chapter 8 - defining race & ethnicity

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demographers predict that by 2045, whites will make up ________ percent of the population, and no single ethnic group would make up the population, making the US a ________ country.

49.7, majority-minority

white nationalist groups have surged by ________ percent since 2017, and anti-immigrant groups have ________.

55.5, grown

humans are ________ percent genetically identical. in other words, there is no ________ ________ for race to be a genetic trait.

99, wiggle room

what is an example of institutional discrimination?

a police officer shooting michael brown and the DOJ discovering racial bias all over ferguson

what is affirmative action?

a policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination

what are 2 examples of cultural appropriation?

american indian mascots hollywood actors playing non-white actors

what is prejudice?

an opinion placed on a certain group that is unlikely to change despite evidence against it

what is the racial contribution to hate crimes from least to greatest?

asians, hispanics, whites, blacks

microaggression reveals ________ of the questioner and the persistence of racial stereotypes shaping how we ________ each other.

assumptions, percieve

what is discrimination?

behavior as a result of unequal treatment of a group

davis argues that ________ teenage girls see ________ opportunities for education and work and choose motherhood.

black, few

some lower-level jobs have shifted from ________ to ________ over time.

blacks, hispanics

what is the racial contribution to high school graduation from least to greatest?

blacks, hispanics, whites, asians

what is the racial contribution to life expectancy from least to greatest?

blacks, whites, hispanics

________ ________ is more significant than different skin tones.

blood type

what did arlie hochschild discover in "strangers in their own land"?

blue-collar whites are waiting for benefits that immigrants are getting as "line cutters"

what is an example of majority-minority state?


researchers argue that ________ racism in unmasked online, and that it is now ________ to find racist rhetoric in posts.

covert, common

what are examples of implicit bias?

disciplining black students more giving less pain treatment to black patients

who was victor rios?

documented why latino youth undergo the "school to prison" pipeline

when did we see a rise in white nationalism?

during trump's era

what is pluralism?

encourages racial/ethnic variation

what is symbolic ethnicity?

ethnic identity not present daily but on special occasions

what is situational identity?

ethnic identity that can be concealed or displayed based on a situation

who is stuart hall?

explained racial categories through the interaction with his multiracial son

what is settler colonialism?

exploitation of a minority group within a dominant group's borders

what is an example of situatuonal identity?

ferris lebanese finding a community appraising their culture

________ has proved less successful in explaining the persistence in racial divisions, but if it ________, it must be necessary for social order.

functionalists, persists

physical differences that we see, like skin color or hair texture, are due to ________ ________.

geographical adaptations

what is a minority group?

group that is denied the same access to power as the dominant group

nearly ________ of all black children live with their mothers only.


what did thomas almaguer study in his "racial fault lines"?

he looked at race relations in california in the 19th century

________ had the highest rate of high school dropout with a ________ rate, nearly twice that of white students.

hispanics, 8%

what is the racial contribution to college education from least to greatest?

hispanics, blacks, whites, asians

what is the racial contribution to imprisonment from least to greatest?

hispanics, whites, blacks

what did richard rothstein discover in "the color of law"?

housing policies excluding blacks from owning homes

what is embodied identity?

identity through other's perceptions of our physical traits

what is silva's coined term color-blind racism?

ideology that removes race as any form of unequal treatment

what are features of the critical race theory?

inclusion of narratives from different viewpoints challenging of racist laws public sociology (communication w/a larger audience)

whites have the power to ________ laws and practices that are not ________ to people of color.

influence, available

what is institutional discrimination?

institution taking action against a minority

what is racial assimilation?

intermarriage with the dominant group until races are completely mixed

acceptance by members of the stigmatized races of negative messages about their own abilities and intrinsic worth is called ________ ________.

internalized racism

privilege is ________ to privileged groups, blinding them from challenges of those not privileged.


what is an example of the boundaries of being "white"?

irish, italians, and jews were once not considered white

________ ________ argues that white supremacy is nothing new, and it has been with us since the founding of america.

joe feagin

who was patricia williams?

lawyer who was treated differently when discovered she was black

what is cultural assimilation?

learning cultural practices of the dominant group

what is passing?

living as if one is a member of a different racial category

kathryn edin has argued that ________ ________ women of all ethnicities find ________ benefits in marriage.

low-income, few

________ ________ explains, "the social and political consequences of being asian or hispanic or place and not ________ or voluntary. there are ________, unavoidable, and sometimes hurtful."

mary waters, symbolic, real

membership in a minority group serves as a ________ ________.

master status

physical bodies still matter, but it is the ________ attributed to the body that determines what racial categories exist.


daily use of subtle communications that imply denigrating messages is called ________.


what is a majority-minority state?

minority groups together that make up a majority of the population of the state

it is possible for ________ groups to hold negative ________ about a dominant group.

minority, stereotypes

in the 19th century, biologists grouped races into 3 categories: ________ (black), ________ (asian), and ________ (white).

negroid, mongoloid, caucasoid

there is ________ race chromosome in our DNA.


what does "line cutters" mean?

people who don't deserve benefits and are snatching if from those who deserve it

racism can explain itself through ________ and ________.

prejudice, discrimination

a person may not be ________, but may unknowingly participate in ________ practices.

prejudiced, discriminatory

there are no ________ races. a person who is white will inevitably have ________ material from other races.

pure, biological

what did omi and winant argue in the "racial formation in the us"?

race is a non-biological historical process that changed over time

what does collins and anzaldua argue?

race must be explained through experiences, not theories

the mixing of races bring into question if ________ and ________ would continue to be as important in the future as the past.

race, ethnicity

what did edna bonacich discover?

racism is driven by economic competition and scarce resources

what did william julius wilson discover?

racist government policies caused the creation of the black underclass

what are examples of symbolic identity?

saint patrick's day

what did JD vance write about?

scotch-irish being a tight ethnic group and jews being an ethnicity, not a race

in order for ________ ________ to persist, the unequal treatment of minority groups must be supported by ________ groups, a form like ________.

social inequality, dominant, racism

perhaps what functionalism can offer is an explanation of how prejudice and discrimination develop, by focusing on ________ ________ and ________ ________.

social solidarity, group cohesion

what is ethnicity?

socially defined by national origin & shared cultural patterns

what is race?

socially defined category based on physical differences

what does robert merton's term "timid bigots" mean?

someone who prejudices but does not discriminate on it

where does prejudice root from?


what is implicit bias?

stereotypes embedded at an unconscious level

what is code switching?

switching into a language to project an image of politeness

what does robin diangelo mean by "white fragility"?

that racism requires institutions and powers to take discriminatory actions against people

what is racism?

the belief that one race is superior to others rooted by the assumption that race is genetic

what is white nationalism?

the belief that the nation should reflect a white identity

what is reverse racism?

the claim by whites that they are discriminated against also

what is du bois' "double consciousness" mean?

the divided identity experienced by blacks in the us

what is genocide?

the extermination of a specific group of people

what is population transfer?

the forced transfer of a minority group

what is critical race theory?

the study of the relationship among race, racism, and power

many americans identify as belonging to ________ or ________ races.

two, more

what is privilege?

unearned advantages of dominant groups

what is "weathering"?

ways exposure to racism can affect one's health

what is cultural appropriation?

when a dominant group members takes cultural elements from a marginalized group for their advantage

what are anti-racist allies?

whites and others working towards ending racial injustice

what is an example of a nation in which a minority group is dominant?

whites in south africa

what is the racial contribution to teenage moms from least to greatest?

whites, blacks, hispanics

there is greater diversity ________ populations than between them. so, asians differ ________ with each other than with whites.

within, more

what did twine discover in her studies?

women who marry black men lose their ''whiteness" as a form of punishment

what are examples of cases that prove that racism has worsened in the US?

xenophobia, murder of floyd

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