Chapter 8: Gender and Sexuality (Questions)

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Which statement is NOT true about girls as compared to boys? a. Girls report a higher number of suicide attempts. b. Girls frequently report low self-esteem. c. Girls report experiencing more sexual harassment. d. Infant females are at greater risk of death.

Infant females are at greater risk of death.

Alfred Kinsey's 1948 study, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, is important because: a. it viewed sexuality as falling on a continuum, thus challenging the psychiatric claim of homosexuality as "abnormal." b. it viewed the sexual behavior of men as more deviant than what was initially thought, lending support to the psychiatric diagnosis of homosexuality as "perverse." c. sexual topics became "taboo" for the first time in history. d. it increased funding to researchers interested in studying the sexual practices of other deviant subcultures.

It viewed sexuality as falling on a continuum, thus challenging the psychiatric claim of homosexuality as "abnormal."

It is argued in your text that gender structures social relationships by giving men the advantage in society. Which of the following is least likely to happen? a. When women enter male-dominated occupations, they may hit a glass ceiling. b. When men enter a female-dominated occupation, they are encouraged to advance on the glass escalator. c. When men enter female-dominated occupations, they often become victims of sexual harassment. d. When women enter a male-dominated occupation, they often become victims of sexual harassment.

When men enter female-dominated occupations, they often become victims of sexual harassment.

In comparison to girls, boys: a. are more likely to be victimized by violent crime. b. are more likely to smoke cigarettes. c. are more likely to be suspended and/or to drop out of school. d. are more likely to succeed in killing themselves.

are more likely to smoke cigarettes

According to Robert Merton, "middle-range" theories are useful because they: a. connect our day-to-day experiences to larger social forces. b. attempt to discover the validity of the "woman" question. c. highlight how individual practices influence social institutions. d. connect the biological to the social structural level.

connect our day-to-day experiences to larger social forces

Extreme examples of female subordination in the Arab world, such as female circumcision, can: a. help us understand how gender is constructed based on natural sex differences. b. distract from an analysis of how Western women are also subordinated. c. help us understand the ways in which gender is reproduced and why. d. distract us from seeing the cultural disadvantages that men experience under such a system.

distract us from an analysis of how Western women are also subordinated

Prison rape is usually about power, and a man who commits a homosexual act within prison: a. generally takes on a homosexual identity to match his homosexual behaviors. b. does not necessarily view himself as a homosexual. c. is viewed by all the other prisoners as having a homosexual identity. d. sees himself as powerless.

does not necessarily view himself as a homosexual

Anthropologist Michelle Rosaldo believed women were usually lower in the stratification system because of their identification with what? a. children b. cooking c. lower-paying jobs d. domestic life

domestic life

Feminist psychoanalyst Nancy Chodorow believes that if men share mothering with women, then: a. loving relationships will be possible. b. parental identification will be confusing. c. egalitarian relationships will be possible. d. there will be a huge argument.

egalitarian relationships will be possible

Saadawi recalls her experience of ____________ when, at age 6, she was awakened in the night and dragged to the bathroom, her legs were pried apart, and her clitoris was cut off. a. female penetration b. female circumcision c. sexual torture d. rape

female circumcision

15. Gender structures social relationships between people unequally. This is a statement that would be supported by which group? a. feminists b. socialists c. teachers d. the general population


In Navajo tribes, there are three genders. Which of the following is NOT one of their gender categories? a. feminine b. femuline c. nadle d. masculine


All of the following terms characterize essentialist thinking EXCEPT: a. biologically determined. b. natural or innate. c. fixed and absolute. d. fluid and ambiguous.

fluid and ambiguous

Although female circumcision is a custom in some societies, a structural functionalist might argue that this practice exists because it: a. is a ritual designed to intensify male desire. b. is a way to control female sexuality. c. fulfills some set of necessary functions. d. takes for granted a binary sex/gender system.

fulfills some set of necessary functions

An essentialist would argue all of following for why women outnumber men in occupations that involve caring EXCEPT: a. women are naturally better caregivers than men. b. women instinctively know how to care for others better than men. c. gender establishes different cultures and expectations for men and women. d. women find occupations that involve caring more suitable to their nature.

gender establishes different cultures and expectations for men and women

What term refers to the invisible barriers women face when they enter more prestigious corporate worlds? a. glass ceiling b. invisible wall c. glass elevator d. glass escalator

glass ceiling

When token men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to leadership positions. This is referred to as: a. glass ceiling. b. glass escalator. c. glass wall. d. glass elevator.

glass escalator

Bob and Sue paint their baby's room pink as soon as they find out that they are having a girl. They are beginning to provide the baby with what? a. self-awareness b. a play room c. her sexuality d. her gendered identity

her gendered identity

Ann Stoler examined how sexual desire was constructed in the nineteenth-century Dutch East Indies and French Indochina colonies. She found that when the imperialist agenda was threatened by rebellion, racial boundaries hardened, and European men no longer desired sexual relations with the natives. This example shows all of the following EXCEPT: a. how an individual's desires are relatively insulated from the social relations in a society. b. how other people's definitions can affect not only our behavior, but our desires. c. how what we do, and to whom, reveals a good deal about the kinds of social relations that structure a society. d. how sex is often a key marker of boundaries in a society.

how an individual's desires are relatively insulated from the social relations in a society

Although a binary sex system imposes order in the world and helps us make sense of a complicated mass of populations, it also: a. helps us understand reproduction. b. limits our ability to accept difference. c. helps us understand hormonal birth defects. d. explains social implications.

limits our ability to accept difference

Although women now outnumber men in terms of college enrollment, men still dominate which fields? a. sociology and math b. math and physics c. physics and economics d. sociology and economics

math and physics

By looking at anthropological findings in tribal societies, sociologists can see fluidity in gender, which helps us see that the boundaries within our own system of gender: a. are biologically fixed. b. may not be stable. c. are emotionally guided. d. are psychologically established.

may not be stable

In the classroom, compared to girls, boys are: a. more likely to interrupt (and to get away with it). b. more frequently put down by their other-sex classmates. c. called on by the teacher less during class discussion. d. more frequently bullied out of class discussion.

more likely to interrupt (and get away with it)

Many people believe sex to be an either-or situation (either male or female), but sociologists believe natural sex is: a. distinctly different. b. strictly biological. c. a myth. d. more of an ideal than an absolute.

more of an ideal than an absolute

The study of gender is basically the study of how two spheres shape each other. What are the two spheres? a. biology and sex b. sex and gender c. nature and nurture d. emotion and biology

nature and nurture

Jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as: a. powder-puff jobs. b. pink-collar jobs. c. girls' clubs. d. white-collar jobs.

pink-collar jobs

Carol Gilligan found boys and girls played differently on the playground. In comparison to boys, girls tended to: a. play games with more complex rules, and were less likely to bend the rules. b. play more competitive, rule-intensive games. c. play more cooperative and people-based games. d. have more rules governing notions of fairness.

play more cooperative and people-based games

Surgeons today recommend prompt surgery to make intersex children conform to an ideal of normal genitalia. About 90% of these surgeries: a. reassign an ambiguous male anatomy into a female one. b. are successful. c. are done according to what the parents want. d. are not done until the child is older.

reassign an ambiguous male anatomy into a female one

Opponents of gay and lesbian couples claim that homosexuality is "unnatural" because they believe sex should only be about: a. reproduction. b. marriage. c. gender. d. biology.


Feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz proposed that we view the relationship between sex (the natural) and gender (the social) as existing on a Möbius strip because: a. sex comes before gender and dictates behavior. b. you can separate sex and gender into two distinct entities. c. sex and gender are two side of the same coin, and thus inseparable. d. it is easier to siphon out the effects of each in this way.

sex and gender are two side of the same coin, and thus inseparable

According to Talcott Parsons, the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern society because it fulfills the function of reproducing workers and the division of labor ensures a stable society. What did Parsons call this theory? a. sex role theory b. gender role theory c. patriarchal theory d. structural functional theory

sex role theory

What term best describes a behavior or attitude where a person's sex is the basis for prejudicial discrimination and where sex may matter more than a person's performance or merit? a. heterosexism b. sexism c. genderism d. homophobia


Inappropriate jokes on the job and sexual bartering are both examples of: a. sexual advancement. b. gender discrimination. c. sexual harassment. d. gender harassment.

sexual harassment

In Brazil, gender is determined by: a. sexual practice. b. anatomy. c. femininity and masculinity. d. biology.

sexual practice

What is the term that refers to desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior? a. sexual orientation b. sexuality c. sex d. gender


While the notion of sex refers to biological characteristics, the concept of gender refers to: a. psychological characteristics. b. physical characteristics. c. philosophical characteristics. d. social characteristics.

social characteristics

What are some of the reasons parents and surgeons push to assign a sex to a genitally ambiguous child? a. the desire to know what color to paint the baby's room b. psychological dissonance c. the need to assign a gender-appropriate name d. social discomfort and fear of difference

social discomfort and fear of difference

In the 1980s, what group believed that unequal gender relationships were at the root of all social relationships? a. psychoanalysts b. social feminists c. structural functionalists d. symbolic interactionists

social feminists

Which theoretical perspective assumed that every society had certain structures that existed to fulfill some set of necessary functions? a. structural functionalism b. social conflict c. symbolic interaction d. functional hierarchy

structural functionalism

Which theoretical perspective argues that gender is a product of social interactions, and that by "doing gender" men and women create and contribute to the gendered patterns we see? a. psychoanalytic theory b. structural functionalism c. social conflict d. symbolic interaction

symbolic interaction

Under the sex/gender system, men universally perform the kinds of tasks: a. that require more strength. b. that are accorded higher value than those done by women. c. that require more intelligence. d. that require more education.

that are accorded higher value than those done by women

Freud describes a boy's experiences starting with heterosexual love for his mother but soon realizing that he will be castrated by his father if he continues to have romantic feelings toward her. To resolve this, the boy rejects his mother and emulates his father. Freud referred to this as: a. the phallic stage. b. the Oedipus complex. c. patriarchal emulation. d. ego boundaries.

the Oedipus complex

Feminist writer Nawal el Saadawi concedes that women will never achieve equal status with men under Muslim theocracies, because under Islamic belief a man's honor is tied to a woman's virginity. This principle perpetuates and legitimates: a. the brutal control of women's bodies. b. treating women as delicate. c. keeping women's bodies covered. d. women wearing head scarves.

the brutal control of women's bodies

Sociologist Cynthia Fuchs Epstein coined the term deceptive distinctions to refer to the behavioral differences between men and women that arise because of: a. the patriarchal society we live in. b. the different roles they come to occupy. c. the biological differences between them. d. the myths surrounding "maleness" and "femaleness."

the different roles they come to occupy

Hegemonic masculinity can best be described as: a. the dominant definition of the "ideal man" in contemporary society. b. the ways in which the dominant culture treats and reacts to men at any point in time. c. the dominant, privileged, and often invisible category of men at any point in history. d. the image of man that is fixed and resistant to change.

the dominant, privileged, and often invisible category of men at any point in history

In his book The History of Sexuality (1978), Michel Foucault contends that the change in the view of homosexuality to one of deviance was a result of all of the following EXCEPT: a. the rise of scientific ways of thinking and classifying, which included classifying humans. b. people actually started talking about sex, whereas before sex talk was considered "impolite." c. government bureaucrats were attempting to assert their power over people. d. the rise in gay pride and the institution of gay marriage legislation.

the rise in gay pride and the institution of gay marriage legislation

In the one-sex model, it was believed that both a man's orgasm and a woman's were required for conception. When the two-sex model gained momentum, women and men were viewed as radically different creatures, and the female orgasm became viewed as: a. crucial for conception. b. unnecessary. c. harmful. d. a myth.


In the classroom, compared to boys, girls: a. are expected to be better at reading. b. interrupt the other sex more often. c. are expected to be better at math. d. are called on more in class.

are expected to be better at reading

Sociologist Cynthia Fuchs Epstein argues that deceptive distinctions are those sex differences that arise out of the roles individuals occupy, rather than some innate force. Which of the following is NOT an example of deceptive distinctions? a. A woman who is a nurse and behaves in nurturing and emotive ways. b. A man who is a supreme court judge and behaves in rational and restrained ways. c. A girl who is a cheerleader and acts unanimated and unenthusiastic. d. A boy who is a football player who acts fearless and bold.

A girl who is a cheerleader and acts unanimated and unenthusiastic.

All of the following are reasons why sociologists view gender as a social construction rather than a biological given EXCEPT: a. Our understandings of, categorizations of, and behaviors toward what it means to be a man or woman have changed throughout history. b. Cross-cultural studies show us that there is enormous variation in how people "do gender." c. Societies in various historical periods have made sense of the "plumbing" in very different ways. d. Contemporary studies show us that men and women have different personality structures, the innate by-product of existing social structural relations.

Contemporary studies show us that men and women have different personality structures, the innate by-product of existing social structural relations.

Harvard president Larry Summers stated that at the highest levels of performance, men might have an innate advantage over women in scientific aptitude and that genetic differences could explain the scarcity of female "hard" scientists at elite universities. Journalists termed this: a. Gendergate. b. genderism. c. sexism. d. gender lockout.


The idea that there was only one sex and that the female body was an inversion of the male body was promoted by which culture? a. Greek b. Roman c. Mongol d. Sambian


Which group argues that sexuality in America is an expression of the unequal power balance between men and women? a. Marxist feminists b. symbolic interactionists c. psychoanalysts d. postmodernists

Marxist feminists

Your text mentions several reasons why American teenagers are rapidly spreading STDs. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons? a. Most don't know they are infected. b. Teens believe if they don't climax they will not get an STD. c. Romantic interludes tend to be short. d. Many teens have had genital contact with a partner without intercourse.

Teens believe if they don't climax they will not get an STD.

In her book The Hidden Face of Eve (1980), Nawal El Saadawi discusses the sexism and patriarchy inherent in her native country of Egypt. Which of the following is true according to the text's discussion? a. Saadawi argues that sexism and patriarchy are not as problematic in the Western world. b. The practice of female circumcision was banned in 1996 and is no longer practiced. c. Saadawi was one of the first outspoken critics of female circumcision. d. Sadaawi's book has been well-received in Egypt, bringing her notoriety.

Saadawi was one of the first outspoken critics of female circumcision.

John Gray's book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus was a number-one bestseller for over a decade. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons his books have been so popular? a. They offer the appeal of easy-to-grasp, commonsense generalizations. b. People prefer quick and easy answers to why men and women act differently. c. People can easily relate to the ideas set forth in this book. d. The book is based on the sociological imagination, which is easy to grasp.

The book is based on the sociological imagination, which is easy to grasp.

According to your text, hijras in India are a group of men who opt to have their penis surgically removed and renounce sexual desire and practice. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to your text? a. The hijra identity is secret, and no one can tell who is/isn't a hijra. b. Much of what it means to be a hijra has nothing to do with gender. c. The hijra's life is marked by self-sacrifice, poverty, and a highly stigmatized identity. d. If a man becomes a hijra, his identity becomes his master status.

The hijira identity is secret, and no one can tell who is/isn't a hijira.

Anthropologist Don Kulick (1998) conducted an ethnography of the transgender prostitutes in Brazil known as travesti. Which of the following did he find to be true? a. The travesti display stereotypically feminine traits and identify themselves as women. b. The travesti think of themselves as men who emulate women, but are not women. c. The travesti thinks of himself as a "male," even if he has allowed himself to be penetrated by a male. d. The travesti identify themselves simply as men and are identified by other Brazilians as "normal men."

The travesti think of themselves as men who emulate women, but are not women.

What argument do Reskin and Roos use to support the reason women end up in lower-paid jobs? a. Most women are mothers. b. Women are not motivated to compete with men. c. These jobs are not attractive to men. d. Women don't have access to higher education.

These jobs are not attractive to men.

Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association listed homosexuality as: a. a biological abnormality. b. physically natural. c. a natural biological state. d. a mental disorder.

a mental disorder

Michael Kimmel found that in the eighteenth century, the ideal man was very different than the modern-day ideal man. The ideal man in the 1700s was: a. a heavy drinker who had a reputation for wooing the ladies. b. strong, boorish, and muscled. c. physically fit, interested in sports, and focused on his business ventures. d. a quiet and "nerdy" intellectual who enjoyed writing poetry.

a quiet and "nerdy" intellectual who enjoyed writing poetry

According to Judith Lorber, differences between the sexes are not easy to explain because gender isn't natural, but rather is: a. psychological. b. emotional. c. a social institution. d. biological.

a social institution

14. The basic idea behind feminism is that women and men should be: a. treated differently according to their gender. b. given opportunities according to their sex. c. accorded equal opportunities and respect. d. treated as individuals.

accorded equal opportunities and respect

Black feminists essentially argue all of the following EXCEPT: a. the experiences of women are too diverse to lump them all into one category. b. all women are in a similar boat and faced with the same hegemonic masculinity. c. black women face unique oppressions that white women, and even black men, do not. d. dominant (white) notions of the world are sometimes irrelevant to the daily lives of black women.

all women are in a similar boat and faced with the same hegemonic masculinity

For the Sambia, taking in semen of older men by performing fellatio is the only way to a. become great warriors. b. become successful hunters. c. become "real" men. d. be accepted into the tribe.

become "real" men

What you do in the social world should be a direct result of who you are in the natural world. This statement refers to: a. dimorphism. b. the binary system. c. biological determinism. d. essentialism.

biological determinism

Patricia Hill Collins claims that gender intersects with race, class, nationality, and religion. Which group has made the case that early liberal feminism was largely by, about, and for white middle-class women? a. social feminists b. radical feminists c. black feminists d. Freudian feminists

black feminists

John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1993), takes the position that the different temperaments, emotions, and languages of males and females are rooted in: a. environmental circumstances. b. inborn differences. c. socialization. d. power differences.

inborn differences

In the seventeenth century, Rubenesque women were considered beauties because when food was scarce, a plump woman was a sign of good health, wealth, and attractiveness. What was the catalyst that made food plentiful and changed the standard of beauty for women? a. industrialization b. the Great Depression c. the Roaring Twenties d. World War II


Similar to hegemonic masculinity, social problems that exist within a dominant group in a society tend to be: a. highly visible, and therefore cause for concern. b. invisible, because it is regarded as the norm. c. cause for questioning, as it undermines the social order. d. highly funded, and therefore easier to solve.

invisible, because it is regarded as the norm

Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it: a. is within an institution (hospital) that our gender first emerges. b. is a social construction instead of a biological construction. c. is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences. d. is similar to other major institutions in our society.

is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences

In cultures where scant resources are available, homosexuality is practical because: a. women don't enjoy sex. b. many women die during childbirth. c. it reduces STDs. d. it keeps down the birthrate

it keeps down the birthrate

What percentage of teenagers over the age of 14 admit they have had sexual intercourse? a. just under 10% b. just under 25% c. just under 50% d. just under 75%

just under 50%

What policy did the Bush administration, and the group True Love Waits, advocate for abstinence in teens? a. virginity pledge b. marriage matters c. godly teens' promise d. pure body pledge

virginity pledge

Dr. John Money claimed a genetic male could be raised as a girl and would turn out just fine. The David Reimer story showed that Money's claims were: a. wrong. b. accurate if hormonal treatment was used. c. biologically impossible. d. helpful to David and his family.


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