chapter 9-13 prompts

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PROMPT 2 - Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, "saved" the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780's.

Although the Articles of Confederation was made to unite the United States after the Revolution, limited central government and a unicameral congress became the reason for many early American conflicts; thus, a new constitution was needed to address the failures, establishing the firm roots of a federal government.

PROMPT 2 - Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, "saved" the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780's. (Basically what were the failures of the articles of confederation, and how did the constitution fix those problems)

Context - The ideas of Thomas Paine in "Common Sense" led to ideas of liberty, natural rights, and republicanism all leading to the creation of the articles of confederation.

Prompt: To what extent did the War of 1812 constitute a "second American Revolution"? In your answer be sure to address BOTH foreign relations & economic development. Limit your answer to the period through the 1820s.

Context: Election of Thomas Jefferson (Revolution of 1800) Democratic Republicans supported the war and with a Democratic Republican in office as president war looked imminent

Prompt: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Context: James Madison is replaced by James Monroe, fellow Virginian and democratic republican. The Monroe doctrine declared that The U.S. would not continue with conization and would not interfere with Western Hemisphere affairs. The doctrine gave a sense of unity and nationalism leading to the era of good feelings.

Prompt: To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government?

Context: Shay's Rebellion: Incited fears of mob rule and showed that a stronger government was needed for national security/stability.

Compare and contrast the actions of Thomas Jefferson as president against the philosophies that defined the Republican Party which he led. To what extent did Jefferson abandon Republican philosophies and pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800?

Economics - Louisiana Purchase During the Louisiana Purchase when Jefferson was buying New Orleans, he was not following the constitution strictly because in the constitution presidents weren't allowed to buy foreign land. WAS NOT sticking with traditional Republican party policies and views.

Compare and contrast the actions of Thomas Jefferson as president against the philosophies that defined the Republican Party which he led. To what extent did Jefferson abandon Republican philosophies and pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800?

P3 : Non-Intercourse Act - a law passed by Jefferson, reopening trade with every country except for Britain and France, who in the past had been America's trading partners. Jefferson did this to stay uninvolved in the frequent fighting between Britain and France. While this act did involve America in international affairs, which went against Jefferson's traditional Republican beliefs, it ultimately was good for Jefferson's platform. Jefferson demonstrated that he was loyal to the American people people and would do everything to protect their interests

Prompt: Analyze the ways in which the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs between 1789 and 1823.

Paragraph 1: Gaining access to foreign lands through Treaties -Pinckney's Treaty with Spain in 1795: a border between Spanish territory and American territory, while still granting US rights to navigation of the Mississippi River. This created peace between the Spanish and Americans through the common interest of trade it also began to integrate the American economy into foreign economic affairs through negotiation. This further established the US as a growing economic influence on European powers.

Prompt: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Paragraph 1: NATIONALISM- Henry Clay's American System -Protective tariff: After the War of 1812, Britain lowered the prices of its goods. Americans raised the price of British imports so people would buy from American factories instead of the British. This caused American factories to thrive. ^It demonstrated how Americans did not necessarily need to rely on foreign countries for goods. They gained a sense of self-reliance and also stabilized their national economy, thus unifying the nation. -Bank of U.S. helped create a more financially stable economy which would encourage national unification.

Compare and contrast the actions of Thomas Jefferson as president against the philosophies that defined the Republican Party which he led. To what extent did Jefferson abandon Republican philosophies and pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800?

Paragraph 1: freedom of religion Jefferson gave his people freedom of religion. Freedom of religion and separation of state and church was aligned with republican views - granted through the first amendment. got rid of the proclamation of prayer established by George Washington and John Adams because the constitution did not give the president power to issue this kind of proclamation. Strict interpretation

PROMPT 2 - Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, "saved" the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780's.

Paragraph 1: positives of Articles of Confederation -The states became united under one central governing body / sense of nationalism among the American people. - The articles of confederation gave the Government power to conduct foreign policy, borrow money, and make treaties but a vote from 9/13 states would pass laws and unanimous votes to amend the constitution. -Each states get one vote -No executive branch so there's no worry of a monarch or despot

Prompt: To what extent did the War of 1812 constitute a "second American Revolution"? In your answer be sure to address BOTH foreign relations & economic development. Limit your answer to the period through the 1820s.

Paragraph 1:Increase in manufacturing -So What: In response to the US declaring war the British set up blockades down the coasts of America. These blockades lasted throughout the war and ended in 1815. - The blockades forced America to increase manufacturing and begin to rely on themselves for both materials and finished goods which had usually been imported from Britain. -The increase in manufacturing allowed the Americans to be more independent.

Prompt: To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government?

Paragraph 1:The Bank of the United States: -Under Washington's presidency, Alexander Hamilton developed the Bank of the United States in 1791. -So What? Created a divide among the American population because the political parties disagreed on the Bank. -The Jeffersonian Republicans believed the bank favored the wealthy while Federalists argued that the Bank would strengthen the government and encourage economic growth.

PROMPT 2 - Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, "saved" the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780's.

Paragraph 2: Negatives of Articles of Confederation -The problem with the articles of confederation was that the government was too limited. -no power to tax the states to avoid another British-like tyranny. -Repaying debts they asked for volunteered taxes from growing states but this did not work as no states wanted to pay any -Having no power to regulate commerce left the states free to establish conflicting laws regarding tariffs and navigation. *Shays Rebellion: People began to rebel because America started to tax after a long period of salutary neglect - the government couldn't resist, showing the weakness of the AOC. \

Prompt: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Paragraph 2: Sectionalism- The Panic of 1819 -Due to the state's financial drawback, economic expansion was also halted, as seen by the cotton market in the south. Besides the large market problems, the people were also in debt leading to a call for reform from the banks and debtors. -This was a representation of an economic collapse in the United States. This led to a further divide in sectionalism.

Prompt: Analyze the ways in which the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs between 1789 and 1823.

Paragraph 2: War of 1812 -The U.S declared war on England because of violations of the U.S.'s neutrality and the issue of impressment. The War of 1812 ended in December of 1814 with the Treaty of Ghent, in which both nations agreed to stop fighting and give back conquered territories. -The war did not end in a victory for the Americans, but their efforts in the war and success in conflicts such as the Battle of New Orleans proved the United States to be a competent nation that deserves to be seen and treated as an equal by foreign powers.

Prompt: To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government?

Paragraph 2: Whiskey Rebellion -1794 uprising of farmers and distillers in western Pennsylvania from a punishing alcohol tax -So What? This was one of the first major tests of the authority of the federal government. Many feared that this could lead to open rebellion. -While it was crushed by Washington, it also empowered the Republicans. Whiskey rebellion shows that the nation was deeply divided over ways to govern.

Prompt: To what extent did the War of 1812 constitute a "second American Revolution"? In your answer be sure to address BOTH foreign relations & economic development. Limit your answer to the period through the 1820s.

Paragraph 2:Americans revolt against Britain's disrespect of US neutrality -So What: Just as the first American Revolution emerged out of intercontinental unity as an uprising against the English, the War of 1812 heavily involved the coexistence between the states to unify themselves against a common enemy, the British. The very action of fighting against the British where Nationalism is alive is a reminder of the first conflict

PROMPT 2 - Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, "saved" the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780's.

Paragraph 3: How the constitution fixed their problems -Unlike Shays rebellion Whiskey Rebellion was shut down quickly, due to the new strength of the central government under the Constitution -Because the article of confederation had no power to regulate commerce it left the states free to establish conflicting laws regarding tariffs and navigation but The Constitution resolved this problem with an established Bank of the United States, the right to tax states, funding at par, assumption, Alexander Hamilton)

Prompt: Analyze the ways in which the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs between 1789 and 1823.

Paragraph 3: Moroes Doctrine: sends message to Europe -They warn Europeans that the U.S. would no longer tolerate colonization by monarchs. four main points made in the Doctrine -The U.S. would no longer interfere in European affairs. -The U.S. would recognize and not interfere with existing colonies. Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization. If any European power interfered with any nation in the Americas it would be seen as hostile against the U.S.

Prompt: To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government?

Paragraph 3: Sedition Act (False criticisms of government = fine and imprisonment). -So What? Increased the political divide by overstepping the bounds of the constitution. The Democratic Republicans had pushed the Federalists to the brink of extinction - Federalists under John Adams then instituted the Sedition acts as a defense against the opposition removing their party from power. Was not stricken by the Federalist-packed Supreme Court but was allowed to expire in 1801.

Prompt: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Paragraph 3: compare and contrast -The South disliked the idea of protective tariffs because it would disrupt the agricultural economy through the funding of roads and canals. ^It encouraged industry and manufacturing, thus discouraging slavery in the South. -The South did not want to abolish slavery because it helped the cotton business thrive. This created disunity amongst the nation because the North favored the protective tariffs because they needed the money to fund transportation. - Henry Clay's American System actually created disagreement amongst the nations.

Prompt: To what extent did the War of 1812 constitute a "second American Revolution"? In your answer be sure to address BOTH foreign relations & economic development. Limit your answer to the period through the 1820s.

Paragraph 3:Treaty of Ghent in 1814 -So What: The Treaty of Ghent essentially reversed everything accomplished during the war, it returned conquered land. - The treaty of Ghent was essentially a armistice in which no real changes occurred just Britain and America agreed to stop fighting. None of the British or American reasons for the start of the war were accomplished and no one really won or lost.

Prompt: Analyze the ways in which the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs between 1789 and 1823.

The U.S. became an independent nation in 1776 after the Declaration of Independence

Prompt: Analyze the ways in which the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs between 1789 and 1823.

Thesis: In the period between 1789 and 1823, the United States sought to advance its interests in world affairs by gaining access to foreign land, gaining respect from other nations, and by defending itself against the interests of foreign powers in the Americas.

Prompt: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Thesis: The "Era of Good Feelings" is an accurate label to a moderate extent. Although Henry Clay's American System boosted nationalism, the Panic of 1819 and the Missouri compromise further deepened a divide in nationalism.

Prompt: To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government?

Thesis: The Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams greatly advanced the authority of the Federal Government in hopes of maintaining national security and government stability while simultaneously deepening the divide between political parties.

Prompt: To what extent did the War of 1812 constitute a "second American Revolution"? In your answer be sure to address BOTH foreign relations & economic development. Limit your answer to the period through the 1820s.

Thesis: The war of 1812 was to a moderate extent a second american revolution, as the war resulted in a shift in the economy towards manufacturing and new respect in foreign relations; however the war ended in a armistice and therefore didn't really amount to anything unlike the first american revolution.

Compare and contrast the actions of Thomas Jefferson as president against the philosophies that defined the Republican Party which he led. To what extent did Jefferson abandon Republican philosophies and pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800?

Thesis: Thomas Jefferson followed his Republican Party policies during his presidency to a moderate extent, because he was trying to pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800, he demonstrated that he was willing to stray from traditional ideals of the Republican Party.

Compare and contrast the actions of Thomas Jefferson as president against the philosophies that defined the Republican Party which he led. To what extent did Jefferson abandon Republican philosophies and pursue policies as president that contradicted the principles for which he had campaigned in 1800?

context : Federalists supported the ratification of the constitution vs Anti federalists like Thomas Jefferson who did not support ratification. Jefferson feared that the constitution would give the central government too much power.

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