Chapter 8 Narcotics

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Chronic alcohol abuse may lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome when which of the following occurs?

Alcohol impedes the body's ability to utilize thiamine

Which of the following perspectives on alcohol best fits that of Dr. Benjamin Rush, who published an article about alcohol in 1784?

Alcoholism is a disease

People who die quickly from an opioid overdose most likely die as a result of which of the following?

Anaphylactic shock

Children are less likely to grow up to become alcoholics if their parents do which of the following?

Demonstrate responsible drinking

Which of the following is NOT generally exhibited as a result of narcotic usage?

Dilated pupils

Smokers frequently suffer from which of the following, a disabling, incurable disease in which alveoli in the lungs break down, causing loss of elasticity in the lungs and chronic shortness of breath?


In April 2016, pop star Prince died by overdosing on which of the following because it looked like another prescription medication?


Which of the following about the drug known as China white (fentanyl) is FALSE?

Fentanyl is preferred by young or novice users because it is taken orally.

Which of the following best describes someone with a natural lack of physiological sensitivity (high tolerance) for alcohol who becomes an alcoholic?

Genetically predisposed to become an alcoholic

Which of the following is the name of the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette or cigar that is particularly damaging because it contains more nicotine and carbon monoxide than the other end?


A study suggested that amphetamines might mask or delay fatigue by doing which of the following?

Slowing the rise of body temperature during exercise

Warning teens about which of the following consequences of smoking is most likely to illicit a reaction?

Smelly clothes and bad breath

Which of the following statements regarding smokeless tobacco is FALSE?

Smokeless tobacco is less addictive than cigarettes.

Which of the following statements about smoking and sexual activity is FALSE?

Smoking does not appear to impair normal sexual response in young women.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the demographics of smokers?

a. People with high school education or less are more likely to smoke than those who have gone to college. b. A higher percentage of blue-collar workers smoke than white-collar workers. c. Individuals receiving psychiatric services or treatment for alcoholism are more likely to smoke than those who are not. d. All of these are correct. D is correct

In the 1800s, athletes took which of the following to enhance their performance?

a. Alcohol b. Opium c. Nitroglycerin d. All of these are correct D is correct

Regular MDMA use has been associated with which of the following?

a. Anxiety b. Depression c. Psychoticism d. All of these are correct D is Correct

Human growth hormone (HGH) is currently legal for use by which of the following?

a. Children and adults with growth hormone deficiency b. Adults with short bowel syndrome c. Adults with muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS d. All of these are correct D is correct

The risk of which of the following increases among women who smoke and use oral contraceptives?

a. Heart attack b. Brain hemorrhage c. Stroke d. All of these are correct D is correct

Which of the following personality variables has been linked to alcohol abuse?

a. High levels of depression b. History of antisocial behavior c. Low self-esteem d. All of these are correct D is correct

Which of the following are typical behavioral patterns of narcotic users?

a. Impulsivity and poor decision making b. Difficulty in maintaining intimacy c. Lethargy and lack of motivation D. All the above D is correct

Which of the following is an unexpected benefit of creatine supplementation?

a. It might prevent some individuals from taking anabolic steroids. b. It might boost brain power in vegetarians. c. It might help relieve depression. d. All of these are correct. D is correct

Which of these situations will cause alcohol to be absorbed more quickly?

a. Mixing drinks with carbonated beverages b. Drinking on an empty stomach c. Emotions such as anger or fear d. All of these are correct D is correct

Which of the following statements about alcohol and cancer is FALSE?

Alcohol abuse is associated with cirrhosis of the liver, but not with liver cancer.

An alcoholic displaying symptoms of jaundice (a yellowish skin color), fatigue, low-grade fever, reduced appetite, dark urine, and occasional vomiting and nausea probably has which of the following conditions?

Alcohol hepatitis

People who stop smoking by what age avoid the long-term effects of smoking?


What percentage of all cancers are attributed to cigarette smoking?


The most powerful predictor of alcoholism is which of the following?

A family history of disease

Which of the following is the largest producer of illicit opium?


Which of the following is TRUE regarding antismoking legislation outcomes?

Banning smoking in Canadian restaurants resulted in a 39 percent decrease in hospital admissions due to cardiovascular conditions.

Smoking which of the following masks initial discomfort because eugenol anesthetizes the back of the throat but can lead to the development of fluid in the lungs, bloody phlegm, and wheezing?

Clove cigarettes

Which of the following is a malady caused by the drug itself and not the use of an unsterile needle?


___ is a nutritional supplement that is a naturally occurring amino acid.


The risk of which of the following declines substantially within a year or two of quitting smoking?

Heart disease

Which of the following lists opioids in descending order of intensity and addictiveness? (Most powerful and addictive drug listed first)

Heroin, morphine, opium

Children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder are at risk for all of the following except:

Increased working memory

The babies of heroin-addicted women suffer from which of the following?

Low birth weight, small head circumference, and withdrawal symptoms

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to which of the following?

Male sex hormones

Which of the following was first synthesized during World War II by scientists in Nazi Germany as a substitute for morphine?


This type of alcohol is extremely toxic and can even lead to blindness and death.


MPTP is a synthetic derivative of which of the following?


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding needle-exchange programs (NEPs)?

NEPs are not cost effective because clean syringes are expensive.

Nicotine releases which of the following neurotransmitters?


The dried sap from the seedpod of an opium poppy is called which of the following terms?


A sore in the mouth that does not heal is the most common sign of which of the following?

Oral cancer

Purdue Pharma was sued millions of dollars to recoup expenses for drug programs and law enforcement because of the abuse of which of the following painkillers?


Which of the following is not a side effect of MDMA?

Partial paralysis

Which of the following statements about drug dependency and withdrawal is TRUE?

People can become drug-dependent in less than two weeks if they take increasing amounts of narcotics.

Which of the following increased alcoholism rates?

People drinking for personal reasons such as relaxing or coping with problems

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a naturally occurring polypeptide within the human body produced by which of the following?

Pituitary gland

How long can the effects of MDMA last?

Three to six hours

German soldiers used anabolic steroids during World War II to do which of the following?

To increase muscle strength and aggressiveness

Which of the following is the most common route of HIV transmission in the United States?

Unsafe sex

Which demographic best describes most heroin users?

White Males

Which of the following is true about smoking during pregnancy?

a. Pregnant smokers have a higher incidence of miscarriages and stillbirths than nonsmokers. b. Sons of mothers who smoked during pregnancy have lower fertility rates. c. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) occurs at a higher rate among babies of smokers. d. All of these are correct D is correct

Underage drinkers are more at risk for which of the following?

a. Premature death b. Injury c. Suicide attempts d. All of these are correct D is correct

Although depressants such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and alcohol are not typically perceived as ergogenic drugs, some athletes still use them with the hopes of improving their performance by doing which of the following?

a. Providing carbohydrates for energy b. Calming performance jitters c. Improving hand steadiness d. All of these are correct D is correct

Males who take androstenedione may experience which of the following?

a. Testicular atrophy b. Impotence c. Breast enlargement d. All of these are correct D is correct

Children with fetal alcohol syndrome are marked by which of the following traits?

a. Thin lips and other facial deformities b. Growth retardation c. Intellectual and behavioral problems d. All of these are correct D is correct

Which of the following statements are true regarding brain shrinking and alcohol use?

a. Used to identify brain damage from alcohol consumption b. Alcoholic women develop brain shrinking at rates higher than men c. Alcoholic men and women are at risk for brain shrinking d. All of the above D is correct

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