calvaria? -Occipital and parietals -Parietals and frontal -Occipital, parietals, and temporals -Occipital, parietals, and frontal -Occipital, parietals, temporals, and frontal

Occipital, parietals, and frontal

Which of the following choices accurately describes the crural bones? -Both the tibia and fibula are weight-bearing. -Only the fibula is weight-bearing. - Only the tibia is weight-bearing. -Neither the tibia nor fibula are weight-bearing.

Only the tibia is weight-bearing

Which bones articulate with the femur? -Os coxae, tibia, patella -Os coxae, tibia, fibula -Scapula, radius, ulna -Os coxae, fibia, tibula -Tibia, fibula, patella, os coxae

Os coxae, tibia, patella

The biceps brachii muscle attaches to the _________ of the radius. -neck -radial tuberosity -styloid process -head -radial notch

Radial tuberosity

The bones of the antebrachium are the: -radius, ulna, and humerus. -radius, ulna, humerus, and carpals. -radius, ulna, carpals, and metacarpals. -radius and ulna. -carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.

Radius and ulna.

The inferior termination of the sacral canal is an opening called the: -anterior sacral foramen. -sacral promontory. -posterior sacral foramen. -sacral hiatus.

Sacral hiatus

Which bone does not belong to the appendicular skeleton? -Femur - Sacrum -Calcaneus -Clavicle -Ulna


Which bones comprise each pectoral girdle? -Scapula, clavicle, and sternum -Scapula, clavicle, sternum, and humerus - Scapula and clavicle Sternum and clavicle -Scapula, clavicle, and humerus

Scapula and clavicle

What bone(s) does the clavicle articulate with? -Scapula only -Scapula and sternum -Scapula and humerus -Humerus and sternum -Humerus only

Scapula and sternum

The sternal angle can be used as an anatomical landmark to identify the position of the: -apex of the heart. -jugular vein. -second rib. -trachea. -hyoid bone.

Second rib

The portion of the sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary gland is the: -pterygoid process. -pterygoid plate. -greater wing. -lesser wing. -sella turcica

Sella turcica

The bony projections that can be palpated medially and laterally at the wrist are the: -medial and lateral epicondyles. - spinous processes. -styloid processes. -medial and lateral malleoli. -greater and lesser trochanters

Styloid processes

Rib 1 articulates with vertebra ______ and the ______. -T1, body of the sternum -T2, body of the sternum -T1, manubrium of the sternum -C7, manubrium of the sternum -T2, clavicle

T1, manubrium of the sternum

The vertebral column protects: -the kidneys. - the spinal cord. -the spleen. -all of the choices are correct

The spinal cord

Which is not among the bones in the proximal row of carpals? -Triquetrum -Lunate -Scaphoid -Trapezoid -Pisiform


Which is not a feature of the ulna? -Trochlear notch - Ulnar notch -Coronoid process -Head -Styloid process

Ulnar notch

Which bone is unpaired? -Lacrimal -Vomer -Inferior nasal concha -Palatine -Maxilla


Which is not a cranial bone? -Vomer -Frontal -Occipital -Temporal -Parietal


Of the following list, which describe the functions of the paranasal sinuses? a: Warm and moisten inhaled air b: Strengthen the bone c: Provide resonance to the voice -a, b, and c -None of the listed functions describe those of the sinuses. -a only -b only -a and c

a and c

Transverse foramina are found in _____ vertebrae. -thoracic -lumbar -cervical -sacral -all


The costal tuberosity is a feature of the: -manubrium of the sternum. -clavicle. -scapula. -xiphoid process. -body of the sternum.


The membranous sheets that connect developing cranial bones are called: -sutures. -fontanelles. -intraosseous membranes. -craniochondral articulations. -ossicles.


The _________ provide passageways for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column and travel to other parts of the body. -vertebral foramina -intervertebral foramina -vertebral canals -articular facets -transverse foramina

intervertebral foramina

The _______ suture is the articulation between the occipital bone and both parietal bones. -lambdoid -coronal -sagittal -squamous -frontal


In anatomic position, the radius lies _____ to the ulna. -posterior -medial -superior -inferior - lateral


The spinal curvature that develops as a child learns to walk shifts the trunk weight over the legs. It is an example of a ________ curve. -primary - secondary


Not counting sesamoid bones, what is the total number of tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges in a single ankle and foot? -24 -26 -27 -30 -32


Which is not correct regarding the femur? -The condyles are located at the distal end of the bone. -In anatomic position, the femur is angled medially. -The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum. - The intercondylar fossa is located on the anterior surface of the bone. -The depression in the head of the femur is called the fovea.

The intercondylar fossa is located on the anterior surface of the bone.

Rami, trochanters, tubercles, and tuberosities are bone markings that serve as: -articulating surfaces. -passageways for nerves. -attachments for ligaments or tendons. -pits or depressions to hold cartilage. -passageways for blood vessels.

attachments for ligaments or tendons.

At what location do the three bones of the os coxae fuse? -Iliac crest -Ischial tuberosity - Acetabulum -Pelvic brim -Pubic symphysis


Each auricular surface of the sacrum is located on a(n): -ala. -median sacral crest. -sacral cornu. -apex. -spinous process


Which is characteristic of a female skull, as compared to a male skull? -Chin pointed and triangular -Mandibular angle greater than 125 degrees -Little or no prominence to superciliary arches -External surface of occipital bone relatively smooth -All of the choices are characteristic of a female skull

all of the choices are characteristic of a female skull

Each of the depressions on the maxillae and mandible that holds a tooth is called a(n): -fossa. -sulcus. -sinus. - alveolus. -foramen.


The occipital condyles articulate with the: -axis. -atlas. -dens. -vertebra prominens. -odontoid process


Developmentally, the most significant growth in the skull occurs: -between the ages of 5 and 10. -between the ages of 10 and 15. -before age 5. -between the ages of 15 and 20. -between the ages of 20 and 25.

before age 5

The clavicles articulate with the sternum at the _____ notches. -clavicular -suprasternal -mastosternal -jugular -first costal


Which features are found only on thoracic vertebrae? -Costal facets and demifacets -Transverse foramina -Spinous processes -Vertebral foramina -Laminae

costal facets and demifacets

Which bone does not contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot? -Talus -Navicular - Cuboid -Metatarsal I -Medial cuneiform


Which tarsal bone articulates with metatarsals IV and V? -Talus -Calcaneus -Lateral cuneiform - Cuboid -Medial cuneiform


Which bones articulate with the zygomatic bone? -Frontal, temporal, and maxilla -Temporal and maxilla -Temporal and parietal -Frontal, parietal, and occipital -Temporal, sphenoid, and maxilla

frontal, temporal, and maxilla

Which bone bears the greater and lesser cornua? -Maxilla -Stapes -Hyoid -Incus -Mandible


What are you resting your hands on when you rest them on your hips, just below the waist? -Iliac crests -Superior gluteal lines -Ischial spines -Ischial tuberosities -Arcuate lines

iliac crests

Which is not a feature of the ethmoid bone? -Cribriform foramina -Perpendicular plate -Crista galli -Inferior nasal concha -Orbital plate

inferior nasal concha

The head of the fibula articulates with the fibular articular facet on the: -lateral condyle of the tibia. -lateral condyle of the femur. -medial malleolus of the tibia. -medial condyle of the tibia. -medial condyle of the femur.

lateral condyle of the tibia

The expanded distal end of the fibula is called the: -head. -neck. - lateral malleolus. -medial malleolus. -shaft.

lateral malleolus

The incisive foramen and palatine process are features of which bone? -Mandible -Palatine bone -Vomer -Maxilla -Temporal bone


Which bone bears the infraorbital foramen? -Frontal -Temporal -Mandible -Maxilla -Zygomatic


Which bones form the inferior margin of the orbit? -Maxilla and zygomatic -Frontal and sphenoid -Palatine and sphenoid -Lacrimal and ethmoid -Zygomatic and sphenoid

maxilla and zygomatic

The medial and lateral condyles of the tibia articulate with the: -apex of the patella. -medial and lateral condyles of the femur. -medial and lateral epicondyles of the femur. -head of the fibula. -greater and lesser trochanters of the femur.

medial and lateral condyles of the femur.

What is the name of the prominence on the medial surface of the ankle? -Tibial tuberosity -Medial condyle - Medial malleolus -Calcaneus -Head of the fibula

medial melleolus

The basin in the floor of the cranium that accommodates the temporal lobe of the brain is the: -posterior cranial fossa. -middle cranial fossa. -inferior cortical plate. -cribriform fissure. -sella turcica.

middle cranial fossa

Which bone articulates with all three cuneiform bones? -Cuboid -Calcaneus - Navicular -First metatarsal -Talus


Which of these bones does not contribute to the region known as the pterion? -Frontal -Sphenoid -Occipital -Parietal -Temporal


The jugular foramen is located between the _____ and _____ bones. -temporal, parietal -sphenoid, ethmoid -sphenoid, occipital -occipital, temporal -occipital, parietal

occipital temporal

A perpendicular plate is a feature of the _____ and _____ bones. -palatine, lacrimal -ethmoid, sphenoid -palatine, ethmoid -nasal, lacrimal -maxilla, zygomatic

palatine, ethmoid

Which bone bears the superior and inferior temporal lines? -Temporal -Occipital -Parietal -Frontal -Zygomatic


Which is not a correct pairing of bone and feature? -Occipital bone - foramen magnum -Sphenoid bone - foramen rotundum -Temporal bone - carotid canal -Frontal bone - supraorbital foramen -Parietal bone - mental foramen

parietal bone- mental foramen

Which is not a function of the vertebral column? -Supporting the weight of the head -Maintaining upright body position -Passageway for cranial nerves -Passageway for spinal nerves -Protecting the spinal cord

passageway for cranial nerves

Which is a sesamoid bone? -Femur -Patella -First metatarsal -Clavicle -Calcaneus


The tibial tuberosity is the attachment site for the: -patellar ligament. -hamstring muscles. -patellar tendon. -sciatic nerve. -intercondylar eminence

patellar ligament

The ___________ subdivides the pelvis into the "true pelvis" and the "false pelvis". -sacral promontory -pelvic brim -pelvic inlet -pelvic outlet -pubic symphysis

pelvic brim

What is the function of the cribriform plate? -Permits air to enter the cranial cavity to cool the brain -Provides large surface area for muscle attachment -Permits passage of the olfactory nerves -Forms part of the nasal septum -Articulates with the atlas for rotational head movement

permits passage of the olfactory nerves

What is the location of the auditory ossicles? -Petrous part of temporal bone -Squamous part of temporal bone -Tympanic part of temporal bone -Auditory part of temporal bone -Mastoid part of temporal bone

petrous part of temporal lobe

The apical ectodermal ridge: -forms at the proximal end of each limb bud. -plays a role in differentiation and elongation of the limb. -ossifies prior to formation of the hand and foot plates. -must undergo apoptosis before the limb can develop. -secretes mesoderm for muscle formation

plays a role in differentiation and elongation of the limb.

Which cranial fossa supports the cerebellum? -Anterior -Posterior -Middle -Lateral -Medial


Which bones articulate with the humerus? -Scapula, radius, and ulna -Scapula and radius -Scapula and ulna -Clavicle, scapula, ulna, and radius -Clavicle and ulna

scapula radius and ulna

The cervical and lumbar curvatures are ________ curves, and they arch ________. -primary, anteriorly -primary, posteriorly -secondary, anteriorly -secondary, posteriorly

secondary, anteriorly

The pterygoid spines and optic canals are features of the _____ bone. -ethmoid -temporal -sphenoid -occipital -frontal


The vertebral processes that are most easily palpated along the midline of the back are the _____ processes. -transverse -inferior articular -superior articular -lamellar -spinous


Which is not a correct pairing of a bone and its common name? -Clavicle - collar bone -Patella - knee cap -Scapula - shoulder blade - Talus - heel -Tibia - shin

talus- heel

The zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the _________ process of the zygomatic bone form the zygomatic arch. -zygomatic -maxillary -frontal -temporal -mastoid


Which bone bears the mandibular fossa? -Maxilla -Temporal -Zygomatic -Mandible -Frontal


Which bone is not a facial bone? -Temporal -Mandible -Zygomatic -Maxilla -Nasal


Which bone is not part of the nasal complex? -Nasal -Frontal -Inferior nasal concha -Temporal - Ethmoid


Which statement accurately compares the hand and the foot? -The hand and the foot each have 14 phalanges. -The hand and the foot each have 15 phalanges. -Each hand has 14 phalanges, but each foot has 15 phalanges. - Each hand has 15 phalanges, but each foot has 14 phalanges

the hand and the foot each have 14 phalanges

Which is the highest of the three arches of the foot? -The transverse arch -The medial longitudinal arch -The lateral longitudinal arch

the medial longitudinal

Which curves of the vertebral column are present at birth? -Thoracic and sacral -Lumbar and cervical -Lumbar and sacral -Cervical and thoracic - Lumbar and thoracic

thoracic and sacral

Which statement accurately describes the articulations between ribs and vertebrae? -Three of the cervical and ten of the thoracic vertebrae articulate with ribs. - Twelve thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs. -Two lumbar and ten thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs. -Two cervical, two lumbar and eight thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs. -Nine thoracic and three lumbar vertebrae articulate with the ribs.

twelve thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs

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