Chapter 8; Background to the Middle East - Professor Watkins

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Muslim Community at Medina

Muslims believe Mohammed created the perfect Islamic community at medina, combining a JUST GOVERNMENT with RELIGION. Because of their victory at BADR, Muslims increasingly came to believe that God was on their side and that their cause would be championed in heaven Mohammed Suddenly died in 632.

Middle East Terrorism Categories

1. Suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli and Western positions in Lebanon. 2. Militias fighting other militias in Lebanon. 3. State-sponsored terrorism from Libya, Syria, and Iran. 4. Freelance terrorism to high-profile groups 5. Terrorism in support of Arab Palestinians 6. Attacks in Europe against Western targets. 7. Israeli assassinations of alleged terrorists.

World War I and Contradictory Promises

Balfour Declaration of November 1917 promised to create the state of Israel. Sykes negotiated a treaty with the French to extend spheres of British and French influence in the old Ottoman Empire. At the end of the war, the British created a series of Arab countries dominated by strong, traditional family groups.

The Revolution, PART 2

IRANIAN REVOLUTION OF 1979 caused another form of terrorism to spread from the Middle East. IRANIAN REVOLUTIONARY GUARD arrived in the Bekaa Valley and established the nucleus of a new type of revolutionary force, HEZBOLLAH.

THREE Sources of Violence

Politcal control of Israel and Palestine Who would rule the Arab world Relations between the Sunnis and Shiites Another way: 1. The Palestinian Question (control of Palestine), 2. Intra-Arab rivalries and struggles, and 3. the future of revolutionary Islam.

The Shiite-Sunni Split, PART 2

SUNNIS believe that Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (Rushadin) served as the true successors to Mohammed. SHIITE only recognize Ali: They wanted HUSSIEN to lead a purified Islamic movement, returning to the simple principles of his grandfather, Mohammed. He was killed with a small band of the followers at Karbala in 680; one of the most important events in Shiite history.

Prelude to the 1979 Revolution, PART 1

After Reza Shah's reign was over, his son became the modern shah of Iran, but his ascent was traumatic. In August 1953, Pahlavi returned to the office that had been denied him during Iran's brief fling with democracy. He created a secret military police force, SAVAK, to locate and destroy his enemies,

Early ZIONIST Movement

As Jewish settlers bought land, they purchased large parcels next to each other. They established governing councils for their farmland and refused to sell land back to Arabs. They were acting in defiance of the sultan's refusal to allow Jewish self-government.

The Birth of Israel

Exhausted by WWII, the British sought a UN solution to their quandary in Palestine. On May 15, 1948, the UN recognized the partition of Palestine and the modern nation-state of Israel. - Arabs attacked the new Jewish state and the Irgun's terrorism fell by the wayside. - Both Arabs and Jews shifted to conventional warfare and would fight that way until 1967.

Uniquely Persian

IRANIANS are NOT Arabs; they are Persians, and they have strong ethnographic-national ties to the ancient Persian Empire. When the Arab and Mongol armies rode through Persia over the next centuries, the Persians maintained their historical cultural identity. Iranians developed a hierarchy of Shiite Islamic scholars, including local prayer leaders, master of Islam, ayatollahs, and grand ayatollahs.

The Six-Day War

In 1967, the Israelis demonstrated their superiority over all their Arab neighbors---- although better equipped and outnumbered, in six days Israel doubled its territory and soundly defeated its opponents. After the 1967 Six Day War, PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION (PLO) began a series of terrorist attacks against civilian Israeli positions

The Revolution, PART 1

KHOMEINI'S rise to power was a key to the revolution. - under his leadership, the mosque came to be perceived as the only opposition to the shah and the hated SAVAK. The shah pressured Saddam Hussein to remove Khomeini, who was forced to flee Iraq in fear of his life.

The Call to Karbala

Khomeini used a mixture of TACTICS and POLITICAL to consolidate his power in Iran; he is best understood within the Shiite tradition of Islam. The Ayatollah Khomeini was guided by the message of KARBALA, and he removed Islamic scholars and political leaders who disagreed with his message.

Mohammed's Revelation

Mohammed was born about 570 on the western calendar in the Arabian city of MECCA. GOD is vast, all encompassing, and without forms - The pronoun he is used, but God is gender neutral. What can be known about God comes from revelations from the FOUR major Prophets: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. Mohammed was to be a prophet to the ARABS.

British Influence and Control, PART 1

OIL PRODUCTION had a tremendous impact on the way that the British used Iran. - ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY was formed and the British started took oil profits out of Iran. Although direct economic imperialism has ended in Iran, Iranians still regard Western oil companies as an extension of the old British arrangement.

Arab States Split

One group, represented by King Hussein of Jordan, was anxious to find a way to coexist with Israel. A few nations, like Egypt, simply wanted to avenge the embarrassment of the Six Day War. Represented by the Baath Party, groups of Arab socialists called for both Arab UNITY and the DESTRUCTION of Israel.

Background to the Middle East, PART 1

Problems in the Middl East can be associated with multiple factors over the past two centuries. The origins of the problems can be found in: Imperialism, Poverty, Government Corruption, Political Repression, and Religious Fanaticism

The Shiite-Sunni Split, PART 1

Question of leadership spawned debate and eventually a CIVIL WAR: According to Arabic tradition, Mohammed's MALE HAIR should lead the community Nevertheless, Mohammed claimed to have revealed a new law that said the importance of COMMUNITY would take precedence over tribal rules.

Prelude to the 1979 Revolution, PART 2

SAVAK infiltrated Shiite opposition groups in Tehran, and the army attacked Qom. - There were thousands of arrests - Demonstrators were ruthlessly beaten or, in some cases, shot in the streets. By 1963, many potential opponents were murdered or held in custody. The shah ordered Khomeini deported to Iraq instead of executing him.

Background to the Middle East, PART 2

Terrorism with all of these problems and it further complicates virtually every issue. Fear of a REGIONAL WAR over development of a NUCLEAR ARSENAL or a NUCLEAR EXCHANGE is of concern in a politically unstable region

British Influence and Control, PART 2

The British believed IRAN might be the next country that the communists would target. The British searched for a leader to stem the potential Soviet Threat. - Reza Shah Pahlavi; with British support, he became shah of Iran. - Reza Shah had befriended HILTER, and he saw German relations as a way to balance British influence.

Middle East Issues

The Ottoman Empire, the Turk-based government that ruled much of the Middle East, was falling apart in the 19th century. Palestinian Arabs were wary of the Jewish settlers and tensions rose. After WWI, the Middle East was divided, NOT with respect to the area's political realities, but to share the spoils of victory.


The caliphate of the second muslims dynasty. The Abbasids the overthrew the Ummayads in 750 and they reigned until invading Mongols defeated them in 1258.


The first Arab and Muslim dynasty. It ruled from Damascus from 661 to 750. The Umayyad's were Uthman's family

The Golden Age of Arabs

Two dynasties, the UMAYYADS (661-750) and the ABBASIDS (750-1258), rued the area in the years following Mohammed. THE TWELVERS came to believe that twelve divinely inspired men were sent by God to lead the community. MARTYRDOM and VOLUNTARY SACRIFICE became the trademark of the Twelve IMAMS.

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